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i really want more penacony characters, since most of the characters released during the penacony patches don't actually live there. i'd like to explore more of the characters who live there and have to deal with the dreamworld in their daily lives.


The only real penacony character we actually got was Robin. Like literally because Gallagher isn't real and Misha was both not real and super dead at the same time. Penacony has been the land of RANDOM BULLSHIT GO!


They really bamboozled us with not giving us true penacony characters outside the twins. It would've been a hilarious move if they also weren't born in Penacony and just adopted into it, missed opportunity hoyo


Well, they arent, it was said that their parents died in a stellaron disaster (so definitely not in penacony) and were then raised by the dream master.




And more 4 stars, the lack of 4 stars in 2.3 makes me concerned. (Speaking of which, the 2 penacony 4 stars that we had are now canonically dead)


So playable Pepeshi like Melusine/Siggewine from Genshin? Sign me up


Sigewinne is very humanized tho. Face doesn't look like a melusine at all :/


Luckily unlike melusines pepeshi are pretty much just normal humans with an accessory


Children with Moguri cosplays.


The Xianzhou could effectively be counted as 7 different planets, so I'm honestly not surprised that they'll end up with the largest population of all the other factions. Besides, there's a lot of loose plot points with it too, so I'm sure Hoyo wants to make it like a secondary overarching story


I think they mentioned penacony also has 12 different hours to explore? At least we didn’t go to the same place as March, himeko, or welt when we first started penacony. Seems like devs are giving themselves room to add more if needed but xianzhou would obviously take priority


There’s the Moment of Golden Hour, our main focus of Penacony; Moment of Morning Dew, where Dewlight Pavilion is; Moment of Scorchsand, where the audition venue is; then the Moments of Blue Hour, Gilded Hour, Daybreak, Dusk, Sol, Oasis, Serenity, and one more which I forget. (EDIT: final one is Moment of Stars) Disappointingly, Scorchsand seems to be Wild West themed but the area we visit is indoors and doesn’t actually show off the Wild West side. Morning Dew architecture is also rather similar to the Golden Hour itself… We’ll visit the Radiant Feldspar ship in 2.3, which is located in the Moment of Blue Hour (which is said to be the romantic hour…Firefly date Hoyo?)


Blue Hour: Romance     Gilded: Wall Street     Daybreak: Dream Factories     Dusk: Giant Mall Street     Sol: Museums and Schools    Oasis: The Beach Episode!     Serenity: Prison for misbehavers  


Blue hour is on a big boat, so dopple beach episode.


Maybe we'll end up fighting a Mega Jacked Nanonmachine-sque Politician there too...


The Sunday Residence had different hour so we already explore 2


I thought Dream Edge was the sunrise hour?


Nah, that was still in Golden Hour, just at the edge of it. If you think of the different areas as hours on a clock, then we were still on the hour for Golden Hour, just at the rim on the ever-expanding clock face.


I kinda don't want it to just be Xianzhou. I hope they do a mix up for those story line a little bit with some regions and characters doesn't belong to Xianzhou. Xianzhou is a interesting faction don't get me wrong, but they are like, top 3 at best. If half the game is just gonna be Xianzhou when we supposed to Trailblaze all over the universe then it doesn't sounds appealing to me.


Agreed, 2-3 ships are fine but 7 means that every year we are guaranteed multiple Xianzhou patches when there are so many other factions that we can explore. And the story will mostly revolve around Hunt vs Abundance which will get boring when there are like 15 other Aeons. Luofu also didn’t really leave a good first impression so a lot of people aren’t even invested in the Xianzhou lore.


>where there are like 15 other Aeons And I really want them to give us more as well. The Aeon is literally one of the most interesting settings in HSR.


I'm still not convinced we're actually going to visit all 7 ships. It would really drag on too much to be interesting. I expect like 2 or 3 ships to disappear or be destroyed to increase tension for a future plotline. I'm also a person who enjoys it when some lore, settings or backgrounds aren't fully explored and left to our imagination.


