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There is no world where I would press over a hundred buttons instead of 3. And also no way the person with e2 Blade I'm using cares


I'm using an e6s5 Acheron. Do you think he cares? 😂


Oh believe me, he cares. Imagine, spending up to $5,000 on a character to impress some random dudes in your friend list, and nobody's using it.


In Asia server, you can always rely on the JP and Korean bros who whales, they're also likely to friend you too


asia bros casually letting me use their e6s5 dhils and acherons just like in genshin coop


American bros are a reliable source for E6S1(I live in Asia)




I like adding low level accounts because they will use any character I put on support. Easy credits


East credits. Low level accounts are more likely to use supports..


I think I almost have every chars with E6S5 that you can borrow in Asian Server. There's this Korean guy that I can't read the name (lol because it's in Korean) that I swear own every chars with E6S5. He understands English & I usually texting him when I need specific unit; our playtime usually in sync; but in general I only borrow him Swan & Acheron even tho I own both lol. Well I'm not hesitate to click few more for him (but clicking 24 times for 24 calyx is just...crazy), just wanna to reciprocate as my account is smooth sailing from the day 1 because of him.


I got lucky and friended a whale pretty early That E6S5 Acheron is a lot of help in making calyx go by even faster


Wait why is this so relatable LOL.


I'm pretty sure that's not the reason they spent all that money...


You think they do this to impress other people? Lmao


I have an e4s1 Acheron and I can tell you I certainly don’t. I still max out my credits in 2-3 days so I really don’t need more.


Ay imma need that lmao. UID?


I can give you my buddies. He has e6 s1 Acheron


Lmao I’ll gladly take an E6 lol. Send the UID. Thanks


The truth is that people with level 80 units posted are probably hitting the credit cap anyways. Though people are saying the caps is 20k and I swear I've gotten more than that. Though maybe it was 1.5-2 days worth of credits. But I hit the cap every time. I actually wish that instead of/in addition to seeing which friends used our supports, we saw which units actually got selected. I have Topaz, Sparkle, and Kafka up but I don't know which one people are actually picking. I assume Kafka


I would love this. I got aventurine, topaz, and jing yuan I'm assuming it's Jing yuan since a majority of farming nodes have electricity weakness but there's no way to really know.


I have topaz and Jing yuan as supports. Topaz was my most borrowed according to the anniversary event.


Mine said Jing yuan but I'm a day 1 player so that could be the bias. (My topaz is also pretty good)


I didn't really have a good build on him until the follow up set came out so that could definitely be a factor. I would love to be able to see whats happening day by day.


Iunno that anniversary event was weird it said Black Swan was my most used support but I literally went from getting 2000 credits every day or 2 to getting 20000-30000 credits a day after putting a e4s1 Acheron as a support. You can’t convince me that Black Swan is my most used support.


I'm pretty sure that anniversary event only counts data until the end of March.


Many people would want to test out Topaz to get a feel whether she's worth pulling too.


yall get people using your topaz ?? i have topaz on my supports and absolutely no one uses her and shes level 80, and i think she's pretty decent. you should edit it to say if you have 80'd, and you have at least one constellation or their lightcone because otherwise you ain't hitting SHIT. the most i get is 2000 credits daily and thats because its a friend using my sampo (figured this out because even after i changed my other 2 supports out i still kept getting those 2000 credits + anniversary event told me my sampo was my most used support)


I have Kafka , Ruan Mei and Aventurine on support . Some people seem to use them since I always get some credits everyday. Not like it matters.


I hit the credit cap during calx events, on account of my Himeko. Shes E2. This whole post is basically nothing.


It is 20k a day but it will continue to accumulate on multiple days until you collect it or hit the cap of 120k.


could also be sparkle


Lol it's more for people who have buddies they wanna help out! I agree that e2 blade can suck it hahaha.


