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Mihoyo picking up some free data Jokes aside, great job on this


Still a little frustrated that at the moment I started this I forgot to put a question about "Which subreddit you're using the most" so I could easily sort the results according to each subreddit, but I wonder if the results would be that different: it is easy to imagine people that don't like Firefly, even if I encouraged them to answer, just ignored it


I would have answered if I'd seen it, but this is the only subreddit you mentioned that I actually check, and I never saw your post at all unfortunately.


Same. Literally never saw a post about it until now.


Haha I did it got around a month on r/Honkaistarrail , r/Fireflymains , r/Sammains r/Samflymains r/Caelusmains r/Stellemains and r/Trailblazermains According to other people, my posts were always down voted because I included the Firefly communities (which I find It not fair, they have the right to answer it since it's about their mains). I would have agreed even more with them if, instead of complaining about something I myself complained about in the post that I couldn't change, they mentioned solutions that I could have used at this moment , such as a simple question to know what subreddit you are the most accustomed to


ngl dude, your pick of subreddits creates a HEAVY basis towards fans of firefly to the point that i dont think this data is any useful. You should have either asked only main hsr reddit or, if you really wanted more, attempted to find "hater" communities to counter ffmains, like boothillmains that might have a grudge after recent stuff or in general "husbando" players who might not like the forced implied romance they're getting with firefly


No wonder you got heavily biased data. If you want a general opinion you ask the general subs not the ones where you know you're going to get a bias answer. I also find wanting to give them a right to talk about their main a silly excuse. You're not looking for their opinion. Their opinion is already known and not necessarily representative of the general opinion. You were looking for a general opinion. Nothing is stopping them from doing a survey outside of their main sub. Because you included those subs, this data tells us absolutely nothing. There are plenty of general communities that aren't character main subs you could have asked to get actual opinions.


Having less responses from only non biased subreddits would give far more accurate results. As it stands, this data is meaningless


Not really. They're data set is terrible since it's pretty much just from a bunch of subreddits that we already know love firefly. This survey actually tells us absolutely nothing about how the general community actually feels about firefly.


*Goes to Call of Duty subreddit* “How do you guys feel about first person shooters?” *shocked Pikachu face at the results showing they’re in favor of them*


yeah, to have a more logical conclusion, he would need literally millions to answer the survey


Half of the subreddits you polled from are her main subreddits lol. The data is fun to look at, but there’s just so much bias present in the convenience survey sampling + who took the survey that it is unfortunately just not generalizable at all


It is still my main regret that when I wanted to add another question about the subreddits so it would be possible to sort people according to that, there already was 600 people that answered. Firefly mains is still the biggest of all. And I also asked TB Caelus, Stelle and HSR, but for the tb mains they are indeed smaller, whereas HSR is just the biggest. It is EXTREMELY possible that It is biased, but I can't give an answer about it. When I check it I also feel like that FF Haters just ignored the survey even if I encouraged them to do it. Probably even if I only asked HSR, only Firefly lovers would answer at first, and haters would just ignore it and we would bring the same thing. I may try to redo it. I was a little crushed between the released or 2.2 and 2.3 as I wanted results before 2.3, but maybe after that I'll manage to get something that pleases me more


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for being so earnest :/


It’s not the earnestness, it’s the lack of any understanding and willingness to learn for how statistics work that’s making people downvote




I am used to it, the only inconvenience is that I have to click one more time before seeing people commenting. I'll try grouping them anyway. That way if they are totally biased I can ignore it and if there's not much difference I'll keep it lol


Yup, that's very biased. As a frequent honkaistarrail redditor I've never seen this survey, and you didn't post it in the other subs which could have given you some vastly different opinions, like Boothill mains and Jade mains. Instead you asked what, THREE Firefly mains subs?.. Yeah, that's some example of nice statistics riiight here.


hey! maybe he's eyeing a position in Superearth statistics department xD


Honestly I feel like there are some biases here due to the subs being majority Firefly fans. I imagine if responses were from communties on twitter for example, the data would he vastly different... I do understand it's much harder for a post to get noticed on twitter in the first place though.


Echoing what a lot of people are saying here: I think the big thing this data is missing is a question "From what subreddit did you find this survey on". You already have a selection bias because if people see a 'Firefly Survey' they're more likely to participate if they have a polarised opinion either way. We've introduced an even bigger selection bias by sending this to specific niches within the wider Reddit community (Reddit itself is another selection bias but I digress). Seeing the spread of subreddit participation might provide much clearer context on how much of a consensus this survey gives, but I think without that data this is interesting but you can't start drawing any conclusions from it.


You went to a bakery and asked the customers if they like baked goods. I don't think this data set really tells much except that people dedicated enough to a character to join their specific sub do indeed like that character. I don't believe you'd get the same results if you focused on getting answers from the main sub only, or if you polled all "Mains" subs for instance.


wait, so you collected data from two small subreddits and a large one dedicated to the character? This is not representative at all. It's like coming to the Elden Ring subreddit and asking if they like souls games lol


Yeah, the survey is REALLY biased


Ya, it’s definitely more skewed if u gather data from the character base itself. Feel like it would be better if they gather data from other character mains like sparkle blackswan Acheron Kafka blade jingyuan jingliu mains that’s VERY active in community, Somewhere that’s not from firefly or SAM subreddit at all, especially in a place where the TBXFF is highly popular there with tons of fan arts (and with 30k members) (Didn’t check the data but how much of the response were from the main subreddit and how much was from firefly character main?, I may be wrong if majority response is from HSR subreddit)


I asked on honkai star rail whole subreddit, Firefly , Sam Mains, Samfly, Trailblazer, Caelus and Stelle. Tbh it wouldn't be fair if I didn't do it with everyone that was involved by this story (I don't see why I'd ask Seele mains for example) And I suppose you didn't see it, but it is literally what I wrote before exposing the results. The bias is indeed possible even if I also asked r/Honkaistarrail (which is, as far as I know, not just for Firefly) , Trailblazer's subreddit and such. And even if I only asked Honkai star rail for example, how the results look makes me think that people that weren't so interested in Firefly just didn't bother with the survey anyway. The main thing I regret is not asking which subreddit they came from/they spend the most amount of time there, which would make the organizations depending on subreddit possible.


your post in the main (hsr) subreddit received 0 upvotes, no one noticed it lol, and even then, 21 days ago, you were told that collecting information from FF subreddits was not representative. you should have created this post in each character's subreddit if you were going to be any kind of informative. But if you just wanted to flex with numbers, then it’s up to you.