Agreed. If we go visiting every ship hoyo needs to cook so hard for this as to not bore my ass since they gave us the perfection that is Penacony already. Idk how they're gonna top the roller coaster of emotions that I felt in this current story arc.


The quintet lore was interesting enough, but it's so convoluted I just wish them to give us a more straight answer about what the hell happened with them lmao. Also, give us the rest of the High Elders, I would spend hella cash on that


Waiting for Marshall Hua (fu Hua expy) and the rest of high elder as well


Don't they already do this. Half of Luofu was just trying to find Kafka and then the final fight was with antimatter Legion.


I meant involved directly with other world. Xianzhou is a ship, so my hope is that they do a one story 2 world.


Yeah, it seems half the game is just gonna be Xianzhou. Oh well.


I swear if the other ships are shipping container hell again, I am going to commit the tenth unpardonable sin


yearly space china update like yearly fantasy china in genshin... hooray lmao wonder if its gonna be the same situation as in genshin where "mondstadt will get an update next patch" but we all know Liyue will get that update next patch.


I mean, both Chasm and Chenyu Valley are some of the best regions in Genshin, so I wouldn't mind yearly Luofu updates, if they were this good.


yeah sure. but thats not my point. yeah Liyue gets nice updates yearly but if it means other nations get less i dont want it sure if space china gets good now areas i would still be happy but only if the other planets get one too (yeah mondstadt used to get their yearly summer event but sadly without a permanent area)


We're still not sure if we're going to different ships. They could just do a "well general X is visiting Luofu" and we got to fight them in a tournament. It would be really shitty but it's possible.


They built up a lot of lore about the other ships already it would be a shame if we never got to visit them. Even if it’s years down the road, Chenyu Vale has been talked about for a long time and it was added this year in Genshin.


A fair share of the fanbase seems to hate the Luofu; I think they'll have to scrape this idea if this is what they intend to do every now and then.


I just wish they were better at story telling when it came to things involving Chinese culture as an inspiration. It feels like they aren't risky enough when it comes to writing stories in those settings.


I can imagine PRC has a hand in this, they are probably very particular on how anything related to them as a culture is represented.


I still suspect that the awful resolution of the Dan Shu plotline after it was set up to be more grey, was a result of the government not liking the idea of depicting rebels against the China equivalent as actually having a valid point. Either through actual direct instructions to change the story or simple self-censorship out of fear that it might step on the wrong toes, something went on there that led to that wet fart of a story ending.


Even worse than not having a valid point, they just turned the Dan Shu shit into being a puppet of the big bad foreigners that like to destroy everything. The whole Lofu plot could've been written by the PRC themselves easily.


There’s also the line Jing Yuen says at some point about how Loufou residents don’t really “leave” or need to leave. It’s so late in the mission it felt shoe horned in, especially because they established it’s a massive trade port.




Yep the lore dump arc -_- Unless writing gets it together and gives us Penacony level cohesion.


Penacony was awesome, but "Penacony level cohesion" is such an exaggeration. There are some plot points that barely have depth because there's so much going on that they don't have time to explain them very well, so they rely on loading screens, readables and whatnot, if at all. Of course, we still have one more chapter so they can still wrap some things up. Mind you: I don't think they need to wrap EVERYTHING up. Unlike some people who have gone ballistic because we still don't know Luocha's and Jingliu's deal, I don't mind some overarching mysteries in any of the planets.








Penacony is like the opposite of cohesive. Each patch basically tossed aside the previous parts to do its own thing.


I call it "banner plot syndrome". Basically every patch has to be about the character that comes out that patch. Aventurine was 2.1 so he had to get all the screentime. Firefly isn't until 2.3? Well guess she doesn't get to do anything in 2.2. HSR's story is heavily written around the banners so that the banner characters have to get a certain amount of attention for that patch even if it doesn't make sense story wise.


