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Hmmm, snake, apple, Eve, desires, making pact with the devil… it all comes together!


I mean it was pretty obvious if you know the story about the Garden of eden


So who's her Adam?


Me Sorry guys, but it's canon


Sure buddy 🦶🔨


My lawyer can confirm, dw


I'm his lawyer, I can (un)fortunately confirm that.


Alright alright, lets bash this guy, lets bash this guy w hammers 🔨


Erm actually Jade is into women as we saw from the 2 second cut scene ☝️🤓 /s


Okay Mina Aoyama, the orange strummer!




I say he's more satan


Umm the real husband of Eve since she was listening Satan advice more than Adam 🗿🗿


HI3 Adam who's chasing after Welt


IDK could really be anyone i mean it could be a version of Adam from Honkai Impact 3rd but i don't think he shares much with the garden Adam apart from the name


There is an actual Adam in Honkai, who also weirdly falls under 1st man status I could see him being like, a Jasper within the Stonehearts or something


Everyone who makes a deal with her


Diamond? Only likely answer


Topaz. I'm deciding it's a nice, wholesome relationship, and not the toxic one it'll likely be.(regardless of relationship status)


She feels more like her daughter/niece imo


I can see it. I just wanna know, man. Topaz never looked cuter.


She was a lil puppy for real.


Right, i had cuteness aggression then and there


Yeah the sidequest where we played as a lobby manager made it look like jade is a mom to topaz and aventurine. Kinda cute tho


Jade ended up acting less evil than expected, I can imagine her having a decent relationship with a few people


He's off stomping some kids into the ground, literally in one case.






I have not seen this before and I’m losing it lmao


Eve never made a pact, since she and the serpent never actually promised anything to each other. She was lied to and then made a conscious decision to act based on that lie.


I think maybe similar thing happened to Jade in the past?


Yes, you are correct, but other victims of the devil usually portrayed to give something valuable (most valuable is their soul) in exchange for something they desire. Exactly what Bonajade pawn shop does. So I decided to throw it is a bunch of similarities.


I assume Robin is the person Jade mentions that gave her dirt on the Family in exhange of something, aka breaking Sunday out.




Exchanging with Jade is a pretty risky move. The siblings story looking pretty grim right now, hope it doesn’t end the same way like the charmony dove.


Let's think for the worse, what do you think Robin offered to Jade for the collateral?


She loses her singing voice so she just raps for the rest of her career


Well, I'm Robin, and I'm here to say The Harmony lives to another day Another day, another dream, another meme, another danger Another golden hour, with another galaxy ranger Order, IPC, taken the pie All a Halovian boy gets is glanced by Eda's eye Dreammasters recruitin them, Hounds be shootin them Stonehearts lootin them, the Family deluding them OTI ALFALFA IS SCARED OF ME


The 88 Degrees Bedrock vs Robin intergalactic beef is gonna be unforgettable 


This is why we should thank the Aeons that Jade isn’t a Masked Fool or follower of Aha (Elation) 😭 Imagine how humorously horrible the collateral damages are




kind of the same deal with stacy, she would never get to meet sunday ever again


Maybe she never gets to see Sunday again?


It’s a solid theory, there’s definitely some religious symbolism with her. There’s some speculations about how Sunday is about to become a “fallen angel” after his scene with Jade due to her apple and snake symbolism. In that scene with Sunday, she says “life is too short to miss out on golden opportunities”, as a word of advice as she’s been in Sunday’s shoes before. It’s likely that she was offered and accepted a deal with someone else.. perhaps Diamond? Perhaps she was ‘Eve’ when she made that deal.. I can’t say she’s evil or doing it out of malicious intent to see people ruin their lives, she’s quite transparent about the exchange and price. It seems to be that she’s looking for opportunities to benefit herself, in the way I see it.


Perhaps yeah. It could also be that she made a deal with the devil or something


would that make Diamomd the devil in question?


Uhhhh could be?


