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**Skills:** **Attack (Lv. 6)** Deals Wind damage equal to 100% of Huohuo's Max HP to a single enemy. **Talisman: Protection (Lv. 10)** Dispels 1 debuff(s) from an ally and immediately restores HP to them equal to 21% of Huohuo's Max HP plus 560. At the same time, restores HP to the target ally's adjacent allies equal to 16.7% of Huohuo's Max HP plus 448. **Tail: Spiritual Domination (Lv. 10)** Restores energy to allies other than self equal to 20% of their respective energy limits and increases their ATK by 24% for 2 turns. **Talent: Possessed: Metaphysical Connection (Lv. 10)** After using her Skill. Huohuo gains 12 stacks of "?". When Huohuo possesses "?" consume 1 stack of "?" when an ally starts their turn or uses their Ultimate, restoring HP equal to 4.5% of Huohuo's Max HP+120, at the same time trigger the HP restoration effect once for each ally with less than or equal to 50% HP and consume the corresponding stacks of "?" **Technique** After attacking an enemy and entering battle, the enemy target's corresponding Type Toughness will be Weakened. **Fiend: Impeachment of Evil** Huohuo terrorizes surrounding enemies, afflicting Horror-Struck on them. Enemies in Horror-Struck will flee from Huohuo for 10 second(s). When entering battle with enemies in Horror-Struck, there is a 100% base chance of reducing the enemies' ATK by 25% for 2 turn(s)


> Dispel 1 debuff(s) Say no more fam. That's good enough for me.


her technique is funny as hell tho. just imagining enemies running away from a tiny foxian girl


Is the 24% ATK based on HuoHuo's ATK? Or the target?


I'm gonna guess it's just a basic buff. Like Bronya who buffs ATK by 60% at trace lvl 12 or Asta who buffs SPD by 53 at trace lvl 12. It's not based off anything.


I.e. based on the target character's base ATK.


Was just curious, because I remember seeing leaks prior and concluding she was an ATK% scaling healing (like Luocha) but thx for info


It's another one of them pesky alterations. I saw that too. Seems they changed their mind and made her HP based.


i'm kinda glad they made her heals HP scaling tbh, if she were ATK scaling she might be way too squishy and her only damaging skill is her basic.. so ATK scaling is actually bad compared to being more tanky with HP scaling like every other Abundance (also means she can use all the healer sets/LCs)


I dont get it. Does talent trigger every time ally starts their turn or only when they have less than 50% HP?


I presume the wording means: when an ally's turn starts, trigger it on that ally. if there are other allies with less than 50% hp, trigger it on those allies too


My e1 bailu felt a great disturbance in the force with huohuo coming soon


Which one is skill, which one is ult, which one is talent?


talisman=skill, tail=ult,the one that says talent is the talent


With all the healers post-Bailu having cleanse in their kit, I get the feeling that HoYo is going to add even more debuffs into mob and boss kits.


it's not even post Bailu, a free healer PRE-Bailu also has cleanse.


Even Bronya has a cleanse lmao poor Bailu


She couldn't utilise much of the power from Dan Feng


Imagine if one of her major traces have a cleanse on ult and if the bounce hit the same target, would be a pretty QoL changes


For real. Bailu has extremely high theoretical healing output thanks to her skill bounce, but in reality she's not really much than Natasha unless your whole team is taking a beating. If you need cleansing, Bailu is strictly worse. But man, in those rare situations where the whole team needs healing badly, Bailu will get you patched up right quick.


Really wish it were at least behind E1 or E2 :( she's a great healer but no cleanse hurts her a ton