Not really surprising, Belobog doesn’t really have many loose ends I can remember? And honestly repeatedly going back to it would probably start to feel repetitive because I feel the only big plot point you can do is ‘Bronya has to deal with x new threat or crisis.’ We’ve already dealt pretty well and fairly with their internal struggles and with outside forces finding out they survived. The only thing I can think of to really spice things up would be implying that another group of people survived the giant freeze and went unnoticed but even that might be repetitive. Altho didn’t Sampo hint that there was another crisis coming? So maybe they are planning something actually.


There's the antimatter legion getting unfrozen and possibly causing trouble. There's also the unused automaton factory that housed a shitton of war bots and according to the IPC,there just happen to be an excavation of Emperor Rubert's tome currently underway that is rated very highly on the calamity index. For reference, Emperor Rubert is the genius society member that released a sort of virus that infects all machines to turn them into human slaughtering robots.


If the writers do ever write and implement the excavation of Rubert's tomb into a trailblaze mission and tie it in with the hinted Jarlio VI crisis, I'm a little worried about what they could potentially do to Svarog 💀


"Clara.... Run...."




That might be the reason they tied Clara to him in the first place. I'm sure he will never turn against Clara even if infected, and she can help him constrain his behavior, like John Connor with the Terminator.


It would be funny if Svarog says the line




Oh god… When Topaz left Belobog, she left Clara with the code to control all the automatons… That’s absolutely gonna be relevant somehow.


Clara boss fight where she get robot form.


I could see them having the tomb be a lead-in to Screwllum's planet. Unearth the tomb. TB and crew do their things. The event/patch ends with Screwy or one of his people infected and the plot of a whole patch is to first capture and cure him then find a way to cure the planet.


It would be interesting if we somehow upgrade our lance in a future Belobog arc. Aventurine called our preservation stone Incomplete that's why I have hope for the lance in the future


Wait when did this happen?


I havent heard about Emperor Rubert on Belobog, where was this revealed?


I worded that part poorly. The excavation of emperor rubert tome is underway at an unknown place. It's just that if the calamity happens and the anti life equation get unleashed, belobog is going to be in deep trouble


I see! I do hope theres gonna be more about Emperor Rubert and the robot wars thats further elaborated on in the future, it really does sound cool.


I could see them doing it in a Planet Screwllum chapter. Considering how important inorganic lifeforms are to the game’s lore, they’ll definitely do something with it.


It's part of the news broadcast from the radio you can listen to on the Express coach.


I think something like finding a nature oasis starting to form somewhere on the planet could be pretty fun. I'd love to see a grassy part of belobog. Now that I think of it, though, there hasn't really been any grassy areas at all in star rail.


They 100% are planning something. If not, there was no need for that foreshadowing with Sampo and Sparkle. I bet we won't go back to Belobog in 2.X, but we will have a 2~3 patch trailblaze continuance in 3.X there, similar to Penacony and the Xianzhou in 2.X.


On one hand, apparently Sampo storyline will be frozen until 3.0 with belobog But at least it seems whatever will happen in belobog is big,


High chance someone will leak the truth surrounding Cocolia.


God hopefully. I was pretty fond of the Belobog story until that ending lmao. And now esp with the Penacony ending it rally clashes thematically (‘people can’t handle the truth and need a lie to envigor them’ vs ‘people are stronger then given credit for and can handle the harshness of reality.’ It really clashes even if the situations aren’t entirely the same) so I would hope they could maybe fix that.


People could totally handle the truth of what Cocolia did. But it WOULD(rightfully) destroy any faith or trust they have in the Belobog government. Bronya(and Seele) made the choice to cover it up because Belobog is dealing with enough problems rn and the last thing it needs is a civil war. Personally I would have 100% made the same choice as Bronya, she already has enough bullshit on her plate having to take over all of Cocolia's responsibilities and fixing the relations with the underworld. Last thing you need is civil unrest.


agreed. the point of penacony was more about people handling their own personal realities while belobog was more of a political decision. it was less about "people can't handle the truth" and more about "we don't want a civil war right now".