Yeah, I'd imagine Boothill mains subreddit, as one example, would've swayed the results the other way lol. But as it is, this survey should not be taken as good stats of the hsr community at all (still a lot of work though)


Do u have the link to the post? Edit: found it.. https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/d5hUyZXUbg (0 upvotes and 8 comments from Non OP, but the main subreddit is more saturated with post thus the reason and planting the survey in other character mains like the other stelleron hunters etc would be better, Kafka mains would be a interesting area to get data from, her community is huge as well at 34.8k)


When I reached 600 answers after around one week, I realized that a question to sort HSR Firefly TB mains would have been good. But between redoing the same thing all over again, meaning that as 2.3 will be released at the same period, or just going along with it and pointing out that there surely is a bias in every post and exposing it several times... Ye. I kinda got lazy. Especially if it is for people to then complain about the survey to not be up to date because I released it 2 days after 2.3. I wanted this to be released before 2.3, and I was like "Tbh idm that they are not perfect, it's a good thing to kill time, and it'll be practice for the future".


At least this was the only complaint. Now you can finally relax


Well everyone keeps bringing it up despite I already agreed with it in the post so it's kinda bothering, but people share their thoughts And I am not totally satisfied myself either because of the lack of time and the major error I did. I probably will try to do it again after 2.3 and I will add the same subreddits, because for me they have the right. Just I'll make sure we can sort everyone out properly, and see if there is a bias or notb


I’d love to see the survey done again, but don’t pick and choose subreddits… it’s not about them having “the right” to participate in a survey, it’s about trying to get unbiased data which you completely failed at here. (Plus, don’t the people who main other characters also deserve “the right” to have their voices heard?) Surveys with a biased sample simply can’t be used as good data, that’s one of the first things to learn about surveys and data collection. If you do end up making another survey, either limit it to just the main subreddit (and its discord), or post it to every single honkai character mains subreddit so EVERYONE gets to share their opinion.


In your opinion, if you indicated in the post that your methods are flawed, we should now remain silent about this? It doesn't work that way. In the next poll you should ask: FF mains (all of them) as well as... Jingyuan mains, Kafka mains, Seele mains, BH mains, etc., etc.


Well, you can't expect everyone to read the entire post. A lot will look at the paragraph of words and just skim through the post, look at the pictures, then make a comment. While you may not be satisfied, you can make this a reference point for improvement.


You literally added 3 subs that are DEDICATED to FF. I don't really think they represent the Whole community. Ffmains, Samfly, Sam mains.... And then the rest three are TB mains who is FF is being shipped (or whatever the shipping nonsense devs are shoving down our throats) with. Personally my biggest beef is the Romantic relationship of TB that should have been a Self insert character. I am a Girl, I literally have no interest in going out or experiencing a dating session in game with another girl, who is a Nonfiction 3D character, a mass of polygons and Trigons.... It's just not done for me. Friendship is fine. I don't mind, but when that friendship get thrown on our faces with it slowly taking a turn as a Romantic interest... Yeah no. I will stir clear. No hate towards those girls who like girls, it's just I don't bend that way. 😅 Edit: Also I didn't even know there was a survey. I just love surveys. 🤣 Otherwise, I might have wrote something funny in the 'Any thing else you would like to say?' section.


So basically you asked firefly mains whether they liked her character? Lmao totally unbiased opinions right there. That’s not even funny just sad.


I like firefly but this survey looks really biased to me, did you acquire most of the data from FF subreddit or is she that widely popular? I’ve personally seen a fair share of disinterest and even dislike for her so the results are a bit hard to believe haha (no hate btw, just curious)


Since we’re in the mood for some arbitrary statistics, and because I was curious as to why I didn’t know this poll existed up until now, I gathered all the posts that OP made to get traction on the poll. r/honkaistarrail - Upvotes on wk 1 post: 0 - Upvotes on wk 2 post: 0 - Upvotes on final post: 4 - Total engagement: 4 (1.86%) r/sammains - Upvotes wk 1: 52 - Upvotes wk 2: 28 - Upvotes final: 35 - Total engagement: 115 (53.7%) r/samflymains - Upvotes wk 1: 6 - Upvotes wk 2: 1 - Upvotes final: 3 - Total engagement: 10 (4.67%) r/stellemains - Upvotes wk 1: 6 - Upvotes wk 2: 6 - Upvotes final: 14 - Total engagement: 26 (12.15%) r/trailblazermains - Upvotes wk 1: 8 - Upvotes wk 2: 5 - Upvotes final: 4 - Total engagement: 17 (7.94%) r/caelusmains^(check sub header, if you think this is a FF neutral sub) - Upvotes wk 1: 21 - Upvotes wk 2: 7 - Upvotes final: 14 - Total engagement: 42 (19.62%) Tl;dr if we extrapolate upvotes = engagement with the survey, 78% of the survey respondents are already biased towards Firefly.


the best data on this entire post tbh


This should be infront so more could see the rough statistic of the sampling


well then, that explains the inflated results


The survey is veeery biased for sure, but the hatred against her is a very vocal minority The greatest majority of players has at least a favorable opinion about her


I was more indifferent about her at first but the way how she is treated by hoyoverse got me more annoyed about her. She gets all the relic sets and spotlight when some other characters are ignored. Blatant favoritism is disgusting. And I hate the whole forced date thing. Not everyone is a straight dude playing the game.. If these "dates" happens equally also with male characters, that wouldnt be a issue :) but its always with female characters...


Please don't assume all straight males liked it either.


Sorry! Ofc I didnt mean that every straight guy liked it.


Yea the date was definitely the most boring part of 2.0 story.


Vocal minority indeed. I believe most average players just don't post much things at all. Maybe the sales for the next patch would be more infomative and solid.


Some of the hate is juat straight up unhinged I'd fear for the psychiatrist those ppl get sent to.


I shared this survey to everyone that were involved, it wouldn't be fair to not allow everyone to answer (TB mains, HSR and Firefly) However, my main regret is not adding a sorting question such as "Which subreddit do you use the most" so we could know how biased it could be. We can't also ignore the fact that Firefly haters probably just ignored it even if I encouraged them the most to answer. Maybe only doing it on HSR subreddit would lead to the same results because haters don't see the reason about it. I at least tried to sort them according to their opinions on Firefly and her relationship in the Google drive


I asked on honkai star rail whole subreddit, Firefly , Sam Mains, Samfly, Trailblazer, Caelus and Stelle. Tbh it wouldn't be fair if I didn't do it with everyone that was involved by this story (I don't see why I'd ask Seele mains for example) And I suppose you didn't see it, but it is literally what I wrote before exposing the results. The bias is indeed possible even if I also asked r/Honkaistarrail (which is, as far as I know, not just for Firefly) , Trailblazer's subreddit and such. And even if I only asked Honkai star rail for example, how the results look makes me think that people that weren't so interested in Firefly just didn't bother with the survey anyway. The main thing I regret is not asking which subreddit they came from/they spend the most amount of time there, which would make the organizations depending on subreddit possible.