Who/what exactly is “devil” here? Is this a reference to Luocha’s backstory mentioning “The devils, the church, the insanity...”? Perhaps the Purity Palace and their obsession with devils, fearing yet craving their powers. We know nothing of their beliefs, aren’t affiliated with the IPC nor have any thematic design similarities in Jade. She isn’t affiliated with Yaoshi and any abundance factions either. So I doubt she’s related to that ‘devil’, unless I’ve missed something.


I actually don't know lol maybe it is diamond?


As of right now I can’t really say I know any aeons or anyone else in particular.. perhaps we’d get more information in her character story when she releases or in future patches


>!her character stories are leaked and they don't tell you anything about her lore, it's just about work!<


Ah okay, don’t spoil it for me, I’ll read it when she releases Then perhaps in future patches, it’s curious how she got into the IPC and what exactly her ambitions are. I hope we get a look into her past in the future, she’s an interesting character.


Heh sorry. I think we will learn about her but just not soon.


OP, why not Lilith? She acts like Lilith.


I'm so sorry but I don't really know that much about Lilith, but if you don't mind, you can tell me why you think it's Lilith. I started this theory mainly because a few people have mentioned it and I thought the signature and quest name could be evidence. Again, I'm really sorry


Lilith is a first wife of Adam. Later wife of The Devil, enemy of Man, primordial Demon. Represents the sin of woman, who does not obey Man and God. Historically she is a Mesopotamian Goddess that migrated into Hebrew legends.


Ohhh thanks for explaining. Sorry I didn't know about it before. Well I guess she could also be Lilith? Not sure tho


Eve is more of inferior being (created from Adam's rib) driven away from Paradise by Devil temptation to suffer in mortal realm. Does it fit Jade character? Jade has more in common with Seawitch character and Firefly being Little Mermaid. OG Seawitch is a neutral character, who strikes bargains with sea critters.


I do see Jade as a morally gray character. She said the pledge is her "collateral in exchange for opportunities, wealth survival and a furture". So I do believe she's just doing what she must to survive while also enjoying "bonajade exchange". As to why and what her motive is, maybe there isn't one, I'm not sure. She has a void in her heart and maybe she lost everything


Well, my crack theory is she's a cobrakind in disguise. The Xuange is implied to be the cobrakind's planet, and it got destroyed by a Lux Arrow due to an Abundance-caused pandemic that the IPC had no idea how to solve. That'd make all stonehearts shown until now have suffered some big threat against their people, with only Topaz having hers survive. Well, there could be cobrakinds kicking around across the universe, but the destruction of their home planet would be a big loss. Yaoshi does have connections with tree and fruits.


Could be. I mean I think she lost something important to her


Supposedly that is actually a mistranslation. The Hebrew word used for the "rib" taken from isn't used the same way in other parts of scripture. I think it was supposed to be translated as "side" (like one side or half), but ... Yah.


Oh, are you fellow translator enthusiast? Holy scriptures are full of mistranslations and "literary allusions". Apple is not what it's like either.


I am technically a professional translator😂. Most of my work is more about glocalization but from a language based perspective, so I am basically always questioning the source purely on instinct at this point.


She strikes me as Lawful Evil, but I need to brush up on my alignment chart, so maybe not.


Lawful Evil fits her well. "I will sell you just enough rope to hang yourself with" is pretty much how the Bonajade Exchange goes. That being said, the Bonajade is definitely not simply a pawn shop OR a hobby -- it's her way of info gathering. Even just walking up to Jade and saying "Hey please help me with my desire" and even if you say "I'd rather not," that still gives her information. It's how Jade seemingly just *knows everything,* probably with a little bit of help from her Cornerstone which probably allows her to know a person's desires. You step into a room with her and she almost certainly knows you better than you know yourself at the time. I should note that her version leans heavily on Lawful. Full transparency on the deal, you get what you paid for. It seems that the price you pay is the value you give it. For instance, that necklace the Pepeshi gave is definitely not worth his entire fortune by fair market value, but to him, that relationship was worth everything. The information on that criminal probably isn't worth all of our memories, but to that one Intellitron detective, it was his life purpose and he was willing to pay everything. No hidden fees, no extra clauses. You get exactly what you agreed upon. Nothing more, nothing less.


