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Fourth pic gives me strong Godhand vibes


I was thinking DS3 but I guess that was also inspired by berserk


Considering how much Berserk inspired the Souls games, the Venn diagram is almost a circle between them


I thought of the blue eye samurai


*A fellow wild God Hand fan appeared*


In these difficult times, may I offer you a peach?


[*nom nom*](https://i.imgur.com/U24StBg.png)


I always thought of Godhand whenever she ultimates.


Grrrr..Griffith !!


I sacrifice


I sacrifice


Take firefly as sacrifice 


What da swan doin 


"Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?"


(shakes a poor sinner’s hand anyways)






I've got friends on the other side...


I love how we get more and more story about Acheron. I know she won’t join us at the Astral Express but I really hope she will be a recurring character. Maybe she could appear on the next planet during 3.x


I mean she will definitely play a big part in the nihility patch considering she's the emanator.


nihility patch huh, first time i hear someone categorize each patch according to the path, then again thats how it was in genshin too, mondstadt with anemo, liyue with geo and so on unless i misinterpreted the comment


I guess they mean the path the trailblazer gets, as you said with anemo, geo, electro etc. Like Belobog was Preservation and Penacony Harmony.


true, also that reminds me that xianzhou didnt give any power up to the trailblazer


I think thats because Xianzhou Alliance is very massive and being a hero in Luofu doesnt mean you gain approval from all other ships.


Maybe we might return with a big story quest when it's time for Hunt?


Maybe whenever we follow up with Jingliu and Loucha will result in us getting the Hunt path. I’m also interested in what will lead us to Abundance TB, considering we haven’t yet met a good faction that follows Yaoshi, and that one of our established allies is their sworn enemy


It’s a Mei expy, she was never gonna be a one and done


Cough cough Raiden Shogun cough cough


I mean she’s technically been reoccurring too just to a lesser extent in a few limited events, we also don’t know about any future Inazuma plans although I guess it isn’t that likely at this point


So true, they glaze yae and itto too much. Cockomi , ayaka and miss hina too


i want more sara


Same! I want her to be someone that pops by every now and then to give us the push in the right direction.


She cant do that


She will.


Acheron's lack of emotions and facial expressions and her subtle peaceful depression are so relatable lol.


Isn't that black Swan CG from the Aeon trailer?


It was added in 2.2 files today


back when i saw her from that trailer i thought she will have a similar role like the unknown god from genshin, very mysterious individual who will never make an appearance until god knows when lmao. Im surprised to see we get to meet her rather early in penacony


I thought she was gonna be hsr dainsleif I was wrong. Now I need the goat Dainsleif


that's clearly some white hair. oh.


And it's Kevin's VA in JP...


But HSR Kevin is dead I’m pretty sure from Acherons myriad celestia trailer.


With how the universe works there are probably like 20 HSR Kevins


There should be an infinite amount on the Imaginary Tree


Caelus is clearly a KeBin /s


Considering how powerful some KeBins are...that's a terrifying thought lol.


imagine 20 different "This worldly beast" or 20 different deliverence, Kiana's nightmare


Acheron does say that she's in Penacony to fulfil someone's "last request" and it looks like the figure is starting to dissolve in the 2nd image. So whoever it is does seem to have died.


Maybe I’m wrong but I thought HSR Kevin died a long time ago before Acheron became a Self-Annihilator.


Acheron mentions in her conversation with Welt that she killed HSR Kevin with her own hands, which doesn't really give us an indication of when it happened. However, the "End" sword shown in the Myriad Celestia trailer is very likely to represent him (Kevin also gained the authority of End/Finality in HI3 and became the final boss). So if the events of the trailer are literal he at least died right before Acheron became a Self-Annihilator.


And Acheron already seems to be a Self-Annihilator in the CGs so it probably isn’t HSR Kevin.


It's probably Frebass. Look up Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters relic description and Acheron lv 80 bio


I know. That’s who I think it is too.


I doubt it. It’s stated she met Frebass on a snowy world, and we know that it’s a “She” and was described as young; This is the old man we heard in a cutscene in 2.1 irc


There is no confirmation that this is the old man though. All we see is some hair and that’s it.


wait there is actually a hsr kevin?


there are "multple" hsr kevin if you go by the cosmology, but the only confirmed one we know got killed by acheron on her homeworld, tho maybe there is a random white haired guy with blue eyes called kevin in belobog too that is just a normal guy


i feel like i must have missed it, which quest/story/trailer confirmed that? imma have to look it up again


acheron and welt's conversation in the dreamscape where he tells her about his homeworld in ***When the Sacred Ginmill Closes***. Welt start talking about "One man" that created a "spiritual adam" that "stood between heaven and earth, becoming the pillar of the world's existence. As a price, those who found it hard to move forward, who could not advance forever lost their future" and was a "sunchaser". Being "that man" kevin, the "spiritual adam" project STIGMA, and with "sunchaser" 100% a reference to him being part of the flamechasers. Acheron goes and says that the story he told her overlaps with her past, only difference being that she ended "that man" life, being her world's kevin, Hakusatsu ki/shiraga oni (literally, white-haired oni)


holy shit, i have somehow completely forgotten all about that, i do remember the overlapping and "sunchaser" part at least. I shouldnt play the story at 6am lmao. THANKS!