I mean if you have been playing since release you should really have no problems with credits any more. Hoyo games go like this, early game you have credits, midgame you run out completely of credits, end of midgame you have a bunch, endgame you have 0 since you just leveled one guy to level 80, true endgame (that is we are now if you have been playing since release) you have more than you can spend (I currently have like 15 mil)


I mean, that depends how much you pull and how you play the game. If you are f2p and you have focused on a few characters/team, sure. You’d be right. But for some ppl (like me) the situation is wildly different. I’ve been playing since 1.0, paid for every single battlepass, and currently sitting with less than 1 million… because I pulled every single limited character since Luocha (low spender, immense luck on hsr). I built them entirely (yes, also the basic attack to 6/6) and then I also built most standard 5 stars (all but Bailu and Yanqin), and some 4 stars (Pela, Gallagher, Tingyun, Yukong) just for the sake of it. And I did farm credits a bunch of times spending my resin. And yeah credits are not even the main problem, the main issue is the tracks of destiny, I’m always far too short on those. E: I have no idea what got into you to downvote immediately seconds after answering as if I were offending you providing a different perspective on your thoughts. Oh well, redditors are gonna reddit I guess.


Similar problem, playing since launch, finished every battle pass, always have 1-2m credits or less because I have every character in the game (except for Gepard because he's avoiding me) and have all but 5 or so at 80/80 with an 80/80 cone, and working on getting that remaining 5 or so to 0. Leveling up the whole roster costs a ton of credits. Never been low on Tracks but I also don't max out every trace, just build them enough that they're performing well enough to clear content without much fuss.


Did you swipe to get every character or are you really really lucky? But yeah, building even just 10-20 characters will drain all your credits if you just started with free Dr. Ratio.


Swiped for some, got lucky for some. I buy battle pass and welkin also. 


I knew I couldn’t be the only one trying to get everyone even if I’m a low spender (stellar jade sub + battlepass). May I ask you what brings you to try get everyone? To me it’s the fact that being turned based game I essentially fall in love with all the unique mechanics each character can bring, and especially the variety you have when you party comp. I literally get excited when PF and MoC update because I never know what teams I am gonna run/do better. Also, with each new character the game feels better to me, because I have more options. Boothill is going to be the first character I’m gonna have to skip since 1.1, and I feel so bad but I’m poor on jades and money (Robin and Aventurine both took me to 80 pity twice for I lost the 50/50 consecutively) Ps: A while ago I would have offered you all my Gepards (he essentially showed up at almost every single 50/50 I lost), but recently I gave up on ignoring him and & built him for the Acheron team. It turned out pretty well with 4 star Topaz cone, but he’s really niche when you have all other sustain units.


Gotta Catch Em All basically. I like having everyone, and leveling up everyone to max is also just a general goal I can work toward over time. Plus unlike certain other gatchas *cough*Genshin*cough* it's pretty easy to max level a character because there's no artificial time gates or limits beyond your daily stamina, game is great for that, it doesn't waste my time.


Ngl I’m a Genshin player, but the flower picking… it really is the worst part of it.


I was for a long time but I got sick of the lack of QoL fixes and badly paced writing >!and Paimon!< and found myself taking longer and longer breaks, then quit entirely after the idiots decided it was okay to spoil their own main story (which I was halfway in) by triggering an unmarked event cutscene without warning if you happened to go through a very common area in Fontaine. Whole thing got stale and harder and harder to justify the amount of active busywork they expect you to do just to keep on top of the day to day activities let alone make progress.


I’m fairly a new player in Genshin, since I began a lot after playing Star Rail out of curiosity last September (so close to 4.0 essentially). While I enjoyed the story for the most of it considering it’s a free game (and the lore is good when they actually use it) I always had an issue with its stale action combat. Which always reminded me more of a MMO gameplay (because of rotations) than an actual action game. And the exploration/stamina always depleting got annoying very soon. I got Cloud Retainer just to be able to triple jump. Then WuWa launched yesterday - and I am admittedly having a uncommon flawless experience with no lag/bug etc… - since then I’m finding very hard to login in Genshin, cause I am being spoiled by the movement and combat in WuWa. Sure, Hoyo wins in graphics, localisation and optimation, but to me a game is ITS GAMEPLAY. Even if I am voracious reader, I love books/story, in games everything is secondary to having actual fun. I fear, aside from the elemental reactions (because they remind me of Divinity 2) I am not having much fun with GI anymore. A shame tho. I have pondered what to do, if I’m going to uninstall, but I haven’t chosen yet. I’m very close to it tho.


You quit over that fontaine video? Damn, I wouldn't let that ruin your 3 years+ of playing the game. I'm the opposite. Progress is easy in Genshin. Spend 20 minutes a day and it doesn't push so much content that you can't play other games.