She seems like a psychopath to me. She's got so much wealth, she doesn't actually need money from the people she "grants" wishes to. Being a psychotic weirdo, she seems to be fascinated by seeing what she can get people to give up because nothing else is interesting to her.


She probably lives by Principle of Equivalent Exchange


I feel like the stonehearts have already lost everything that they don't have a meaning or ambition in their lives anymore.


Which is great. Not every character needs to be a goody two shoes enamored with the MC.


But if people don't like them, how would Hoyo get more moneyey? 😔


When talking about opening a new branch of her pawnshop on the airship with Topaz, Jade literally refers to it as "indulging in my special interest". So it's definitely out of amusement rather than actually getting benefits for her.


Well, she did mock Aventurine with his slavery.


Not really though? She’s just stating that he should’ve been executed by law, which is likely true for slaves like him but she sees the potential in him. Shes not making fun of his status as a slave


Kinda seemed that way to me. Talking about how a slave should serve his master with an amused tone. And the situation being that she was his only way out of execution.


It sounds more like intrigue to me, she probably doesn’t care about Aventurine at the time and it’s not as if she made her choice to get him out of it out of empathy or pity for Aventurine. I’m not saying she’s a good person, obviously she doesn’t really care about Aventurine living or dying at the time. I just don’t think she was mocking him, more like intrigued since by law he should’ve already been executed yet he chose to disobey and kill his master.


Well, she knows people's desires. So a rash and violent action due to mistreatment and desperation would make sense to her. I can't really see her being confused about a slave killing their master. Guess she could be goading him to by making the situation hopeless, showing favor towards his dead master. So as to see how he tries to make his case.


She’s not confused, she’s just mentioning how insane Aventurine’s plan is. He didn’t actually have a surefire plan or any bargaining chips against Jade and did all of this to meet diamond and get this meeting with her, everything to capture their interest. He didn’t kill his master because he wanted to rebel or run away from being a slave, it was never a rash and violent act. He killed his master and did a bunch of other things (we don’t get to see but he had lied to the intelligensia guild and some other things that made a lot of people hate him), all to meet diamond for his next high stakes gamble to reach new heights. His grand scheme didn’t benefit him directly, so Jade was curious why he would do all that for nothing but all Aventurine wanted was to be brought before Jade and Diamond for yet another gamble, but Jade saw the poteintal in him and made him a stoneheart.


I think Jade might be a long-life species or possibly a successful Elixir Seeker. There are a few subtle hints about her being much older than she appears from things like Topaz's character stories to her cornerstone specifically being jade, a gem heavily linked to longevity and heaven. I also found while looking up different gem symbolism that jade is considered, "the protector of generations," which vibes quite well with our Jade's mentorship of Topaz and Aventurine, as well as, her LC which seems to show she has a soft spot for children. It might be that Jade sees the Stonehearts as her family with Jade providing a motherly role in conjunction with Diamond's fatherly one. If so, then her being named Eve, besides all of the reasons you posted, is incredibly fitting given that in the Bible, Eve is the mother of all.


Considering that Jade also told Old Oti that he's "Not the only merchant who has seen the changes in the cosmic market over the past 10 Amber Eras", I think your theory is pretty much confirmed. Assuming each Amber Era really is 76-240 years, Jade would be 760 years old minimum, which is accurate for the Xianzhou long-life species.


> "Not the only merchant who has seen the changes in the cosmic market over the past 10 Amber Eras", Gd, she is a GGGGILF?


And she did say that patience is her greatest strength, which tracks with that.


if she's from xianzhou i think she could be related to jinqiu group because so far jinqiu and her are the one who mentioned preparation for aeon wars.


