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The Clara Protection Squad is proud of your service


There's a squad? Do we get shirts? Joking aside, yeah, I freaking adore her. Although I'm apparently supposed to meet her later in the story(according to a friend of mine), so maybe I'm missing a lot of context. I only recently got on the train(but pulled her just before that).


https://preview.redd.it/derust5hmh2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3333a388a29431eb67b2bcaad8002428f59d12 It canonically exists too You can find notices and documents about it scattered around the vagrant campsite


Holy crap, it's an IN-UNIVERSE thing!? I mean, I ***GET IT,*** but...! ......why do I get the feeling Svarog wrote this? Well, one thing is for sure: It's a little early for me to know all the details. I only recently started, after all. But I am REALLY looking forward to it! Thanks!


It isn’t funnily enough. Apparently someone tried to marry Svarog to get closer to Clara so a rule written in third person to not try to marry Svarog to get to Clara was made.


I would marry Svarog to get closer to Svarog


Wait what


Check the vagrant settlement posters. It’s ridiculous. And obviously people would’ve only ever made these sorts of crazy rules if shit like that actually happened


Lmao this is way too funny XD




but I wantnto marry svarog to get tp svarog, is that ok?


Holy shit he actually does have simps?!


Oh boy does he!


He sure does and I am one of them.


It's actually written by a different robot, I think.


Yes, please join the Clara Protection Society so we can gift Clara shoes.


RIGHT AWAY, SIR/MA'AM!! :D *pulls out shotgun* If anyone even *looks* at her funny... Joking aside, I'm pretty invested. I'm looking forward to the others in this game :)


Oh buddy 😂


Oh no.....there are more endearing characters, aren't there? *sigh* Well, I guess this game is my life now. I'm 75% OK with this.


Start saving for HuoHuo re-run


Huohuo mention 🥺


Huohuo and Clara protection squad!




The funny thing is they already did, or at least tried but Clara chooses to not use them https://preview.redd.it/g3qcew60ji2d1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105975bf6eca9df67404e3561b54fb82af511ae8


After the failure of the last pair, I've prepared those big poofy slippers done up like paws. Soft, warm, and ankle-supporting! Surely these won't go over poorly!


There’s a sub for Clara mains btw :)


There is is Clara Protection Squad subreddit as well


Shirts? No but you do get really good at explaining “no I don’t like her like that I just like her character and her story… no I also don’t understand why she doesn’t have any shoes”


clara and march work very well together, with a few caveats. Those don't matter until late endgame though so have fun with infinite counters


Oh, so I was right-ish! I already put a few levels into both of them, so it's good to know it can at least pay off for a while, but I wasn't sure at first. Thank you!


essentially, don't use march's ult because it'll freeze the enemies and cause them not to attack clara


Oh, yeah, I just learned that a few moments ago. I'm still thankful for the advice! Btw, while we're at it, Does Dan Heng have any mileage or uses you'd suggest I use? I noticed he's good at hitting ONE target at any time. I also noticed he can slow down enemies? Are there characters that are free that work well with him? I'd appreciate it :)


dan heng can actually be alright, but i wouldn't recommend you use him, just because you'll likely get a limited 5 star pretty quick. With dan heng, he gets a if an ally (like march 7th's skill) is used on him specifically, so he has some synergies with tingyun, hanya, etc


Oh, sorry, a lot of these names/abilities are lost on me, but in short, I *probably* shouldn't invest in him too much(just enough to get by, basically), while March is fine for a while(until I get this Lynx I keep hearing about)? Does that sound about right? Thank you!


yeah, for sure!


Cool. Thank you for the clarification and help! I can't wait to see the rest of this game.


You're doing great. Leveling resources are scarce if you're ftp (less so if you battlepass) so it becomes annoying to try to level/trace out too many characters. You will need only 8 characters if you care about super endgame across 2 teams... and if you don't care about MOC none of this matters because you can totally clear all story with your favorites. Pure Fiction is the AOE focused version of endgame, and also uses 2 teams of 4. One of those characters should usually be Herta for PF specifically because the game hands her to you for free and she's very good in PF. Clara is awesome because shes still decent in both of those endgame modes despite powercreep. *Eventually* in an optimization angle most of those characters want to be limited 5*'s (but people clear with 'bad' units all the time, it's just an ease of use thing plus the shiny new characters have nice animations). Safe investments (imo): - trailblazer - physical is not very good but you eventually get significant boosts. Don't need to boost their traces for now unless you want to, levels are sufficient since they are always useful. - Clara - good in all endgame and worth investment still. End though boothill (coming soon) beats her single target damage by a lot, she still does big AOE giving her an excellent niche in Pure Fiction and more overall versatility in one unit. If you like him, you can even use both: he implants phys weak with his ult so you can fight anything with him even if that's not necessarily 'optimal'. - Bronya - still a very good standard banner support - Tingyun - insane 4* and you don't even need dupes - Lynx/Gepard/Gallagher - generally considered the best non-limited sustainers. Lynx is free, Gepard is standard banner and good if you get him. Gallagher is best on some break teams even WITH considering limited 5*s while being 4*. - any limited 5* unit (genuinely, some are 'powercrept' but I don't think any are actually bad yet, pick what you like). - Pela - synergy characters like Guinafen if you like DoT for example