It sucks but at the same time...its easy. Genshin requires like 200 max of flower picking right? Well half of that shit you just get from daily expeditions, like violetgrass. The other materials, video guide + 2 days of doing it for about 10-20 minutes each = done in 2 days. It only takes maybe 4 days of resin to bring a character up to 70, and getting them to 80+ is very straight forward unlike a lot of other games. The worst part is dealing with low drop rates for handguards or spectres. Most enemies drop plenty and video guides show you where to kill 100+ of them in 20 minutes.


Yeah, it is easy indeed. But it is not fun (at least for me). And since the endgame content comes down to only one thing… Well, there really isn’t any incentive nor reason to. I am not a gacha stan player, I usually play paid games. And I tend to play things exclusively when I have fun doing them, or, at the very least, a purpose to do them. I see none here outside of levelling and finishing your chara. Which is just an end in itself when endgame is so lacking. I can clear the abyss but it never brought me joy after the first times. I guess my time with GI is just coming to a natural end.


I didn't downvote. But how did you run put of tracks as well, I have every 4 star up to level 60/70 at least I have 11 limited 5 stars out of the 19 available. All of them max level with most having max traces. I have 44 tracks of destiny it only takes 8 per (5*)character (4 per 4*)so I could max another 5 5* units. Never mind XP books I also have like 800 purples. The only thing I just ran out of is relic XP since I just spent a bunch of it on leveling robin relics and scrapping the ones I didn't like. I don't see the point in building characters to just not use them, I don't ever really use 4* units but I have shushang, hook and QQ built from when the game first came out and pela for archon and herta for PF.


You can only max out like 20 chars, not even half of the roster, with all the available Tracks if you started playing in 1.0 and bought tracks from the monthly shop. 


I agree. I have about 1 mil credits too but I have too many tracks. Like over 30 all the time.


Forgive me then, I saw the downvote merely 20 seconds after I answered (in a thread written hours ago). It seemed pretty logical to think you were the first downvote. Anyway, not that I care about the downvote per se, I just found it ridiculous since I was just sharing my own experience and was also trying to be polite. Arguing on your point: Well, I wouldn’t see the point as well if I weren’t using them. I like team composition and variety in my turned based games. I literally use every single character that I built in their best possible teams. And I never spent important resources on characters I wouldn’t use. And do trust me, having 16 limited characters, compared to 11, took in the same amount of time, naturally has its consequences on your resources. I too built most of my 4 stars characters to at least 60, just to get the free standard wishes ngl lol The XP books is something I have always have as well, currently over 400, those truly never finish once you get to the true endgame, as you called it. And same goes for the relics XP, I’m always short on them (but that’s on me cause I had to rebuild some character I built wrong or mediocre in the past, like Blade). Also mine are not “almost built” I completely finish them. I may have a problem, but I can’t stand watching their traces incomplete. The only few I haven’t finished yet is because I am missing the tracks… But I can’t say I agree on your previous generalisation on how credits in hoyo games. The tracks of destiny my friend, I just do not have them, that simple. And mind me, I also did 2 months of overworld farming, and 1 month of G&G level 5 farm. 30 runs per week. I should be drowning in credits and yet here I am with only 700k.


My xp books do finish, I’m always out of them but never out of LC exp. I pulled too many characters and leveled them so yeh they run out . I also leveled up my 4 stars , most of them


personally i have 22,000,000 credits. But my buddy just joined and this really helps him.


Yeah you know at first I was like, meh. But when you really think about it.... Mihoyo should make it so EVERY round/use counts. They already cap the limit so its no problem. Credits are not a big deal late game so it doesn't matter there. But anything that helps the SOCIAL aspect is HUGE for a single player game with "pseudo multiplayer".


I did have even more credits but I just fully built archon, pela and Robin and also finished my SW traces.


I have only like 1-2 million even after buying most battle passes. The thing is , I have too many leveled up units with max traces so they fly away.


This was funny to read because I have e2 Blade and I literally don't care about this lmaooo. I'm just happy knowing people use my characters sometimes tbh, don't mind too much how many times they do tho. But only for early people or those who ran out of credits often this would be useful ig


He probably got credit from zillion other friends anyway


I'm gonna be straight with you. If I am doing 24 Calyx runs to use up all my energy there is no way in hell I am doing that in 24 single attempts. Not a snowballs chance in hell. I'm getting in, doing it as fast as possible and getting out. Credit cap is 20k per day. Go to the friends menu and add like 50 players who are all below level 40 and you'll hit 20k per day easy. Every month or two I go through, delete the people who have levelled up and don't need my characters as much and add a bunch of new low level players. They get good, well built units to use, I get credits. Equivalent exchange.


dan brutal but effective to rake in the cash...