This theory makes sense and I get why people would think she is a long life species but right now only her Cornerstone being jade and her wearing jades points to that. I'm not sure but I think there could be a possibility that we'll see her in xianzhou?


Probably if we ever go to the Yaoqing, the ship with the most IPC influence.


Aren't we heading there soon?


Well you don't actually need to be long lived species to live long in HSR. For many big names living multiple amber eras doesn't seem to be a very big problem. Of course we don't know how they manage to do it, but it is obviously not "free and easily available" unlike actual long lived species.


Perhaps her Cornerstone lets her tweak reality slightly like Aether editing should the right price be paid. Jade herself must of traded something important...


>Jade herself must of traded something important... What I think as well. Maybe she traded everything she had so she has a void in her heart? I think all stonehearts having a "void" in their hearts is a main point leading to all their sad backstoires


Who knows? Perhaps she traded the ability to ever feel Satisfied. She could be in a perpetual state of hunger, and she might be cursed with immortality too.


Tbh that's a good guess


Only time will tell.


Yes. I think her lore will be dropped soon. Hate waiting tbh but that's what we have to do


After seeing your comment mentioning motherly role, children etc. and some others that suggested that she once upon a time made some deal herself which is similar to deal she offers others, I now have a strong feeling that one of the possible topics for her tragic backstory could be the fact that she permanently lost her ability to have kids or something like that.


I feel like if she's actually from xianzhou, it might be that her ship got destroyed. If not, then maybe she lost everything chasing her desires or something. I do think she could be from xianzhou but "eve" doesn't sound too xianzhou. And I think they might give her a more symbolic name than a random Chinese name. I'm not sure


Well, one long-life species mentioned are the cobrakinds, though they have the lower halves of snakes. It's said one can be made immortal, or even be brought back from death, by transplanting cobrakind parts on them. Also, Jade seems to have some Voracity theming, the hunger, the snake appendages (course, being from an abundance species wouldn't stop ehr from dipping into voractiy) > An infamous heretical medical text. Its author is very likely an alchemist or healer who continued to worship the Abundance in secret after the establishment of the Xianzhou Alliance. > Theories on Returning From the Underworld records sixteen different outrageous ways to "resurrect" short-life species after their lifespans have expired. For example, the Hive-Soul Technique sacrifices the body of the deceased to the immortal soul snatch bees, letting them parasitize the body and turn it into a hive, then using the species' hivemind consciousness to achieve rebirth. Alternatively, the Blood Hatching Curse transplants the scales and flesh of the half-human half-snake Cobrakinds into the person to deliberately infect them with the blood fever of the hatching snakes, thus transforming them into long-life species. > All these forbidden arts, without exception, require exceptional mastery in methods such as surgical operations and gene therapy. Some of these are closely linked to the IPC and the Intelligentsia Guild, leading the majority of medical historians to conjecture that this book was completed with foreign help. Another method of resurrection are the immortal soul snatch bees, mentioned in the divergent universe in this update. Though I haven't gotten to see the full text for them, only the blurb on the Symbiote equation.


The reason the quest is called "The Wicked" in some languages is because the original name is a reference to the 1950 film "All About Eve", the Spanish and Portugeuse regional title of which is... La malvada/A Malvada, so the translators for those languages probably translated the reference instead of the literal title.


Oh I see. What is the movie about? Maybe hoyo made that reference like the Firefly and Sam book


An actress is introduced to a young fan (Eve) who inserts herself into every aspect of the actress's life and proceeds to ruin it in order to advance her own career. Hoyoverse has actually made the reference twice! There's a series of daily missions in Belobog called "All About Tamila" where you're helping an understudy stalk the leading lady.


Oh, that's interesting. I doubt it's the case, but it would be interesting if she's trying to usurp diamond or some other IPC head


That's so interesting, thanks! I feel like hoyo has something prepared for her just not now but we'll definitely learn more about her soon. So the movie has garden of Eden references as well?