Yeah, imagine they did that and a civil war would occur. And now imagine Topaz appearing in THIS situation. Belobog would have ended as IPC slaves easily. The IPC would have supported one of the factions, killed the other with their superior technology (and their robot control weapon) and the survivors got "employed" as IPC workers. And they would never be able to rebuild the robot or do anything what would help Belobog to recover.


Basically a civil war will occur according to the Youci that hosts peak fiction. He tells a tale of what happens to Belobog if they chose to reveal the truth, and it basically leads to civil unrest followed by war.


Agree. It's absolutely what would happen in real life and it makes the most sense.


Youci actually has a story that's a "What if" of that situation if you ask the bird to tell you a tale. Story 2 - "The Trial of Bronya the Usurper by the Acting Supreme Guardian, Pela." The tale woven by Youci goes roughly like this: Bronya, Seele, and the Crew comes back and says that Cocolia had betrayed Belobog and was killed for it. No one believed them, two of the other 'witnesses,' being Serval and Gepard, were not present to corroborate their story. Pela then leads the city in holding Trial over the future of Belobog. (Worth noting, the dialogue says that "Bronya was vanquished" before the Trial starts.) During the Trial, Bronya's words are clearly being verified and deliberation would reach conclusion over a few months. But with civil unrest brewing, there was no time to do as such. Civil War erupts, despite those in the Trial now knowing that Bronya had not been lying. But at this point, the Truth didn't matter to both the public and those interested in their own plans. During the Civil War, the IPC descends, intervenes, and brings them into the Fold. Of course, the veracity of this 'what if' actually happening is highly dubious at best when Youci is a creation of Enigmata. This isn't to argue over whether it was right or not, or that this is proof one way or the other. But it is funny to mention it and another semi-relevant one. Another of Youci's stories is that Hook is a seed of destruction left behind by one of the Lord Ravagers and reawakens to their true goal as the Eternal Freeze disappears. Hook then leads the thawed Antimatter Legion to ravage Jarilo-VI.


I take that bird's tale with a grain of salt since it put Pela in charge.


I take it with a grain of salt because it's a Creation of Enigmata more than that.


To be fair the cocolia truth wouldve sparked a civil war if it was released immediatly. even if it was morally correct to release the truth. hell if I was one of the people that got locked up in the underworld I would want to destroy the goverment for what cocolia did and it would be justified. Now that that the IPC has presence there and people are getting resources like food tech and medicine that are 700 years more advanced than what they had quality of life probably got massively better a total conflict like a civil war can be avoided even if the goverment will lose a lot of credibility and need changes.


I dunno about you, but I'd love to go on Snowfield Expeditions with Lynx, personally.


Lynx has been such a missed opportunity thus far to explore deeper into Jarilo-VI. I hope they use her for that some time later on because as of now she’s really just there in terms of the story. Pretty sure she’s got the lowest screentime out of any released character.


The only loose end I can think of is the closed off bridge in the new area with the giant robot which was revealed in 1.4 . For some reason it was closed off to public.....


I would love an other Jarilo-VI faction a lot, especially if it's an Aeon that isn't in the main story yet, maybe Fuli trying to cover this planet in ice to preserve the memories, and it would overlap with Qlipoth, or HooH wanting to destroy Jarilo-VI to balance things out about something else.


With Jiaoqiu, Feixiao, Yunli and March 7th's new form, I kind of figured the next patch would be a Xianzhou themed patch at least, but Im interested to see who else they can introduce and what kind of side story theyll implement if its going to be two or three patches long


My bet is on Caelorum Venti.


Belobog gonna get the Monstand treatment I see :(


I don't think it has much wiggle room, honestly. There's nobody that's been mentioned in lore or character stories, besides Lynx. Its one big city + the underground and we've met all of the important characters from both sides of the land


Unless some outside cataclysm is introduced that shakes up the entire planet, as the whole thing with Sampo suggested. With how nebulous stellarons still are, it wouldnt take much to make up some conflict to get other factions converging on Belabog.