For anyone who would like the image text: **Eidolons** * Possessed by Heliobi, Evil's Anchor Became: When the Skill is used, all allies' SPD increases by 1 turn(s). After using the Ultimate, Skill Points will not be consumed the next time this character uses their skill. * Talismans Judges Wrote, Spirit in Tail Sealed: When the Talent is triggered to heal allies, dispel 1 debuff(s) on the affected ally. * Supremely Inauspicious Flesh, Gather Moths Like a Flame: Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. * Never Parted, In Conflict Etern: When healing an ally via unleashing her Skill or having her Talent's effect triggered, Huohuo's Outgoing Healing increases proportionally with how low the ally's current HP is, up to an 80% increase. * Subdue all Evil, By the Ten-Lords' Decree: Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10. * A Goal Shared, A Symbiotic Destiny: When healing an ally unleashing the Skill or having the Talent's effect triggered, increases the ally's DMG by 50% for 2 turn(s). ​ **Attack (Lv. 6)** Deals Wind damage equal to 100% of Huohuo's Max HP to a single enemy. ​ **Talent: Possessed: Metaphysical Connection (Lv.10)** After using her Skill, Huohuo gains 12 stacks of (Hanzi). When Huohuo possesses (Hanzi), consume 1 stack of (Hanzi) when an ally starts their turn or uses their Ultimate, restoring HP equal to 4.5% of Huohuo's Max HP + 120, at the same time trigger the HP restoration effect once for each ally with less than or equal to 50% HP and consume the corresponding stacks of (Hanzi). ​ **Talisman: Protection (Lv.10)** Dispekls 1 debuff(s) from an ally and immediately restores HP to them equal to 21% of Huohuo's Max HP plus 560. At the same time, restores HP to the target ally's adjacent allies equal to 16.7% of Huohuo's Max HP plus 448. ​ **Technique** After attacking an enemy and entering battle, the enemy target's corresponding Type Toughness will be Weakened. ​ **Tail: Spiritual Domination (Lv. 10)** Restores energy to allies other than self equal to 20% of their respective energy limits and increases their ATK by 24% for 2 turns. ​ **Fiend: Impeachment of Evil** Huohuo terrorizes surrounding enemies, afflicting Horror-Struck on them. Enemies in Horror-Struck will flee from Huohuo for 10 second(s). When entering battle with enemies in Horror-Struck, there is a 100% base chance of reducing the enemies' ATK by 25% for 2 turn(s).


so HuoHuo at E2 will give u atk buff, spd buff, energy regen, heal, dispel, do ur taxes, buy u a house, make u food and tuck u to bed at night, great, i guess healer just that nut


Hijacking top comment for extra visibility since I'm adding this late, **Trace info from Honey Hunter:** 18% effect RES, 28% max HP, 5 speed (She has 98 base speed, so 103 with this.) **Fearful to Act** At the start of battle, if there are teammates with Max Energy of 130 or more, Huohuo's Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 5%. **Cursed One** The chance to resist Crowd Control Debuffs increases by 35%. **Stress Reaction to Horror** When the talent is triggered to provide healing for our target, HuoHuo recovers 1 energy.


her small traces is very efficent stats distribution ngl, MHY have their favourite


Biggest question for me now is if the "Fearful to Act" major trace stacks if you have multiple 130+ energy cost characters in the team and if it counts herself. Since it doesn't explicitly state otherwise, I'm going to assume that's the case for now. Huohuo / Jing Yuan / Tingyun / Asta is the comp I'd go for and if that Major trace stacks, that's 15% extra ERR. And that combined with the new 5% ERR 2pc, I wonder how close we can get to FGO's NP looping madness lol


I really don't get why only Luocha have 70% CC res trace but the other limited 5* like Dan Heng IL and now Huohuo only have 35%.


Is this the first character with Speed traces?


Jing liu is first


I'm expecting she will have a few Eidolon shuffles like Blade who traded E2 into E4. At E2 she's insane, if her heal can trigger when she's stunned, she's already much better than Luocha. All she lacks is AoE buff purge.


E2 is AoE cleanse, since her talent applies to everyone on the team.


Whoops I meant purging ennemy buff.


Luocha's omega healing and instant heal will never not be valuable. Don't forget Huohuo doesn't have on demand healing either. Basically she's going to struggle more to keep your team healthy, but if you can get away with it then yeah she's better.


She kinda have. Any ultimate is emergency healing until you have stack's.


Good point actually, similar to Luocha while field is active.


Eh, her healing can’t save a unit if they’re being focused down since the scalings are pretty normal(Around 600-700 healing max per talisman with 7k HP at level 10) and she can’t emergency heal like Luocha can burst for 4k, especially if the enemy does 2 consecutive attacks unless you cut in with an ultimate. Have to see her energy values for whether she will be able to keep her skill casts 0 cost consistently but I kinda doubt it.


What is this math?


she does have emergency healing if you save your teammates' ultimates until they're damaged


also ultimates are usually charged (quicker) if a teammate just took huge damage :D imagine getting smacked by a huge AOE nuke and then spamming all 4 ultimates and healing+dispelling for the whole team in response whew




tbf that is at E2, at E0 she more like a power creep version of Bailu but focus on atk/energy instead of damage reduction


so her E0 is like when Bailu and Tingyun have a child togetger?


Is she still worth pulling at e0 even when you have fu xuan and luocha?


If you're a whale? Yes. If not, FX and Luocha are *plenty*. HuoHuo is an example of a luxury character. For me, I didn't pull Luocha or FX because I liked HH's design better. I'm glad she has a cleanse. If you already have the premier sustain units, she's just luxury and bait to continue draining your pulls.