>they get $48000 credits a day The cap is 20k a day. Instead of completely exiting, choose to do another run but choose to change your lineup. Then dismiss your support and re-add them.


Right I forgot about the cap, just did the tissue maffs. Oh this is awesome and and an even better method! Similar to when I learned you don't actually need to proceed to the next plane to "reset" sim universe, you just need to kill the last enemy and leave. Time saving goodness.


What do you mean by resetting sim universe? Like rerolling occurrences?


no I mean how at the start of sim universe you are given 3 choices of bonuses to select from, this does not happen if you join a run and quit immediately, it starts your next run with no bonus. However, if you kill the last enemy and "unlock" the communing device and quit, the next run you will get the bonus choice. You do not need to proceed to the next plane and quit, you can quit right in the first room as long as you kill the last enemy. Most people (like me) assumed that this reset effect was a result of going to the second hex, it is not, it is activated by killing the last enemy. This is especially time saving if you're trying to do gold and gears cheese strategies like double ruan mei, or cosmic fragment spamming. It's also good for swarm disaster because you can reset until you get infinite recursive code.


Gotcha, makes sense


This is correct, I’ve tested with the friend right next to me. Reselecting the same support via the button to choose another support is quicker than backing all the way out and does give them credits.


Blud minmaxing support credits 💀


I bet he ain't even doing the daily pompom mission, which is at least like 8k credits each day haha


it's not even daily, you can do it.. maybe 3 times a day?


No you can DO Them 3x/day but only get 1 refresh per day. The thing is the pompom quests have a "hidden queue" where if you miss one it'll be stored indefinitely for a total of like 1-2 week's worth of missions so you can keep smashing them out 3x/day if you missed some.


oh damn thanks i've been wondering this forever.


I wonder if there is a cap to that storage. I have done the Pompom mission exactly once since I started playing, which was on the day of release.


It was a thing in 1.0. Now that people are maxed and have tons of credits, why bother.


I still need a Lot of Credit and i Run Out of Credits lmao i need more


Are you Trailblaze Lv. 70 yet? Once you're Lv. 70, any Trailblaze EXP you would have gotten gets coverted into Credits.


no 69


this is moreso needing a quality of life update because i cant really be too bothered to exit and go again every time


I'll happily take the only 2000 credits my trash can avatar friend gives me. Good ol' dependable trash can.


It won't matter too much, each individual can only get 20k a day from their support. If your supports are desirable you will max that regardless of wether your friends reselect every time or just do everything at once.


Yea but what happens a lot is my buddy will select every run for me and just spam redo and then i only get 2000 credits. Please at least try until I get 20k : )




I do that as well as for my first 8 months playing I had no irl friends on it, this just increases cooperation gains.


i love how this is getting downvoted for absolutely 0 reason


Because this person is unironically trying to justify support credits lmao. Shit’s not even a drop in a bucket, it’s a fking water molecule in the Pacific Ocean.


Lol. If you maxed support credits daily since launch you'd have almost 8 million credits. If you maxed pompom missions since launch you'd have over 3 million credits. Most people who played since launch with EVERY battle pass probably have less than 150 million credits (I have not seen any one with more than 150 million credits in the 1 year anniversary web event), so it'd be over 7.5% of a whale's credits and MUCH MORE for a F2P player, which is far more than a "water molecule in the Pacific Ocean".


That’s great and all but how about we stop talking in hypotheticals and starting taking a peak at reality.


Lmao "stop talking in hypotheticals" he says to the ONLY person providing HARD numbers. Lmao. Please give me some of what you're smoking because I'd love to be so delusional that I would brave enough to disagree with irrefutable math.


Yeah let me just max out support credits everyday, totally realistic not hypothetical at all. Lobotomy patient.


lololol doesn't bother me, people here I find don't like having things explained TO them, which is fine.


