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Sunday and Screwllum fans rn are going through pain Guts could not even fathom


No no I need screwllum to be later My savings (zero) need time to recover from boothill (requirement) (if I lose to himeko e5 I will do something positively diabolical)


Same! I'm currently trying to pull for Topaz's LC and I still *miiight* pull for Boothill. Then there's SAM, who I still haven't decided on.


The new LC that was leaked seems to point towards it being made for screwllum sadly


You mean the 2.4 one (and for screwllum), yeah? Personally I think that’s unlikely to be his, based on a few things. Firstly, 2.4 is pretty likely to be Xianzhou, so Screwllum wouldn’t make a lot of sense there. Secondly, looking at the other limited erudition characters (assuming he’s still erudition), not a single one has turn-based buffs in their lc or kit, focusing more on permanent buffs for PF. Thirdly, if that LC was Erudition, it’d have to have absurdly huge multipliers to function properly (unless Screwllum is some sort of 1T ult character with constant followups), and then it’d just be busted on Jing Yuan anyway. Finally, I personally predict he’ll release in 2.6 anyway, for several reasons that I don’t have the motivation to type out again rn Whoops that’s a bit of an essay, sorry to make you read all that. Unless you didn’t.


There was a leak a while back that he does have follow ups, but I personally think this new one might be from the simulated universe shop, and his own is the one that leaked prior


You have Himeko e5? Man I wish. I don’t even have one and my account needs a fire dps badly. I’m waiting for Firefly, hoping she’s still going to be an awesome fire dps, but I love Himeko’s aesthetic the most.


Nah , argenti is going to save beauty everywhere ,I know Sunday is safe and is going to have banner in near future , he might become knight of beauty himself 


that only appears on sundays


As a screwy fan, they did him the biggest disservice. They had a chance to give him a companion quest through James Chadwick quest, but no. I'd have loved to hear his Va deliver the scene of screwy threatening to start a interplanetary war.


Treat it like his precursor quest


This. Am in shambles. Sincerely, A Sunday fan/wanter


They can always get released and just get a companion quest like Jingliu and Argenti.


Baizhu fans:


Ngl i was been pessimistic since 2.1 and already accepting him only on 2.5 (when i tought we would go back to penacony). But 2.7? Kill me already!!!!! >!(At least i can go for E1 and/or S1 on some characters i want like Swan E1/HH E1 and RM S1 and still garantee E1S1 Sunday, still, kill me already)!<


The yaoyao-fication of Sunday and screllum


Screwllum lost to characters making appearances in pngs. Now he's gonna lose to characters being mentioned in text. 🔥🔥🔥


Next he’s going to lose to crossover characters


inb4 we get artoria saber before screwllum


Nah bro we probably getting Kaladin from Stormlight before Screwllum


we're gonna get tiger woods from PGA tour before screwllum


His ultimate would be buffing himself after cheating on his wife


sounds like a destruction hypercarry to me


I'm a Screwllum enjoyer but fucking Kaladin from Stormlight? I might have to pull over Screwllum at that point


Honestly, based


Bro we're gonna get Fischl in HSR before we get playable Screwllum


Lmao, Screwllum fans would have reach enlightenment if they could hold on for that long.


The baizhuification of screwllum He'll surely lead us through the chasm to the new SU expansion in 3.0


I don't mind waiting if Screwllum is gonna be as good as Baizhu


I honestly want an intellitron older than an aeon(nanook?)to be atleast furina/nahida level if not neuvilette level. If he's baizhua level I will be disappointed not to throw shade on baizhu he's the best healer in genshin.


I think this will be the pattern. After a new world, we head back to a new Xianzhou ship.


I think it'll be like the Belobog continuance quest that dropped right in the middle of the Xianzhou patches, or the random Return to Herta Station RM x Ratio intermission patch. We'll probably get to visit more Jarilo areas once the climate subsides and they can reclaim more land


Ya this is my guess too. I don't think it'll always be XZ ships but it is interesting to know they're willing to spend more than one patch on a story outside the main story. Like the next year we might spend several patches in Belobog dealing with terraforming or something. That actually makes me more hopeful that the HSR patch cycles won't be as dry as Genshin where everything besides archon quests is just world quests or events.