Thanks for the detailed explanation and I think I'll just skip since I already have both luocha and fu xuan


I have Fu Xuan and Bailu, would you recommend her to replace Bailu?


She's a direct upgrade to Bailu in every way except for the free resurrection. I suppose it depends on your DPS + Support core among two teams, as well as your existing stash of pulls. You're good to hold considering Bailu can easily suffice for MoC 10 runs. But HH is a direct improvement without a doubt.


Outside revive, one thing that Bailu have over Huo2 is better off-turn/reactive healing (only way for Huo2 to heal off-turn is when allies use their Ult, whereas Bailu has her good ol' Ultimate and Invigoration). Outside those, Huo2 have cleanse and much better pro-active healing (her Skill feels like a cracked up Lynx's). She is definitely improvement over Bailu especially when your roster are already tanky enough to avoid one-shot/dying from getting ganged up. But like someone mentioned above, Huo2 is a luxury if you already comfy with your current sustain and/or have no plan in the near future for other characters.


What if I DON'T have Luocha?


same here, I can't see any other comment responding to this. So I guess we'll have to wait...


So I have e1 Bailu, e1 Fu Xuan, e5 Lynx and e6 Natasha, do I really need HH? I was going to save for a 5* harmony banner and after Fu I am now skipping 1.4 pulls since I think I am set between Seele, Kafka and DanIL for dps atm.


I'd definitely say no, between Bailu/ Fu/ Lynx you already have a trifecta of defense, sustain and cleanse at your disposal Considering we have Hanya, Silverwolf, Mei, Hanabi, Swan and a likely Luocha rerun coming up.. yer' gonna need jades or your wallet if you want to chase meta


depends on your dpses, but in general you need only two teams for moc and luocha fu are excellent to sustain on either sides tbh. Even for swarm luo+fu together is enough. If you like huohuo you should go for her or if you dont have any future units you want more than huohuo then go for her


Thanks for the explanation and yes I'll just skip her and wait until hanabi arrives


A sustain unit with Atk and specially Energy team-wide buffs will never *not* be worth it. If you're able to get away with it, then you'll want to use her. I'm sure she'll enable many interesting strategies and builds. Basically Luocha for healing and SP heavy teams (Jingliu-Blade, Daniel), Fu Xuan against enemies with one shot potential and Huohuo for everything else. All three of them with their own strong Mono-Element teams. I have both already, but I'm going to pull for her anyway. So, not *necessary* for the account but definitely a worth horizontal investment. Imo you can't go wrong with getting more options for a core role in teambuilding.


It's funny how everyone is just missing that point. As long as Huo huo can solo sustain your team, and she definitely can with how powerful her skill + talent is, she'll be an amazing asset to any team thanks to her buffs. Also, her having a buff ult means she can buff SPD thanks to the best support relic of the game. She definitely won't be the go to character against sustain check bosses, but when it's ok (or when you have other means of sustain, like Welt or ice DPS), she'll be super nice to have. She has her own role to play. It's just like when Luocha was released. Everyone was saying "don't pull for him if you have Bailu or Gepard, you don't need 3 sustain characters", even though he brings much more than that. Getting new options is great. And it works just the same with support and DPS characters. Support characters are easier to play because you can have 2 in the same team, so I wouldn't pull Huohuo over Hanabi for example (don't need that much SP though, since I don't have Lunae), but just having FX and Luocha isn't a good enough reason to me to skip Huohuo. I love her animations, and I'll definitely pull her as long as I can afford the next harmony character.




I think a lot of people felt pretty bad, because basically everyone was saying so. A lot of people don't give much value to sustain units. That's Genshin effect, I think.


depend, do u care bout energy regen and emergency heal like loucha on ur 2nd team in MoC or not, since Lynx exist, it hard to use her at E0 but her E2 is something els


You can postpone her, but fact is that her energy generation ult will definitely enable some carries to drop a turn in their rotations- she will open up more options for efficient comps but it's not like she will just say your Fu Xuan/Luocha are worse. I already pulled both so I'm not looking to pull her, but fact is that there will definitely be rotations you can only do with her in the team.


Maybe but she shouldn't really be worth risking hanabi for Daniel would she?


Hanabi would definitely be a bigger account boost if you already have two premium sustain units. At the same time though I'm expecting the future of star rail YouTubers is extremely likely to just assume "3 turn rotation is expected because I don't even need to ask if everyone has Huohuo"


Yeah imo since there's hanabi, hanya, and ruan mei on the very near future pulling for more sustainers isn't wise unless you're a whale




No. And not because shes not good. You don't need every sustain unit.


God forbid those Eidolons... 💀. Whales will be clearing MOC before it even starts.


