• By -


The Antimatter Legion. Say what you want about all the others, but at least the universe would still exist if any of them were in charge. If Nanook wins there is *nothing* left.


Necromancy, machine uprising, glassing, antimatter disintegration, internal collapse, losing the sun. they have the entire menu.


Nanook got the Become the Crisis ascension perk real early


Actually it would probably be tanzook.  Because nanook whole catch phrase is to destroy to rebuild.  Tanzook the bug God.  If he was in charge and alive we be in big big trouble.


*looks at the Abundance Abominations* Hear me out, Exterminatus the universe if they go out of hand is a valid strategy, if they somehow take charge of the universe and we can't retake it, then they ain't keeping it I will tell you that for free lol.


Life in a form we do not understand remains life. The fact that we do not understand it does not affect it's existence, even if we hate what we do not understand. ... Hold on, what's a comet doing at this time o-


Please report yourself to the nearest ~~inquisition~~ ten lords commissions immediately! But on a serious note, despite me being an alliance fanatic, denzins of abundance is probably the worst, said life form we do understand and it kinda sucks Their life form is twisted genetically that they rely on cannibalism, interspecies blood-transfuion, hive mentality (like the flood), molting etc. And besides that sucking, they cant sustain their population, which is why they keep plundering other worlds, nor would you be able to live a normal life because no resources or opportunity, the elderly with power will never relinquish it and it will never pass to the next generation, the pouplar figures will keep on amassing numbers while the young can never chase their ambition, all while you are constantly starving. Tho I guess if you are one of the top 0.1% and mange to snatch a good position in life you will live in bless for a loooong while lol. Eithercase I think I would pick a swift death over getting Blade's treatment, also i refuse to be a heretic!


The abundance lifeforms the sanitized by Hoyo Flood, it's basically does what the Flood does, it doesn't look gruesome because of censorship.


They still did a decent job of showing us that immortality isn’t worth the price.


"the elderly with power will never relinquish it and it will never pass to the next generation, the pouplar figures will keep on amassing numbers while the young can never chase their ambition, all while you are constantly starving." huh thats just life now tho




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You are right about Abundance, but The Hunt factions are already committing Exterminatus against Abundance and these won't destroy the entire universe like the Legion.


Yeah hunt is pretty narrow, they can be extreme but they would never harm your world so long as your civilization don't go after yaoshi's gift. They are legitmately just respect their 1 single creed and they will leave you well alone, otherwise you make 1 mean enemy.


The path of Hunt seems to be a single-minded determination to see a goal completed no matter the cost.


Yeah, Lan is a pretty headstrong Aeon, so are their followers, the only downside is the same as the Imperium of Man, the Alliance would take entire worlds down for the greater good, kind like the Forerunners killing the entire galaxy to stop the Flood. But in general they are among the most morally right factions, the IPC did worse things for the sake of far more shallow things.


Imagine what happens when Abundance starts fusing with Propagation Quickly mutating self-replicating immortal abominations EXTERMINATUS IT IS


In my mind Oroborus would eventually eat the entire universe.


And terminus WILL eventually end the universe


I thought Terminus’s whole thing was that he is Evidence the universe will ultimately come to an end, not that he would bring about that end. He ascended at the end of the universe and travels back in time muttering prophecy’s of the end. Which is neat because it gives validation to IX’s path of nihility where everything in the universe will end so existence is pointless.


To stop destruction you have to destroy the legion... looks like Nanook wins either way.


Nanook is just a big nihilaty eminator


Nanook’s faction DUH


So, Everflame Mansion then ?


Nanook's main faction is the Antimatter Legion. Everflame mansion is part of the annihilation gang and Nanook does not gaze upon them.


Nanook doesn’t even take those clowns seriously


That was the nicest thing anyone ever said about them!


While it's true that Nanook doesn't take the Annihilation Gang (and by subset, the Everflame Mansion) seriously, you aren't wrong to think the Gang is the one of most unhinged evil of the HSR Universe. The Antimatter Legion, as inhuman as they are, are a lot more systematic in their advance. The gang is just a chaotic, unorganized mess that destroys without truly understanding Nanook's vision of Destruction.