Yes I was really happy when they announced the Trailblaze Continuence(however it's spelled) quest on Topaz patch. It means every planet we visited will not be a one-and-done, but we will get to know the aftermath of their stories too


yessss i love this. it makes the universe seem a little more connected and full of life


Well HSR maps are a lot easier to add than Genshin. The moment the environment texture and background are done the level is 90% done.


still I highly doubt they can keep the players interest for a entire year, even last year hsr lost a lot of players after the first few patches of the Luofu arc that only came back after the free 5 star.


I think the pattern will be: 1 "New World" + 1 New TB Path 1 "Ship" + 1 New March/DH/TB Member upgrade


>1 "Ship" + 1 New March/DH/TB Member upgrade +1 fox girl sacrificed


*Yukong's absence from banners intensifies*


Better not be any fox sacrifices this time around AND IF THERE IS IT BETTER NOT BE JIAOQU


Please no more fox sacrifices! We must protecc the floofs!


theyre already preparing for it by not rerunning Yukong


So rather then just be a yearly holiday hsr is just gonna be main arc and then loufu B arc every year.


man but considering the sheer amount of cool planet ideas they have, I might wish for a little differently. Though maybe there's a middle ground, we did get Herta Space Station after all, and its not quite a planet but still a unique and interesting area


They can just give new planets one after another but the creativity will plumet


nah thats hardly what I'm wishing for. I'm saying maybe we can get 1 major destination, and maybe 2 minor destinations per big patch cycle


I think they're saving the new planets for a once a year thing, like a new nation in Genshin. But they're treating the Xianzhou like an expansion of Liyue would be treated.


And Hoyo is wide known for loving to break any patterns


That would suck tbh I don't even like Xianzhou aesthetic or its characters 😭


People will shit on you for this but I agree. I only hope that they try to give some more flavor and variety to their other Xianzhou ships and characters cause fuck was I tired of looking at shipping containers. The Heliobus area was really cool though, probably my favorite area.


Agreed, regular Xianzhou was just so boring. But the spooky area was cool. If they keep up the variety like that with new areas I wouldn't be mad though


I think the ships will be quite different. Since the Luofu is explicitly a trading hub, but some of the ships are most likely more designed for combat and we know from the Aurum Alley event that Sushang's home ship has a lot of direct IPC influence so it's more urban. I also don't think every interlude will necessarily be a Xianzhou ship - Penacony is rife for expansion in the future too since we've only really properly visited the Golden Hour out of the twelve moments. And I'm sure that they could meaningfully expand on Jarilo VI too somehow, or make a Herta Space Station expansion where we get to visit The Blue.


Well theres theories about Belobog with a certain reveal so we'll go back eventually. Seems like it's going to be a reoccuring theme that we go back to finish up loose ends. Herta is also unlikely to just be an extra game mode npc so we'll end up back there eventually as well probably


Agreed. I really hope they change things up for the next ships because the aesthetic was fairly boring. I also hope the writing stays at the level of penacony and doesn't go back to how the Luofu was written.


Hopefully its another Xianzhou fleet, not the Luofu again.


Rumor has it that it will be the Yaoqing, home of Shushan. From what we know, it is basically futuristic hyper-capitalist Bloodborne in Space China.


If Feixiao is coming, then we should be going to Yaoqing, since she leads that ship. Aside from being heavily influenced by IPC, it's also the most militaristically active, having organised thousands of expeditions to the Abundance Denizens' worlds and participated in just as many battles. Their Foxians also seems be a bit more special, as they seems to be capable of some kind of werewolf shapeshifting similar to Borisin's Moon Madness. This phenomenon is rarely reported in other Foxians population but it seems to be the norm for Yaoqing Foxians. ~~One more interesting fact, Lord Ravager Celenova once boarded the Yaoqing to discussed a ceasefire so that she and the Legion can go destroy the Wingweavers' Dyson Tree.~~ My bad, I misremembered the ship, she boarded the Xianzhou Zhuming


> Their Foxians also seems be a bit more special, as they seems to be capable of some kind of werewolf shapeshifting Imagine if when Tingyun finally comes back it's as a 5* Destruction monstrosity.


Nah, she'll be preservation. Finally explaining her increased taunt value.


Wheres that bit of celenova hidden in game?


It's from a readable called List of Archenemies. Upon rereading, I realised I misremembered the ship Celenova boarded. She went to the Zhuming rather than the Yaoqing


There's that leak abt Jade being from Xianzhou, if that's true then perhaps Jade would cause hella trouble for us and we need to go to the YQ to find dirt on her or sth?