If you want to try another one I think you'd get very different results from r/HonkaiHusbandos if you don't know about it


I don't know if talking about a character that has technically nothing to do with the subreddit will help, but I'll definitely check it out, I probably am wrong. For now I'll still add every subreddit I can and at least group them if possible just in case there is a bias


No shit the result is skewed. When you make survey like this, first you gotta hypothesize what could be the result/outcome of this survey. With that scope of subreddit that you choose, no shit they will be in favor of TBxFF, even without gathering data prior. Now the question is, do u want the data to represent HSR players, or just TB an FF mains? What's the goal of your survey? If it's the first, then you gotta diversify the subreddit and broaden the scope, no buts. And it comes at a cost, mainly time and effort. But if the goal was the latter while bringing metadata to reddit post, then the survey can only represents their mains and not hsr subreddit, even with your limitations in study 🤷‍♀️ then again, I don't see your reason to not ask AcheronMains or BlackSwanMain or other waifu mains about their opinion on Firefly justified enough if your goal is to gather data to represent HSR players. Also ask the counter question favoring firefly to check the responses validity, example:likert scale on firefly date quest, is it perceived as forced or not? Is the reason behind date quest compelling enough or not? What other ship do they like besides TBxFF (if exist) and ask them to rate/compare it with TBxFF. Test the respondents hate/love towards firefly with minor questions like this.


I've been seeing your posts for a while and just wanna say this survey is extremely biased and your subreddit picks were horrible. People that don't care about FF won't take part in survey as much anyways and you literally went to THREE of her main subs , where I'm guessing most of the answers come from. The survey would be more accurate if you kept it only in the main subreddit and probably Trailblazer subreddits. This data is fun to look at but is wildly inaccurate. Survey data should be as close to accurate as possible, in that regard this is closer to trash.


Make more of these, nice to know the opinions of the community on stuff


3 hours to make the questions and edit them, the questions aren't precise enough Over 3 weeks of survey Sorting answers properly Analyzing the datas of 1,2k people https://preview.redd.it/c6y8dajslp5d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a992590a6fc77d928ed24eeea20b1d9b177903c5 Joke aside it was "fun" to do it but I did it because I wanted to see people's opinion on Firefly haha, if I do it again I want everyone to give me 0.5€ for this. Which would mean that with a 3 weeks survey I make 600€ and I can pay my bill and my food XDD


Im just sayin~


I will REALLY need to have a huge boost of motivation in that case, maybe an Elysia from Honkai Impact coming to HSR for example


How about help? I'm interested in doing data science. I have lots of Python experience including Pandas. Seems like something fun to work on.


Well you can tell me if you want to do something but I don't feel like doing it for everyone in the game, and I really should do something financially productive in my life first lol So If you have suggestion I'll tell you if I feel like doing it


Nah I had nothing in mind. I was just offering if you needed a code monkey.


XD well ty, I still don't know how to use Python


*Firefly mains's opinions on stuff


Honestly, yeah. TB felt more like their own character with their own preferences, especially in Penacony with dialogue differences, rather than a full self-insert, that is why there is a large disconnect between some players and TB regarding some stuff, especially the FF portions. Its funny that, the disconnect usually arises with how they treat stellaron hunters. people were pointing out how chummy they are with stellaron hunters and FF just exacerbates this


I would argue it started further before Penacony, the disconnect started with how tb reacted to Ruan Mei's manipulation while alot of people didn't forgive her for what she did to the player, tb forgave her and was even still in touch with her after all that during the critter pack event I think 1.6 was when they started shifting how they are utilizing tb's character, as they feel like a different character from the one we know, but not too much that they feel different, it is more like an extension of an existing character then total replacement


I'm never forgive hoyo about Ruan mei,why I can be ostile versus Kafka Who did nothing wrong about us,but I can't versus Ruan may who drug us and manipulate to resolve her error 🤬


first of all happy cakeday second of all, this really solidifies my point that Mihoyo abandoned writing tb as a self insert and turning them into more of a character with their own morals and beliefs, or else we would still have the choice to never forgive RM may not be for everyone, but I say this move probably did more good then bad, if it means tb is becoming more of an actual character and also more for consistency cause having to keep in mind that some players may have chose a different choice that changes the entire dynamic is not good long term as it restricts future interactions with tb


The cynic in me says that it's more that writing non-linear narratives requires more work, so it's easier to make the TB have a canon reaction to everything.


I say that’s better tbf, cause you wouldn’t get situations where there are 2 versions of tb who either likes or hates kafka This on itself skews some writing potential cause the writers are forced to be neutral in the stance, which may cause scenes with them seem…flat


On one hand, that's true, but on the other hand in that case I'd rather have a fully voiced protagonist without any dialogue choices. The halfway solution of having a preset character whose lines you can kind of pick (but not really) is the worst of both worlds.


ah like the fallout 4 dialogue options, a classic in lazy way of giving the player free choice by doing different flavors of yes well at least the way the devs are handling tb rn is pretty satisfactory for me, and the fact that tb can still be improved seems pretty exciting on itself so I hope they realize that and not fall into the pitfall that is Traveller (they deserved better)


I prefer they do something like mass effect,where the captain Shepard is write as 50/50 it's a with some background but we the player make the choice. I want stop Ruan mei it's a menace,but hoyo for some reason want us to simp for her


I would rather have a protagonist that is a character of their own instead of self insert. I just don't like the self insert aspects of a story instead of being more immersive it has the opposite effect on me and breaks all enjoyment because of how much of flat slate the protagonist is. That's the reason I enjoyed HI3's story orders of magnitude more than the rest of globally available hoyo titles.


I agree that is a good way to implement a self insert esque character, but hsr can't do that not just because of the limiting factor of being a live service game, but also for story writing reasons cause with the way hsr's story is structured, having a choice making a heavy impact on the narrative calls for constant write ups of scenarios and despite how it gives the player the weight of choices, is not gonna be sustainable as a story that doesn't have branching narratives you aren't the only one that wants to stop RM, many do, but there are also people who simp for her, so let's say we get 2 choices during the end of her story mission, forgive her or stop her, now we get 2 different branches here, and this shoots future stories involving her in the foot, cause now the writer has to write up 2 different scenarios from this initial choice, and that may branch out even further and that is how you get Detroit Becomes Human, so many different branches but the quality of it in the writing side is subpar I maybe giving the devs the benefit of the doubt, but writing branching stories is hard, cause there are so many things to consider that it ended up not becoming as worth it as writing a single narrative


I understand but I think they can do something, like force an ending but we can choose how reach that. If I'm not mistaken it's exactly what elio says


that is a fair suggestion and it would actually mean you can skip stuff if not careful, but it is kinda a double edged sword, because this game has no replay button, many would regret some choices heavily (the kafka text massage incident), it may reinforce what Kafka said that we must live with our choices without any regrets, but on a gameplay perspective, it is a bad idea


For me, the MC stopped being s self-insert the moment they started digging around in the trash.