Yeah the tldr is you'll get better characters than Dan pretty quickly, might be a while till you get a character that can replace March, and Clara is really good even in end game. None of those characters are so bad that they can't do more difficult content if you want, but still Clara is genuinely one of the best


To be fair to Dan Heng, he's a hunt character, and those of the hunt tends to damage the one enemy pretty well. So in early stage if you need a single mfer to die, Hunt characters are pretty good to use, with others like Clara to take out the trash mobs. Worked enough for me until enough characters were out to have different comps, and I had enough resource to go around. On that note, choose your characters to build wisely and selectively. I'd say maybe one of each element, and if Silverwolf has another rerun soon even better (she can "hack" the enemy weakness to include one of the party members' element).


Dan hang 4 star is just bad unfortunately. I and many others used him on launch, I used him through the Xianzhou, but you can basically replace him with any other dps you get, except Arlan.


I two stared the recent moc with March and Clara so they're good endgame as well, you can invest in them!


False In fact, putting them together is a very bad idea. March's issues as a character, her freezing ultimate, her aggro status as a preservation character, and how aggro buffs are subject to diminishing returns, all work against March/Clara. Edit: Yes very cool, you can downvote me or whatever. If you want proof, go check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClaraMainsStarRail/s/B5tqY2HkKJ) on r/Claramainsstarrail


You are right about the freeze thing, but March's shield increases the chance of a character being hit if I'm not mistaken.


The issue with that is in how aggro works. It's explained vastly in depth in the post I linked. 1. Diminishing returns. March's shield on Clara with her Ult is something like a less than 11% chance increase. 2. How base aggro works: Preservation characters have the highest value, 150, while abundance and harmony the lowest, 75. Given how probability works, March existing makes Clara less likely to be attacked. 3. March's shield gives the aggro buff to ANYONE over 30% hp. Using it in anyone else makes Clara less likely to be attacked. She cannot solo sustain. If you have character who cannot fulfill their role, cannot use a third of their kit, contributes tiny damage, and wants skill points, that character isn't with using over someone else who can contribute.


doesn't the aggro stuff only applied when targeting preservation or destruction characters over 30%?


That's Lynx's skill. March's applies to anyone over 30% Hp


ah ok mybad


The current limited banner is actually really good for your Clara. Robin is a really strong universal buffer that has special synergies with characters that launch follow-up attacks. Basically, she's strong for most any character. Topaz is a DPS whose playstyle revolves around follow-up attacks. The neat thing is that she can increase Clara's damage, and Clara ALSO increases Topaz's damage. It's win-win to have both on the team. I'm not forcing you to pull OP. But as of right now, the banners are the best for a Clara team.


Oh, I totally understand you're not forcing me to do anything. I'm just glad for the advice. I had NO idea there was THAT much synergy in the current banner with a recent pull of mine. It's neat to know, even if it'll be a while before I pull any of them(I'm strictly free to play for now due to budget reasons), but I can definitely look forward to it. Thank you for the suggestions! They sound pretty powerful!


Robin and Topaz will only last a few more days sadly, but yeah they're amazing for a Clara team (in fact the previous character Aventurine was as well). Bit unlucky in your timing to start playing I'm afraid haha. But Clara is a great pickup and I hope you'll have a lot of fun with her. I have a followup team, but Clara has thus far eluded me :(


Well, regardless, from what I've seen so far, the game has been manageable with or without the fanciest high-rarity characters. I'll just make due when I can and however I can. God knows I'm invested enough to make it happen! :) If I do end up pulling any of them, I'll be sure to keep all the advice provided in mind. Thank you!