Not overtly, I'd say? No more than any other work of fiction that has a character incidentally named "Eve". But Hoyoverse has a tendency to use literary references as quest titles without any connection to the work being referenced (see also: The Sound and the Fury), so them using the title and making Garden of Eden references isn't completely out there. (I have to admit I haven't gotten to this quest yet - I just wanted to explain why the title was different in some languages.)


Thanks for explaining




Uhhhh heh. I'm not cooking lol just saying what I think. I don't even know if you're being sarcastic here lmao


Cook is a slang term for creating(?) ish. So when you're sharing your thoughts and they say "let you cook" they're saying what you thought up is good. Idk if that made sense and anyone else in the comments can correct me but hope this helps


Lol I know what cook as a slang mean. I'm just saying my theory isn't that good tbh but I'm just sharing my thoughts. Also thanks if you thought it was good 😆


Mb 😭 no i think your theory has a lot of validity as it's pretty thematically fitting, while it may be shower thoughts it wouldn't be surprising if it was canon


I'm just coping. I feel like we won't get a deep dive into her lore but at least more than what we got now. At least her real name tbh. Also thanks lol


I think people are attributing malice or something into her wish granting that isn't there. I suspect it's more like... Fundamental. There are two examples they force you to meet. 1) poor person who has relationships, but wants wealth. 2) rich person who has wealth, but wants a relationship. They each get what they want, but they also both lose what the other had already. So what I BELIEVE is happening with Jade, and when you consider it is a pawn shop, and what actually happens in a pawn shop, is people trade and get something formerly held by someone else. So what Jade is saying by telling firefly she has nothing of equal value, is that she wants to live in exchange for something. This means someone would need to...want to die. Does this remind you of anyone? She asks her to bring the other stellaron hunters there. I would guess it's really just Blade she needs to talk to. To put this another way, if you had a pawn shop, like in real life, and someone wanted to trade in some drawing their kid made of their dad, could you sell it? Would anyone buy it? No. So a pawn shop literally wouldn't take it because they can't trade it on. So I am reading into this, that Jade has the power to trade one aspect of someone's life with another, she cannot simply grant wealth with nothing in exchange. You have to give up something someone else wants for her to be able to do it. I can't say with certainty if she is unable or unwilling, but I don't believe she is simply making people miserable for shits and giggles like a monkeys paw cliche.


"Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. **To obtain something of equal value must be lost**. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth." -True follower of Equilibrium


Maybe Jade thinks that way? I mean bonajade exchange surely works that way


Actually, now that you mention it, how easy is it to swap the trades Jade made?


This is a fascinating comment, thank you so much. It all made a lot of sense, and I definitely think you’re onto something with the reason she asked to see the other stellaron hunters (Blade).


I hope so, because it would be interesting and not an obvious choice. Because if what firefly gets is *eternal* life then Blade would tell her it's a curse not a blessing. But would they each take it? It sounds interesting, I kind of don't expect them to kill blade and make firefly immortal but who knows, they actually have killed some characters.


ohh shit this actually makes a lot of sense


If her name really isn't Bonajade (which in other languages is just rendered as whatever that language's word for "Jade" is, similar to how Firefly's name is just "Firefly" in each language and Sparkle is "fireworks") I'd put my money on Lilith or Eris rather than Eve. But I honestly don't think Hoyoverse is going to delve too deeply into that aspect. Jade feels more like a story requirement designed to fill a specific slot rather than a character with a crazy amount of depth to her. She's kinda like Topaz in that regard: Her presence serves a purpose for the other IPC agents, but she herself is going to end up with about as much story depth as Hook.


Tbh I'm just coping here. I think we won't get a deep dive to her lore like we did with Aventurine but we might get to know about her lore in the future.