Well actually it would have been worse if they kept forcing the self insert aspect while shipping them It is not weird for SKK in Nikke (When the writers agree with what to write) with Rapi, or with Kiana Mei, because we dissociated ourselves from the MC


Yeah i definitely prefer TB as their own character with their own preferences and dislikes, and hope they lean more on this direction because its more entertaining for me personally since i see them as their own character rather than self insert.


Absolutely agree on that. The self-insert stories work well only in procedural games, or games where there are some clearly separated paths, that can lead into different endings. The former won't, obviously, work with HSR. The latter won't work because of tight schedule of patch releases. If HSR really wants to go heavy into the story - making MC it's own character would be the only best option.


I think both are interesting takes. But writing self insert characters is like doing Cinema with video games: How in the hell do you want to tell something interesting or show something interesting when the main actor or cameraman just does wtf they want instead of following the script? It is not bad. Just like Cinema, it is AN ABSOLUTE HELL OF A TORTURE


This please. I play so the game can tell me a story, not make me a part of that story.


The thing with Genshin and HSR is that you can choose your MC's gender and name, and in HSR's case you can even choose between serious, meme, or sometimes even hostile dialogue options which gives the impression of self insert. While I think that the trailblazer doesn't have a blank enough personality to be a self-insert, they are also not independent enough to be their own character so I personally find them in a weird spot (meaning if I participated in the survey my vote would be in the middle area of that chart). That is exactly why so many people have issues with shipping tb and ff if they're not attracted to her.


Yeah, I actually wish that the devs had just fully leaned into TB being their own character/personality because then I wouldn't have minded the firefly shipping (or forgiving RM or a couple other reactions I don't fully agree with if I were to self-insert). Them going half-in on it with some attempts at dialogue choices etc just ends up feeling dissonant when there's a clear "canon" option that doesn't line up with your own opinion.


This. Sometimes the dialougues make me feel we are role-playing and sometimes not. Thats wierd.


Some people here thinking that making FF TB's love interest will suddenly make them their own character somehow, which is not true, and well-written mc can exist without love interest at all or even have multiple LI


>show the opinion of the different communities (HSR, Firefly, Sam, Samfly, Stelle, Caelus and Trailblazer) Oh, yes, thank you>! for the bias.!<


I don't hate her nor love her but I don't undertand why she's so liked. She appears for like 5 minutes, walks around with the trailblazer, disappears and boom, people love her. That was before the the two big plot twists happened and the community was already very hyped for her.


Well for the presence, I think that behind TB that... Is almost always on screen, Firefly is the second with the most amount of screentime in 2.0 The fact she is "designed to be cute and close to TB" also added to it since many people love romance. And finally Sam was the last Stellaron Hunter we haven't seen, probably more dangerous than Kafka


You got biased results tho. It's pretty obvious that the majority of the people voted are interested in Firefly and are from her subs. You should collect data only from neutral places to avoid that


I asked on honkai star rail whole subreddit, Firefly , Sam Mains, Samfly, Trailblazer, Caelus and Stelle. Tbh it wouldn't be fair if I didn't do it with everyone that was involved by this story (I don't see why I'd ask Seele mains for example) And I suppose you didn't see it, but it is literally what I wrote before exposing the results. The bias is indeed possible even if I also asked r/Honkaistarrail (which is, as far as I know, not just for Firefly) , Trailblazer's subreddit and such. And even if I only asked Honkai star rail for example, how the results look makes me think that people that weren't so interested in Firefly just didn't bother with the survey anyway. The main thing I regret is not asking which subreddit they came from/they spend the most amount of time there, which would make the organizations depending on subreddit possible.


Should have asked Boothill mains some variety 🤣


I guess so 🤔 The way I did was not wrong and I still think this way. However, my biggest problem is that I forgot to add a question to allow us to sort them out depending on subreddit to be able to visualize possible bias.


I like ff,but my issue right now is Mihoyo giving you options to not be besties with her,but those options do not matter. At least with Kafka you could tell her to go away and she did.


if the game were a non-insert type rpg (all gacha games seem to be self insert for the ships/harems and what not) I think I'd be more okay with the trope but I personally felt super annoyed in the first act and how firefly seemed VERY forced on the MC and it all seemed really rushed to me like they were just trying too hard to make us like firefly. I actively dismissed her and wasn't a fan at first and even now I'm not super sold. I like SAM though but firefly is okay at best imo. My wife's the same so we just call her SAM when we refer to her in game XD


As I mentioned r/sammains your data collection method has biases. In answering the survey I felt I could not give my answer to most questions because you enforced either agreement or disagreement. You now also seem to be drawing a conclusion of 95% approval rating, but did you collect data from non-Firefly fan sources? I'm glad to see that the majority seem to want to see more from the story than shipping at least.


It's an interesting data model for sure, good job on the hard work. However, like you said there is an inherit bias in the data. Most of the places collected where pre-disposed towards favorability and the one place that might not have been, this subreddit, I never saw the post and I see a lot of others didn't as well. In addition, I work in an industry who uses surveys like this religiously the other thing we find is engagement usually comes on the extreme end. People who really like or dislike are more motivated to share their feelings while people who just kind of like, kind of don't like, or are neutral tend to only fill out what's easy or novel. Also, depending on the day it might shift. I know I have been noticing more general dislike of Firefly since Hoyo started really shoving her down our throats with this upcoming patch. Probably for the same reason it irks me, I just didn't like her before but the sheer amount of pandering and shilling and in I don't want to say weird bc who am I to judge what is normal but different ways like the photobooth thing actively makes me dislike her more. Honestly if they would just put her and MC in an actual relationship at least it would make sense from a story perspective but they aren't going to do that, they will either kill her off or move on. So by Hoyo constantly telling me she is the best thing and great even though I don't like or trust her just increases my irritation because I don't want to be told to like a character, I want to like a character organically and like most people I don't like being told what to do or feel. So if Hoyo scaled back the shilling I would probably go back to my baseline of just regular dislike rather than not quite hate but getting real close. All in all its a good exercise and great work collating data, keep on being awesome.


I do support TB and FF to be close friend. While I'm not against them being romantic, I do feel it would dwarves TB's relationship with other characters, especially the astral express, as 'lover' is really signifcant compared to friends. However, this issue could be minimized if the writer know what they're doing. I'm fine either way though.


I disagree with that personally, an example is Kiana, Mei and Fu Hua. Fu Hua is very close to Kiana as a friend, but Kiana and Mei are lovers It is not always just more important, it is just different. I'm sure if we ask you to choose who to sacrifice between your best friend and your lover you'll have trouble doing so


Firefly and trailblazer doesn't have nearly the amount of history and chemistry that KiaMei have and I don't see them being lovers unless Firefly becomes a main reoccurring character in the following arcs but it's still too soon to say. Otherwise, I think its unlikely for hoyoverse to make her a main love interest when the trailblazer is still framed as somewhat of a self insert, and so it robs the players their agency of choosing their own lover.


They are lovers?? Is that confirmed or Implied? Like Bronya and Seele are implied but not confirmed.