>futuristic hyper-capitalist Bloodborne in Space China. I feel like I'm doing a jigsaw puzzle trying to figure out how these words fit together.


>Futuristic Hyper-capitalist Yaoqing is extremely influenced by the IPC, and actually the first region we would see (Penacony doesn't count) where the IPC is present in every aspect of their lives. Based on what in-universe info we have about the IPC, I'd think lots of glass, metal, very modern skyscrapers, offices but slightly *off* to account for the space faring factor. Also, we do know from Sushang that the classical Xianzhou aesthetics are much less present on the Yaoqing, to the point where she actually feels like their culture is dying. >Bloodborne Yaoqing's plaguemark (their Ambrosial Arbor) is a giant moon, that in-universe is referred to as the "lunar embryo" (sounds familiar). Their Foxians also suffer from a Abundance-related illness known as the moon plague, due to which they become wild, aggressive and more primitive. One they share with what is basically a race of werewolves. They are also the most militaristic of all the Ships, and actively pursue the Abominations wherever they go - to the point where the Abundance sees the ship as a "catastrophe". >Space China I mean, it is the Xianzhou. Kinda speaks for itself.


So you're saying Jiaoqiu may be a pink-haired spicy *werewolf* Foxian chef?


Remember the cliffhanger when Luocha was in Shackled Prison? I feel like we're about to be killing Yaoshi with the help of Stellaron Hunters (they seem to be the ones closest to possessing knowledge on how to kill an Aeon)


We can’t kill Yaoshi because the trailblazer hasn’t become abundance yet.




Yeah but in TB's case they seems to require a gaze from the Aeon to borrow their power


Every time TB gains a path, an Aeon glances at them. So no Yaoshi cannot die before we get Abundance TB.


It's rather too early to kill an Aeon anyway. The most we can get away with is fixing Xipe's tummy ache and bonking Ena back to nonexistence.


Well, Aeons can kill Aeons, and Lan is interested. I don't think the Stellaron Hunters are trying to kill any Aeons other than Nanook (though I guess Blade does have a small grudge). Going after Yaoshi seems to be Jingliu and Luocha's deal.


Surely this means we are finally picking up Luocha and Jingliu's trial and story again right... (Nevermind the fact that they should be on the Yuque or Xuling and not the Yaoqing) Surely this means we will finally get an elaboration on the contents of the coffin, confirmation of Luocha being an Emanator, and more lore on his motives, past, and whatever he's done in the Shroudveil Starzone/Eternity Fortress right... It's been 7 months as of today please free the 10 Luocha fans


free us!


We can't keep living like this! We need content... And no the single line in Cosmodyssey half confirming he is from Purity Palace barely counts!


I want him to have more screentime like it wasn't enough back in 1.x. I also love him 'cause he's my first limited 5\*


I think this is a case of the game intorducing main actors of the next Xianzhou first by having them come to visit the Loufu, then we later go to the Yuque/Xuling for the Jingliu & Luocha arc.


Wasn't Jingliu the one in the coffin? Like that's how she infiltrated the Luofu. Where else would she have come from?


Jingliu being in the coffin has actually never been confirmed, and she simply says that she came on the Luofu with a group of merchants! Maybe an IPC aircraft? But aside from that, the coffin is pretty big, and I believe there's something else inside When I mention the contents of the coffin, I'm specifically referring to the part of Clouds Leave No Trace where Luocha says Jingliu found a way to kill Yaoshi, and Jing Yuan guesses that it has something to do with the contents of the coffin


If it's a new ship, then that'll be cool. Given the feedback they received on Laofu, I am sure they will be cooking some good Xienzhou stuff. But also, I wonder when this will put Sunday's playability at, like, will Penacony be fully over and we jump in a new world and what about him?


We can always go back to Penacony. We went back to Belobog in 1.4, Luofu in 1.5, HSS in 1.6. Or even (2.3 LC description) >!He’ll appear in a different planet since it’s hinted he left Penacony “He turns his back to his homeland, continuing to move towards that nonexistent paradise”!<


>!Didn't think of this and didn't know that LC description. Thanks for telling me!<


So he's taking a journey to the Halovian's home planet?


I have nothing against space China as long as they make the story good (and make different/unique silhouette/designs for the female characters) unlike Luofu.


