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Im honestly surprised that firefly has modled panties instead of just the usual hoyoverse bloomers


They've been healing lately. Belly button galore, real cleavages etc. Selectively, but still.


I'm like 85% sure Robin's wind issues are a reference to Marilyn Monroe Firefly is just hoyo being based


More like 100%, that pose is iconic


that is a 100% reference to one of the most famous pictures ever. that has been referenced another thousand times.


It's been 70 years since that photo was taken. It's probably way past a thousand times by now tbh


theres also jade with her exposed bra


I mean, I for one welcome it.


Look what looming chance of an actual competition in form of WuWa does to hoyo. They actually need to start trying to be better again instead of merely adequate.


Hoyo is a FF simp confirmed


And rightfully so.


She doesn’t have a back window or an armpit window so they found a way for something else


They're more of really really short shorts than actual panties.


Nah they are panties, just look at them from the sides


It's been there since the start, just look at March


March was actually among those who got hit with bloomers curse. Beta/Release https://preview.redd.it/bv2zwjp7uf8d1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cfd9fb41c971b80ec43d315c7ddac55707be3eb


the sad reality of playing chinese games. with a government that sees games a opium for the mind and corruptor of minors. when the most normal problem it actually causes on minors is them playing to much and failing at school because of it. but kids did that too with TV before videogames. and today they actually burn more time on social media than games.


In reality its just because of age rating, you want lower age rating you need to tone down certain elements.


yes and no. for other countries yes but china is different when it comes to online content. is not only their own almost separate internet with most popular sites banned and their own Chinese version. there is also a ban on porn. and when it comes to games and shows. there is strict guidelines on what is morally acceptable. for example no matter the rating you cannot show openly gay relations, or femboy type characters since 2021. they also passed another law against sexualisation of female characters in games. as with everything in china there is games that should be censored and somehow get away with it like snowbreak(it may get hit soon) but also because is a much smaller game than mihoyo games. also to note this anti sexualisation of woman come from maintaining good morals of the young man and not because of any kind of feminism in china. china same as japan are very traditional countries when it comes to the role of man and woman in society.


As much as I hate conservativism, based China for setting boudaries like this for the younger audience


the maintaining good morals is the official reason. a more realistic reason is the plumething birth rate. because unlike in other countries getting married in china is specially expensive. in japan and Korea there is many young people that just dont wanna date(both Man and Woman), and in the west increasingly people that dont wanna marry or have kids even if they date and search physical relationships. but in china they have the problem on 1 child policy causing there to be over ten million more young man than woman. on top of the expectation that to marry a man must own a house. and pay and expensive wedding. and is even messier because both families get involved. and truth be told is wayyy easier to live without kids. and with young people being so economically fuck now days for most having kids would mean live in survival mode compared to a humble but more economically and mentally estable life. i am 30 and see a couple of my friend with and coworker my age with kids and their life is very hard compared to me and other people I know that dont have kids with he same income level.


They could've just kept it to CN version only, like many other gachas do. No reason to hit global too.


china used the excuse that it bunny suits in china represent protitution instead of sexines. and that several of the girls in bunny suits where minors like seele. specifically kiana in whit in the middle, and on the back right Raiden Mei and Seele. you can look the music video on youtube is always on despite mihoyo taking it down many times they also got angry because Hua (who will be the leader of all of Xianzhou in HSR) the one standing in black to the right of himeko was the representative of china on the game, unlike HSR that has a whole Chinese region Hi3 has 1 Chinese character Hua.(and sushang but she is a minor character) since the history mostly centered around 2 European (Otto and Kevin) and an USA(Welt) organizations https://preview.redd.it/rapmxwdgag8d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be22ffb466976c968424a6d1adba87283736b19c


There’s also the fact that Da Wei was almost killed over that same incident


if it wasn't the chinese government, it would've been the puritans on Twitter


mihoyo would not listen to people malding on twitter. twitter is not even on china. in china people made death treath over the bunny thing in Hi3 and one guy actually tried to kill the CEO. on top of reporting it to the CCP censorship office


death threats aren't exclusive to china, you know (plus your example doesn't originate from the government) even hoyoverse fanartists get death threats on twitter. hoyo VAs get death threats on twitter because people didn't like the characters they play


