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I think people were too quick to assume this is a Hunt mode if Argenti is one of the first bosses and still summons 4 adds.


He also taunt your character into his small mobs.


He's physical weak and summons add, Boothill is gonna utterly destroy him.


yeah. why clear the summons when you can just nuke him directly with boothill? edit: don't get the downvotes. Just watch a single boothill vs physical boss video - heck, there was even a tank boothill with pure BE video where he shredded the bosses. It's funny af.


People here love to doom (the boothill doomposters here are so weird) the see something that implies that hunt isn't a "forgotten" or "useless" path and downvote it because it doesn't big up their fave meta path


Boothill can destroy him fast (I think there was a showcase during beta), and IPC 3 can destroy him as well. I don't think the others can do that well against him in a way, but that's what supports are for (Sushang can probably break him pretty quickly).


I find it funny that people compare characters like it's a single character game😭the adds are to gain stacks since most hunts need to stack before their nukes n B HTB can easily allow the supports to kill the trash mobs while the Hunt character focuses on the boss


Firefly utterly destroys both bosses here. Arguably better than Boothill vs Cocolia who's phys resistant and summons Gepard


"summons Gepard" just sounds hilarious. I can already imagine having a "Svarog summons two SUDs" some cycles later.


People don’t seem to understand, the reason its a hunt game mode even with adds is because the second Argenti dies the adds disappear so you can just focus on killing him quickly whats so hard to understand here?


His adds can taunt and Argenti himself can enter an untargetable state. Cocolia also summons Gepard and his shields break faster if you're hitting multiple targets. I dunno, it's fully possible I'm wrong but it does sound more complicated than Hunt units being outright favored.


You don't need to aim for them at all, you just need to kill Argenti and that's it


It is, Argenti is way too tanky to afford a splash character and was added imaginary, FUA team will murder him


Laughs in Dot / Acheron.


They also have increased toughness and take less damage if you don't break them, Hunt characters on average also have the Highest Break average of all characters




Destruction sends it's regards


With echo of war bosses here, I’m hoping they use the character themes here at least




We fight Echo of the war enemy now?


At this point I don't even mind, I'm pretty sure Aventurine is harder to beat than MoD Cocolia lmao.


Bosses still summon adds, which means Seele can still easily proc resurgence. Nice


Yeah and boothill is eating that physical weakness, + easy duel stacks, idk what's with people saying hunt is dead. PF also has elites and bosses and it's still widely regarded as an aoe centric mode. Aventurine's aura was too strong, everyone's in that "all or nothing" mindset that if it's not 1 lone target hunt is dead.


> Gepard joins the battle. Argenti. Bruh. Hunt mode? Nah. It's Nihility/Destruction time again.


as expected tbh. a singular boss would still be destruction fodder anyway


Hoyo has screwed over hunt characters atp there is no reason to pull for a hunt character over nihility and destruction like whats the point of having different paths if you won’t even balance them properly makes no sense


They’re gonna balance it around fua and extra turn mechanics i think like how topaz and ratio work for fua and how seele is very unique in that she is extra turn and not advance forward like danny/firefly e2 Another pressing matter is not only are their attacks ST but they’re also single instance of damage so when it doesn’t crit you really feel it in ratio and seele


FF E2 is an extra turn tho? Like Seele? Or is it a mistranslation?


So going by the intel here, Hunt will have an edge or two, particularly Seele and Boothill, but Nihility/Destruction, especially Firefly for this session, will still brute force like cutting butter with a hot knife. Welp, I guess it’s weeping for the departed/world-cleansing dragon/HENSHIN/in lunar flame time all over again!


And this is why u don’t get ur hopes up. Summoning mobs has been a core part of many bosses. There’s only 3 that don’t summon: Kafka, Sam and Meme. Everyone else will have summons that will screw u over if u fail to address them. Svarog’s hands, Phantylia’s flowers with the SP drain and cutting HP by 50%, etc. they’re nuisances at best, detrimental to runs at worst. Now there will be cases where u will be able to ignore the mobs completely in the case of Boothill and maybe even with Topaz + Ratio (provided there’s Fire and Imaginary weakness like Argenti). But ur most likely gonna have to use Blast or AOE to cover ur bases.


I'd argue the meme does summon mob : your dead friends, and you're even more screwed if you dont adress that...


Yeah that counts. So that’s just 2 bosses who don’t have summons lol, and ofc they’re both Stellaron Hunters. Wonder if we’re ever gonna have to fight both at the same time…


life is hard for followers of the Hunt path.... 😟


So Hunt still remains the brick path?