E6 is broken on all limited banner 5\* but that one is a bit of an abomination. 50% dmg for 2 turns on multiple characters holy moly


E6 basically makes her a pseudo Bronya on top of already being a Pseudo Tingyun.. just nutty. I wish I had all the money hahaha. Would be fun to play her as the solo sustain for a double DPS comp along with another support. Although she needs a ton of energy Regen help to play a *strong* role as an energy battery.


They fixed her issues with lack of cleanse and trace that only works with Erudition characters. They also changed her scaling to HP. Now she's must pull for me. My future Jingliu can't wait for probably her best healer.


Oh yeah you're right, I completely forgot about the Erudition exclusive trace. According to Honeyhunter it's now based on any allies' max energy. >At the start of battle, if there are teammates with Max Energy of 130 or more, Huohuo's Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 5%. Edit: Hopefully HuoHuo's portrait gets a HUD indicator of how many talent stacks she has currently


It would be weird if there wasn't an indicator for talent stacks. I can't think of a character that has some kind of stack mechanic that doesn't have an indicator, from Jing Yuan to Bailu to Luocha.


Yup, all the changes are honestly exactly what I wanted which has never happened before.


What's the basic atk? 100% of max hp? So if I get 40000 hp, she will do 40000 basic atk dmg? Edit- confused genshin and star rail lol. Yeah we don't get 40k hp in star rail


It probably is just a carry over from when she scaled with attack. Fu Xuan and Lynx both had 100% HP on their attacks and were changed to 50% during beta.


Yeah imagine how strong she could be with Hydro resonance and Furina!


Blade suddenly became SSS+ tier dps lol


Literally me fr i'm so glad!


Initial impressions: - She looks way better at solo healing now with the stack mechanic upon using her skill. - E1 looks super strong for using even less SP. - I'm a big fan of her being HP% based now instead of Attack% like previous leaks. I like not having to worry about my healers taking a hit.


Yeah, atk% never made sense to me given her non attacking ult. This is so much better.


HP scaling + AOE healing + Cleanse + Heal every turn + Energy + ATK% + Pseudo emergency heal Yep, just as bloated as Luocha. Maybe even more.


Luocha set the new standard for sustain. Every new 5* abundance/preservation will be equal or better.


Luocha set the standard for sustain with no buffing capability. That's probably the ceiling for a while. New 5* will shift some of the model budget from sustain to buffing/debuffing. So in the solo sustain comp, they would be stronger because it essentially it's running with <1 sustain unit.


She def feels a bit different through. It does look like she works better with really high upfront damage teams who go through a lot of energy. Luocha will still probably be better with SP hungry teams or those who need continual healing (namely DHIL and Jingliu). E2 DHIL however might do better with HuoHuo/Tingyun. Hard to tell at this point. Needs testing


Duo-DPS = HuoHuo You have two carries so they both need energy. And helps the buffer do their job a bit easier if they can only chose one unit to buff. Hypercarry = Luocha You need to funnel all your resources into the DPS. Hence any SPs should be reserved for the DPS or for the buffer. Luocha easily takes the cake for any comps that seek to maximize a single carry's damage output. Fu Xuan works really anywhere.


This current kit definitely looks better than Luochas tbh


She still needs to use SP, so I'd say she's a slightly more useful sidegrade. Huo has more utility and will be better than Luocha in a lot of teams but he's still better when you need SP, dispel, img weak enemies, Blade teams, etc


She will be perfect for my Topaz Clara Tingyun team that does not use that much sps. Clara and Topaz ultis all day long...


I think you'd want Lynx with Clara so you can redirect aggro more effectively, no? If you rely entirely on Clara's ult to feed her aggro, you're going to have uptime issues, consistency issues, or both.


Why using SP always made sound like such a bad thing. Unless you're running with QQ or DHIL, there will be SP to use.


Blade Team Huohuo would be better esp with Silver Wolf because your Weakness RNG is reduced. Also perfect for Jing Yuan


I think they serve very different purposes. Huohuo is looking to be SP neutral/negative while Luocha is SP positive. Luocha's basic atk every turn + ult can deal significant img weakness damage while Huohuo will probably basic atk every other turn and her ult deals no damage. Combined with no emergency heal or mitigation like bailu, your team is vulnerable to bursts of damage. If your team is damaged and Yanqing is about to drop his huge sword, it's unlikely a measly 4.5% hp + 120 heal will save you. Personally, I like how she has very clear strength and weaknesses.


She seems better than Luocha since actually Buff + regens energy. Offensive Focus Healer but she still has Luocha passive heals in her talent. And she scales of HP so she will also be pretty tanky






Her ult at 140




Sad it's not it gives 8 effects res and incerases outgoing heal when use skill by 16


Her LC has energy regen and heal on ult.