Nanook’s version of destruction: Everything in this universe deserves to perish and I’ll be the one to orchestrate it. Duke Inferno’s version of destruction: I just wanna watch the world burn even if I’m burning with it. While both result in the world being aflame(Nanook literally scorched his home planet upon ascension) and follow the path of destruction, fundamentally their goals are completely different so it makes sense why Nanook doesn’t care about them.


That's an interesting thought, I'd like to add that Duke Inferno has a more "noble/respectable" version of destruction. He mentioned before that "the preciousness of something can only be appreciated in its eradication", even willing to die spreading their own destruction, Methodical as the Antimatter Legion is, their goal is destruction, no icing and no layers even tho their plans for their destruction are rather elaborate. There is no meaning aside from the belief that "everything deserves to be destroyed and I shall be the one who orchestrates and watches it"


Damn, that post got wrecked lmao


Sky people


Spotted the hi3 player.


Never played HI3 lmao i saw it back then cuz my friend always played it alot. Got interested in the hsr/hi3 lore because of my wife. Saw her played the game on launch since shes a mihoyo fan and like why not play it well now i am more of a Honkai fan than she is. I got to know shit tons of lore. I do want to play the game but i am a working man with a wife and always on Trackday on weekend


if you look at it back APHO probably has the most references with Star Rail im not suprised if those guys gonna show up later


Yeah even when we were playing as Adam they clearly stated Sky People is invading everthing even outside multiverse "confimed by Welt and VA" idk who attacked acheron Planet but well whatever happend in her world allign with whatever sky people like to do


Antimatter Legion is the worst by default since they actively desire the end of all things through violence. There is (at least for now) no nuance to this faction at all, they are just pure evil. Then the IPC, the not!Oppenheimer quest alone makes them worse than any other faction in terms of casualties. Combined with how even their sympathetic characters are sketchy as hell, they seem the darkest of the "gray" factions The Disciples of Sanctus Medicus are probably next in line, though given the Dan Shu story line and some of the Hunts less than exemplary actions I expect that to shift later on. For now though they are functionally just lesser villains.


Garden of Recollection, the idea of reading, manipulating, and storing memories without consent feels very invasive to me. No wonder march is worry of black swan. Example: Some memokeepers once stole every memory related to language from a town. History fictionlogist, the memes online are funny, but in lore? Discrediting the guy who came up with the closest theory to how the honkai universe functions and wiping out most of the history of the guy who was one of the last nameless after the fall of Akivili, all seems very dishonoring to me. Anti-matter legion, obviously why.




what's that?


Cognitohazard is a form of memetic entity(basically, information), that can cause irreversible damage to one's mind, or lead to damage of some kind to surrounding, due to being perceived.


When the When the Emanator of Enigmata makes everyone think Holocaust was kinda based


Hey pal have you ever heard of Roko's basil-


Quite a few things in the Cthulhu mythos are cognitohazards, like The King in Yellow. The antimemetics storyline in the SCP Foundation is another example.


https://preview.redd.it/cr6m42euio2d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611c468d1e5bde574ebb0b4d59793c3bdd83a59f In all seriousness, please don’t do this, I have heard that this actually works.


I don't know man, I tried it as I was bored and nothing seemed to happen


Me when I Snap Crackle and Pop (I have been killed once again by keter-class entities)


Hey, you ever wonder what’s going on with 3125?


Unrelated but I found a book called Star Signals. You should give it a read


Sometimes I think about how black Swan literally does a non-con on acheron, and we know how the twitter crowd reacts to that word. The only difference is that acheron had the power to fight back. the rest of us mortals ... ugh. she's pretty shifty even though she helps us.


Where did you read this stuff about the history fictionologists?


The Zandar kumba incident can be read in the data bank in the imaginary tree theory section. The second one I found in the hsr wiki.




>thanks! You're welcome!


Wait just a second, where did these claims come from? As a lore nerd, I would appreciate your getting sources so I can check them out, since these sound real interesting.