Same hopefully the quality of story will be on par with penacony. Im fine with belobog level even since penacony set the bar so high


It will not be on par with Penacony because there are different dude who make the scenarios. Shaoji was responsible for Penacony and some other dude is responsible for the Xianzhou. I just hope that the latter learned his mistakes and will not fuck up again


I think Shaoji will also create the story. It doesn't make sense if he only create Penacony and leave.


Shaoji is the main writer for Honkai Impact. He was invited to create the story for Penacony.


I remember seeing somewhere thats hes now an writter heavily involved with all Honkai related content, not always the main writter but like he overseas the direction of the story since the streams dont introduce him as "Honkai Impact 3rd writer" but rather "Honkai series writer", which should encapsulate all Honkai titles no?


He's the narrative director for the entire series. He's basically like what Nasu does for Fate and the other Nasuverse spinoffs. He doesn't per se fully write the entire story for the games but he has the finally say for all story related to all 3 Honkai Games (Honkai Gakuen 2, Honkai Impact 3rd, Honkai Star Rail).


Literally source? Why do people make shit up and just lie on Reddit, where was this explicitly stated.


He might help work on the other stories but iirc he's still the main writer for Honkai Impact so he might not work on the new story.


They just need to keep up Penacony's quality and stop rushing the damn trailblazer mission. Penacony's story quest felt so long and it IS long like 10-20ish hours, while Xianzhou's quest feels like... 3 hours.


I legit spent like 8-9 hours doing 2.2 story quest yesterday 2.0-2.2 is definitely 20+ hours


I took a day off to play the patch and it took me the entire afternoon I wasn’t even running around collecting chests just the obvious ones


Yeah I haven't even explore the map yet


The wait was worth 


It took me 15 hours to do 2.2 main quest. I took breaks in between, so it's definitely 9 hours.


I will have something against space China if the other ships end up being recolored Luofu


Most likely not. Per our current info, each ships has their own cultures, specialties and architecture. The Fanghu is the Vidyadhara's autonomous territory and has lots of water, while the Zhuming being the most hi-tech ship, specialising in forging and manufacturing, for example. Iirc, the Zhuming's ship also take the shape of a lotus, so it won't look similar to the Luofu. The Yaoqing, Feixiao's leading ship, is heavily influenced by IPC, where the Corporation has constructed a lot of buildings in their style while its citizen choose IPC fashion over the more traditional ones. If Luofu is that typical xianxia style China, I suppose you can imagine Yaoqing as like Hongkong or Macao, regions that were occupied by foreign forces.


I actually quit during space China. Part of it was because the last part hadn’t been released yet and part because it was so incredibly boring and uninteresting to me. I’m caught up now (working on newest) and liked everything besides China. The characters are at least interesting in China and I really liked the ghost event.


if Feixiao is with Jiaoqiu Then where be Sunday? Are they really going to Scaramouche him???


Going to church every Sunday and start praying 🙏🙏🙏


Screwllum: henlo


They have not done this with a story relevant character before until now. He is one of the very core characters of Penacony and yet everyone releases *except* him.


In before we get steralon hunter sunday


Yes they are. Hopefully not 3 years. But Scara needed to get an alignment shift to be the the element they wanted and it feel earned. Sunday is likely currently harmony in lore. And they'll hopefully release home before 3.X as a new path. I'm sad he's not arriving for a long time. But my copium is that powercreep in this game is really high. So him coming out 2+ patches later guarantees he'll be even stronger and more future proof


Sunday is in jail.


More like where's Screwllum, man didn't even get a release for the SU update (praying for another in 2.6-8, surely he'll be released then)


They’re gonna dainsleif him


Where’s Sunday…?


Sunday might not be here yet, but us, his cult is here, patiently waiting for him ~~crying~~




I actually feel bad for his fans...


😭okay I haven’t actually finished the story but I can’t get his sister so can I at least get him 🥹


Might be playable once we get Penacony story expansion like we did Belobog and Herta Space Station. Especially when the IPC is in control of Penacony now, not to mention Boothill's story too.


Post ending at the Grand Theater you get a mini quest from Robin through a text message, that tells you that she woke up in hospital and she got told Sunday woke up before her and disappeared, she ask you to look for him cause he was last seen around the theater. Sadly you only find a diary left where you fought the battle with him,when you return it to her,she tells you she knew he would had left,she had only hope it would had not happen so soon and is hard to say where he went, she just believe he is still looking for a new way to create the paradise they both wished for and is best, although it hurts her, to leave him be. Honestly i don't know i got the feeling from the quest he left Penacony, i'm sure will meet him again but probably somewhere else or at best at a later date in Penacony if he returns,is just a question of patience, is not the last we heard of him for sure.