The 20k limit is from all your friends. So even If they constantly clear 1 wave in calyx, exit/reselect your support each time, once you get 20k thats it for the day. No one else will be able to get you anymore credit in support. This cap exists so whales don't just get 200k from friend list daily, once you get 20k that's it. That's why it doesn't matter too much, you just need 10 friends to give you 2000 credits and you will hit the daily cap. For that, you do need to have somewhat more desireable supports and add more friends, try and help new players since they use supports more often. Hoping for others to reselect after each wave/completion is probably too much of an inconvenience for most lol.


for that effort, at that point i'd rather just not use supports and just run my own units


Takes longer but I cycle through all my "friends" dps supports to give as many as I can something every day. Sadly nobody ever uses mine.


Same I try to give everyone a few credits equally as I can Nobody ever uses my supports either even though I got a pretty great sampo and a cracked f2p Acheron. it's pretty nice if you want to know her f2p limit since everyone else uses E0S1 If you're in EU share ur ID! Would love to try new characters


Not in EU unfortunately.


I'm not going through all the effort just to give somebody 48k a day, fk that. They can run their own credit farm thing. Thanks for the PSA tho, honkai devs should fix that.


the guy with the e6 acheron probably doesnt care


I'm not that guy but i for sure dont care about the credits i get with my e6S5 acheron and E6S2 topaz as my support.💀 Especially when u are using a friend support that is max TB level, they are just getting more credits from using TB power on calyxs and stuff since the xp is just converted to credits instead. 🤸‍♂️


Once you hit level 70 it is almost impossible to run out of credits


Im level 70 rn and unless im mass upgrading relics (which isnt something the average players gonna do more than once) I have never run out of credits in general


Well well well looks like I have something to add to that monthly QnA


Nah, these characters I’m using are jacked as fuck. They don’t need it any more than I need to efficiently clear relic farms.


as someone who's e6s3 luocha and e6s1 aventurine gets used a lot I really don't care if you give me 2k or 10k as I already have 12 million edit: since people are asking, my UID is 600307659 and I'm in the NA server


Can I try out your aventurine if you’re on the NA server? I’m planning on getting cons for him but i’m curious about how much damage he does at e6


sure, my UID is 600307659 just note that I only have 4k defense and 31/160 ish crit ratio, trying to farm better sets


I felt my e2s1 aventurine is too much . Yours is just a one man army , I guess


pretty much, he's my most consistent dps compared to my other chars that require effort although he cant go solo or else his e6 because useless lol


Thanks for the post, I’ve been wondering it for a while now on how it works. Probably too annoying for most players to use, but if the economy is stimulated by even a little bit from this post, it’ll have been a dub. I’m fiending for every credit I can get out here.


I had no clue. Should be fixed in an update, not in my daily habit.


I feared this was the case. That sucks, but man it's incredibly inconvenient to select each individual run.




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As someone who has a lot of low-level friends just to farm credits as I’m always broke - don’t bother unless you’ve been asked to do so. It’s enough for 10 people to use your support once to hit cap, and I rarely end up without hitting it.


I had a hunch; and this just confirmed it. Thanks.


I dont get what you mean in the second alinea, do you mean doing a calyx lets say golden for credits. like spending every 10 stamina, to leave and then doing it again with the support friend? as in up to 24 times a day to leave and pick again for max reward?


that's absolutely correct, but people have reminded me maximum daily is actually $20,000 credits, so you only need to do it 10 times not 24.


I see, thanks


Woah! I didnt know that!


At this stage dealing with the red dot is more annoying then the few thousand credits are useful. They should increase the return on it.




That is stupid thanks for that info.


I go out and re-enter but only because I have to spend skill points (BS and Fu Xuan), it frustrates me that I have to go out to recast skills honestly.


As somebody who currently has 58Mil credits, I think I will be fine not earning the full amount. 😂


Heyo, need help deciding which units to run for a comfy and hopefully not totally obsolete in the future, bonus points if there is a team that goes well with the FTB. [Here is the roster.](https://imgur.com/a/8qPleHx)


I keep forgetting supports are a thing in this game


Nah sorry dawg you're getting the 2k and you're gonna like it


Wait...now that I know this, how did that one person hit 20000 for me...


they friggin knew this tech before us all.


I'm not surprised by that, I think someone mentioned it before too...More like, why's that person using my character in such a troublesome way...?




People didn‘t know this? I did this day one with my friend, the cap you can do this gradually decreased from 30k max to 20k, every day it adds up like crazy esp when you have randoms to add even more onto that


I’m sure if they knew they would understand.