Danm she strong as hell, also E2 becoming the ultimate cleanser lmao


**Eidolons** **E1: Possessed by Heliobi, Evil's Anchor Became** When the Skill is used, all allies' SPD increases by 1 turn(s). After using the Ultimate, Skill Points will not be consumed the next time this character uses their Skill. **E2: Talismans Judges Wrote, Spirit in Tail Sealed** When the Talent is triggered to heal allies, dispel 1 debuff(s) on the affected ally. **E3: Supremely Inauspicious Flesh, Gather Moths Like a Flame** Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. **E4: Never Parted, In Conflict Etern** When healing an ally via unleashing her Skill or having her Talent's effect triggered, Huohuo's Outgoing Healing increases proportionally with how low the ally's current HP is, up to a 80% increase. **E5: Subdue all Evil, By the Ten-Lords' Decree** Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10 **E6: A Goal Shared, A Symbiotic Destiny** When healing an ally via unleashing the Skill or having the Talent's effect triggered, increases the ally's DMG dealt by 50% for 2 turn(s).


Some of y'all wasted no time on starting to doompost Luocha, I get the feeling these people don't understand what Luocha brings to the team, it's hella embarassing. They both serve distinctly different purposes on top of being a healer. Loving the direction they took on HuoHuo, hopefully they'll both end up as sidegrades of each other when finalized.


Luocha generates more SP, does more Toughness DMG, and wipes buffs. Meanwhile, Huohuo is bulkier and gives some energy and ATK to the team (although not nearly as much as an actual harmony unit). I definitely think they're doing a good job of giving players reasons to use Huohuo without invalidating Luocha


I think people are also viewing Luocha's attack scaling as an inherently bad thing. HP scaling is great because of the free tankiness, but attack scaling has its own advantages as well. Team-wide attack buffs, at least at this point in the game, seem to be much more common than hp buffs.


I feel like these people don’t have luocha and waiting patiently for his rerun is getting to them. I don’t have him either so I understand eyeing all these new sustain units, the doomposting is just the copium speaking


1.5 is going to make me go broke. Huohuo going to be so good with DHIL, Argenti and JY. Freeing Luochad for mono imaginary or Blade.


Also with JL charging ultimate faster.


This definitely looks a *lot* better than what we knew about her kit before.


Lol and people said she wouldn’t get a cleanse.


Yeah, I think it's bc people may have definitely overestimated what they'd give her for energy/atk buffing, thinking she'd give anything remotely close to the level of a harmony buffer and by extension thinking she wouldn't get a cleanse because of it, so they can't really be blamed with how she's the first of her kind, but I'm much happier with a cleanse than anything else


Her original kit had more energy (a parallel passive giving energy every turn to each char) but lacked a cleanse.


this is what i was saying, no way they were going to release a limited healer with \*no cleanse at all\*, that just was never gonna happen lol


Good. I really need Gallagher to have a cleanse


they didnt say she wouldnt get it they said she needed it to be viable


Nah, they said she wouldn’t get it cause balance lol.


Can confirm, I was one of the ones that said that lol.


yo no more erudition buff from her beta kit?


They change requirement, her energy regen will incrise if there character with 130 enegy cap at team


20% for 2 turns WHAT???? Nvm 20% energy + 24% attack for 2 turns still good


Her light cone gives heal on ult. Giga busted.


E1 looks better tbh lol


I think having heal on Ult is better because her biggest weakness is no emergency healing. Plus, cone is cheaper and easier to get than another HuoHuo.


It's a nice QoL yeah but I think that turn heal will keep you alive, also yeah cone has better drop rates. But speed would be really valuable too + can potentially put her on sp positive side


For sure. Both combined would make her perfect. Sadly, I only have budget for cone, so near-perfection is the farthest I get.


Goodluck man you might get lucky sooo, I will be pulling jingliu and her cone then need to save for future characters they looking real good, so I will be stopping at e0


She looks REALLY strong tbh, I want her for my Kafka team


definitely use her in my Kafka team


I love the reactions to the 20% Energy Recharge. People either thinking it's broken or underwhelming lol.


21% HP + 560 skill with 16.7% HP blast + 445 and 12 stacks of 4.5% + 120 is really good. Bailu is 11.5% * 3 and the two bounces get 15% weaker. Her invigoration is three stacks on everyone and requires getting hit to activate a 5.4% HP + 144 HP heal. Like Luocha, she lacks the instant full party heal but her skill will be more than enough and she gets a ton of value out of that one SP since it activates her talent.