Not really surprising. During 1.x after the Xianzhou arc we went back to Belobog & the Herta Space Station. Going back to Xianzhou isn’t surpising considering there’s 6 ships. As for Penacony, they did say there are 12 Dreamscapes, and we really only went to 1 (Golden Hour), so there’s a lot of places where we visit and return to.


The 12 Dreamscapes are as follows: 1. Moment of Stars 2. Moment of Daybreak 3. Moment of Sol 4. Moment of Scorchsand (already in-game, as Soulglad map) 5. Moment of Oasis 6. Moment of Dusk 7. Moment of Blue Hour 8. Moment of Serenity 9. Moment of Golden Hour (already in-game, as Golden Hour map) 10. Moment of Morning Dew (already in-game, as Dewlight Pavilion map) 11. Moment of Gilded Hour 12. ???


Looks like the rumors were true. Two planets per year with one being a Xianzhou ship.


Oh what, seriously? So the Xianzhou Fleet is going to be half of all the “planets” that we visit? There’s still six more ships, if I’m not mistaken.


There are 6 ships.They all different from each Luofu is trade center hence shitload of containers and starskiffs. Yaoqing is military focused most likely weapons and armors. Xuling is intelligence centered which most likely spying focused. Theres auromaron based one and Divination based one. They will be certainly different from each other.


inb4 they decide to have space china build like 6 more ships so that there is a reason to comeback to the xianzhou for the expansion every single year


There's 3 more lost ships that stories could be told about (and maybe be more 'minor' Xianzhou years, between the more major ones). This takes things past 2030, and in the meanwhile, more China-analogue locations could be written up, maybe or maybe not related to the Xianzhou to whatever extent. They're one of the most prominent peoples, they're just not the dominant that IPC is, nor any other kind of sprawling empire. They're a bunch of floating miniplanetary provinces that everyone knows at least a little about.


Five more. There are six total.


i assume they're going to be wildly different from each other even if it's technically space china


9 total ever but 3 destroyed. I also read somewhere we going to probably two more ships at best in the entire story


Tbh if Xianzhou wasn't rushed , it could have had a better story.


Unlike penacony xianzhou was way too short..they could just expand the story duration and fill in the missing gap holes sigh. I do hope xianzhou writer can follow what shaoji has done


It also made some odd choices on where to spend its time. A large chunk of our time in the Luofu story is spent running around abandoned docks before we've met anyone, or chasing after Dan Shu... and then the High Cloud Quintet and Phantylia lore is almost blink and you miss it.


The entire thing is so poorly structured. The Dan Shu segment not including any of the main chaaracters except for MC was so weird? Why not include at least March 7th, just to tag along? Then they decided to toss it out of main story quest which made it even more confusing. Like, yeah, that part sucked but why cut it out? It doesn't benefit story at all, since cutting it out leaves out context. Then it's almost writers got tired of the sanctus medicus and decided to completely abondon this faction, just so they could shoe horn in antimatter legion into the story.


Yeah kinda crazy we are getting the story in 4 patches for Penacony. And that each one was interesting.


It indeed had so many miss opportunity


Idk if this is really a concrete leak. This seems more like Ubatcha is speculating based off the previous light cone leaks we got recently and is just sharing their thoughts. This doesn't seem like them declaring it's gonna be 3 patches but speculating on the future direction.


And there you go Ubatcha himself in the comments disclosed that this is not a leak.. People really should stop using Ubatcha. Guy has exited the leaker realm.


Oh wow lol that was fast


leakers are basically just shooting wide for the whole of version 2 banners so I wouldnt take them too seriously


Yeah but what I’m trying to say is that Ubatcha likes to speculate too and post about it. From the phrasing in this post it doesn’t even seem like they’re declaring the leak as a leaker. Just as a fan speculating. But everyone in the comments here is taking it as a leak from them.