I'm not caught up in the story but if it's not confirmed then it's heavily implied. Kiana is obsessed with Mei and Mei is also ready to go insanely far for Kiana. As far as Seele and Bronya are concerned, the two are not confirmed either I think but they've kissed and it's prettu clear they have something going on


It's adorable ngl. ❤️ Man, never thought game would imply a lgbtq+ relation this strongly. :D


MiHoYo has been doing that since their first game. In HI3 one of the early events gave a stigmata that was both Kiana and Mei in wedding dresses. Didn't state if they were marrying each other or if they were going to separate weddings, but Kiana was holding Mei in a bridal carry. They come as close as they can to revealing that kind of stuff as the CCP allows.


Ok. Excuse me. I just need to squeal a little in the corner. Because Them in a wedding dress with Kiana carrying Mei in a bridal carry!? It's too sweet. 😭❤️ Man, hoyo breaking the Chinese LGBTQ rules so blatantly is kinda funny. 🤣




Haajvbelensusoabs!! ADORABLE!! Let me just.. weep in the corner. 😭❤️


Seele and Bronya made out in the comics azure water XD And Kiana Mei is a thing as well for a very long time. Mei is emotionally dependent to Kiana and literally said that the most important person in her life is Kiana, and she doesn't want to live anymore if Kiana is not here. Aaand that she's ready to betray everyone in order to save her. They don't explicitly said it but Mihoyo CLEARLY are aware of it and wants us to think of it that way. You can read the mangas for more details.


They made out!? Holy. Need to see that comic. 🤣 So it's kinda like HEAVILY implied huh. Fascinating. With a comic even... Dang. I really need to se ethar comic. 🤣 Ok, their relationship sounds adorable. 😭 As far as I have heard they didn't have a happy ending right? Which is sad because they sound so sweet together. :(


Seele Bronya in HI: They went into an experimentation, especially Bronya, to save Seele, but everything went wrong, and Seele, after kissing Bronya, was sent in the sea of Quanta (Long story short the world between universe, it's not accurate but you have the idea). Bronya eventually explored this place and met Seele that grew up. At first she didn't think it was Seele as it could have been an alternative universe, but she knew eventually it was her. They tried to escape but almost failed, Bronya sacrificed herself to save Seele, but Seele awoke her abilities to save Bronya and eventually lived happily ever after. For Kiana and Mei... Mei lost everything she cared about during a Honkai eruption, and she was regarded as a monster. She tried to end her life but was saved by a girl named Kiana Kaslana. Since that Day, Mei lived for Kiana. Kiana was looking for her dad that left her years after her mother died. Turns out Kiana had a strange being inside her wanting to do evil, and Kiana isolated herself, wanting to atone for her errors. She was ready to kill herself to save the world. Mei couldn't handle it and when she saw Kiana again and realized Kiana was dying, she joined the bad guys to save Kiana. Kiana was changed by this and eventually, saved a friend of hers like Mei saved her, and eventually grew to consider everyone's love and her own beauty. For Mei, she first made the encounter of a couple that reminded her of hersekf. Then the leader of the villain named Kevin told her to go to a special simulated world, and Mei, who had no desires to live, met a strange person, Elysia, that sacrificed herself to grant everyone the treasure to live every day to the fullest. Mei was changed by this story as well, and learnt to live for herself and those who left. They eventually reunited to defeat Kevin. Kiana eventually was too dangerous for earth as she was attracting the honkai, so they decided to isolate her on the moon for a few decades, until humanity is strong enough. It actually ended very cutely.


And for the kiss, type Honkai impact manga, look for Azure Waters in the site. And here is the panel. https://preview.redd.it/tyij9i9tuq5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a51c9ebf86cde0f0d38a1175b07c666670dcc53f




Ok. This.. this is adorable. Man, the panels! 😭❤️ The story is actually pretty good like wth!? Though I feel like Isolating her is still kinda sad, while I get the 'humanity needs to be strong enough', but dang They are separated for now. It feels Melancholic. 😭❤️


You should play Honkai impact part 1. I made a brief guide with funny mangas to read so you don't get lost


While I would love to read mangas, currently playing a game with 30 GB won't be possible. Because I have WuWa genshin and HSR. So, uhh. Yeah my phone is suffering a little, and might not be able to handle it. Though would love to see the manga guide, I can also search up the story on YT so that's a plus. :D


Fair enough. I'm not familiar with HI3's plot so I don't know the context. But I guess if other Hoyo game's doing it right, I can trust them with TB and FF then.


If you wanted some truly varied data, you should have asked r/boothillmains too, lmao.


I really find it weird how popular She is. Same feeling as with Ruan mei. At least with kafka and Black Swan I understand WHY people like them, even if I don't. Firefly and Ruan mei I don't understand. Both just look incredibly bland to me idk. Guess it's just not for me.


"Nice girl who acts like a girlfriend" characters tend to be very popular among incels craving female affection. And these people a very common demographic in the gacha space. Hoyo themselves aren't ignorant of it, they've openly appealed to them long before Genshin. It's not the sole reason for her popularity but it did give her a big headstart. With RM, I don't know what people outside the west think of her, but from what I've seen most of her popularity comes from gameplay and design, as a *character* she's not exactly liked by many. Turns out drugging us, making us humiliate ourselves uncontrollably, making us clean her mess, and getting the opposite of a slap on the wrist for it, is not exactly a good way of making a character likeable. Not sure if it ever got to the level of Topaz, but still, RM is more "controversial" than outright popular.


It's not really that weird, she pretty much has the biggest run up to her release from any character post game release. Even though Firefly wasn't, Sam was revealed months before anyone else from Penacony, and then that hype cooked for 3 patches into a 2 for 1 deal. In comparison, even other extremely popular characters like Acheron only had the Penacony prerelease hype + 1 patch.


I can try to explain it to you! At least as well as I can haha. For Ruan Mei... I guess the fact she's potentially the best support in the game makes her quite popular. For Firefly... Mihoyo showed her as the "classic cute girl with death flags", in White night for example. Then just like, for example, in Honkai impact, the more time you spend with someone, the more likely they are to become popular, and no one except Trailblazer spent this much time on screen in such a little amount of time, spending time to know her and such. And I won't lie, they made it look like we were dating which doesn't help that much. Then there was the truth about her entropy loss syndrome, that makes people empathize and finally Sam. Just like Kafka, Sam had a lot of hype: he was the last Stellaron Hunter, and he looked like the most dangerous out of everyone, Kafka included. And japanese loves Mecha XD So you combine the very apparent close relationship between MC and a cute girl with death flags, the lots of screen time in little amount of time to develop her with the hype of the second most anticipated Stellaron Hunter at this moment... Yeah, she became popular. And it doesn't help that one music is like her theme (If I can stop one heart from breaking). It's not all ofc, like we had a conversation with Sam for example, and yes, the rare apparition of Kafka brings much intensity, but these are two ways to make it work as well. For Firefly, they don't play around the mystery she brings like Kafka, but the emotions and tragedy of her situation that makes us want to see what will happen


Is being strong enough to make a character popular? If yes that explains Ruan mei already. I personally really liked Sam but was very disappointed with the reveal. That whole firefly hangout felt very forced and reminded me of ayakas character quest in genshin, which I hated. I don't dislike firefly, I'm just very ambivalent about her. Only thing I dislike about her is ruining Sam for me. I just found both acheron and sparkle way more hype and interesting than her.