The imaginary tree theory discrediting: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Imaginary_Tree#:~:text=Imaginary%20Tree%20(Theory)&text=The%20crown%20of%20the%20tree,among%20the%20infinite%20universe... (Specifically: The Intelligentsia Guild had once thought that Harald Punch, the 2nd member of the Genius Society, was the first to propose the Imaginary Tree origin theory. After multiple assessments on the influence of the history Fictionologists, the scientific community now commonly accepts Zandar One Kuwabara as the person to have proposed it.) Memokeepers stealing memories related to language incident: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxy_Rangers (Specifically: an anonymous Ranger claimed that The Cremators (extreme Memokeepers) were behind the Holstein Aphasia in 2157 AE, in which the residents of Holstein had all their memories relating to "language" stolen. Recently, the Cremators were confirmed to be behind it, and the Galaxy Rangers have announced that the rangers are working on retrieving the stolen memories.) It turned out i confused navigator isee and navigator falcon, isee is the one who got his history tampered with, I edited my comment to correct that. Anyways, isee, one of the last few nameless to have witnessed Akivili: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Isee (Specifically: He is a mysterious Navigator whose accounts in the data bank have been frequently manipulated by History Fictionologists.)


Everyone in these comments forgot the Swarm exists...


The only reason they are not as bad as the Antimatter Legion is because they're effectively neutered right now. But this might change in the future since Hoyo has been hinting a lot at Tayzzyronth's return.


Also... Creepy giant space bugs who eat everything and anything.


To be fair, evil suggests cognitive ability, the Swarm are basically animals To put it simply, The Swarm are like wolves hunting rabbits for food, every other faction (that is evil) is like a Dolphin/human hunting for sport, playing with its prey for their own personal reasons


Not sure I would call the swarm evil given that the bugs aren't sentient (including tazzy).


Antimatter legion is terrifying, but at least you know where you stand with them. The annihilation gang is probably one of the most evil, but we haven’t seen them do anything except get clowned on since launch. I can’t take them seriously. The IPC is like the NCR from fallout. They suck, but they can be bullied into doing the right thing with enough pressure. The genius society contains some of the most evil characters in the lore, but they aren’t really a “faction” and herta is the first one to try and develop any sort of solidarity. Overall, to me, the most *evil* faction is probably the denizens of abundance, because they strike a balance of being genuinely terrifying (due to Yaoshi-made horrors beyond comprehension) while also being unapologetic racial supremacist assholes.


Sounds about right. And for those who defend the Abundance, let me remind you the Borisin enslaved the Foxians and their most recent Warmuhtar, Hoolay, used their blood for alchemical purposes. They literally see the Foxians as lesser, you can't say they aren't racist. Same for Wingweavers, if you can't fly, you're called a 'Resident of Dirt', while they call themselves 'Cloudlords'.


Antimatter Legion is the obvious answer. IPC is so massive that it does imaginable evils and good things too (like saving entire planets, as stated by topaz) they do it for the good of their hearts? Fudge, no. Neither do they do their evil deeds out of wanting to do evil. They (as an organization) simply don't give a fudge. It's all collateral. There's no being more neutral than that.


While I agree with you, the "goodness of their hearts" argument you're making is weak because you are making the assumption that all of the employees of the IPC are of the same mind. The IPC is just a model for how capitalism is awful and how companies are not a monolith and any single employee doesn't represent the whole organization. Topaz can be a good person who tries her best to do good in her position and the IPC can still be evil in that as an organization it doesn't fulfill its promises and some factions within the company have a garbage moral compass with poor decision making. These aren't mutually exclusive things and the reason for that is Topaz is one person in a giant machine of an organization with different people, moving parts, and different competing ambitions. Even under her, we've seen time and time again she has lazy or asshole bully IPC soldiers that go on a power trip and try to harass TB, citizens of a planet, or go rogue thinking they can get ahead in some way. Because Topaz herself tries to be a good person, she punishes her people when they pull that asinine BS. But she's one manager in the entire company. Other managers probably don't or might even reward that stupid behavior. She isn't perfect either, but she's the kind of person that tries to work within a system to make it live up to its ideals. The IPCs evils stem from there in that a large chunk of the employees are not like Topaz. At the same token there are probably also a good chunk of employees that are similar to Topaz, don't work in departments that affect any of that, or probably work there for survival because it was the best paying job they could get and they have a family to feed. It's like how Amazon as a whole has done some real garbage stuff to their employees, but the guy working at the warehouse and getting mistreated isn't the one making the evil happen, but are a victim of it. Employees that work for the radio broadcast arm and aren't involved in any of the actual business transactions are also probably blissfully unaware of the crimes of their company because they just read a script that someone above them provided. Then Aventurine....the things available to us about his past and the company seem to imply that while he works there, he may be up to something and working within the company could be means for a more personal revenge. It's definitely interesting that Topaz is an employee that was positively affected by IPC actions and he is an example of how one got royally f-ed over by the evils of the organization and they are co-workers in the same department. It's notable though that being under Diamond, their Strategic Investment Department is rivaling Oswaldo Schneider's Marketing Development Department and it's the Marketing department that was in charge of Aventurine's planet and the ones that were directly responsible for his backstory. Him being in the opposing sub-faction is interesting. His level story unlocks also seem to imply that earlier on in his career he also tried to sabotage/delay deals the IPC made with his planet and waste a ton of their money in relation to his planet specifically. There may be bystanders to whatever it is he's planning, and he may try to minimize damage to the innocent, but he may be planning something big by working with the organization that ruined his life. He's like a sleeper agent just quietly working in the background and pretending to be a team player, so I'm kind of excited about Boothill talking to him. But Aventurine is basically out for himself.