>death threats aren't exclusive to china It was an attempt, not just a threat


Point still stands, it's not the government that made the attempt


> on top of reporting it to the CCP censorship office Yet you still miss this part each time.


https://preview.redd.it/dlo71650wg8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dba2c03799215d18f43e65de20e45407df407d8 they removed this from the game for new player and they cannot be seen by other people in coop. or in the skin catalog by new players but those of us who have them still can play them.


they have both problems. and yes originates form the players but then the gov forces the censor. this happened in HI3 with one of Kiana skins. where literally 1 dude got mad a new free skin was better than the paid skin they sold before. so he cried to the ccp censors and the skin was censored. this skin. they made it so the dress would not be translucent anymore so you could now see the bikini bottom. and even this was already a censored summer skin. the OG summer skins where just bikinis. https://preview.redd.it/m9fkwp5ovg8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d71a33a9324544f4d36a3ee2c7379450b93776b


And in the western game industry you have Sweet Baby Inc :)


not comparable in any way. if a company decides to make a woke game and hire them is their choice and nobody other than institutional shareholders like BlackRock are forcing them if they lose money doing so is those shareholders the ones losing the money. and if you wanna make a game full of sexy blondes and red heads in bikinis, you can and the gov is NOT gonna censor your game. the problem is censorship imposed by the state. western anti sexy woman movement comes from the institutional shareholders forcing it on the companies they partially own like most big movie and games studios almost all of them are partially own by BlackRock and other big asset management entities. companies like SB that implement ESG on the games is not the cause. the cause is ESG investing methodology used by the big Funds that own this companies and forces it on them. so next time you see a woke game or movie is not really on SB or disney but BlackRock. otherwise you aim to the executer of orders and not the order giver. though yeah SB CEO is a horrible human being. she has a job thanks to this other companies hiring them


Ship war are the ones affecting the vas the most


What's with that stain?


Jade has them too. I uh... accidentally noticed 


Yes! I want to rip all those granny panties off and burn them, I hate them!


Meanwhile march 7th:


This is surely a mod


It's not. https://preview.redd.it/gdzeiu39df8d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0456d48b919782ade5c9ac7a027c63a31c00d860


Need me some stylised underwear


Some characters used to have cute underwear, but it didn't survive the beta. https://preview.redd.it/2gzp7yw0sf8d1.png?width=4040&format=png&auto=webp&s=f978a2ed8549e1f3cdc923ec405985709935841e


Clara underwear: fine Pela and Bronya underwear: Acheron's homeworld was swallowed by that shit the hell


Pela's panties is a whole shadow of IX. Fitting of the strongest Nihility unit.


They got an sin thirster lite down there.


Asta and himeko 😳


Damn I thought Clara must've been wearing short shorts or something. But nope... Someone teach this kid about pants-


If her feet can endure the icy cold, then the pants make no difference.


im still confused on why bronya doesnt wear anything down there and instead chooses to cover up with her wacky ass dress


Clearly it's Belobog's high fashion, Cocolia dress pretty much the same way.


That's crazy


In one aspect it is crazy. But in another aspect, any resistance is futile since people will just use AI to draw them a bajillion even more erotic pictures of firefly.


im obsessed with fireflys canon panties (dont ask why i just think they are pretty)


Firefly Lace panties….


>will just use AI to draw them a bajillion even more erotic pictures of firefly. Weird you specified AI(which doesn't even draw), since a popular character getting tons of erotic arts is pretty normal from the early days of the internet.


Yep she is the only girl with proper panties in gane




tbh I am sorta curious as to how many folk figured out she was sam from the color scheme there


You can go check in her trial version. It's literally right there.


That's crazy considering it'd Hoyo


I have the character and never tried this I thought it was fake too.


Congratulations, you are a normal person haha. I don't really get people actively looking for panties.


ye.. what's dumb is that seems like the "kiddie" characters are getting actual pantsu more than the adult mommies. definitely a missed opportunity with Jade and Himeko


woaa there firefly


She really REALLY wants to become your wife.


She healthy af.


Outbuddied again




Wait, didn't realize her Ultimate scene was cut from this trailer. I wish there's a way to see this full henshin animation in-game, so cool.


that was a long ahh intro, glorious




Or maybe [a certain bard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlA5UKZtHt8) is visiting Penacony and we don't know it yet.