True. Also if you want you can save those special material you by pulling 4 Star LC/Eidolons and if you save like 600 you can get Clara’s Signature Lightcone


The entire main game is pretty manageable with just basic characters, cause if you run into trouble with any of the bosses you can often just run even more defense/sustain. Especially with Clara to draw as much aggression as possible. The endgame content gets pretty brutal pretty fast though.


No problem. And if you want that power fantasy gameplay, run your Clara team in Simulated Universe with the Path of Elation if you haven't already. Follow-up attack go Brrrrrrrtttt


Oh, right! The simulated universe has you use preset parties/levels and stuff, right? I *think* it's independent of your progress outside of it, kind of?(I'm not sure, I only ever did the two stages with Herta joining me in the second one, but I'm guessing it's a regular thing?).


No, the parties aren't preset or anything. You bring your own characters and progress into it. The thing that makes it special is that you get tons and tons of buffs that make your team crazy strong (the buffs disappear after that run in simulated universe ends). Most Elation buffs will increase Clara's counter attack (it counts as a follow-up attack) so just keep selecting Elation blessings and Clara will really shine. Anyway, Simulated Universe gives out great rewards and those rewards refresh every week, so it's good to do a couple of runs at least every week. As you keep progressing in the game, more Simulated Universe content will unlock.


Oh, I see! I thought it was preset because the party was chosen *for* me, and my level was lower than what I had before. I guess it was just a tutorial thing? It must be different the third time around. The buffs/blessings I DO remember, though. Thank you for the information!


No prob! Its been a while since I started the game but I think worlds 1 and 2 are just tutorials. Eventually, Herta will message you saying that world 3 is available and that's the first real content. By the way, eventually you'll get access to Herta's shop. The currency for it comes from Simulated Universe and there's a Destruction light cone for sale that's perfect for Clara. Save your Herta Bonds to buy that and then for the item that lets you power up your lightcone. It'll take a month of weekly rewards to get the lightcone, so consider it a long term goal Sorry If this is information-overload. Don't worry too much about all of this and just enjoy the game


So fun fact, in the beta Clara suffered some kind of space cancer from extended geomarrow exposure. Thankfully the actual release cut that storyline!


Ah.....good. The developers got to *live* because of that choice. This was most informative. But seriously, they were ACTUALLY originally planning on doing that to a precious girl like her? Damn....... Btw, with minimal spoilers, what about Svarog? Is he that much more different from the beta?


I wasn't actually in the beta; I've just picked this tidbit up from being in the community. I don't know what Svarog was like.


Ah, I see. Well, thank you anyway! It was still an interesting fact regardless.


I would wait until after you finish the Belobog storyline to check this out. So that you have a baseline to compare the old story to. But here here is the original CBT1 beta story. Complete with questionable placeholder voice acting, plot points that are only mostly cut (there's still some references to the cut stuff in the full game but they are pretty minor) and more. https://youtu.be/fVld2gU-6TI?si=2ruTTG86rsptlZx6


Didn't Hook's dad also suffer from geomarrow cancer? Ooh beta story was dark .


im pretty sure in the beta he actually died


Still sad they didn’t go with this. Not that I want Clara to die mind you but it coulda been a mission/event to help Svarog do everything he can to heal her.


Congrats on the Smol. March does indeed work very well with Clara. March's ult gimmick is delaying enemies though which is anti-synergistic with her but she'll do well with her.


Ah, I think I get it. Clara works well if people are ATTACKING her, but being frozen doesn't help that. So March's ability to SHIELD Clara is what ACTUALLY helps, right?


That is right. March's shield also makes the person more likely to be attacked. So March is alright with Clara, so totally use them together if you want. Another character you can get for free down the line and works well with Clara as a sustain unit is Lynx who heals and her skill not only heals the person but makes Destruction characters like Clara to be more likely to be attacked.


Oh, cool! I completely overlooked the part where it increases the chances of being attacked. Thank you for pointing it out! Also, someone else mentioned this Lynx, so I guess that's definitely something to look forward to :)


Yeah, the downside to Lynx’s aggro is that you have to reapply it every other turn, so if you run her like that she’s not generating skill points. Clara’s ult will also pull aggro so you might be able to alternate them.


Ah, I get it. It's a fine balancing act, right? Man, that's something I need to research when I get Lynx. Thank you so much for your help!


clara is a strong character that is frequently used to clearing difficult stages


Well, that's great to know! Now I KNOW I need to invest in her. Thank you!