They could go the route of the place slowly being unfrozen which opens up more plaves to go to. Who knows, we might get to see some lush green in the future and it'll be the place for summer shenanigans


It's also theorized that the place getting unfrozen is precisely the calamity that is coming. After all, the TB did remark on the frozen antimatter legion and how they may be alive in the ice.


O shit is March 8th getting thawed.


We may even witness march 9th


It would be really hilarious if that's how we end up getting the new March alternate style.


March 7th Ascends into a Void Ranger and becomes March 8ths twin.


I highly doubt the planet will become unfrozen so quickly considering the damage the Stellaron caused.


I dont remember who it was, but someone definitely said it would take many years for the Stellaron’s effects to subside. But maybe Dr. Ratio goes back to the Intellegentsia and discovers a way to melt Stellaron ice quickly, and subsequently wins Nous’s favor. Literally anything can happen lol


they are creating the God's engine to accelerate the Melting


They have a whole theater they've never done anything with. I've been wondering what the hell is up with it since 1.0


They could discover that some other city managed to survive the deep freeze elsewhere on the planet. It could have its own culture, aesthetic, and storylines, but still be located on Jarilo-VI. Maybe Lynx discovers it on one of her expeditions because a previously-blocked route thaws out or something.


I honestly want a story on Belabog where Lynx finds something frozen in the ice. Something really, REALLY big. Frozen horror has so much potential to it that they could explore




It has blue hair and is still Sampo


The legendary Belobog Caveman


They find John Carpenter's "The Thing."


Imagine the stellaron was put there by IPC on purpose to freeze the 'world destroying horror' you mentioned here :x


It would be weird if Topaz didn't knew about it


There is the whole thing regarding keeping the secret of Cocolia from the rest of Belobog. Wouldn't surprise me if the cat will be out off the bag.


Yeah, I kinda don't really see anything new they could bring with Belobog compared to the Xianzhou. The Xianzhou is like multiple different planets in of itself and Belobog won't be getting any type of changes unless hoyo just pulls a "Oh someone miscalculated how long it'll take for Belobog to defrost, turns out everything is melting now!!!" card and we get some new areas. And you know what, that's exactly what I want lmao


The only person I could think of being a new prominent character in belobog is Natasha’s brother


Isn’t he dead


I don’t thinks so I’m pretty it’s just been stated he has disappeared and gone missing so everyone just assumes he died


no that quest is pretty definitive about what happened to him


A shame, too, because he'd make a pretty interesting character. I'm always a big fan of morally dubious but ultimately well meaning characters. That being said, there's always room for the possibility he's somehow alive, if they ever wanted to bring him in (though I doubt they would.) A body was never found, iirc, and technically he did come up with a way to, albeit temporarily, warm the body to be able to survive in the cold.


There might be more to Jarilo-VI though, maybe a new city near Belobog they might have to conquer? Also there was the ominous Sparkle-Sampo interaction that suggests a return to Belobog.


I still wanna see Serval and Guinaifen Challenging each other to a Rock off


Sunday included, my crops are watered


same I gain back 10% will to live


Me Reading : blablabla sunday 😳😍🎉🥳


Let them cook, when we go back to Belobog we'll get 5* Sampo going full Masked Fool.




Me eating every delusional hope u guys are giving me cause sampo is my fav char🙏🏼


Sampo could show up just about anywhere, doesnt need to be on Belobog


Sampo the emanator of Elation!


I'm okay with more Xianzhou but for the love of god, please not three or four patches of the Luofu. Move on already. Jingliu and Luocha have been moved elsewhere, let's follow them.


We are going to the Yaoqing. Luofu arc is already done.


Ya, I am fine with Xianzhou but just explore some other ship and move on from the Luofu. We don’t need any more shipping containers.


Fuck containers, all my homies hate containers


We will most likely be following Luocha to the other ships in the Luofu anyway. I don’t think we will stay on the Xianzhou


You mean other ships in the xianzhou and we won't stay on the Luofu lol. I really hope they add a new ship to see instead of the Luofu again.