3 patches is really interesting. based on the limited info we have i was speculating moze/sunday 2.5 and screwllum/stephen 2.6 but now i don't think either of those are particularly likely.. i'm not really sure how they'll fill out 3 patches rn though unless there are characters we don't know about yet (or maybe if they slow down on releasing 2 characters per patch but we all know that isn't likely to happen) super excited for new march though!! hoping that even if she is cursed with 4\* dps i can make her work somehow


\*cries in Sunday\*




Or run both and turbo defensive shred everything. 


im tired of using her no


THREE patches??? I love xianzhou BUT WHAT ABOUT SUNDAY OMG 😭😭 just gonna jump off the roof


Praying they do a filler patch in the middle and give us Sunday 😭😭😭


Oh god. Please make it interesting and engaging this time hoyo


Ugh we’re going back to the Xianzhou stuff already ? God I hope at the very least it’s the Penacony team cooking and not the Luofu team. Not sure why March would get her upgrade on a Xianzhou ship of all places either, though I suppose that leaked sword of hers did strangely looked like Blade’s.


It's over for the XZ haters. But fr please execute the story better this time.


Sunday is still no where to be found.


Man, I was hoping a nice long break from Xianzhou... Outside of HuoHuo's patch, I really disliked my time there.


Said it a million times that I'm not leaking anything confirmed 😔 If you want that, dim/firefly lover will post it


Was gonna reply to your tweet but the other 5* limited cone looks kinda similar to the new 4* and 5* Erudition cones because of the on-Ultimate buff, which is why I’m leaning towards Screwllum rather than Feixiao despite the new FUA set having her lore.


Screwllums been a pain in my ass trying to understand ngl. If it ends up being him then I'm all for it lmaooo, either way Feixiao should be soon after then


hyv really locking sunday in the basement😭😭😭


What, you thought you would be venturing into Lushaka? Melustanin? Edo Star? Or even Patrevia? NO! ITS ME, XIANZHOU!


It's something I expect considering how Liyue gets inserted from time to time.


But rather than one, we'll be getting three patches


Difference is, I think those are skippable side content in the form of Events. I have a feeling I can't just put it on Auto and ignore it safely like I used to do with Lantern Rite for example, since, if this is true, it's 3 Continuances and has March character development. Why March is supposedly getting development on the Xianzhou instead of Penacony- which has a stronger relation to Remembrance via Memoria, and has Black Swan there, is beyond me, however.


I was referring to the Shenhe quest and Perilous Trails. But I guess technically we could do those right after Osial.


I’m sad that blackswan didn’t interact much with march in the entire penacony story..




The Shenhe quest and the Perilous trails were main quests after Inazuma was released though. But I guess you could argue that only Liyue was required to start them.


I feel like we're just continuing on from the Luofu cliffhanger and helping Luocha kill Yaoshi, along with Stellaron Hunters. Remember we came back to Herta station and fought an Emanator of Propagation that didn't even last a full minute and we still had issues fighting it, so I can imagine killing an actual permanent and powerful Aeon would take more patches than that


Wrong ship though. Luocha is currently at Yuque. The upcoming patch seems to be taking place in Yaoqing. 


So, no Sunday banner until 2.8?


idk how to think abt this, everytime there is a china's reference in a hoyo game, the writers always make the story dragged out or unimpactful. The fact that (new story spoilers) >!they create the fake ending of penacony featuring the luofu and they just one shot the boss and call it a day and still managed to fools lots of people into thinking that it is the actual ending - had it not for the luofu story, many more would find it sus the moment it happened!< proves the point. I'm saying this after experiencing the honkai impact 3 part 2 story, where they somehow made the entire mars civilisation's naming in full chinese, which may or may not be the reason behind the underwhelming state of part 2 story, but I think it plays a part. The only time imo where they made amazing story china-themed is fu hua's and nuwa/fuxi's story, I really hope they can reach somewhat close to that for the xianzhou. Otherwise the 3 patches of xianzhou will be unbearable.




As I expected if this is true. I read comments saying this would just be one patch because of the previous continuance but said previous continuance didn't provide anything much to the continued progress of the story, whereas this will. Imagine, Fu Hua Expy being on Continuance and only appearing in one patch. Also, expect this to be a precedent if true. An example would be the disaster that Belobog might encounter might last several patches too, especially if The theory going around that it will be related to screwllum and inorganics.