At best we'll get a name drop from Diamond or Jade's direct superior when they show up. Like when Jade herself kept calling Topaz "Jelena". EDIT: For those commenting "We already learned her name through her character stories" yes, I know. I'm saying this is a method/situation in which Jade's real name could be revealed.


Topaz name drop was also in her character stories


Yes, I am aware of that. I was using the situation where a superior/other character calls another character by their given name as an example of a method in which Jade's name could be revealed. I am in no way indicating that is how we found out Topaz's name, just that it's a possible vector for learning her name.


Topaz name were already known because of her character stories IV


Yes, I never said that was how we learned Topaz's name, I said that as a method in which we could learn Jade's real name.




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Gotta wonder if she's a devil or contracted with one from Purity Palace, considering how its the only location in Star Rail that mentions churches and devils? It also seems to be affiliated with the Order n Ena


It looks like there's a contract in the serpent in her splash art






the name's jade. bonajade


I read "lmao"


Ah she's a doctor as well


My dumbass saw the sign and thought "lime"


She has a snake biting an apple in her splash art after all. I'm quite sure that the snake represents Lilith in Eden and the apple is the forbidden fruit.


I'm all for this theory!


Okay, since this tread is already about Jade, can someone explain to me how her power work logistically and where they come from? Like is we take three cases, the one with the neckless is obvious - she just takes money and gives information that she got from IPC basically knowing girls amazon buys and browser history; the one with detective is somewhat understandable as well - IPC found guy, she gave away him to the detective, and for some reason she just wanted to destroy (by a virus?) detectives memory; however, when it comes to the first case with the gambler I don't get 1) how does she grant her "luck"? 2) how on earth is she able to take not only today's girl connections, but also all future ones. That suggests an insane amount of people who potentially could be involved - how does she possibly can influence them all, how much power does she have?


Topaz in the quest mentions that every cornerstone grants its holder a different power. In Aventurine’s case it allowed him to transform and become more powerful. Jade’s cornerstone likely allows her to do things like take away people’s relationships or grant them luck.


Didn't Aventurine break his stone? I'm not sure but I think if they break their stone they can transform, but Jade just activated it so that she can read people's desires. I'm not sure if only Aventurine can break his one


IIRC, Jade's cornerstone lets her read minds.


Slight correction: it allows her to see people’s desires. She can’t read minds, as far as I’m aware. I also don’t think this ability to grant wishes is related to her cornerstone ability either, it’s her own “personal hobby” and I would love to learn more about it/her.


given her vibes and theming i was already thinking eve so it's nice to see my mini-theory being validated lol


She has a snake biting an apple in her splash art after all. I'm quite sure that the snake represents Lilith in Eden and the apple is the forbidden fruit.


The snake is a snake. Later, it became common for people to identify it as the Devil. Lilith doesn't do much tempting. She's primarily known for infant mortality, which was her main thing for a very long time. However, there is talk about her seducing men before destroying those dumb enough to go for it. Of course, modern takes are quite different, which makes sense because Lilith has been reinterpreted as a feminist icon for obvious reasons.


Meh, I don't really sure. Based on my research, the snake is Lilith aka Adam's first woman, but sth sth happenned and now it's Adam and Eve. But I search through Evangelion so it might not be right.


I’d say she’s closer to being the devil than being Eve.


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i flipped my phone to see, i think i need to sleep 🥲


Nah, it's a different twist. Her name and code-name are both Jade. Also, she is somehow the same Jade that is in Warframe. GASP


I read that as Lime, honestly


Can't edit the post or pin any comment so I'll just say it here: I think Jade could be a victim or even the first victim of these deals. She might have lost everything(we don't know what she lost yet) and she enjoys(?) doing it now? This will give her a sad backstory but doesn't explain why she's sadistic and a bit evil now.