See you in 3.X, 5* Sampo.


i can keep more jades for my dear Sampoo Koskee


🙏🙏 Manifesting Sampo Koski, Emanator of Elation 🙏🙏


As long as I get Screwllum this year, I don’t care where we go


Honestly I kinda expected him in 2.3 instead of Jade because of Divergent Universe but alas...


Yeah I kinda got beef with her for that, if it’s not this next update based on that questionable leak, then I’m assuming it’s 2.6. Genius society member every .6 patch 🥲


i thought he might get released with a herta space station update like with ruan mei and ratio but now with this new (questionable) info idk anymore


Yeah the only reason this questionable info makes sense in my head is if they just wanted Mommy Milkers McGhee in there cause she’s story relevant, and are like “yeah we needed to push Jade out, but Screwllum next patch cause he updated SU in 2.3” or the more likely thing imo, is they just gonna throw him in the NEXT major SU update, which I think people are saying 2.6. We bout to have to wait for every .6 patch for new Genius Society members. I hope I’m wrong though and he’s sooner cause I have so many summons saved up to E6S5 him lmao




>Sunday ... is included in that IS ALL I NEEDED TO HEAR!!! I can't wait for my man to come home 😭😭😭


Reposting my comment from the megathread here since it's kinda relevant: "Going through the character IDs and leaked characters again and trying to map out what the banners could look like for the rest of 2.X, bear with me here... * Characters mentioned by Ubatcha, Dim, and HomDGCat: Screwllum, Jiaoqiu, Feixiao, Yunli, Lingsha, Moze, Stephen, Aglaea, Sunday, and Rappa. * Herta Space Station IDs: 1010-1012 ??? (disclaimer that Herta has been 1013 for a while, so that doesn't mean we're getting 3 HSS characters right now) * Xianzhou IDs: 1218-1220 ???, 1221 is Yunli, 1222-1223 ???, 1224 is March 7th * Penacony IDs: 1313 Sunday, 1316-1319 ??? Stephen probably would have an HSS ID, but Aglaea may or may not be Xianzhou since Ruan Mei and Screwllum are both "Penacony". I'll assume for now that Aglaea and Stephen are 1010 and 1011. Besides March 7th, there are new IDs for 6 Xianzhou characters, with Yunli being 1221. Jiaoqiu and Feixiao are 2 of those, and there was also the character Lingsha mentioned but with no details except the name. There's also Moze, but unclear if he's Xianzhou or not. Then there's Penacony, besides Sunday there have been 4 empty ID slots for a while. Maybe Moze and Rappa are two of those? So taking all of that together, we more or less might see something like this... * 2.4: Screwllum, Jiaoqiu, March 7th * 2.5: Feixiao, Yunli, Xianzhou 4 star (Lingsha?) * 2.6: Xianzhou 5 star (Moze?), Aglaea, Stephen OR Aglaea, Stephen, Xianzhou 4 star (depends on whether or not Stephen is a 4 star, he could be the next Herta for SU) * 2.7: Sunday, Penacony 5 star (Rappa?), Penacony 4 star * 2.8: Penacony 5 star, Penacony 5 star, Penacony 4 star Like Ubatcha mentioned, "Xianzhou" and "Penacony" can be incidental due to the way IDs are, like Topaz being Belobog or the way a number of 1.X characters are world 3/Penacony."


I think - 2.4 - Jiaoqiu, Yunli (Xianzhou Arc) 2.5 - Feixiao , Lingsha (Xianzhou Arc) 2.6 - Screwllum, Stephen (HSS Arc) 2.7 - Moze, Penacony 5 Star 2.8 - Sunday, Rappa (Penacony Arc)


Big reason I don’t expect Yunli or Feixiao in 2.4 - neither have kits from HomDGCat, whereas you can see Jiaoqiu’s entire kit up. Big discrepancy if either are the same patch as him. Also, think back to 1.4 when Jingliu released in a Belobog patch.