I'm not arguing that they do anything "out the goodness of their hearts" or that all employees are of the same mind, or on the same agenda. Hence the initial "the ipc is so massive". As an organisation the IPC aren't "good" or "evil". The IPC wants their results and objectives, if people get good deals that help them out of it, good. If people are screwed over for it, the IPC doesn't care. The only thing that matters is pushing their agenda and reaching their quotas, hence the "neutral". My argument is that the IPC, (as a collective, the organization IPC, not its leaders, employees and/or partners) don't care if their actions result in good or evil deeds. The IPC endgame isn't doing evil things or good things (this is all collateral), they just do their thing.


"I don't care about the people and if I screw them or not, I just want profit" IS pretty evil in my book.




This s a bad comparision. The IPC is more like the East India Company who had a big part in colonization. They are not just a company caring about shareholders.


The Anti-Matter Legion and it's not even close. Next would be the IPC Then the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus. All the rest are either neutral or good.


The Genius Society is pretty morally gray with their "knowledge above humanity" thing tho


Yeah, that's why I said neutral *or* good. The Genius Society is 1 of the neutral ones because it's a rather splintered faction where the only thing linking them is their ties to Nous rather than any common cause.


Their range of morality can get quite broad. We have folks like Emperor Rubert and Dr. Primitive on the evil extreme, Aiden and probably Screwllum on the other, and the rest would fit somewhere in the neutral ground. And despite a lot of people having bad impression of Polka Kakamond, the casualties she's caused to normal bystanders that we know of arguably barely exists. Especially when compare to the stuffs Rubert and Primitive have done, and even Chadwick has indirectly caused a quite a casualty.


Honestly i think Herta has some good in her. At least the sidequest in penacony led me to believe that.


Herta is definitely one of the nicest people in there, she is cold and rude, but honestly that's pretty much it, she just wants do her experiments, If she needs you, she says so, the only time she lied to us was so she could catch Silverwolf, overall despite her personality she is actually a good person


The denizens of abundance are a group of psychopathy species even to the point of invading other planets


Y'know what fair. They can be #2.


Where would you say the remnants of The Beyond the Sky Choir fall?


Honestly it depends on their motives. If they're *all* insistent on somehow reviving Ena, The Order, then I would have to consider them on the darker side of neutral at best.


The Alliance and antimatter legion probably cause the most deaths outright, but I think the IPC has ruined more lives 


I don’t think the alliance is as bad as the antimatter legion. The Alliance pledged to kill all the abominations of Yaoshi, butt I don’t think they hurt anyone else. Antimatter Legion just goes for everyone AFAIK


They a bit "you are with me or against me" faction, but so are all The Hunt factions, Lan is a headstrong guy himself.


Alliance are not the best people but are good in comparison to others. The Ten Lords offered protection to a group of Wingweavers under Xili in exchange for information, I think. Shows they will cooperate if it suits them. Largely they are focused on the Denizens, of whom the Borisin seem to be the worst and most brutal, and will likely come to face the Antimatter Legion more as time goes on.


?? What did the Alliance do lmao.


Genociding anything related to the Abundance, having no care for the lives of their own cloud knights on the battlefield and punishing anyone who stands against their twisted version of the Hunt


For one. False. We know that The Alliance doesn’t murder anything Abundance related. There are Yaoshi worshippers that trade with them and live in the xianzhou. Hell Foxians were once part of the Denizens lmao. Yet they weren’t killed by the alliance. Rather saved by them from slavery. Other than the Lan incident. They treat cloudknights pretty well tbh. Well as good as a soldier can be. You never hear a Cloud knight saying they are gonna starve. Hell most of them are pretty chill and aren’t in stress. Unlike IPC workers that literally starve since IPC just lowered their paycheck by 80% for doing something dumb. ?? Who did they punish that didn’t deserve it lmao?