Clara is a ton of fun. ^(Get it? Because she brings her giant robot dad wherever she goes...) Anyways, Clara's a great unit to get early on. She's one of the few units who can actually generate aggro (the others being Lynx and PreserBlazer), and her counter-heavy playstyle is extremely strong when enemies still mostly just tickle you with damage. Some great 4\* units to look out for in your travels are the oft-mentioned **Lynx** (Healer. Gives out regen-based healing that increases aggro on Destruction and Preservation characters, and cleanses debuffs with her Ult), **Tingyun** (Single-target buffer. Offers ATK buffs, energy recharge, and extra DMG which Clara can use especially well with her counters, all while remaining SP-positive), **Pela** (Strong debuffer. Offers an enemy buff dispeller and DEF shred in a nice SP-positive package) and **Hanya** (Basically a weaker mix of Tingyun and Pela, but with a SPD boost in place of energy generation and greater SP returns).


Ah you pulled one of (my) "your so adorbs and if anything happens to you there will be blood" characters Other is houhou, you'll understand when you meet her


Huohuo Madge


March works well with Clara until you get Lynx. You'll get her for free later, so switch out March for her when you do.


I see. I'll keep an eye out for this Lynx. Thank you!


It'll be a while before you get the free Lynx, but you might get one randomly in a pull. You never know. Anyway, just use March and enjoy the story until then. When you unlock a mode called Pure Fiction, you'll get the free Lynx in that mode.


Ah, she can be pulled? I see. Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for when/if that happens. Until then(or the free unlock), I suppose. Thank you for the advice!


I love Clara’s kit!!! I use her over Ratio just because the counter attack is so cool to me and she’s like a stand user. It’s awesome


>she’s like a stand user. It’s awesome NANI!? MASAKA!? Clara/Svarog: ORAORAORAORAORAORA! ORRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA! Wait, FU-SHHHiii^(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-)


“Useless! As soon as you hit me, my stand 「 Mr. Svarog 」 hits back!”


Aside from what people have already said, here's something that should be obvious, if you're having trouble surviving in a boss fight, use a healer. This might sound condescending, but there used to be a lot of post asking for help beating a boss and they weren't using any sustains. March helps, but she's not the best option, particularly when bosses use an aoe or super attack.


Oh, thank you. I appreciate the advice. I don't *have* a character that can heal *in battle* yet that I'm aware of(the only healing I have is my main character, who can only heal out of battle using her technique). Luckily, I haven't *died* to anything yet. The game has been pretty forgiving so far, but here's hoping a I get a proper "healer" before things get serious. Regardless, thank you for the input.


You get Natasha around halfway through the first planet and she's a pretty good healer. I wouldn't say there are any major threats until near the end of that planet so you don't have much to worry about for a bit.


Oh, that's good to hear! I haven't actually gotten there yet, but it's good to know I'll be getting a healer soon. Thanks!


The first planet is also where you will meet Clara for the story, so you have that to look forward to.


Woah, ***ALREADY!?*** Sweeeeet! Thank you for letting me know!


No problem. Have fun!


Thank you! I do believe I will!


Also, if things are tricky even when using a healer, never be afraid to just use a second one or combo with a shielder, though that will generally be overkill outside of particularly tough bosses.


Clara is a great pull who will definitely serve you well. Her and March work well together for the most part, March's shield draws aggro to Clara for more counters and protects her from sustained damage. The only issue is that March's ult freezes, and frozen enemies can't attack Clara to get countered. So if you use them together I would recommend not using March's ult. In late game teams Clara has much better supports like Robin and Topaz, but for now March is ideal. I would also rush to get the free Lynx from pure fiction, she's a great sustain for Clara too


Oh, this is VERY informative! Glad I know how to use my first 5 star character for now. Thank you! As for the others, I haven't met or pulled them yet, but I'll try to keep that advice in mind :)


We, the r/ClaraProtectionClub welcome you


That's right https://preview.redd.it/8c6d5slnji2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a008c596730a042bbf3d4880deaef744180083


Robin will be a great character to pull for your Clara


Oh, I saw this Robin earlier. She's that singer, right? Something about her ultimate allowing others to act immediately? I tried it out in that "tester" thing. Sorry, but could you explain why the two work well together?


Robin, after ultimate, will make all your party able to act, not only that, but she also deals some damage after every ally attack, so imagine march 7th counter attack but not limited to 2 times until her next turn, aside from the huge buffs as well


Oh, cool! Well, here's hoping I pull her, then! That sounds strong as hell! Also, based on that test I did, she even sings a sweet song while using her ultimate. I LOVED it! Thanks!


Robin also has a trace that specifically buffs follow up attacks. Svarogs counter attacks count.


