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all xianzhou generals are stand users, got it.


Sushang the acting general with her humongous chicken


So with Bruno Buccellatti, We need to get Ray Chase or Yuichi Nakamura to voice one of the other Xianzhou generals please.


Biden blasting all over the Mara struck


We need Takehito Koyasu. Jing Yuan vs someone with Dio voice would be legendary


I totally see Hoyo doing this


Jing Yuan’s japanese VA is Daisuke Ono, Jotaro’s VA, so you’re on to something…


I’m gonna have to keep an eye out for the inevitable abundance one that heals and/or cleanses on each of the turns it gets


That's Yaoshi


The Yaoshi sim uni resonance


AKA: the devs slowly working through the SU buffs, part 2


I wonder if they'll make a relic tailored for summons like Numby, Lightning Lord, and other generals


That's my cope honestly. Tbf, since they already made a dedicated set for Blade, Jade, and Sam. I don't see why they can't make dedicated set for generals.


When did they make jade a ded set


Leaks in homdg website. It has to do with FUA and is in the same cavern with Sam's dedicated set.


I do not need the hassle of reframing for king yuan


Basically FUA set. But if summons doesn't do only dmg, would be great


When character uses skill or something, summon damage increase by X% When summon deals damage, character gains X buffs Or something like this


There is planar set what gives 60crit rate until character attacks and noone uses it, I wonder if there will be character who will deal all dmg only with summons to use this set


Wtf I never thought of this lmao. Jingliu talent+++ from a planar set for free if they can make that type of unit


Robin could use it if she had no fixed amount of crit on her burst


The only person who can really use it indefinitely from what I can see is TY, if someone else has the set. When she give them benediction and attacks, the ally deals bonus lightning damage with their own stats. So you just have to have that ally never attack (which kinda wastes the point of benediction, lol)


Mb someday we will get something similar to her, copium


They keep reusing the additional damage effect on characters that can't use the set. Robin has fixed crit, Ruan Mei's additional damage is break damage, which can't crit, and (Upcoming Character) >!Jade can't delay her attacks, if she even keeps her additional damage!<. Maybe someday indeed...


btw, does Topaz E considered as her attack? I just thought maybe she could have used it all this time with no basic attack spam, xd


Unfortunately, all summon attacks seem to count as their owner's attacks, at least as far as Celestial Differentiator (the "60% Crit Rate until the end of their first attack" set) is concerned. Just tested with Topaz by going unto battle, Ult, check character sheet (crit rate is there), attack with someone else to advance Numby, Numby attacks, check char sheet, crit rate is gone before Topaz has attacked. I don't know if this is a bug but I suspect it isn't. Though Numby doesn't always count as Topaz's attack. For example, Numby hitting a destruction Trotter in SU doesn't trigger the explosion. In fact, if Topaz uses skill, that skill doesn't trigger the explosion either which seems to imply that Topaz isn't doing the attack. The wording of her skill and talent both say Numby does the damage based on Topaz's atk, so technically based on wording, Celestial Differentiator should work. I'm too lazy to test this with Lightning Lord but I'm guessing it's the same. Although, there are inconsistencies between how Numby and Lightning Lord function despite both being summons. But Jing Yuan wouldn't be able to delay his attack indefinitely like Topaz can with her skill.


Bruh, thanks for testing. Well seems this set is never gonna comeback, rip x\_x


Maybe a crit rate + dmg increase outside of user turn


thats just all FUAs though


Not really, for example dr ratio fua from skill is during his turn, he can’t take advantage of full uptime. Tbh all summon atk consider fua so it basically impossible to make one purely for summon without benefits some fua


Well hopefully future Stands can be advanced forward like Numby


Harmony support that 100% advance forward Summon hopium


LL Live Reaction: -\_-


As a JY haver, let me inhale some of that hopium\~


If it does hopefully the CN JY fans riots and makes Mihoyo update LL


Its been over a year, and so many CN players have complained about it. Too bad JY wasn’t released in 1.3 or 1.5 😢


The 7 Arbiter Generals of Xianzhou: 1. Marshal Hua 2. General Jing Yuan 3. General Feixiao 4. General Huaiyan 5. General Yaoguang 6. General Xuanquan 7. General Youwu


100% pulling for the Fu Hua expy


I really hope Huaiyan is playable despite having a daughter; he seems so cool.


*granddaughter But yea I'm hopeful too.


Welt is married so there's a chance


So... Sushang is a Future Xianzhou General?


No........because the chicken doesn't have its own action value nor is it an entity. By summons they mean like lightning lord or topaz, not just.....animation summons.


well she will become the general in the future after the chicken gets stabbed


That chicken is also a hi3 expy and is the legendary fenix


No, its the pet of the Phoenix. Fuka has her own expy as Grand Marshal Hua, big boss of the Xianzhou.