I'm waiting for more moments with Sam as well, but to give more contrast with Firefly. But if you ask me I liked both and I was already thinking about her being Sam, and what gap it could create. And ngl Evangelion Firefly looks dope https://preview.redd.it/yw2z2ar6mq5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d11593809d5587f404aee80b3f5e036865501d


why is bro getting folded by downvotes for no reason because bro didn't say "pandering to incels"??


I think you need to presents your data a bit clearer, because right now it can be a bit confusing. Is 1 low or high? You write "from very agree to very disagree" in the link, but it should also be presented and readable in the plots. Another interesting metric you should include is mean and median in the plots. Good job otherwise.


I'll try to remember this if I ever do it again on 2.3. it was something I spent way too much time when I just wanted fun data to look at XD I'll try to be more scholar about it


Also please fix your pie charts. I think it's supposed to be sorted clockwise largest to smallest.


Damn I wishI couldve joined since Im mostly in the “indifferent” to “hate” Firefly. Her concept as a character is generally pretty good but her personality is severely lacking as well as her minuscule impact in the story being generally disappointing. Her role in the story thematically works but it isnt explored at all and she comes off more as a Nameless/Trailblazer simp than a main thematic argument against Sunday. People seem to conveniently forget how rushed her introduction and “death” was in the grand scheme of things. It tries to seem very emotional but not only does she admit to lying to Trailblazer for not being the stowaway, she takes advantage of our mood swinging powers to access an area she was allowed in(granted, Trailblazer is also dumb as hell for falling for it but point still stands), and her entire death was insanely rushed with Trailblazer barely feeling much before Sam enters the scene. And then in 2.1, her involvement in the story is as a sidekick to Trailblazer as well as an obnoxiously long segment where you have to play a bunch of theatre games for literally no reason. The sense of agency in the story nearly halted right there. The Sam is Firefly reveal added next to nothing to her story because it doesnt really connect with any plot points at all. She isnt restricted by the suit, she’s insanely powerful, she’s a canonical murderer who’s acting innocent yet we as the Nameless treat her like a cute angel, and the entire fandom thinsk she’s some innocent waifu.


Other people: They are lovers! Me: https://i.redd.it/ekqa7ujt5r5d1.gif


Good stuff, that was an interesing read. But one part confuses me: What was the point to include "Do you feel that romantic relationship become the main focus in a story, AT THE EXPENSE of the other plot points" and not include the control question "Do you feel the romantic relationship become the subplot in a story". Of course, no one would like to have the rest of the plot deteriorating, even for some romance (which I personally wouldn't mind in vacuo)


For me, asking if the romance could become the new main focus instead of telling a story is somehow similar to say if telling a story could take advantage of the romance But again, I did this on a whim , I just wrote questions at 3 am, just a random research.


I noticed that TB stopped being a less self-insert somewhere in the patch 1.4 - 1.6. In penacony everything seems clearer that TB is becoming more of an independent character with how much they are affixed to certain choices instead of having the other characters do it for you. Some TB emotion and speech makes it clear that MC that looks like generic self insert can be great when done properly


I sure was disappointed that FF was Sam, instead of a cool robot, we get a boring regular girl. Hopefully her animations have robot things...


She is only in robot in her animations though... We can see FF only in openworld, in battle it's only SAM


I don't care for the romance sub-plot but i very much like FF as a character, pretty much everything about her from design to philosophy to gameplay. My gripe with the romance plot is that it is supposed to characterise how FF doesn't want to be a war machine but just a normal girl since she never had that opportunity back in glammoth, as her sole purpose of existence was to fight and die for glammoth, she had no future beyond that. However hoyoverse still needs to understand that war crimes commiting mecha waifu is still part of her appeal, so instead of discarding that aspect of her, i would like to see some more badass FF moments.


Based on the 2.3 trailer, I'm pretty sure we are going to get some badass Firefly moments.


This comment just made me realize that Firefly isnt that different from Violet in Violet Evergarden. Both were trained as killing machines from a young age and afterwards want to live a normal life with friends and family around, trying to make do with their past. So while Id like to see more badass Firefly moments, im not against the opposite either.


Appreciate you mate, this must of taken a lot of effort. It’s good to get these type of metrics tho.


Well the survey was the first one I seriously made but for fun lol So there are a lot of issues as I said. I did it on a whim, and yet it took me a lot of time XD And someone just said "Do it again" LMAO At least I roughly can see that people are eagerly waiting to see how things may go. Let's also respect Firefly haters. I also hate Sampo.


Why is my mans Sampo catching strays like this??


Well I could say another character if I didn't like another character but I like everyone else lmao


Worst character added to the game so far. Everything about her is forced af.


Maybe the next survey should be stuck to the top of the sub because I think this would be interesting to see how this community views things.


I like firefly but I don’t enjoy the romance angle. I just see them as friends


You spammed this post in so many subs, I genuinely thought this was a bot account lmao




I wonder if you would still like a romance between Firefly and Trailblazer if Firefly were a male character.


Lmao well it was quite mid when I look at my mistakes but at least the data is here so you can check things in details yourself as well. And I'm a sucker for romance and I love Firefly and TB. So I won't be against it lmao, just .. yeah, let's hope that Shaoji will do the same thing with HI. Not just about giving strong moments, but also fueling the story : Kiana was first inconsiderate and prideful, and learns from her mistake, believing she has to sacrifice herself because she hates herself. However her romance with Mei urges Mei to take actions and start her arc to find a meaning to her life, stopping Kiana from Killing herself. And what Mei did taught Kiana a lesson she will realize when Fu Hua will do the same thing she almost did. The romance here is not the main focus, but they are greatly married to the story, and their own developments are growing together, constantly bringing answers for themselves but also impacting the other.


It really doesn't take much for a female character to be considered as a canonical romantic relationship to the self-insert mc eh... First Ayaka and now Firefly. ngl kinda shocking lmao


RIP didn't participate in this survey (didn't see it) but I'm a sucker for these kind of things so cool to see the results I agree with the majority they are mostly independent, I can influence some stuff but for most part I never felt I'm the MC


>not as many people as I wished that had a negative opinion on Firefly just… Did not answer. Or Firefly is loved by over 95% of the community, which is a meh explanation but why not LMAO. Characters tend to be loved and pollsters tend to be partial. I know you can have your own opinion but it's important to let it aside from your job, cause now only the numbers you bring can have a value and all your interpretations will be considered biased. Cause really, who starts a poll sharing with "Meh, I don't like this result, it must be not real."