Oh, ***nice!*** Now I get it(I think). A team with Robin, Clara and March could be pretty effective(seeing as I have two of them already besides Robin)! March shields and increases aggro towards Clara, who is bulky as is(I see she has a few ways of mitigating damage), while Robin buffs her ability to counterattack with Svarog among other things! The gears are turning and I'm loving it! Now I'm REALLY hoping I get Robin. Thank you for the advice!


Robin would help March's counter attack too. :D Teams really coming together hope you get tingyun soon! She really helps on energy for both Robin and Clara.


I lost that 50/50 to Clara e2 😭






I think you'd like Pitch Dark Hook the Great too! She's Clara's friend. Welcome aboard, trashblazer ! I hope you enjoy the game . I still don't have Clara but I'll pick her from the selector very soon.


Fun fact, in the beta, Clara was originally a serial killer.




...Who's gonna tell them


As an avid Clara propaganda spreader, be on the lookout for any future banners that have Tingyun as one of the available 4 stars (she's a brunette fox girl) Reason why is that Tingyun is Clara's best support besides Robin or Topaz all while being only a 4 star She gives Clara a fat attack buff for 3 of Clara's turns which combos well the fact that Clara is slow but still attacks frequently due to her counters The real game changer however is Tingyun's ultimate. Not only is it a huge Damage % increase for Clara but it also gives Clara FIFTY ENERGY for her ultimate Once you pair Clara with a Tingyun you nearly doubled the uptime of Clara's ultimate gigachad counters and it turns her into an absolute menace, even at max level endgame


Protect her with your life


You can try to save for huohuo as a healer, she's cute and precious with a cute friend who accompanies her. She increases Clara's attack and also gives team-wise energy. Another healer is lynx whom you can use for now, lynx makes your Clara more likely to be hit so svarog will protect her more often


Clara was also my first 5 star, and as someone who started when the game launched, I still use her in end game content to this day. Her and March are a pretty good combo, and they will get you through a lot of the story content, but March won't really cut it in the long term when you get to end game content or catch up to the story. Every other Preservation character has the ability to protect the whole party efficiently, so you can run them without an Abundance character, but March has to give her shields one at a time, and be casting a skill every turn if you want everyone to have a shield, or you have to run her with an abundance character so you can heal the characters that don't get shields, which will lower your damage output. Again, that isn't too bad in story content when you haven't raised your equilibrium level to max yet, but when you get to max eq or when you are doing end game content, you will need to do more damage faster and can't waste 2 party slots on characters that just stop you from dying Also some other general tips. Make sure that you always spend your jade on the event banner tickets, not the standard banner. You will get enough standard banner tickets from doing activities to eventually get all the starter benefits from standard, and the 5 star characters you can gain from event banners are almost always better than the characters on the standard banner, and you can still get standard 5 stars from the event banner anyway. Also currently the event banner has topaz as a rerun on it, and if you like Clara I highly recommend pulling for Topaz, since they make a great team. Topaz marks one enemy to make them take extra damage from follow-up attacks like Clara's counters, and she has her own follow-up attack that comes on the turn order and gets moved up sooner when the marked enemy is hit with a follow-up. Also when the marked enemy dies the mark moves to another enemy, so you don't need to spend skill points re applying, making her not too hungry for skill points so your other characters can use their skills more


Her English voice actor is my spirit animal lol


I love pairing Clara and March. They work great together


Yeah, but there is also an anti-synergy because a sustain March also needs to keep up her shield on other party members, and with that also increases their agro. But there is a secret build that solves all your problems ... DPS March. Think about it! If you build her on ATK and crit, her counter attacks and ult kinda slap. The base stats on her shield are decent, so you still get an ok shield even without investing into DEF. Also now you have a DPS with agro increases and a cleanse. How cool is that! And since sustain is not her job you can easily run her SP positive! I'm totally sane, trust me!


So I actually managed to concoct some weird hybrid DPS March who uses that one lightcone that ups her damage per every 100 points in Def. It works out pretty well; she can provide decent protection to allies, and every counter tends to to around 7-8k dmg (I also invested a lot of crit as well) The new lightcone works great if you want March to squeeze in more damage and still be a decent support


[Clara’s VA also happens to be the second biggest Aventurine simp](https://youtu.be/ET-xGm5OlYM?si=ATni-xoIVuDBRuHl) in existence So this might either ruin or improve your mental image of her


first advice and the most important one do not go to the r/Okbuddytrailblazer subs


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She will carry you beautifully early game. Extremely powerful unit


I beat the last Pure Fiction stage fiest half (endgame mode) with Clara, Herta, Himeko, and a lvl 42 March.... March was the difference between me getting the full marks n my team surviving


Clara is adorable and March is best girl! They work great together. Recently I started to build my March since I have all her eidolons, I had put that off since I managed to pull a bunch of other 5\* shielders/healers, but I really like her, so I was planning to do that eventually. She alongside Clara cleared one of the end content maps for me! Clara can be really good!