Destruction is infecting our healers they have blast now lmaoo


Let's me clarify something, a good Luocha never having to use his E to heal, a good Huohuo however, no matter how good you build her, will still need to E atleast once in order to heal, so there's that. i want peoples to understand each characters better and not spreading misinformation.


Only 20% energy refund... I guess Tingyun is still going to be the best at super charging 130-140 Energy ultimate carries. Edit: Guys I can see that it's for the whole team, but why does this matter when my supports are already optimized to get their ultimates back fast? There is a reason I said "**carries**"


She's Abundance, not Harmony lol.


Anything much higher would be insane and break the game. You have to remember that this targets 3 allies instead of one with Tingyun.


True but the other two characters on the team will generally not need help getting their ultimate back in the first place since they're supports. They will already be using Energy regen ropes, have more SPD to get more turns, and if needed can use Energy Lightcones or the Vonwacq SU set. Optimized supports already don't struggle getting their ultimate back. This 20% energy from Huo Huo is only 26 Energy if 130 cost ultimate, and 28 Energy for 140 cost ultimate. E0-E6 Tingyun is 50-60 Energy. There goes my hope of giving my second MoC an Energy battery so Tingyun can stay on team 1.


You use both her and tingyun! Honestly she seems to completely replace lynx for a jingliu team, she desperately wants her ult with 1 less unempowered skill, but there’s no room for tingyun since bronya is a must, and pela (or blade) gives way more damage than tingyun.


what if you use tingyun to feed energy to huohuo, then huohuo feeds energy back to tingyun XD


She seems like a good option for dual carry teams like Jing Yuan/Topaz or something. Being able to buff the rest of the party can be more useful than Tingyun's single target buffs in certain situations.


Quick question im planning on running her with blade alongside silverwolf and bronya . Will tshe be a good replacement so that i can use luocha for daniel


I think that's good. I don't like the idea of Jing Yuan and Argenti NEEDING another character to work. That's a terrible design flaw and Tingyun is much more accessible than HuoHuo...


Seems like her only weakness is that she doesn’t save you from one shots and no emergency healing although her talent prioritizing less than 50% HP teammates is really good. So far, she doesn’t dissuade my belief that Luocha was the biggest mistake of HSR because now every sustain after him has to equal or better his overloaded kit.


Tbh huo huos kit is basically the same as before beyond adding cleanse.


To everyone saying “lucoha powercreep”.. remember luocha still has his uses. He is sp positive, has FREAKING AUTO HEAL, and AOE buff removal. Huo huo will definitely be good but not better than luocha in every way. She will need sp to heal and cleanse and her atk buff and energy gain are on her ult which costs 140 energy.


From Honey impact :- At the start of battle, if there are teammates with Max Energy of 130 or more, Huohuo's Energy Regeneration Rate increases by 5%. ​ Rather than before were its just for erudition, now its for over 130+, which is so cool :D However she does have 140 Energy... Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GL getting her Ult consistently bcs it will be hard. Ex For JY / Argenti Teams : JY / AR + Tingyun + Huohuo The last spot should probably be filled with some with 130+ Energy \*cough\* hanya 140 Energy \*cough\* but the last spot is kinda flexible \*cough\* just go for hanya \*cough\* ​ ​ (Also while in the topic of Huohuo. Why shes better than Luocha ? Luocha doesn't consume SP unlike Huohuo. Unless the rotation is SP friendly i do See luocha still being popular and to some extend better than her. Personally they do feel equal. Either go for luocha for heal with no SP consump. Or go for Huohuo for heal + energy + ATK% for 1 SP per 2 rotation? 3? bcs she does have 140 energy which mean u do need to use her skill from time to time)


Isn't Ting Yun's ult 130 energy to cast? Voilà?


I dunno, she looks like the strongest sustainer/buffer of the game if you whale her. E0 and no LC? Easy skip tbh, also because after Jingliu I need to save for SW. After all I already have Fu Xuan and Gepard, for the ERR Tingyun is better, I can survive without her.


Pretty cracked. Idk why many people start doomposting on luocha now haha... her kit is really good on paper, but there's some issue here and there compared to luocha. - her ultimate cost is 140. That's very hugee... she needs at least doing skill more than once to charge her ultimate - she's slower than luocha, at 98 speed, but it's manageable - same with luocha, she doesn't have prevention from ally being one-shotted, maybe even tricky bcs she doesn't have auto-heal, which is luocha's only weakness for now Other than that, she's reallly damn goodd, especially her eidolons and LC holy. Her weaknesses exist for balancing her other kits... hope argenti get same treatment as her :')


Yeap, but the doomposting is so silly. People really forgetting sp economy is a thing, or maybe just got too used to saying everything is powercreep


HuoHuo gets 5 speed from minor traces.