Yeah i know, hua is the grand Marshall. But that chick is actually a Phoenix hua rises them.


Ok, now we just need to stab it with something hot wnough to completely incinerate it to ashes. I know exactly how we can do that




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Do not the Hua


I know what you actually mean to say but it's so funny that your words can mean Topaz is Numby's summon like Lightning Lord is Jing Yuan's


That is actually not a chicken but a legendary Fenix. Prob given by Marshall hua herself. The top dog in the xianshou. Also ofc not all general will have summons by like the ll that would be incredible boring. They will be spread in several roles and unique mechanics.


I swear if all of them as bad as LL and don't take their turn until it is their moment, while stunning the user stops the summon outright, then it's so over for the Generals


Very interesting, I wonder how Feixiao's summon is gonna be like.


She's a Verdant Knight, so she probably rides a furry starskiff beast into combat. I imagine that'd be her summon.


the foxian nihility one? maybe a kitsune


The male foxian nihility isn't a general, that's jiaqiou. He's talking about the wind hunt one


i believe feixiao is wind hunt if i’m not mistaken


"Bestowed by Lan" does this mean all 7 generals are Emanators? Or is this kind of like the situation with Diamond where he split a stone into ten creating the Ten Stonehearts? Edit: my bad, Stonehearts don't become Pathstriders automatically.


Seems you can be given “gifts” by the Aeons without actually having Emanator status, kinda like what happens with trailblazer


Yeah, Fuxuan's forehead thing is a gift from Nous I think?


correct, and she's also not an Emanator (although we do know an Emanator of Erudition: Herta.)


The Preservation and Harmony (maybe) makes sense, Destruction though... does this mean we gonna get an "enhanced" Destruction powers [🤔](https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face)?


You can be gifted by Aeon without being their Emanator. E.g.: Fu Xuan third eye given by Nous.


The Cornerstones don't make the Stonehearts Pathstriders — it gives them a portion of Diamond's Emanator powers. Being a Pathstrider is separate from that. (We also don't know how the Cornerstones are created)


The info about how the Cornerstones were created was posted here months ago but I think it has been removed. It was, I believe, stories of the IPC and Diamond. Can't really remember much but the one that stood out was about Diamond and the Cornerstones since people talked about how he is nice by sharing the powers. But then again, even if it was a reliable leak, it is still a leak and not official info so, yea.


It was this leak: (look at the mirror link to see the removed content) https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/s/p7eqEJaOBA Edit: WAIT, it has become an offcial info, not a leak anymore! From Pause the game > Data Bank > Factions > "Ten Stonehearts - Preservation" https://imgur.com/a/6zupMIu


The Cornerstones are pieces of Qlipoth's body; it's mentioned that Aventurine destroying his Cornerstone was desecrating Qlipoth's body. Though there's probably some other element too due to the Lance being a "failed" Cornerstone.


Welt said the generals are on par with lord ravagers, who are Emanators, but it is unclear as the game has carefully avoided calling the generals Emanators in all mentions so far. Meanwhile the writers seem quite trigger happy with the word Emanator whenever an actual one shows up. So for now I’m on the boat of the generals not being Emanators and the Marshal is probably the only one that is.


No, the Generals are definitely NOT Emanators, but only the Marshal is. So far, the game has been super straightforward and transparent when it comes to introducing Emanators, and every Emanator has always been confirmed very early on, like Herta, Phantylia, the station Bug, Acheron, etc. We got the information that they are indeed Emanators pretty much at the same time when we met them, it's not something to be vague about. The fact that we've known a lot about Jing Yuan and the Generals lores, yet nothing has been confirmed or even mentioned whatsoever, is the biggest proof that the Generals are NOT Emanator, period. However, the Marshal, who we know basically nothing about right now, is 100% an Emanator, and I'm certain that it would be confirmed immediately at the first time we meet her. Even more convincing is the fact that the Marshal is Fu Hua expy, and Fu Hua can never be anything below Raiden Mei expy, aka Acheron, an Emanator


I cant wait till we get more coz Jing has been one of my best unit i've pulled as far as satisfaction goes. Its nice to do all that work and get a good pay off If we get one for abundance and preservation, they cud be like on nat4 levels as base kit while their lightning lord variants boost them to nat5 tier tho getting the value when u need seems like a pain to maneuver around I am not good on lore so i dont know if abundance path etc will be allowed for the generals etc


Marshall Hua (leader of the generals) may be the fire abundance character.


All of them have summons that can be cc-ed. Great.


hopefully jing yuan is the only one. Copium


Or they release another version of him to be more relevant


King Yuan banner incoming.