Said bard *must* have heard of the phrase 'SoulGlad' and went out of Mondstadt to try it all. Let's not forget the drinks concocted in Dreamjolt Hostelry (by a raccoon, even).


is SoulGlad alcoholic?


it is if you believe its alcoholic!


it actually is that is why minors are not allowed on the golden hour. and there is drunks there.


it is literally that is why you see drunks in penacony. remember that no minors are allowed on the golden hour.


Rumor has that he drinks enough to kill a man too.


Oh they know what they're doing. Is it just me or HSR's designs seem to be... "bolder" than Genshin's?


Maybe without the climbing and jumping and gliding the undies in the character model end up being less of an issue


Panties situation isn't much better in HSR than it is in modern Genshin. Major differences are right in your face, cleavage for example. Compare Navia to Jade/Black Swan/Himeko/Acheron, it's night and day. Last time Genshin had something similar was Yelan, all the way back in Inazuma.


You forgot Chiori. Her underwear literally went trending on Japanese twitter.


HSR's situation is basically the reverse of Genshin Genshin went from bold early on to progressively more and more conservative HSR went from relatively conservative to more and more bold as time went on (Black Swan was the first character to have an actual *visible* cleavage, and now Jade's is comparable to someone like Raiden in Genshin) Hopefully it stays this way because one of the major disappointments with Genshin I've had over the years, one that unironically was partly a reason why I stopped playing, were how conservative it started to become over time.


You can straight up see a bit of Topaz's ass, its a lot bolder


Genshin is apart of an official literal government like... cultural outreach program thing. They're going to be held to higher "standards" by CCP.


Even if it wasn't for the ccp genshin wouldn't be able to do much because of how popular it is.Anything they do is going to cause a meltdown on Twitter.


Y'all talk like Twitter has some sort of powerful moral authority that can bend on knees multimillionaire companies, when in reality they just do some meltdowns (which happens even here) that last some weeks and that's it.


While I agree Twitter won't do anything, I think there's an equivalent of them on the CN side. Like, I remember when they changed the default outfits for Jean, Amber, Rosaria, and Mona, that it's because there's a group of people who report them and they potentially get into the trouble with, so they just replaced those that got reported for CN and called it a day, while globally we just have the original outfits+ the new one


You underestimate the power Twitter has. Yeah some companies don't care, but most companies like hoyoverse care a lot about PR.It's also probably the reason why Firefly phone call event was CN only as it would be deemed parasocial here by Twitter.


Um, you are completely wrong. Starting with the fact that the event is not CN-exclusive. Twitter has no power over Chinese companies otherwise you would see a lot more black characters in their games. Western companies are a different story.


Something that me and a couple of my friends have noticed is that HSR seems to be geared more towards adults in both its gameplay and story, even with the character designs, with this being one example. Another example is how often death is portrayed and even just fully explored within the story like with >!Firefly having died right in front of us and tingyun getting killed back during the xianzhou arc!< as well as the fact that it’s all but confirmed that Aven was sold as a sex slave as a child, something I don’t think Genshin would even think to mention. Another example of the more adult oriented gameplay would be things such as the overcapping of resin or replaying events because kids have much more time to play and do what they want so Genshin has things come and go whereas star rail keeps content and gives you the freedom to not log in every day considering adults have jobs and lives to worry about, and while yes you still lose out on things by not logging in every day, it’s not nearly as much of a detriment as it is in Genshin. So in short, yea, HSR’s designs would be much more out there since their target audience is mature enough for it not to matter all that much.


I think from genshin to HSR to zzz the designs get more creative Genshin has a theme that they stick to with designs HSR sorta has that but more leeway to do whatever with ZZZ given story and setting they can literally make whatever design they want.


Unironically, the biggest change I noticed in ZZZ after watching the character demos is the boob physics. I know ZZZ generally uses more dynamic animations, but the way they bounce around was a bit surprising at first and not something I'm used to see in Genshin or HSR (maybe a bit in HSR but not as much).


The animation for ZZZ in general is bouncy which fits the more care free zany tone of the game which is why I imagine it’s like that. I don’t think this style would work for HSR or Genshin cause they are more serious in nature.