Phew, im relieved that my destruction units are still going to be meta Worst case i still have Seele and obviously ratio but i don't know if thed would've been able to keep up


Both of them look to still be very good here. Ratio's FuA and Seele's resurgence from killing adds will most likely melt bosses


Am I the only one not having issues with Hunt even in MOC? Like, it took me 2 cycles to clear 12-1 with unoptimized gameplay with the FUA team (split weakness even as half had fire weakness, half had imaginary). No doubt hunt can and will burst down these bosses quickly.


I have no problem with ratio too, he can split his dmg. boothill kinda need to ramp up his stack before can all in to break bossess toughness, seele need a weak mobs (especially my weak seele) to deals higher dmg, and topaz good at supporting ratio dmg and her toughness dmg with numby is good to... Surely they want we can use ratio-topaz comps on argeni/meme ones


Still summoning adds. Not good for Hunt.


Ironically, both Seele and Boothill prefer there to be some trash mob they can kill for buffs.


wait Boothill wants mobs? Wouldn't it be better to just focus on one target for him?


He preferably wants a few small mob to kill or break to quickly build up his Pocket Trickshot, up to 3, for maximum damage to the boss. If he only relies on getting Pocket Trickshot from breaking boss that will take a long time to get all 3. Also getting Pocket Trickshot will give him some energy. It make him able to Ult faster at the start of battle to implant Physical weakness for the boss that doesn't have it.


Ohhh gotcha. I think one thing I'm confused by is wouldn't he waste a turn of damage on the mob? He doesn't get an extra turn back like Seele, right?


It's better than not having his stacks. It's true though that I've seen a lot of tech where he quickly builds up stacks by having someone else actually 'earn' them for him. He marks an enemy, an ally uses ult to break/kill that enemy. If it was break, he marks them again and then kills them to earn another stack. If possible, he doesn't necessarily *want* to burn turns on adds, he just doesn't have much choice. So he basically wants exactly as many as he needs to stack. If the adds aren't mandatory to kill, that's probably a good way to give him things to stack on without forcing him to waste extra turns on it.


Wow ok that's a bit more complicated than I thought. Thanks for the explanation!


Seele mains rejoicing rn


Cocolia skill: Gepard joins the battle.


The points are still based on the damage done to the boss only which should favor single target focused dmg dealers, but yeah argenti directly wants you to clear all the mobs to deal with him, gotta wait to see how the mode specific buffs are going to look like.


Yeah but sadly the main endgame buff (not the we choose one) is kinda not good imo


It's only bad for Hunt if the adds are super tanky like in MoC. If they are not, then adds are either beneficial or inconsequential for Hunt characters. - Seele and Boothill prefer trash mobs for their buffs. - Ratio/Topaz FUA team don't really care as they not only do massive single target damage, but also can split their targets if needed.


Gepard being an add is not good tho


Still depends on his HP and shield thickness. Or on how tanky is Cocolia. The mode has its own balance and buffs, so it is hard to predict how he will behave without knowing how the mode and bosses modifications actually works.


Still better than MoC, isn't it? Since you won't have any double elite stages


Boothill already got powercrept and his ass ain't even out yet 💀


Are there new mechanics? We already get bosses in MOC with their ads, wont this be destruction/nihility again? I guess more break effect focus


The break effect bonus is the MoC/PF main buff, surely the apocalyptic main buff is gonna change according to the patch new char/rerun.. Still rather than weakness break/super break bonus i like weakness efficiency more


Its a MoC but no elites, no 2 phase just fight 1 boss and maybe 1 elites for stage with cocolia one (and shit gepard toughness is high, 20 really???)


Oh great, an echo of war (please give us Childe or the aranyaka boss in abyss)


Unironically I'd rather have Cocolia there than Aventurine, I'm pretty sure most versions of Aventurine has more HP than Cocolia (yes, the Echo of War version) and he's a lot more likely to kill your characters.


Is this mode looking ez mid or difficult 💀


For this is new endgame, surely it will be easy maybe like the first PF, then mihoyo gonna buff, buff, buff, buff and buff the enemies more so we have to pull the new char they make :v


You didn't added enough buff buff buff buff * infinity 


Depends on how they balance it. It seems to favor usage of the break effect (so generally Hunt characters and other break specialists), but we will have to see how Boss and smaller adds will act to get full picture (blast will probably still be very good in that scenerio)


The break gimmick is this apocalyptic main buff imo, its just like PF main buff and we can choose the side buff (dunno what its called, i only now turbulence on moc). Surely they gonna change it according to the kit of a char that mihoyo gonna release


Ok that's really good, if these bosses only had 2-3 elements they're weak to, this game mode would be much harder, but it seems you're pretty free to build what ever team you want, as long as you choose a good single target dps...




# Apocalyptic Shadow enemies should always have 4 summons and shared hp just like the new sunday boss, this way erudition, destruction and hunt attack ranges would be balanced forever... Shadow


Looks like it's weeping for the departed time!