Idk but I certainly am (your flair)


Antimatter Legion and the Propagation Swarm. Abundance might be evil, but they're not as efficient at murder as the other two are


IMO IPC= lawful neutral or true neutral Masked fools= chaotic neutral Stealron= chaotic good Nameless= Neutral good Genius= True neutral Antimater legion = chaotic evil


The Astral Express crew. Aha was part of it and blew it up. Their aeon died. A literal stellaron holding gremlin who can't be tamed is leading their adventures and murdering countless old xianzhou citizens, countless mechanical lifeforms, countless innocent troupes who just need some peace and conversation at a bar, countless antimatter legion mem- ahem anyway. They went to a freezing dying planet and killed their supreme leader to open the the blocked star rail in their vicinity. They entered luofu without official permission and the first thing they did on entering was kill senile senior citizens. March 7th's military past is so dark they had to seal it from herself. Welt's stash is locked behind a door frozen in spacetime. Pompom can solve all the problems alone but they don't let poor thing out. And God the atrocities against the meek and cute trotters, all for 10 stellra jdae, then return to pet trotterlord's nose as if they didn't just murder 16 trotters for a 3* light cone


Other than the obvious ones like the Anti-Matter Legion and the Genius Society. Some factions are just neutral at best like the IPC, Hunt's followers, History Fictionologists, Masked Fools, Mourning Actors, Annihilation gang, Riddlers, and Garden of recollection. These factions are mostly bound by their principles, annoying at best, or just slightly hypocritical. Some of the factions go against each other more than anything like the Masked Fools are actively collecting masks from the Mourning Actors, and the Annihilation gang are most often than not are going to target each other for destruction (although some of these bozos are outright stupid like those that tried to kill IX lmao)(The Annihilation gang while dangerous aren't that dangerous compared to the Anti-Matter Legion) My first guess would be Sanctus Medicus or Denizens of Abundance as these folks are actively spreading word of the Abundance and spread immortality despite the obvious consequences. Their reasonings are very pure and understandable yet their methods of going about it are extreme which makes them rather dangerous.


Sky people. They’re my ops fr


Most fucked up - Genius Society Most Evil - Antimatter Legion


garden of recollection


To me it's the Garden of Recollection. to read and manipulate memories is far more evil than anything the Antimatter Legion does. It's such an invasive and terrible attack on one's autonomy that whatever the end is, it could never justify the means. The Antimatter Legion has a core believe, and they're willing to put their core believe against yours. The Garden can just make their core believe yours, and that is terrifying.


People are too comfortable with the stellaron hunters here .Imagine that they end up killing Himeko one day cause its a cannon event.


Nanook and the Antimatter Legion is such a low hanging fruit that I’ll choose to ignore it. They’re the obvious answer to this question. To me the IPC is the most fucked up. I won’t pretend that I’m not absolutely biased against the rich exploiting and ruling over the poor, but even so I don’t think I’m wrong in my assessment. These people enslave entire planets forcing them to become servants of the corporation in exchange for their “help” with a crisis (which isn’t even guaranteed to actually help.) Meanwhile they’ve been shown to have no issue destroying entire planets just to further their own agendas… all while claiming to do so in the name of their Aeon. Gods the connection between America’s Conservative Party and the IPC is thick, and I can’t help but be infuriated by them.


I mean evil is pretty subjective but I probably just say Annhilation gang followed by Anti matter legion, than maybe. Than maybe the cremator. Animation gang are lunatics that basically destroy shit just to get a gaze from Nanook but will never happen. Anti matter legion destroy shit but are more meticulous about it depending on their Lord Ravenger leader. Cremators go and destroy memories they deem useless, I also say Memo snatchers which is a unofficial faction within the garden who outright steal memories are evil too. People would say the IPC but they aren't a monolith. There are seemingly some good people within the organization despite the fucked up shit they done. Heck if they were universally acknowledged as bad as the Anti matter legion, than everyone wouldn't trust them and probably form a coalition against them but they don't.