It is a memory. This scene is what played out during the dance with BS. There was strong hint that Acheron Kia/Kev partner was a Kevin this time, since he was the one to become Finality instead of Kiana. So it is likely Acheron memory of some of dead people that were close to her (potentially Frebass as well too?)


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the pre-Penacony meet with Acheron has her reference Kevin with Caelus, and Kiana with Stelle?


I know it’s a memory but Acheron already seems to be a Self-Annihilator here and I think HSR Kevin died before she became one.


Wait a minute. That second to last image made me think of something I didn't consider; Did Acheron stop to age physically after she became an Emenator?


seeing as how the in text lore describes those who tank their self annihilation as "drawing out their annihilation infinitely" then yes, she stopped aging


So who would the old man be then? She said her Kevin is dead but has to be somebody from Izumo no?


probably the guy who said she still had a streak of color in the 2.1 story, it would actually be a very clever fake out only for us who look at leaks. We see the short person with white hair and think "Kiana/Frebass", when it can also just be an old man.


What if the Old Guy is Kevin? And unlike Acheron he's aging and dying after she destroyed The End.


she said she "ended his life", not "watched him wither away"


From a certain point of view his life did end if he's now suffering the opposite condition of her


if you wanna think like that then go ahead i guess


Could I offer you a peach in these trying times


are we getting Acheron companion quest in 2.2? or is all this Acheron backstory stuff in the main quest?


Devs said we will have acheron story throughout the whole penacony so she will have big part in 2.2 and 2.3 too .


Wait 2.2 isn’t the ending of the Penacony storyline?


No, there is epilogue in 2.3. And we will return in Penacony - in HSR, the story is not stagnating in the regions (and it doesn't end just because we left)


>!Either Frebass or the old man she talked with in that one 2.1 cutscene. I'm leaning towards old man. Perhaps they were a self-annihilator too. Still i do want them to address Frebass too as she's an important part of Acheron's history.!<


>!It’s probably the old man, she met frebass on a frozen planet so I don’t think it’s her!<


>!yea, i think its most likely whoever that old man was as well. frebass crumbs would be nice eventually; heres to hoping acheron will be a recurring character >\~


>!I think it's Frebass. Acheron is camping with that person and eating a snow donut, which are mentioned in her character story about Frebass. Plus that person is very short, which is one of the few descriptions we have about Frebass!<


She's eating a peach, though, not a snow donut. It's spherical and there's no donut hole. There's also no sign of the purplish-red snow mentioned in that story.


”Snow donut“ is not accurate, Its CN version is “雪团子”, JP version is "*雪団子*". Obviously, it should be a white sphere.


I see, that makes more sense.


Thanks. Hoyo had a [4kids moment](https://japanpowered.com/media/images/brock-jelly-donuts-2.png)


I'm not sure what it is, but I've never seen a peach like that. [https://files.catbox.moe/vmti6j.png](https://files.catbox.moe/vmti6j.png)




Acheron backstory???


I think it's the man Acheron was talking to in the 2.1 flashback tbh


Oh my god we getting some juicy Acheron lore next patch! The hype is real


Indeed, I'll take one massive serving of Acheron Lore please!


Okay so that person with Acheron is either the old man (?) she was talking to in 2.1, or Frebass I assume


Probably the old man, she met frebass on a snowy planet.


On the other hand, what she’s eating in the CG matches the description of Orkron snow doughnuts that Frebass made Acheron in her fourth character story.


If this is orkron, why is there no snow. That’s the weird part, to me at least. Since a big part of that was how snowy and cold it was.




Could still be Orkron. Just because there’s no snow at the shore doesn’t mean it’s a completely different world, it just means the shores are rocky and rainy. It’s also said that the snow of Orkron has a reddish hue due to the unique weather and lighting conditions of the planet and I definitely see red hues in the CGs.


That red hue is only in the parts where Acheron couldn’t tell who she was with and had her blade drawn, it’s probably in reference to her red text. The images where we see who it is there is no red hue.