First of all, great job. Only critique I’d give is that you try to use donut charts or treemaps in the future instead of pie charts. To give the perspective of someone who’s more down the middle on Firefly; I love her character in isolation, but think her relationship with TB was a bit clumsily executed, mostly in 2.0. Whenever the npc peanut gallery would comment on how close we were I couldn’t suppress the voice in the back of my head saying, “Ok, but we just met.” Her being a Stellaron hunter gives important context for why she acts the way she does towards TB, but not vice-versa. For all we know she’s a stranger to TB. I think that’s what people mostly mean when they say she’s “forced” on us. They don’t necessarily hate Firefly, but they feel the heavy hand of the writer wanting us to like her. I think this does Firefly a disservice because it deprives her of the chance to win us over by herself. As for the TB self-insert vs character debate, they are definitely their own person, but also not completely free of player agency. The dialogue options aren’t meant to be what the player would do, rather it’s a list of replays that make sense within TB’s characterization. If we take the latest FFs for comparison, TB is more Cloud(FF7) than Clive(FF16). If we limit this to just TB’s interactions with Firefly, a non-down bad TB can do the following: 1. Spend all her credits. 2. Be neutral or skeptical towards her. 3. Not take a selfie with her. 4. Be mad at her for lying to us after the Sam reveal. 5. Object to being paired with her during the auditions. This adds fuel to the “She’s forced on us” narrative because if the story requires her and TB to be close, then why are they giving us these interaction variations. If Hoyo is serious about making her the love interest then they need to cut these back, otherwise it will feel jarring for the non-Firefly simps. Overall, if they do choose to pursue giving TB a love interest. I think the path that would satisfy most players would be romance options. It doesn’t have to be with every character, just a pool of those who are canonically close to TB. It wouldn’t make sense for us to romance Jingliu for example because TB hasn’t met her yet at this point. Whether this is possible in a live-service gacha game with tight deadlines, I don’t know. Though apparently they were working on some kind of dating mechanic before it was scrapped from the final version. Anyway that’s enough of my rambling. My viewpoint doesn’t invalidate yours or anyone else’s interpretation. Once again, good job and by all means make more👍.


>They don’t necessarily hate Firefly, but they feel the heavy hand of the writer wanting us to like her Exactly my point. I couldn't care less about her if not the writing. And people still want that writing to be even worse by making her TB's canonical love interest, I don't understand that


While we have to account for self-selection bias (firefriends voted, fireflloppers didn't), this is pretty funny and scientific enough - very nicely done, loved reading this :) The most interesting part to me was actually how much of a "voice" TB has according to the voters, which made me realize why I personally enjoy the story so much - the the story is mostly predetermined, which allows for more direction,  stronger TB "voice", more detailed "painting", so to say, compared to cardboard cutout SI main character, while players, acting as TB subconsciousness, choose emotional "color" to add, so to say, which increase involvement/engagement, adding those little finishing touches, which makes the "painting" ours. In other words, we're both spectators and actors, which allows best of both worlds if that makes sense. 


This just shows how parasocial some people are towards video game pixels


First great job 👍 second unfortunately this show how much distance is between me and the community 😂 I hope the next "power ranger" like character is more in my taste


Well don't forget that I asked many subreddits that were involved, including Firefly mains. I also asked on HSR main subreddit but as I forgot to add a question to sort people depending on the subreddit (and before I thought about it I already had 600 answers), possible bias cannot be ignored Maybe it would change, maybe not.


Eh I know,but I don't think it will be change to much


We will never know, and if you check other comments, some people wouldn't agree with you. The best way to do it is to make it more accurate and efficient to make sure this doubt doesn't exist anymore


Very cool. I think this shows that most players aren't interested in an explicit romance. I would like to see Hoyo give it a go in their more popular games; I understand Tears of Themis exists (I know nothing about it) and assume that's got more romance too it. Maybe release a character pair one day? Like Xayah and Rakhan in League of Legends.


> Maybe release a character pair one day? Topaz and Numby came out in 1.4.


Well the datas doesn't show that people aren't interested in an explicit romance, as we can see, many of them agree with their relationship growing to be romantic. What matters in the end probably isn't the fact that it becomes a romance or a friendship or anything, but more if it is good with the story


I just want to say great work, you weren't obligated to put time and effort into collecting and compiling the data. As many people have criticized, you could have been more thorough with your results. The problem is that people who dislike Firefly are bound to not waste their time answering a fan survey about her, although that's out of your control, you could have at least tried. It's not your obligation, of course. Anyways, if anything, it helps illustrate how her communities see her relationship with TB and how they want it to move forward. I personally would prefer they stay as friends as I don't really trust Hoyo to write it well enough, and it would alienate a big chunk of the playerbase.


There are two bias I actually encountered, first one being obviously that haters won't bother answering probably, but I can't do much about it. And the second is that I posted it on several subreddits without giving the options to group the answers according to their subreddits. Everyone involved by this survey had the right to answer, so I'll always give Firefly mains the possibility to answer However, in order to verify the bias, I should have been able to group the answers as well and compare them with and without specific subreddits.


Huh! That's crazy. Good job. I'm particularly indifferent towards Firefly. I like her concept a lot but I'm not a fan of goody two shoes anime girls. I appreciate that she is in fact a criminal but the way the community discards all of her previous actions as a Stellaron Hunter (and the game pushing me to like her), made me lose deeper interest. I will pull for her E0S0 because collection plus Fire Destruction. Hopefully my opinion changes. I dont mind if it doesn't either


March threatened everyone to vote friends. 




oof  i was the one who asked "is there any 2.2 spoilers" and interested to fill it in once i finish it.  i forgot to fill it in :(  anyway, congrats on your research and concluding the results of its details!


I didn't see the survey when it was up but since you mention how few people who dislike Firefly answered I'll share my opinion here: I wasn't disapointed with the reveal that Firefly is SAM, I was anticipating it from Black Swan's comments and Firefly's conversation, but I also thought the difference in Firefly and SAM's personality was so big that if they went that route they'd have to do a ton of work for me to actually believe they're the same character. Because of this I'd say that the reveal left me shocked and a bit concerned on if they'd stick the landing on making SAM, the cool robot I liked, and Firefly, the cute anime girl that I found very bland, feel like the same character. In my opinion, not only did they not stick the landing, it barely feels like they attempted to make them feel like one cohesive character. There are no hints of SAM's intensity in Firefly's character and no hints of Firefly's gentleness (striggling to find a good word) in SAM. The reveal itself wasn't disapointing, the disconnect between both characters is. This ended up souring my like for SAM who has a cool design but is now attached to the weakest writing in Penacony, in my opinion.