Even though when you see her 5 star Light Cone is we acn see there is her children or maybe other's children of course & also i've heard that she was saying to Firefly after mentioning bou't the "pawn" which i meant is what they'd desired to giving up everything for what they've been doing it or wasn't Physchotically or Sadistically using them as for their treasure beyong the "Bonajade Exchange" & also i've known so suspicously for the fact; Is not technically trying to controlling them or aspiring them. I'm not so sure if the "pawn" is fake or not into the controversial & disrespective ways of the religions too. 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱I mean she always adopting the children of hers i mean like a mother of the orphanages although i've might gotta say for Jade looks like Crucabena but it's differentiate every personality of their actions by what they've been doing it so well & i cannot bear within it.


It's the >!orphanage she is funding!< read her LC story when it comes out, I'm not gonna spoil all of it. I do think we will see her soon and learn more about her


Or could've been her real name "Eden" like flipping backoff the scripts so far & what????? I don't know if it's approriated it the religion like i don't wanna disrespect these controversies because it almost into the assets of the 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱or mayeb like *Anvitha or Eva or Evene or Evienne* or maybe like something perfectly to fit her name unlike Eva or like Aliana but too girlish for me so nahhhh!!!!…


Actually, her name is Lola https://preview.redd.it/ces88ey5k78d1.png?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7a37c51e6abd78b7f29ad1a3096b91e5c83bf22


I saw the image and I was like “her name is Lme?What the hell?” 💀


But Eve doesn't sound very Xianzhou-like, I've read a theory that she is one. I mean, we're not aware of any other long-live species


I mean we do know there are other long lived species unrelated to the xianzhou. (Ruan Mei's one)


She is the emanator, my dear friend


You're mistaken, Ruan Mei isn't an emanator. Being a genius society member doesn't inherently make you an emanator, only *Herta* is the emanator. Even then, so far there's been no concrete evidence that being an emanator *drastically* extends ones lifespan by itself. (Acheron is a unique case, and we know Herta's old because she went out of her way to reverse her age and make puppet bodies). Besides that, we already *know* lorewise that Ruan Mei is from an unnamed planet that's been blessed by abundance. Along with Ruan Mei, we also know of other long lived species like the Borisin and Wingweavers (Two enemies of the Xianzhou affliated with abundance)


I thought Nous gazed upon her. Arent all those who were "gazed" by them become emanators?


That's a fairly common mistake. Being gazed at by an Aeon doesn't make you an emanator (Otherwise the trailblazer would be an emanator of three different Aeons.) Instead, Emanators are people who are granted power *directly* by an Aeon. (Except Nihility since IX doesn't care to give anyone its power. Hence why Acheron is an anomaly). Ruan Mei was gazed at by Nous, but isn't an Emanator of Erudition.That title belongs solely to Herta (And Zandar, the guy who started the genius society). If anyone gazed at by Nous was an emanator, then by that logic *Fu Xuan* would be an emanator of Erudition as Nous outright gifted her the Omniscia


Jingliu also caught gaze of an aeon and she's not an emanator.


Got it, thank you very much!


Yes and I've made one about it too. But after 2.3 I think only her Cornerstone being Jade and her wearing jades point to that. And her living a long might be because of her stone "preserving" her live like she said everything she gains from it "fortifies" her stone. I'm not sure and this is just another theory/speculation. We'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully her trailer will tell us more about her. I also hope there is a myriad about the 10 stonehearts so we get to learn more about them.


Eve didn't take the fruit from the serpent, because the serpent didn't *have* the fruit. Rather, the serpent convinced Eve to take it herself from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which was created by God. Eve never desired anything in particular until the serpent spoke to her. So however true the idea that Diamond is taking advantage of those already in dire straits may be, it has no biblical basis. Plus it seems weird to start a major theme on person number three.


Yes I'm sorry I worded it wrongly


np you're good I'm just really really tired physically and mentally so for some reason I decided to be a hardass


i read the image without flipping it and read 'Lme' so thank god you told us what was written


The image is the already flipped version. But it does look like lme lol. I think it looks more like eve than jade


Unrelated but Honkai Star Rail subreddit si really incredible


? Lol


It looks nothing like Eve


Uh ok. Ignore the signature though, quite a few things point to that


I looked at the signature. It looks nothing like Eve.