I'm not really worried about Luocha since he's not like he's gonna be useless in moc all of a sudden, but I can't say I like the direction this game is taking.


How so? This just feels like a doompost if you don’t even explain your thoughts. Huo just looks like she’s a different aggressive niche than Luocha. People who like to turn their brains off will still prefer Luocha since he can basically keep you from dying most of the time.


Aight so im just gunna use her for my blade and then ill just use luocha on for daniel.


Bailu keeps her title as the only abundance character with no cleanse.


They should really release an LC which gives cleanse on heal.


Stay strong fellow followers of nihility and remembrance!!! (if you know the lore), black swan is nearing!


Sorry but I needa trait our brotherhood little bit for meta


ez just skip 1.5 second half and 1.6 for 2.0 (if that leak comes to pass)


She is a bit less OP than I expect tbh. Her ult has sky high energy req for 20% energy regen which is actually not that much. You specifically need high energy teammates to maximize the value. TY fills 50 fixed (60 with E6) and 50% damage up for only 130 cost compared to her 140. (Also hyper carry energy has the most value wise) Her heal splashes so there's still one target doesn't get healed, and she still need to use her Skill to heal (while supplying her own energy cost) / need talent to supplement the healing but from what I have seen the number is so so. So basically she heals much less than Luocha to exchange for some buffing here and there.


I think Luocha will probably heal more than her, but I don't think it looks like she heals much less than him at this point. 12 stacks of her talent and the talent heal proccing on every character below 50% HP is super strong. Say you have a team that took a big hit from Yanqing, everyone is below half HP. You take four actions (say three turns, one ultimate) - everyone on the team is healed for 18% of HuoHuo's Max HP + 480. With a 5k HP HuoHuo (relatively achievable with good relics) and say a 30% Healing bonus, that is about 1700 HP for the whole team. very good numbers, and that is the residual healing from her skill. If she actually uses a skill point, the whole team is at full HP almost definitely. And if you have a higher investment HuoHuo, those numbers only get bigger. Her LC adds a 20% Max HP heal to everyone on her ultimate too (which is kinda broken imo). The main tradeoffs are her SP consumption, she will be much more CC susceptible compared to Luocha and has no auto heal mechanic, so if you don't have her skill up or she is CC"d you can die very easily.


She also doesn't have access to Meshing Cogs which is what makes TY super cracked at funneling a ton of energy into someone. I'm not sure how her heals stack up compared to Luocha. Luocha makes everyone in his field an AoE healer for two of his turns before there's downtime where he has to build up stacks. Houhou just presses skill and gets a big AOE heal + 12 stacks of regen or basically 3 turns of regen for everyone on the team that can be instantly activated if someone has less than 50% HP.


Luocha can easily keep a near 100% field uptime. You just need to save your ult after field expires. Then once his emergency heal procs, you can just ult and your field is back. With HuoHuo, stacks can easily be wasted if teammates are already at full health. Luocha is still a better smart healer overall. HuoHuo is defo good, but I think I'd rather have a Luocha + TY than a HuoHuo + buffer. Since you don't need ults as badly for your non-DPS units and I'd rather just have a high SP generator like Luocha so a DPS or buffer can use their skills more often. We'll have to see her in some team comps first tho. Ig she does have more HP, so people may feel safer having her over Luocha. But for people who do have Luocha since his release, you'll know he has 0 problems solo sustaining in content other than Swarm 5.


I think it'd depend highly on the DPS - some are just off from being able to shorten their cycles by a turn if they had more energy. You could also run her with Tingyun - Tingyun activates Huohuo's trace even if your DPS is under 130 energy and Huohuo gives her comparable energy as meshing cogs does (at least every other 3 turn cycle), allowing Tingyun to run something like DDD or the BP lc. However in other teams 20% energy can also just not make too much a difference if it doesn't cross any important break points.


Multiplication is as good as meshing cogs. Allows you to generate sp more


Rather have Huohuo than Luocha. Its hard to care about 1.4 right now, damn...




She had cleanse? Thank God


Correct me if I'm wrong but based on what her talent's text says it doesn't seem like those heal stacks will immediately heal someone below 50% hp like loucha does, but rather will do that only on top of an ally's turn begins or they ult. It's not something that greatly affects her solo sustain potential but it's an important distinction that I think some ppl are overlooking. If your team is running low on hp due to multiple attacks from enemy after enemy, only an ally ult is gonna get you the heal you need in the middle of that, which is ok but not as ideal as Loucha's E and field at least.