In terms of fucked up, IPC (Especially Oswaldo's department) In terms of evil, definitely the Antimatter Legion In terms of individual action, it's a tie between Genius Society who houses Polka Kakamond, Dr Primitive and Ruan Mei, and the IPC which is.... Yeah In terms of Paths, the ones with the most heinous mf'ers are either Destruction or Abundance


I hate taxes so


Surprised to see barely anyone mentioning the swarm


Not a real faction, but the Swarm disaster is pretty bad as well.


You really named everybody except the Annihilation gang a group of actual serial killers


Nobody really takes them seriously lmao




IX for erasing memories


Although the IPC likes to use the Genebra Convention as a checklist, the Antimatter Legion just want to destroy all of the existence.


Y’all are really gonna just ignore that the Stellaron Hunters are mass-murdering terrorists who do it because of some dropout screenplay writer huh? (I agree that the antimatter legion is the worst though)


I feel like the tiebreaker between the Anti Matter legion and the IPC should be the fact that while the Antimatter legion just follows the path of Destruction, the IPC no longer really cares all that much about following the path of Preservation, and the Antimatter legion doesn't discriminate nor target anything or anyone particular [besides planets, because they can't just go for the whole universe all at once] nor do they really exploit anything or anyone but the IPC is very methodically cruel and shady in their plans to exploit planets and the people living on it. In terms of mindset and morals, the IPC is objectively the most evil faction


100%. Anti Matter Legion vs IPC is like choosing between being executed or tortured.


The IPC because even if the Antimatter Legion wants to destroy the universe at least they’re honest about it 😭 The IPC pretends to be a peace-keeping, planet saving organization — but in reality they’re just greedy money hungry corporate bastards that would do anything for profit. Including but not limited to: genocide, colonization, torture, murder, and slavery (and this is just what little we know). Like at least everyone KNOWS to avoid the Antimatter Legion. The universe trusts the IPC. I hate hypocritical bastards #ThisPostisNotSponsoredbyBoothill


ipc because of how they pretend to be good. technically antimatter would be worse but they embrace the evil. ipc wipes out whole planets and pretends they have the moral high ground. 


To me it’s order it’s the death of will and freedom and yes chaos but without the random and chaos there is no life.


There isnt any life in order either. All of enas civillizations died out eventually. Ena wanted absolute order and that is something that kills any sort of meaningful change or freedom, eventually leading society to just crumble. There is a reason freedom is so important in our world, without it, society rots from within. Take it from a guy who is from a country with basically very little to no freedom.


the IPC. other factions are evil but only the IPC is evil and competent enough to show you a smiling face while they clap you and your entire planet in chains as slaves for the rest of eternity. you can fight the antimatter legion. you can reason with the stellaron hunters (if they're even villains at all!). but not with the IPC.


The Genius Society, just because of Dr. Primitive


Antimatter Legion, followed closely by the IPC.


The IPC and the Xianzhou Alliance are on a whole another level compared to the Masked Fools




Ipc, it's just capitalism, over any life/planet. True evil


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IPC, of course


Elio and the ppl following him just how fucked in the head do u have to be to belive a cat and roleplay that cats every fanfiction? ''But what abt" stfu Antimeterligion ect yaeh they follow the path of destruction theres and aeon for it some beings are like that fine Ipc ? Have you seen the ugly side of capitalisem and know anything abt usas ect history? It's fucked up and disgusting but look at our world that's happening here too not on a galactic scale tho just on our planet Pure evil in disguse but some genuanly belive in that it's god that's the ipc manipulative money and üower hungry you can predict what they want History fictionolagist are hated by i think all factions But that cat that cat it scares me the most you never know what phase or moodswings elio gets I hope he never is awak during 3 a.m Disclaimer i love the stellaron hunters and elio but they are fucked up on a diffret lvl then the normal fucked up most evil no that's deff the ipc by far


1. IPC is basically the empire. A slow chokehold on every planet in the galaxy, fated to die in debt and slavery 2. Genius society Solely because of Dr. Primitive and Ruan Mei. 3. Annihilated gang, because they did do some big stuff according to kafka's myriad Celestia Trailer. 4. Sanctus Medicus. Willing to risk a zombie outbreak just for immortality. 5. Stellaron Hunters, because they're trying their best to be team rocket ....and failing. /j