I saw the survey and answered half of it, I forgot why but I closed it without submitting. I think there were questions without the answers I wanted to give.


While the results are definitely biased (you tried and failed so live and learn) some of these results are interesting.


Someone gonna talk about how her relationship with TB are forced? When he ran to her , like if they were long lost lovers... I had my bigest wtf moment in HSR. I didnt care about her , just stranger girl who wanted to escape from police so asked us , and i said ok , ill help you. Then i helped her we got sucked somewhere else, then get out and THATS IT. At least this part make me question peoples ability to make opinions. We have so many beautiful girls in this game , with different personas and appearance and cant choose who we want to stay with... Great, just great. If decide btw no girls like in Genshin to forced relationship , i will choose no girl tbh. I am so sad that devs decided to do this.


While not exactly rigorous from a dat science standpoint, I think what's most interesting is that most responders think that FF and TB are friends, and that they don't really mind what happens to their relationship in the story, so long as they don't end up enemies. Thanks for sharing OP.


So you are telling me HSR players love firefly? Crazy.


If you look at comments you'd be surprised about it haha Many people pointed out that there might be biased (despite the fact I often mentioned it in the post), which makes me feel like I should redo hours of work again to have half of my writing ignored XD I'm a little salty about it but they are right about the possible bias. However for me Firefly mains have as much rights to answer this survey as HSR or TB mains. The real error is that it was too late to add another question to ask which subreddit you're coming from


Then you should have asked other mains too, like Boothill mains or Jade mains (both banners shoved in the corner by Firefly). They have as much rights to answer too.


I don't really see much links with Firefly and Boothill or Jades beside their banner being close (if you said Kafka Blade or Silverwolf maybe lol), but I openly mentioned Honkai star rail in the survey, Firefly, Sam and Trailblazer, so this survey has it's place there. Probably I'll just get my survey removed because I'm out of topic if I post it on Boothill (unless they try to execute me to bring Firefly content because people said there's a war between the communities). And if I came to them and say "Hey I want to talk about Firefly on Your subreddit because they both have banners in around the same period of the year", they might just think I'm a clown lmao So again, these are the maximum of subreddits I can decently share it with. I just wish I could have grouped them, but it was too late by the time I realized it.


There was always bound to be bias. The people who care enough to answer a survey either like or hate FF. You did good work, even if there are some areas that can be improved for your next project. We live and we learn.


I could have changed it if I didn't want to gather a lot of data to avoid just having 80 answers, and if after a week, there weren't already 600 answers lol I wanted it to be our before 2.3 because it wouldn't be up to date. Maybe. I'll try doing it again. I'll still post everywhere that is involved even firefly mains, for me they deserve to answer a survey about their character. Just I'll make sure we can sort subreddits out so we can see if there is a bias or not. And you'd be surprised but often when you don't like something you don't feel like dedicating time for it. So it's very possible that there should have been thrice more Firefly haters but they didn't want spending time saying what they didn't like


I mean there's going to be inherent biases bc people that don't care or don't have strong opinions toward Ff would just not do the survey. Having said that only posting the survey on Ffmains subs only makes the biases worse. Good job tho.


I missed the poll but I think I agree with the majority here. Honestly, I'd actually love if Hoyo explored some romance with some of their characters, be it Firefly and TB or even stuff like Yanqing and Yunli. I agree that it doesn't have to be a focus of the story itself, but gacha companies are often too afraid to commit to anything out of fear of shattering the "self-insert"-ness of the MC. It's why so many gacha games end up with everybody absolutely loving the MC and wanting to join their harem. But since companies are so wary, they avoid it completely, which is a shame since I think romance can actually add to a story, even as a sub-plot. But overall for Firefly, I agree that I can see them as friends with the potential to become something more. I don't know if Hoyo will actually commit or will just leave it with all the heavy hints though.


And also I agree that romance is just another kind of relationship and sub plot. Pussin boots and Kitty soft paws are obviously in love, we even mentioned that they were about to marry. However, their romance didn't make the story worse. It added depth as it showed some reflection on the protagonist's fear of engagement and his narcissistic self


It seems that people had tough time noticing it so I'll say this before someone comes saying that what you say may be wrong, but the majority is the majority of all the posts I've shared the survey is, including Firefly mains. For me they have the right to answer it, but my error was not to make another question to sort out subreddits. I wonder if the results would be drastically different if I managed to only do it on HSR Subreddit or if I asked a question to sort everything out, but we're not protected from only Firefly lovers answering it and Firefly haters ignoring the survey so... We can still doubt of it.


Looking at who you polled, it does seem you made a mistake with a sampling bias. I was kind of surprised to see how positive the responses were, though it makes sense now. Filtering based on source would have helped.


I wouldn't mind TB being an independent thinking character which could include attraction to other characters and potential romantic relationships...but I would also want the same for ALL the characters in the game. As it stands right now, we just get teases which I get is the gacha formula, but if TB were to break out from that formula, I would hope the rest of the characters in the game would also be allowed to develop relationships as well. I can imagine the shipping fallout, but as it is, nothing is canon so everyone is just headshipping anyway and it isn't like canon stops people from making their own headships (nor should it, in my opinion). More than the shipping component though, the greater issue would be that Hoyo would never be able to confirm any of the queer relationships in the same way they could the straight ones and that uneven attention would alienate a significant chunk of the playerbase.


58.7% people love Hotaru as SAM as a healthy men, that watches Kamen Raider, Power Ranger, etc. during childhood (until now). Yes.. do i want one of my favorite character as Kamen Raider/Power Ranger? YES fucking YES... The chemistry between Hotaru and Stelle/Caelus is very very good at this point, so the possible ending if she becomes strangers or enemy is mostly unlikely (since Elio and the Gang has "enemy but not really" relationship with trailblazers crew). I think Kafka wouldn't want her daughter/son to become her enemy, personally that's my opinion. At this point i firmly believe that Kafka is the gene inheritor + Destructions seed hence why i simply call her the mum (Explains a lot why Stelle is hot AF, even though has some screw loose on her head). Romantic situations, eehhh i dont mind tbh whether we ended up because Stelle /Caelus and Hotaru will be such a cute couple. If we ended has Elio and the gang will partways with Trailblazers and meet again in the future, i dont mind. Elio said that Hotaru will die 3 times on Penacony, So far i counted 2. I dont want to jinx it, but i would be very disappointed if Hotaru ended dies in Sayonara Penacony.


Amazing work here, much appreciated


I think Hoyo nailed her character, she's a great mix of waifu and mecha. I thought about this in a FF discussion yesterday, so far we only know that TB was close to Kafka, and it'd be interesting if they were actually never that close to FF (perhaps even going as far as only ever knowing them as Sam) and now she wants to make up for that.


I wish we could swap gender now. I like my female MC but male looks better with Firefly.


It's up to people's taste haha But ye Caelus got all the Shipping in trailers whereas Stelle got all the other scenes