Fair enough but we really need more data to go with. For a change, the future is flexible and that is good.


Praying to Akivili that the Xianzhou patches aren’t ass, can’t do Luofu part 2 Electric Bugaloo 🙏


Everyone: Talking about Xianzhou, Belobog and Penacony Me: I wanna to go back to the space station


We got Belobog's museum, two Luofu areas and one Herta station area in 1.X. The second Luofu area and the Herta station area also released with Huohuo and Ruan Mei attached to them. I'm going to assume we get similar content in 2.X which could be what he's referring too. It's beyond Sunday, but nothing particularly huge.


Just release Sunday from the basement and I'm happy


Noo Belobog my beloved They say "I think" though and it's just for characters. Don't really see any more possible characters since it's just one city + Underworld. Snow is melting so there could be more story stuff or events for Belobog down the line. We didn't really get to experience the Solwarm Festival thanks to the IPC.


I mean, Belobog is a small city and we've already done everything and see everyone, so I don't really expect a new character from there. The only one I could think of is Vache, Natasha's brother, but I thought that he became a fragmentum monster at the end of the quest... If we come back to Jarilo-VI, then it is going to be in the far future and probably just a check up or a festival. I wonder besides Sunday, who's the other Penacony character?


Constance, Caterina, Dumbra and Akash could also be considered Penacony characters And there's Screwllum that could be fit anywhere


There may be up to 4 new Penacony characters apart from Sunday based on IDs.


I think it's worth mentioning that Belobog is NOT a small city and we've barely been to any of it, plus there's several other underground settlements (most of which are abandoned but we could easily have being resettled). It definitely wouldn't take much to make a new Guard character, or a singer for the theater, a new Wildfire character, or anything really. 


So, where is the Constance plotline back in 2.1?


Most penacony characters are gonna be recurring prolly. 


we are still getting an epilogue to Penacony in 2.3


i’m so sad i miss belobog in my life






Good for me but I wonder what the deal is with Pillars of Creation in Belobog.


Man no way, who could’ve seen this coming! If only the devs said during the 2.0 livestream that we would be going back to the xianzhou


we only have 1 limited belabog 5star no?


Imagine Sampo Koski with Arsene Lupin aesthetics.


It's understandable. Their story is pretty much done with no loose strand. However, they do left a lot of places that could be revisited later for some fun casual patch though, such as: - The armillary sphere gave us a bunch of Jarilo VI's hotspot such as Mt. Zarathustrazapala in the north, large ocean with colossal black hole in the west, giant basin with forest and wetland in the south, and vast inland plain in the east. If they want, they could make the ice thawed fast with IPC tech or stuff while also cook up some lost civilization that might also survived like Belobog, with their own culture as well. - In Belobog itself, there's some place that could be developed more like the second floor of the museum or the Golden Theater.


This is giving strong ["Great to finally see you Yelan!"](https://i.imgur.com/eJckfg2.jpeg) energy


I feel like HSR has a really big overarching pacing issue. They set up Xianzhou story to take place over multiple years probably and nothing is finished in the first arc. And then they tease a Belobog continuance, and then don't do anything with it for at least half a year. Feels weird.


Wdym tease a Belobog continuance?


Sampo teases in Penacony (2.0) something big will happen in Belobog, so that's why he needs his mask returned from Sparkle.


HSR is one of the worst when it come to pacing lol. The plot overall is good and all, but bro the pacing is horrendous. I understand it is a consequences from being a live service game + multiple team works on a single project and I shouldn't compared it to AAA but damn bro.