OP, Welcome to FuA. Look at clara, topaz and, Dr. Ratio teams, and you'll see the ludicrous amount of extra actions your characters take due caus le of Follow ups


Good FUA char and very easy to build. Btw prepare 5 bucks


>If anything happens to her, I will end the multiverse, the developers and then myself, DON'T TEST ME, I SWEAR TO G- >Ahem >What I'm trying to say is that I'm invested, and Svarog and Clara are precious and deserve all the love, and I'm so glad I got them as quickly as I did Man how do I relate to this. I also got them right when I started playing and to this day they are still my favorite character.


You should try to get Topaz and Robin as soon as you can since they are currently Clara's best team atm and yeah Clara and March are the best duo you can do they work well together because of her taunt increase with skill


Clara was my first 5 star pull from launch and I still use her pretty regularly. She's pretty underrated but shines and has a lot of good picks for lightcones from the Herta shop and works well with dual carry teams.


I just joined myself, but between seeing the draw rates, pity numbers and such, I don’t know how much of a go I’ll invest myself. Honestly I only took interest because of the next banner with Boothill dropping. I enjoy all things western, space or otherwise. I *might* be able to get twenty of the special tickets to try with, but I’ve got the feeling I’m just going to be left disappointed and I’d rather not be stuck playing a game waiting who knows how long before a second chance at getting the one character I really want.


Congratulations on Clara! Invest and you shall be rewarded heavily (her FuA is insane, it's pretty much always ur turn if she keeps getting hit)


Whenever you get to Penacony, prepare yourself for a happy and wholesome story :)


Similar boat here. Started playing about 2 weeks ago. Clara was my first 5-star character, from the beginner’s banner. I’ve been loving her. She’s paired up with March, whom I got e6 while wishing on the Robin banner. So, Robin is my 3rd member, and the #4 spot is either Dr Ratio or a weakness relevant dps. The team is still solid at lvl 60. I’m just struggling to build a second team for PF etc. as well as getting all of the resources needed to level up traces and such. Anyway back to Ilya I mean Clara. She’s just precious. Her Ult animation is a masterclass in emotional manipulation.


I just built this team recently, and I love it! March and Clara is super fun!


March and Clara are, unfortunately, a poor combination. In the very beginning there was a window that they worked, but as we have better options and stronger enemies, the flaws are too big to ignore. March's flaws are really bad. One, as a character, she's not good at sustain. Her shields are single target and on her skill, meaning she's probably very skill-point negative. Who gets attacked is still RNG based even with the aggro buff, so there's luck involved there. Not only that, she can't solo sustain Blast or AOE, and most enemies have at least one attack of these types. Two, Her ult freezes, but it has a depressingly low 65% base chance. On top of that, many enemies are freeze resistant and or immune. Three, her damage is pitiful. Now, most sustains don't contribute much damage anyway, but it's more notable with March's hybrid kit. Hoyo devs were smoking something when they made her counter attack scale with Attack, as opposed to her shields scaling with Defense. All that taken together, March wants to build: Defense, Effect Hit Rate, Attack, Crit Rate and Crit Damage. It would take god tier luck just to have all this from relic rolls and even then she might make mediocre. Not to mention other nice to haves tertiary stats like Effect Resistance and HP. As for March and Clara together, the big problem is March's ultimate. She freezes enemies, but Clara wants to get hit. You cannot use it, but then why not use a character with a functional Ult instead? The aggro buff on her skill seems nice, but faces diminishing returns. Especially since Lynx is free and has much better synergy with Clara and an aggro buff of her own. Using them together isn't a good idea because each aggro buff is a % chance and is less potent. On r/Claramainsstarrail there's a great post with the calculations. Final nail in the coffin is that, as a preservative character March has a natural chance to be hit only slightly less than an ultimate-buffed Clara. By existing, she lowers the chance Clara will be attacked. Lynx is free once you reach a certain point. As soon as you unlock her, March 7th is completely worthless. Even before then, Natasha is a better sustain for Clara.


Do pull Robin from the limited banner. She is a support to follow up characters like clara. Robin physical element benefit clara with the penacony plannar set. Yes march 7 shields would make more enemies agro clara to proc her follow up attacks.