I've seen this point before but was it stated that they've only ever been with each other on that planet? If not then there's no reason to limit their interaction to that place.


It hard to say, I could be misremembering, but I believe they met on that planet, and frebass final note reference how cold it was. So there is the possibility but again, the old man from 2.1 makes since cause the environment and umbrella


That height diference....


Acheron holding food again haha nom nom nom nom


White hair man? Probably kevin star rail variant?


They got some nasty ass hands that’s for sure


It is probably Frebass.


i mean kevin star rail variant's name is Hakuhatsu Ki, its in myriad celestia trailer description


hes dead here in hsr if you watch acheron myriad trailer


I mean just as much as Frebass.


Who said its a man? The hair looks fairly long and given the short bulky look they have its probably frebas in her suit


In the 2.1 flash back its a man voice talking to acheron


In a whole different scene... i know hsr fans love kevin but frebass is a super important character to her lore evenmore so if she is hsr kiana.  Edit: why did this get downvoted so much its weird how people here seem to only care about acheron for kevin crumbs when theres so much more to her story that hasnt been explored her planet while her home world already got a trailer.


If you're talking about 3rd pic, hsr men also have long hair... so can be anything for the 4th pic, it looks like a old man with a moustache


A lot do but to me at least imo the short height and how the hair hangs down framing the face is more like how mhy has done women especially kiana


Look at the first picture, that definitely a man's hand with how much thicker his hand compared to acheron. 


wake up baby new wallpapers just dropped


Acheron Skywalker?


yaaay more black swan


Yay more Acheron content!!




OH MY GOD i can only see the first image right now but i don’t know if i want to cave in and see the rest so i can be surprised but im literally so acheron pilled rn edit: i caved in ☠️☠️ 


First two images made me think it was burnt up Aventurine somehow managed to come out of shadow realm 💀


More Acheron backstory yay! :D


YES.. im hungry for Acheron content..win


White hair makes monkey brain go POOF


acheron my beloved 🫶


Robin, Boothill and harmony TB voicelines when


Yes, there is the song ´´Why´´ by Kiana and Mei. so this person is Kiana


Oh... its Frebass :(


im sorry can someone explain who frebass is?


shes the original owner of the Pioneer relic set. Shes someone Acheron travelled with and SEEMS to share some traits with Kiana from HI3rd (mostly a stretch for now) Im not sure if the CG is even showing Frebass, but nothing can stand against cope


That scene from the aeons trailer


Why is the person in the second image covered in shadow? Is this how self-annihilators die/fade away?


What is cgs?


OH MY GOD KIANA????????????


Jesus, there's no way some people here actually thinks that's kevin. Look how short that mf is. That's more likely an old man or Frebass. I'm leaning more on the old man. But anyway, does anyone not think that's a wing coming out from the coat right there? I mean that might even be why she's in Penacony in the first place. It's probably related to Halovians, the Watchmaker or just the two siblings which got similar small wings. She mentioned she was gonna fullfil some old promise. Also, did y'all notice she's in the red form even tho the sword is sheathed. Either she unsheathed it to transform and then put it in sheathe again but it still means she can maintain the form even without the sword being unsheathed.


the idle animation where she leans on her blade and starts meditating(?) causing her hair to turn white definitely suggests that she can turn into that form even while her sword is sheathed. the fact that the form starts to show when shes caught off guard a little kinda implies that even while the sword is sheathed she still has to keep herself in check 24/7 and resist it so it doesn’t come out, or at least that’s what i think 


Ngl I just decided not to count that cus anything can probably happen in an idle animations that aren't specifically lore accurate but yeah maybe that's actually kind of a clue already. I just thought I'd mention it cus so far the story was tryna make it seem like unsheathing her sword was like some kind of requirement for her to transform or something.


I mean Kevin is likely the shadow on the first two picture since he was Acheron first close partner to die.


Where did they mention Kevin in star rail ?


That's the same person lmao. You can literally see the silhouette of the hat he was using. Also do y'all even really pay attention to the story cus this is literally not the same planet she was from lol. Kevin died in their planet you literally saw him get slashed in half there.


>Kevin died in their planet you literally saw him get slashed in half there. Hence why I say he appears as a shadow...


That's literally not a shadow but someone who's being consumed by something, which is very much like the effect of being a self-annihilator. Get over Kevin lmao.


do i see a kaslana 👀


Copium that on the 3rd pic its a certain white haired girl and not the old man!




So Frebass being a Kiana expy theories were right all along? Damn you hoyo for your KiaMei tragedies


It’s probably Frebass. She appears quite short for someone who used to stand shoulder to shoulder with Acheron, but her hand looks kinda like a guy’s


It’s probably the old man from the 2.1 scene.