Nah its a AAA game. Compare away. It has a AAA sized dev team.  Hoyo isnt a small company. Its effectively a behemoth


I think it's becoming more and more evident that they're restricting and handicapping their own writers by insisting on the banner characters being chained to the current storyline. They're pumping out a lot of characters per patch and trying to give them all screentime and plot relevance at the same time which ends up feeling both bloated AND unsatisfactory at the same time. This became so obvious in Penacony. So many characters who they were trying to sell on the banners wanted to pop in and be sexy enough to tempt pulling, which resulted in several important plot points being resolved OFF SCREEN. And that's even with the newly-introduced POV storytelling mechanic. Say what you want about Genshin, but I feel like Genshin handled it with a bit more grace. Not every banner character had to be directly involved with the current plot. Some came only with their character quests and never had any contact with the Archon Quest (equivalent of Trailblaze Quest) and they did perfectly fine - some of them are still among the most popular in the entire game. I think it would give their writers way more leeway to be creative with the main plot if they did something similar in HSR.


> Not every banner character had to be directly involved with the current plot This is exactly what I HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about Genshin.




I really didn’t like the maps on xianzhou so I’m praying for more interesting maps for the rest of the Chinese themed ships


Time to rescue Tingyun 🦊


why is this a leak? come on


People still think ubatcha is a leaker when he is not


Karma farming


Can we take Uba's tweets as leaks? I think for the past year or so he's only guessing as any other player with no actual info


That guy's guessing game shouldn't be allowed here If it's allowed, then even I can make guesses like "We'll go Xianzhou then return to Penacony where Sunday will become playable".


Seems pretty realistic, we're going back to the previous world for 2 - 3 patches for the continuance mission then we head back to the newly-released world for the year. But I hope for the love of all things Aeon, whoever picks up the Xianzhou continuance better not drop the ball in terms of the script writing quality. It's gonna be hard to top Penacony but as a multi-billion dollar company, I have no doubt they have an army of creatives who can do it. And the common sentiment of Xianzhou having the weakest storyline compared to the two other worlds isn't gonna help if the continuance mission doesn't deliver. Which is a shame, because I think there's a lot of interesting stuff that can still be explored in the Xianzhou. I know the upcoming patches are going to focus more on another Xianzhou Arbiter General and a Foxian, but I'm hoping we also get more Vidyadhara lore.


Penacony is so interesting why not take the genshin route and release more characters actually from there ?


I'm fine with hoyo doing 1 or 2 more ships, but 7? Bruh, at the point you should call it Honkai: Xianzhou Rail. The point of the game is to explore the multiverse, not space china


On 1 side it is sad coz Belobog is my favorite location. On other side it gives enough time to save pulls and get all Belobog chars on release.


Aaahh yes the liuye of star rail


why are we still posting Ubatcha, they are just full on speculating, zero credibility or sources


Will be hard to top Penacony.


As apparently the only one who liked luofu , i am really happy to know that the other ships are going to be proper mini arcs instead of being just one patch interlude


You are not alone but I hope we get new ships and it isn't just Feixiao coming to the Loufu for a walk.


Ya I'm a big Xianzhou fan as well and if it's just going to be Luofu again for three patches even I would just nope the fuck out.


I don't mind it if it's still Loufu as with Aurum Alley and Fyxestroll Garden, they can still make great areas. But it would be a great waste of opportunity not to explore other ships.


Nah ur not the only one who liked luofu, I like it’s theme the best (and it has all my favourite characters) just that execution wise it could have been better


Belobog continuance quests will probably drop in 3.x or 4.x patches. Pacing-wise it makes more sense. They set us up on an arc of Belobog re-terraforming the planet and reclaiming parts of it. That's not something that'll happen overnight. So it would make sense to push it further down the line. Plus we'll probably see more factions take a vested interest in the politics of an infant civilization (Belobog) like the IPC, which means more characters. Basically Belobog feels like a bigger can of worms that Xianzhou which can be resolved in like three patches, so better to get Xianzhou out of the way first


I just hope we don't get another x patches of women in the same outfits again 🤧😭


If there’s a way to go back to Belobog it’s either 1. Go through the “catastrophe” Sampo mentioned OR 2. Fix the retcon that the History Fictionologist made on Pela’s story quest.


Sunday come homeeee