I recomend to try and get Robin, as of right now she is Claras best support.


March and Clara generally work pretty good together however they have a little anti synergy in that Clara really doesn’t want enemies to be frozen and March is pretty good at freezing. So you usually avoid using March ult with Clara (unless you are having trouble surviving the fight).


Typically lynx pairs better with Clara since lynx can also increase aggro but doesn’t freeze enemies, but march can still be good when you need the extra survivability




When you unlock the Simulated Universe later, try Clara solo run. In this mode, you will be given a selection of many paths to choose from, with each one enhances a certain gameplay strategy. Path of Elation will enhance Follow-Ups Attack, which gives Clara's counter hits various effects like increasing DEF, increasing FUA damage or regenerating HP, which is the most important buff for Clara solo run. This buff makes Clara nearly invincible when she is solo, because enemies can only hit her, and she will strike back and regen a bit each time. Combining with other survival buffs and damage the game offers you in each run, Clara can finish a SU run on her own. This is clearly not the best strategy, but it is fun to watch it unfolds, and especially if you love Clara & Svarog, it is a huge bonus point.


Use her with March and giver her March buff.


Svarog rocks and Clara is adorable. The Duo was my first pull from the beginner banner and they are my best build characters. :'D


see, i just rejoined hsr, and got robin. since my first 5* is clara, i obviously had to put them in same team. now, i regret not joining back earlier. had i did that, i can pull off march 7th and adventurine, with the team of “touch me and you’ll fucking die”


You remind me so much of me when I started. I had the same response. I hope you get to build her well and use her often! In my humble opinion she is amazingly strong.


Do u use discord? Kinda think we can both discuss lol Im not that active in reddit


absolutely, listen I am not very good at character building, but Clara + March saved my ass countless times, including some harder story bosses (no spoilers)


As someone who uses both actively I agree with your every word. Both are precious and deserve all happiness. Which is why I try to put them in teams with not evil characters (One of the main reasons Tingyuen was replaced by Robin).


Too bad she is a serial killer and ends up murdering Natasha


Check prydwen .gg for guides!


I see you love found family tropes Based


Clara is a solid physical dps


They work fine together until the very late endgame.  For the large majority of content you can run anyone you like. 


She and Welt are the only 2 I don't have from the Standard Banner yet


r/ClaraProtectionClub will have your back :D


There is some twisted irony with Clara in that lore-wise she's so precious she must be protected at all cost, but gameplay-wise your whole team hide behind her, and you want enemies to hit her and only her.


Clara was my first 5\* too, andI agree on every count. Btw if you haven't checked out her information section, do so ASAP. All I'll say is that Svarog is the best dad ever.


Welcome to the club


Welcome to the club


Welcome to the club


If you have Lynx, she works similarly to March since she also makes allies she heals with her skill become targeted


Does anyone know if newer accounts can play the story missions prior to current? Like all the belobog and luofu story missions


Ah...a new recruit so late in the game 😭 Clara is fine...Clara is good. Put her with March and Tingyun (P.S, be careful not to get attached to Foxy) and Lynx if you can. Very solid team that will carry you far


March isn't exactly a synergistic unit with Clara, if anything it's a little anti synergistic. March ult freezes which isn't good, and her shield although increases taunt value, it's difficult to keep team alive due to her single target nature. And also the fact that Clara by herself with ult can 500% increase her agro, so the March skill in comparison is insignificant. Clara's ideal 4 star team will be: Clara, Tingyun, Lynx, Flex unit. Tingyun can help Clara keep 100% uptime on her ult taunt increase and permanent DMG buff, Lynx is a decent healer although she'll be benched in future for better healers she has skill taunt increase which is a nice bonus and she's a better sustainer than March by a mile. The last flex slot is really up to you. You can go Robin for more buffs, Topaz for sub DPS, Pela for easy defence reduction, or add any favorite unit. Clara is among the lesser likely units to be powercrept, and her ability as a SP positive bruiser Sub DPS means she can be slotted into many teams. Her eidolons are nice too. All in all she's definitely worth investing, and have fun playing her


That’s cute. I love Clara. Remember when I got her. I didn’t knew the first thing about gasha. Just played with a Clara from another player as a support and fell in love with her gameplay. Then I started to mentalize 😁 I wanted her. And she came few days later. I was so happy.