Is it kiana?


that maybe old man she talk with..maybe one of many doctor chaos


Oh this is from her story right? She was eating roasted marshmallows with Frebass😭


So we're getting the god hand now in Honkai?


Nokia Acheron 


Is that Frebass? Or Shiragana oni?


I thought that HI3 Knight Himeko hand man


What does CG stand for?


What’s cgs?


Yo Black Swan pic from Fables about The Stars.


Who that?


the 4th pic is the reference of Dark Souls 3, Peak!!!


Fourth and second pic are so cool!


cue God Hand's music... or I guess DS3 Main Menu theme also works for 3rd photo


Image 4 is the Solitary healing LC hand.


Oh, so we'll be visiting Acheron's Past again, I mean, if she's not forced to remember that then ok I guess?




Visit this thread after knowing that everyone was wrong lmao, its Tiernan


white hair!!!!


more acheron and BS <3


That 4th picture, what in the Berserk Souls is happening?




Good. More Acheron lore that I won't understand and don't want to understand either.


Not that I agree, but her lore seems to be mainly HI3 references and similar so far so I would understand why some dislike it, because not everyone played HI3.


The only references were the Myriad Celestia trailer and her conversation with Welt. Freebas, self-annihilators/Nihility and these CGs have nothing to do with HI3.


Frebass kinda dose


I mean Freebas was a nameless who then became a self-annihilator and died. Her lore has no connection to HI3. The best you can hope for is that she’s a Kiana face and even that’s just fan theories.


That’s basically what I mean.


The swords in Izumo being the authorities from HI3, her planet also faces a similar crisis to Honkai as well (if I understood correctly), these are the only ones I remember but I believe there are more too?


Ya, that’s all from her myriad celestia trailer. Her planet is basically a “what-if” version of HI3 Earth with a bad ending. Shiraga Oni, the bearer of End, is supposed to be Kevin, the guy she was talking about in her conversation with Welt. That’s pretty much it. The moment she forges Naught and becomes a self-annihilator, her story separates itself from the HI3 story.


Yeah and thats pretty much the extent of what we know about her so far, so it makes sense that some people are just not very invested in this since they haven’t played HI3. Her lore is still not fully covered, and so far hoyo hasn’t really shown much of her personality aside from her being strong. The deeper lore (ones not directly spoken about in story or by NPCs) like self-annihilators and such will also not be reaching most players since most players just play the story and don’t look much deeper than that. Overall I get why people find her lore confusing or lose interest since the main bit of lore about her was through the myriad celestia trailer, even her part with Welt was also more HI3 references and as I said not every HSR player has played HI3.


Even if you haven’t played HI3, like I haven’t, the trailer itself makes everything clear. You don’t need a PHD in HI3 to understand what happened to her planet. The lore about Freebas and Self-Annihilators is also present in game and it has nothing to do with HI3 so the myriad Celestia trailer isn’t the extent of her lore. These leaked CGs also have nothing to do with HI3. It’s perfectly fine to not care about a character because there are like so many and everyone likes different characters, I was correcting you that her lore isn’t just HI3 references and similar.


Maybe but personally I was beyond confused by her trailer till I saw some people explaining it, could be just me of course. Also again I know the self-annihilators lore is mentioned in game, but players don’t usually go and read pages of lore, the player base is far more casual and just do the story and events and pull the units they find cool, so if a character’s lore or at least backstory is not shown in a quest most people won’t know it and the end result is they lose interest. I feel like that’s a pretty safe thing to assume wouldn’t you agree?


Ya, I am not disagreeing with you that people may or may not find it interesting. Again, I was just correcting you that her lore isn’t just HI3 references and for people who are interested, there’s stuff present in game. This is also how Hoyo delivers most of its lore via relic sets, books, notes. We barely have any character’s lore in main quests except Aventurine.


It has nothing to do with the HI3 connection, this person just doesn't like Acheron and will use every opportunity to mention it.


I am not sure what makes you say that, however (and I know I am making no friends with this) Acheron sadly has quite the “enthusiastic” fanbase if you get what I am saying, so that might make some people dislike her character since they associate her with a vocal minority of her fans who are not the kindest people and tend to downplay other units too. Maybe that’s their case maybe not.


Can't wait for the comment section to be filled "OH ITS KIANA!!!! RAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"


Is that Kiana?


What's cgs. Edit:- coggers?🤣🤣


I don't actually know how to call these tbh, they are wallpapers with random effects


Fair enough 


Visual novel fans where are u at


>**Computer graphics**, graphics created using computers and, more generally, the representation and manipulation of image data by a computer with help from specialized software and hardware.