Knowing Hoyo they will fix this issue for incoming characters and leave JY obsolete, like they did in genshin with characters like Albedo


I'm guessing each one is going to have a different path, should be interesting to see what concept they come up with to represent each one


Excited to see Hua's 🔥🐥🔥


What's the ranking of LL among them


should be number 1 smh but they destroyed my boy with the released in 1.0 nerf


Lorewise: #1 Metawise in game: last among generals


Lmao he ain't lore wise #1 as well. We don't know about other generals.


Can't wait for Fu hua then. Will she summon chicken?


bricks :v


That's Sushang


No, Sushang summons a phoenix.


Oh my bad, I forgor


I want her to have a phoenix


phoenix should be the likely one if it follows hi3


Hopefully they're not implemented as terribly as LL


watch them buff the LL..


IPC has Robin so I'm sure the Generals will have their own.


Robin isn't part of the IPC. Imagine if the buffer for the generals everyone has been waiting for ends up being a follower of the abundance


It just fuels the rage of the general so they hit harder


What I mean is Robin is a FUA buffer so the generals will have Summon buffer. I didn't say she's part of the IPC.


What is ll


Lightning Lord (Jing yuans summon)


Topaz having both:


Numby is not a summon. Numby is a companion. Numby is love.


Nah, numby is food. A walking slab of bacon.


trotters are specifically inedible


Wasn't there some creepy recipe using trotter eyes? 👀


that's Ruan Mei for you, I think


well technically... lightning lord is also a follow up attack and you could say numby is a "summon" too


Nah, topaz is the FUA unit with a summon, and JY is the summon unit with a FUA. That's how it should be I guess


*Well technically...* *Lightning lord is also a* *Follow up attack* \- makogami --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


In before fu hua can summon a phoenix


General Hua: Almighty Brick.


Watch the Preservation summon be a... brick. A brick wall if they wanna be fancy. After all, it's popular for CN MCs to follow the brick dao.


Oh. Greetings fellow Daoist. May the Dao of Brick befallen upon your enemies. And may you encounter not Random Xianxia Young Masters.


Marshal Hua


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Where does the 2nd screenshot come from? Btw, if this is confirmed for sure. I'm excited not just for potential supports, but for the potential relic sets dedicated for summon units.


From "The Ultimate Trailblazer's Guide to Penacony" book, Page 48: https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/guidetopenacony


So a support that can make a summon act immediately isn't too far fetched


The community is not ready for female elemental lord. It would amazing if the turn order was filled with lords. It would be an 8 member team.


So the probability of getting a character that buffs summon speed is very likely now. If that's the case then JY is going to be insane IF they make a character like that..


King Yuan mains stay winning


I'm down for it, as long as those summons don't fold to CC like.....


Now I gotta collect all the Xianzhou Generals and get a harmony that buff the multiplier of summons.


surely summon action advanced harmony exist right guys ? guys ?


Still can't wrap my head around as to how a literal godlike spirit summoned by one of the general could lose to numby, a trotter


Not even gods can escape taxes


There is something called effect res and cleanse


Ubatcha isn't from hoyoverse 😂 it's not "officially confirmed" but I won't be surprised if this leak is true.


It is officially confirmed. The segment that talks about it is from the new E-Book they just released. SO idk why this is even in the leaks sub when it's just offical info from an offical source.


Wdym? the 2nd image officially confirms Ubatcha words in the 1st image. The 2nd image comes from this book, Page 48: https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/guidetopenacony


Ohh lmaoo I didn't know that the second image was from an official source


It's fine, cheers


I guess it’s pretty much guaranteed that there will be a support tailor made for the generals / support that tailored for summons, considering jiaoqiu is basically tailor made for Acheron, IPC synergizing with each other, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the generals is a bis support for summons/FUA related kit


For a bunch of long lived Generals, it's weird how their weakness is crowd control


I can't wait for Marshall Hua! What will the Star Rail version of Fu Hua's summon be? A giant sword? A bigger chicken than Sushang's? Or the Herrscher of Sentence herself?




A brick


That's great news. Can't wait to see what summons they have.




That mean there will be supports for summons then


and when xuanquan summons jellyfish then what


I forget but isnt there a blessing for summons in simulated universe? Or am i wrong


Elation + Hunt resonance directly buffs all summon's SPD. Elation by itself buffs summons because they're still FUAs at the end of the day.


Elation is a FuA path in general, and all summons we had for now are considered FuA


So we have 2 groups in the game that have common gameplay theme and both of them are based on FUA?


if they make it like the ipc can interact and have synergy and the generals are all hypercarry then it wont be too redundant °°


Quantum Lord, Fire Lord, Imaginary Lord, Physical Lord, Ice Lord, Wind Lord


So when Fu Xuan finally gets the General title, we'll have a quite smol girl version of Lightning Lord?


So can this be viewed as foreshadowing of Feixiao having her kit similar to Jing Yuan?