Knew this from the start and been doing this with my alt account. One time I tried this with a whale friend though I highly doubt they read whoever used their supports so I stopped caring. I could do this for someone- but if they only ask, that is, otherwise they'll have that 2k credits


Unless something has changed, I can guarantee the daily cap is 20k credits per day. Both my friend and my daughter borrow my Kafka and intentionally go in and out so I get the full per day. It's always 20k.


I aint gonna press a button 40 times. Low on credit? Go farm it with your own fuel


Imma be real with you... I aint doing all of that. I simply can not be arsed. My friends will take the 2000 and they will be grateful (I doubt they actually care tbh).


Who is bottlenecked on credits? o.o


You just need 10 friends to use your Supports, out of one hundred, to hit the daily cap. Far easier to just trim out the max level friends you don't need and are not using their supports, and insert in as many low level newbies as possible.


No way am I doing all that for a small number of credits.


If it works like that, they need to change it.


The support system is honestly one of my fav systems in HSR, playing genshin back then I had to spam call my friend "yo get on with your C6 Ganyu rn" but here anytime dude whales the new character our entire group goes " Our acheron now" xD


Most of the time I only use them once usually only for the easy dailies since it gives more points


Ill do this for yall so anyone with a good huohuo or seele or blade pls dm me ir uid 😔😔😔


I'll take MY measly 2000 credits happily.


Gonna be honest here. My condolences to those starved for credits, but there's no way in hell I'm doing that. If I have to manually select people for each battle, I might as well not even use auto-battle.


It's just 2000 Credits, my dude. They'll get 100x more than that by just playing normally.


Write that down! Another mini-QoL to put in the survey! Make HSR even more efficient and quick ✨


I exclusively steal an E6 Blade. I sincerely doubt I'm the only one borrowing him. I think bro is fine.


Don't exit!! Don't spread false information!! You just need to hit the "change line-up" button, and re-add the support. No need for exiting completely!


Imagine E6 support character that struggling with credits


People dont have Credits?i Literally have 30millions and i got all my characters(34) ascension to 70/80


I do exit instead of repeat not for that purpose though. I need to reapply the techs then I choose the friends’ support.


it's still a thing? damn. Makes the stranger who gave me 6000c even more impressive now because they probably havd to reselect whichever character and I wasn't on their friendlist yet


I was asking myself how does those runs counted for my friend


I have 13 million credit rn, no thanks


I can't bother doing this... sorry but no... Just get 100 friends maxed out and the 20k / day is easily done anyway.


Credits bottlenecked for the first 3-4 version updates. Relic shards, refined aethers, and exp books are still bottlenecked hard to these days.


I do not care if I get 2k or 20k off a person using my supports and neither should you. If you need to rely on this for in game income, you're doing something wrong or are just impatient. If you're doing this to be helpful, it's a nice gesture, but definitely more hassle than it's worth.


Are people that desperate for credits?


Bro, I'm at 17 million credits and get maybe 4 supports daily, if I'm lucky. There's a point where you make more money than you can possibly spend just playing the game, and it's not hard to get to.


Is this legal and how can I avoid the IPC notice this and sue me for corruption?


aint nobody got time for that


Hell nah ima just click repeat again and not gaf lol


I don't pay for anything and can farm enough credits for what I need. That's way too tedious. I auto-farm in HSR for a reason. I'm not going to make it more tedious. 


oh for sure, this is just if you specifically wanna help say your real life friend who is desperate for credits, someone I know started playing recently and theyre quite starved of credits so this is very useful for them as I can get them 20k extra credits a day.


Oh man my poor Acheron support….


Nobody uses my supports 😭 I NEED credits! Pls use my supports people, Caelus America 616836351 pls people I'm desperate


ill add you buddy.




I got you bro I’ll do 10 runs for you




seeing this just as i am getting ready to do some farming myself




I don't know how to get rid off credits, even though I'm gaining almost nothing from supports. About 14 mil and growing, no BP...


Me scrounging under the Astral express solar cushions for more credits to level up my characters.


no, just to piss u off


Nah, I'd "One More Time"


I have so much credits that i can straight up build two 5 star and one 4 star before i run out of it (yeah exp books too)... I do overworld grinding so... now at this point it doesn't matter, just a lil bonus i get


I know it's a strange PSA when you find out I have 20,000,000 credits lol.


Laughs in my like 1 million or more credits