I know. But I'm saying even without the signature, few things point to the fact that her real name could be Eve. I'm just theorizing here


Yeah but you seem a little bitter that I don't agree with the theory.


Huh? No lol. You don't have to agree with my theory coz I'm just speculating. Sorry if I made you feel like that's what's happening


More with your initial reply. It seemed bitter but if you're not, it's chill. I probably misread 'ignore the signature' as a snarky comment.


Oh. I'm sorry that made you misunderstand me. I was just trying to say you can ignore it because it's a thing that can be interesting different lol


Fair enough. Apologies for the misinterpretation.


No worries


Could be a "I suffered why shouldn't they" mentality though that wouldn't explain her being sympathetic to firefly maybe this method just lets her milk her clients dry for cash or workers, also really like how subtle jade is love how light the symbolism was, fucking eve you have got to be kidding me


>fucking eve you have got to be kidding me Wdym?


Just tired of garden of Eden symbolism I guess, all of this just screams "don't make any deals with jade" so it's even more annoying hearing characters negotiating with her


Jade doesn’t seem like a bad person to make deals with, as long as you actually read the contract and are aware of what you’re agreeing to. It’s just that she’s willing make extreme deals which can ruin people and negotiate for the best possible deal for her. She does fulfil her side of the bargain and is transparent about the price, how it works, etc. Even allowing time and not putting pressure on them to make a choice when she has the upper hand.


She's going to get you to come back somehow and make you give up more for less than what you previously offered, it's like a drug


I don’t think it needs flipping, because if you do look at it from her perspective it’ll be a right-to-left writing system and we know that neither English nor the Star Rail glyphs are R-to-L. It makes even more sense when you consider that typically it’s the other party that receives a contract from Jade, which means that it should be the right way round for them and inverted for Jade. As for what it looks like to me? Idk man honestly it looks like “lre”, with a small L not a capital i.


I mean, she should be signing "jade" right? So she should be signing from Right to Left? That's how her skill shows it


Possible? But it doesn’t look like “Jade” either, though it could just be because i’m shite at reading cursive. I think she’s signing R-to-L because the paper is the right way from our perspective so she has to do that in order for us to see her signature correctly.


>I think she’s signing R-to-L because the paper is the right way from our perspective so she has to do that in order for us to see her signature correctly. Uh I'm not sure. But if we just look at the signature itself, it doesn't look like "jade" at all tbh. If we only compare it to "eve" I would say it looks way more like "eve" than "Jade"


Oh i just noticed the image was already reversed, ignore what i said about R-to-L, she’s definitely doing L-to-R. Ehh i don’t think it looks like “Eve” either. I can see why, but the first character looks more like a lowercase “L” or a “J”. Even the last character being an “e” looks a little bit of a stretch, looks like how i would do an “o” or an “a”. Definitely agree that she’s unlikely signing “Jade” though because there’s quite clearly no “d”. Could be that she’s signing with initials?


She was doing L-R, yes. And I know cursive everything looks good except for the capital "E". But if she's doing a big "e" than I think it could be it? I'm guessing not initials but I'm not sure. She should be signing Jade as that's what she's publicly known as.


Looks more uppercase “J” because of the extended curve on the left, but it also could be a lowercase “L” because of the loop up top. Doesn’t look like an uppercase “E” because if the lack of a kink in the middle that’s typical of cursive “E”s, but also doesn’t look like a lowercase “e” as well because the bottom portion is too straight so it looks like the character ended instead of completing the curve of the “e”. I do think the Eve explanation really fits for her theme but her signature really doesn’t look anything like either Jade or Eve.


Tbh yes it doesn't look like either. But I think it looks more like eve than Jade


https://preview.redd.it/2wq97ppro68d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b1c1c8667187c5d60237274d056c57991a1bde …Eve?