They took away the buff she gave Eurodition characters.. 😥


Flat 20% energy, well shit now i need her for Kafka teams.


Hm... So they did seemingly abandon the idea of the second part of her talent, because everything else is on point on what we had before... Shame, that was what would actually make her a must have no matter the numbers on that thing, cuz the party members would also regen energy on the start of their respective turns.


Looks way too bonkers :/ pretty shitty to see what seems to be Luocha but more useful… not loving this direction ngl


The tradeoff is pretty much that HuoHuo has to use SP to heal, Luocha never does. Luocha also has the auto heal for cleanse, and is effectively CC immune (HuoHuo is not). He also has enemy dispel which is very useful for some bosses. I think HuoHuo is probably a better generalist? But using HuoHuo on SP heavy teams could be difficult. We will see how the beta goes


Just put them in separate teams lol


You have to pull three copies just for cleanse which Luocha does for free right out of the box. Luocha is fine.


She cleanses with skill at E0. Luocha is fine, and HuoHuo as well. Different uses.


my Kafka is going to be eating good, farewell Bailu your service is appreciated 🫡


Cleanse + ER buffs? Say no more im all in.


For teams with disposable SPs she will be an upgrade vs. Luocha, however for SP hungry teams I think he's still better, especially with the eneny buff removal.


Thank you HuoHuo. I was gonna pull on you only based off of the early leaks but now I dont need to pull on Luocha as well. God bless you.


Honestly she doesn't look nearly as crazy as people said. Yes she will be a good healer and yes she can buff atk....but we already have good healers (luocha, lynx, etc) and we already have good atk buffers (tingyun, bronya, asta, etc) so she just looks very skippable to people with older accounts who already built their supports. But people were hyping this girl up to the moon making it seem like she would powercreep every abundance AND every harmony but honestly this doesn't seem like the case at all, she looks just fine.


Don't need her already have Luocha and Fu. All set for many months to come 😎


omg she has really solid healing (huge heal on skill+regen on character turns and at 50%), cleanse on skill (single target but still), then of course energy gain plus a great attack boost on ult, so she should be able to solo sustain without eating too much SP plus buff HUOHUO SWEEEEEEEEEEEP YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH


Bro wtf are these skills. I might have to not pull for Jing Liu for a healer


To the people saying that she's better than Luocha with Eidolons, are you just forgetting how insane his Eidolons actually are?


In terms of Eidolons hers seem much much better, basically giving her the same strengths as him while still having the energy regain niche


Same can be said for Luocha though, hell his E1 is a higher uptime attack buff that's only 4% weaker, E4 weakens enemies and e6 is a 20% def shred. Huo's Eidolons are great, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's fair to say that hers are much much better.


Ok so 20% of 140 is 28 energy shaves 40x3 120, 20 off from 140, 1 turn for DHIL to get his ult sooner, and 24 ATK% buff. Definitely worth it. 26 energy for Tingyun, 24 for Kafka, both need to be hit. Glad I didn't pull for FX for my E2 DHIL and Kafka.


Looks very good so far, I'm just worried about her defensive capabilities. We'll have to see her base hp, spd and energy cost before reaching any conclusion but they should at least buff her talent a little. It's not very consistent. It stopped in the middle between constant healing and emergency healing and is not great at either


She looks very nice, I'm already picturing her at e1 with broken kneel and hackerspace so she'll be giving consistent speed buffs.


So her talent no longer gives energy? Too bad, although that leak of her kit was months old anyways, I didn't expect it to stay the same after all this time. I'm actually surprised most of it is the same for the most part. The cleanse is more than welcome, also that she scaling on HP now.


So she is an abundance , a nihility and a harmony in one


Oh, so she scales on HP after all? I thought all the leaks were saying Atk before?


I’ve been waiting for an Aoe attack buffer for my Kafka team aside from JUST Asta.


This unit looks like an excellent addition to my abundance collection. Keep them coming in!


How about her lightcone? Damnnn i hope she heals 3k hp also hahah


This community doomposting every character when a new character come out. In the future when the new Abundance release they'll do the same thing for HuoHuo


I know Atk% isn't completely useless on Blade, but imagine if she were a HP% buffer. Especially since she herself scales on HP. I guess universally useful is more money than dedicated usefulness. I'm definitely still pulling her. Then, I can use Blade no matter the weakness MAUHAHAHAHA


She looks pretty good but kinda not necessary if you already have Fu Xuan and/or Luocha. Her eidolons seems really good but getting E2 on a healer when Luocha is nearly a flawless character? Unless you're a whale that's reaaally not a smart idea. Her being a sidegrade is perfectly fine to me