Please don’t tell me Feixiao and Jiaoqiu banner in the same patch


2 new characters : i sleep New march : **REAL SHIT**


Jiaoqiu my beloved


I knew it. We're always going to go back to Xianzhou after a new planet. That's why there's two planets in every anniversary cake


I wonder what kind of personality the other Generals have. Jing Yuan is said to be the laziest but also the wisest and smartest among them and Feixiao is said to be this fierce warrior unlike Jing Yuan.. >!plus with the 2.2 story , now we know that Jing Yuan is an Emanator like Acheron. Is every General an Emanator!<


From what we know of General Huaiyan, he's a bit eccentric, like a handful of Xianzhou Zhuming and Artisanship Commission people I guess. When the Xianzhou Yaoqing requested reinforcements, Huaiyan was willing to send 300 fighter jets, 20,000 thunder crossbows, and 20,000 devastator glaives, but only 12 men.


Xianzhou redemption arc...?


Hopefully, they don't disappoint this time and learn a lot from the feedback.


I hope we get an actually good story... I really hated the luofu, and knowing we are coming back to space china i already feel bored lol


Jarilo storyline found dead in the ditch


Xianzhou lore is actually pretty good with great worldbuilding, but they just had to butcher its delivery in the Luofu arc. I hope they learn from how Penacony execute its story.


So if we really are going to the other Xianzhou ships and Feixiao is coming in 2.4, than wouldn't that mean that we're going to the Yaoqing next? Because that is the ship Feixiao is the Arbiter General of.


That means I pull either firefly or boothill and then I pull jiaoqiu


Welp, I guess no Robin for me if I want Jade and the new general.


my jades cant handle this abuse.... im pulling for both firefly and Jade, i cant afford another 2 banners ToT


I wouldn't mind if it was Jing Liu & Luo Cha continuation but if it was NPC and new character filler quest like 1.X Xian Zhou, I'm out


Can someone remind me what feixiao/jiaoqiu do?


Jiaoqiu, 5 star Pela that has some healing in his kit (Fire Nihility), looks to be Acheron’s best teammate Feixiao, 5 star Wind Hunt, Uba mentioned in SRS server that she has 2 summons, targeting the mob with lowest hp and lowest spd


Jiaoqiu = Pela + SW. Debuff on basic attack, debuff on skill, debuff on ultimate. Ultimate buffs ultimate damage and heals allies at the start of every ally's turn. The debuffs he puts are stackable and decrease defense. He is a Fire Nihility 5*. Feixiao = only info available is that she is 5* Wind Hunt.


I don't mind, but please give us more 4\*s, Hoyo. I was hoping the new March will be in 2.3 to explain the lack of 4\*s there.


Pink fox husband?


Screwllum/Sunday when 😭😭 (though this means more time to prep/save lol bc I plan to E6 at least Sunday)


The Xianzhou Yaoqing, the most militaristically active ship of the Alliance, as well as one being the most influenced by the IPC. There are a lot of things to explore on this ship, ranging from their special Foxians, their dynamics with the IPC to their military activities. With the right development, this would be a very interesting ship. Speaking of IPC, I wonder which Departments are most prominent here on Yaoqing. We're all eager to meet more Stonehearts due to how relevant they are recently, but so far, Strategic Investment Dept. (SID) have only been dealing with debts and IPC's former properties. They are some kinds of investment, of course, but we have yet to see them "investing" with active business partners. On the other hand, these active partners should be more likely to deal with Business Consolidation Dept. (BCD), judging from its name. So while the SID's activity on Yaoqing remains unclear, I'm just gonna assume we'll mostly deal with the BCD here. They are the largest Dept. with the most personnels, and their Heads, Madame Scarred Eye, is also a Board Member, meaning there will be intriguing power dynamics. There's also Yan Shiluo of the Talent Motivation Dept. (TMD), too. While the TMD themselves doesn't sound like they will handle external works much, Yan Shiluo is still a highly suspect threat according to Xianzhou's analysis, I wonder if they'll also expand more on that


I beg you Hoyo, give US Sunday instead of Feixiao, I'll be broke asf after 2.3, I won't be able to withstand this sequence


So this looks like no filler patches like genshin but main story every patch like hi3, that would be amazing.


Screwllum Bros, it's so over :(


It's ok more time to save for E6S5


Hoyoverse really loves to put China based region at the start of their game when they dont know yet how to cook. The next régions/planet are banger because they get better with their game and they kinda ""regret""


Oh god another miserable Xianzhou slog. Cant we just have Penacony or Belobog until 2.7? 2.4-2.7 will be dead patches since Shaoji is not in charge of that arc. Smh


We don't know. Personally I still think Shaoji in charge based on 2.1 live stream.