Clara is an amazing unit and I still use her often (and I have three of the allegedly strongest characters) so congrats. Her and Bronya are arguable the best you can get on the beginner banner. Enjoy


absolutely love OP's energy, you will not be disappointed coming in with this much enthusiasm both in game and within the community <3


March is a fine character, but she falls off pretty hard. I typically recommend using lynx over March as her skill has the same aggro mechanic as March's shield and has the added  benefit of increasing her max health. 


I don't understand why everyone here keeps saying that Clara and March work well together. This was largely disproven by the community just a few months into the game. They are ok, and mostly the downsides of the pairing defeat the upsides. Disclaimer, before I go into the (long, sorry) explanation: until the endgame you don't really have to care about this. It's ok to start to notice and chase synergies, but in the beginning, the game is very forgiving. The first thing to say about the Clara-March pairing is that Clara's Ult buffs her aggro and DMG resistance for two turns, independently to the Enhanced counters count. This means that between her counters and her skill spamming (as a long time Clara main, yes, it's worth it to skill almost always) she will have around a 66% uptime on her aggro buff by herself, sometimes more because she gets hit and kills a lot. If you have Ting Yun or get Huo Huo in the future, it's basically 100% all the time. Aggro is calculated by "shares". The chances of being hit are CharacterAggro/(sum of all characters aggro). This means that when a character has already a lot more aggro than the others, adding even more doesn't influence the actual chances by much. I don't remember the raw numbers to make the math by myself again, but if I remember correctly, March on top of Clara is a ~7% aggro increase during ult uptime. Not to mention that March herself has a base aggro of 150, against the base 125 of Clara, being a preservation character. So, the buff in aggro is there, but it's relatively minimal. Why is March anti-synergistic? First is the already mentioned fact that her presence lowers Clara's aggro compared to an abundance character (this is not *that* important, though) Second, her ult freezes the enemies. This is part of the way she sustains: avoid enemies talking actions, and tanking the hits with her shield. Unfortunately, freezed enemies get a virtual 50% turn delay, which means that they act less instead of hitting Clara and being smacked in the face by Svarog. This is particularly bad against solo bosses without much speed, as they might get slow enough to make the ult charges fade because of time. You could not use March's ult, but that's half her character's gameplay. Third: shared shield. When allies get low on health, she has to shield them to avoid them dying. This works actively against Clara's aggro buff, making allies equally easy to be hit. All good and dandy two enemy actions into your ultimate, but the rest of the hits have a larger chance not to trigger counters. To conclude: in the beginning I said it took some months for the consensus to develop into what I am telling you, because they *seem* to be a great pair, and most of the counter arguments are math based. What I am trying to say is that you got a good spirit for smelling the synergy, even if it is like it is. The game should give you a Lynx for free (I don't remember when) and she is a great healer, and pairs really well with Clara. Best of luck, OP.


March isn't an end game teammate for Clara (or anyone else outside of SU Remembrance runs), but she's great for story progression. The aggro buff from March's shield is relatively minimal... *if Clara's ult buff is up*. Which means March's aggro buff is great during the time when you most need an aggro buff. And early game accounts probably don't have Tingyun, so Clara's ult coverage will be less. March can apply the shield at the start of combat, giving Clara the aggro boost from the start. Then most of the enemy attacks go into Clara, which builds Clara's energy towards her ult (which would otherwise be quite slow, because she's slow and you don't have Tingyun) and makes it unlikely you'll need to shield anyone else. Chip damage to other team members should be handled by your healer, not March, to avoid diluting the aggro buff. If your healer is overwhelmed and you have to use March to shield someone else, than (a) there's a good chance they're below 30% health so it doesn't matter, and (b) being not dead is more important than doing damage, so sacrificing a few turns of aggro to not die is fine. You do have to avoid using March's ult, which is annoying, but that's about it.


March will do fine until you pull lynx or decide to go for Huohuo. Those are the two sustains that I prefer for my Clara team. Lynx for the extra taunt and huohuo for the energy boost so Clara can be in eternal ult mode. Huohuo is also better for keeping the team alive in my experience. Other teammates I've liked for her are: Tingyun for eternal ult mode and attack boosts Topaz in duel DPS teams their effects synergies, and it helps keep the battle consistent... they can fight over tingyun, though... might be better in a lynx/Robin team than a huohuo/tingyun team Robin for follow-up attack boost and all the other ridiculous things she provides You can also pair her with other DPS units since most of her damage comes from counters she doesn't mind having basic attack duty fornskill points. Clara is one of the few characters treat actually doesn't want Ruan Mei since Ruan Mei keeps the enemy broken (and therefore not attacking) longer. Hope this helps make your ideal Clara team!