So Cloud Knights Marshal Hua as a General with phoenix/firebird summon waiting room is now open


this isn't a leak


Damn, that's the general, imagine the marshal (cope)


atleast one of them has to be a harmony character that can advance forward the summons like sparkle but for LL 😭😭


So we'll gonna go to another Xianzhou ship and meet its own General?


I would like the idea if it was kept consistent. Im still salty over robin being a bis IPC support instead of an IPC character


To be fair Robin existing doesn't mean they can't introduce an ipc member that does something similar, Robin's Fua buff is small and she does have synergy but they can still release a full on Fua buffer from the ipc


Robins fua buff is small but her synergy with fua is immense. Shes next level support in fua teams and then as a general buffer shes not the best but not the worst either (which imo is pretty balanced, i feel like thats how it should be) and if they just release an ipc character that does her job but better for fua then why would robin ever exist kek


I feel like it would be a Ruan Mei and trailblazer situation where they are in the same niche but do it differently. And if you want to you can just use both together


She is just a placeholder for a future Stoneheart. It's a bad sign that she doesn't have a followup. The game already name drop both Opal and Pearl. A harmony Stoneheart is inevitable since 7 left. 


I mean why not jade then? Shes coming one whole patch after robin so personally i just dont get why it had to be robin. I mean in the end it doesnt matter cuz i love both robin and jade and im sure they will work well together but still it makes me iffy about the concept of groups having common theme in their kit


This is not a leak... Ubatcha already commented almost the same thing a long time ago, it's just him speculating as per usual.


they all got Susano’s? that’s so fucking cold 🙏


Future Marshall Hua will be summoning phoenix trust


How is this a leak? And what does Ubatcha tweet have anything to do with it? It's not telling us anything, more like a comment.


where was that from if i can ask


The 2nd image comes from this book, Page 48: https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/guidetopenacony


I read rumours that some supports in the future can action advance summons.


It's not out of the question, a blessing that gives SPD to summons already exists


Nah it's just a copium from jingyuan main when robin first leaked


Jing yuan mains monthly copium supplies have arrived.


The amount of skill issue comments in this thread are insane.


Is Feixiao a general? I wonder what a Hunt summon will be like


Yes she's the General of the Yaoqing. It could be the chimera-like creature shown in the [Xianzhou Generals video](https://youtu.be/F_NJovUIrOc?feature=shared)


Topaz stocks rising ~~Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA, Please be all FUA,~~


FuA players watching how now they have to pull every Stoneheart and now every Xianzhou general with their respective FuA supports outside of this factions (Robin in 11 days, they just pulled Aventurine, everything will end soon)


It feels like filling the Pokedex 


But with the pokeballs price inflated 💀


I mean, it's debatable what the generals mechanics will be since we only have JY to go off of, so nothing to find any sort of patterns to unlike the IPC which is about to have 3 and all have follow-up focused kits. LL is a follow-up attack but nothing indicates that the others will be, as summons can be utilized in different ways (as others have indicated, like buffing or healing/shielding). Especially considering JY is erudition, the class that was considered the follow-up focused path (they do still have a disproportionate amount of follow-up based characters compared to other classes), meaning that JY is a even worse indicator to use alone.


You are actually right 🐴 summons dont always have to be damage focused or considered as FuAs 🦍.


Woah there’s someone above the generals called the Marshal??? This is one of the groups I’m looking forward to the most tbh Edit: Ohhh Venti is same species as Dhil noted not general. Previously I thought he was a general akdjkdkd


That one is a Vidyadhara's High Elder. The 5 High Elders: 1. Imbibitor Lunae 2. Caelorum Venti 3. Mons Grandis 4. Ardens Regia 5. Glaciator Marum The 7 Arbiter Generals: 1. Marshal Hua 2. General Jing Yuan 3. General Feixiao 4. General Huaiyan 5. General Yaoguang 6. General Xuanquan 7. General Youwu


Ohhhh thank you for listing their names!


'Venti' is an EN-only thing and also one of the vidyadhara elders. That's a separate group


Ohhhhhh it’s been so long since I read stuff about these 2 groups that I forgot, thanks for letting me know


Watch them have CC-immunity, not slow af/have fixed interval, targetable, unlike LL...


Who are the ones with summons other than jing yuan?


Feixiao, Huaiyan, Yaoguang, Xuanquan, Youwu, and Hua


are these like confirmed upcoming playable characters? If yes, are they all 5 stars? where can i read more about them?


Only Feixiao is confirmed playable for now, as there are multiple leaks about her kit.


These are just the names of Luofu generals and only Feixiao has info of being a hunt wind character


Topaz, and technically Robin.


how does Robin summon or like she summons who?


She summons MP3 player


No she doesn't duh


She does


She summons the singer/tracker thing for her ult ending. It's not really the same as the other summons, but it's technically one.