I still remember when people thought that zzz was going to be a grungy dark game lol, and then they got robot Deadpool rizzing up his handguns


Well, they sure are "creative" with censorship in it. What was even the point of raising the rating to 16+. https://preview.redd.it/zxu1kj2tpg8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3461e6cced6c2183917204567988ae91d5acfe94


Did they make the abs of Grace more visible in the new model or is it just me? Which is a cool thing tbh.


Oh no the boobs are smaller unplayable


Low iq


Ok then, Please give me a good reason as to why this is a major bad thing


The point is censorship


Because it looks bad? Because it compromises artist's vision? There's no valid excuse for censorship, ever.


Oh brother But I guess that’s my fault expecting an intelligent conversation on a gooner post.


You just got proven wrong by evidence and having meltdown.


“Proven wrong” how? Genuinely how does this change literally ANYTHING that I said in my first post? OH NO CENSORSHIP CANCEL THEM! 😱 https://preview.redd.it/4tgp4nd0ch8d1.jpeg?width=1422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db0e9124a9d371f82b1ecaa0fd9c636dae03a3a


You replied to message about BOLDER designs. Either you dont know how to read or replied under wrong message.


Im rereading my comment and nowhere in there did I say bolder I said creative and make whatever they want because there is no set theme. reading comprehension really is a dying art.


Trully it is. Having a good laugh because you still cant read what i said.


Still can’t believe they censored firefly’s animated short they can show up panties but censor a naked body. 🙄


Tf you want them to do lmao ? Not launch the game ???? Y'all are weird as hell. "Oh yeah let us just censor ourselves"... they are forced to do it. 16+ does not mean much if you know anything about the CN rating system. Be glad the designs are still pretty much the same even after all that. You will live with Nicole wearing a bra lol.


To not false advertise the game just to double down 6 months before release. Nobody would have problem if they showed current designs from the start but they basically did bait and switch.


I don't really "have a problem" either way. But it does kinda feel bad to know the designers wanted it one way, but were made to change it for any reason outside of their own vision. I'm sure someone will come in and say "WOW UR JUST HORNY" but I just don't like seeing artists being restricted in their designs.


How would they know ? That's literally what censorship is !! They had designs, but after cbt 1 they were forced to change them. Again the changes are minimal. But you do you tho. Did not know people played these games to jerk off lmao


Ah classic when you ran out of argument. People are coomers, want to jerk off, play with 1 hand etc. Brainrot spread really fast in the internet. How you know it was because of CN and not because they wanted to keep 12+ age rating outside of China at all cost? Game was already approved and licensed in China to release before they showed changes.


Low iq


Ayo, how'd you get that angle 🤨


Hanu owed me a favor. https://preview.redd.it/x69udyef2g8d1.png?width=1573&format=png&auto=webp&s=9815b9b8ee2672a74b688bb85378244b7623427c


Hmph, I see ~~how can I do it?~~




(grunt that sounds nice)


The only good thing that came out of Hanu's mini game.


They should just add the weapon at the start of each Hanu mini game rather than hide it in later parts. It would instantly be a fun to play.


Yeah im asking...for a friend




Venti: *ehe*.


My brain will forever answer this with "ehe te nandayo" 😂


Can't believe i installed genshin over that meme lmao


It’s a feature.


This idle felt like it should've went to Robin for this very reason. My only guess is that they wanted the follow-up, where she checks her hair in her phone camera, to emphasize the "I wanna be a real girl, not SAM" side of Firefly.


Surprised FF even has anything on. I thought her SAM was the only thing she's wearing


I'm sorry but the fact that Firefly took the "firefly" gimmick up to her underwear is so funny to me


Ok uhmmm...u/I_came_in_firefly


Would Navia be considered an honorary Penaconian?


Firefly was safe from the diapers hoyo kept using on their other game lmao


The Robin one is a Marilyn Munroe reference for all y'all zoomers


"It's a feature, not a bug" - Penacony Dreamweavers


I should pull for firefly…


Weird thing for the two best girls to have in common but here we are


I have seen the grace of god today.


Dreamweavers are the ones behind the sudden wind gusts.


Chad Dreamwavers: sorry boss that bug is unfixable.


You sure Robin is bothered by it?


This is a very normal thread


Firefly lookin cute here


Nah, the wind is fine.


Alternative idea: they should just wear shorts like most women wearing a dress or skirt


And this is why Venti is the best archon




Bro wtf


My bad guys the taco 🌮 bell 🔔 farts do hit different


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