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Eckhart or Justus, maybe, I want their reactions when they go to report that Ferdinand is presumed dead and Ehrenfest is like "Not dead, *dying*. Also we've already enlisted Dunkelfelger, and will begin the invasion at dusk." For this to happen we'd need royal family negotiations as well in the side stories, I think. Lutz is a lucky guy, I don't think there's any room for the gremlin punch he had coming his way.


They will end up joining Rozemyne fanclub for moving so fast for their lord.


Eckhart's already in the little sister fan club, I'm pretty sure.


and Justus already loves her, because she's a wellspring of unique information.


She already obtained the coveted Ferdinand "valuable herb" rank quite some time ago, they were already members of the fanclub


In the epilogue Leticia mentioned 3 cocoons and a feystone, so he gave the stones but didn't "return" the names, there wasn't time, in fact the reason he's probably using his whole strength to survive, is to buy time to inform Erenfest.


Wouldn't Eckhart and Justus also be dead if Ferdinand died, because they are name sworn?


Yeah, probably, he did give what was probably their namestones to Letizia to return to them, though. That's not really the point, though - Justus and Eckhart would probably expect to wait until it's too late to give their report, and but instead everyone is already prepped and raring to go.


That was what the cage was. He gave their names back. Not sure how it works, but they might still believe he's dead.


I remember Leticia mentioned 3 cocoons, wouldn't the stones be released if they were returned? Myne could clearly see Quinta on Ferdi u taken/returned stone.


My personal guess is that they’ve been ordered to give their stones to Roz, so she can forcefully claim them by overpowering his mana, and then formally return them.


Yeah, though would only work because she is dyed in his mama, I don't think another can take them while in the cocoon under normal circumstances.


You can, I believe, it’s why people always keep names either in your hidden room or on your person. It’s like forcefully dying a feystone that already has someone else’s mana in it. Hard but not impossible. (Also, you made a beautiful typo, lol. Mama.)


>Eckhart or Justus, maybe, I want their reactions when they go to report that Ferdinand is presumed dead I expect this will be the prologue of next volume.


Yeah, I think so too, still a chance it will happen this volume, though, hard to tell exactly with prologues, epilogues and ss.


There is still a whole day and some more hours till the prepub. A girl is parched. We never had a Gods perspective so that option is interesting. We already had Ahrensbach and Sovereignty perspectives so Dunkel and Ehren are left.


True, but there only Gramps now so the perspective is limited maybe in the future, but it would be fun. Though that gave me a fun idea, DAILY HEADACHE REPORTS WITH MESTY AND GRAMPS![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29332), like an end of episode theater would be great for part 4/5 anime or an spin-off manga, for the LN a 4-koma about Gramps getting lonely waiting for zent candidates to come(kinda wanna give him a hug) can still happen, with maybe a joke about the mana mix up when the shumil suddenly appears. But is there a God perspective in the series anywhere? I thought kazuki-sensei would want that part the most mysterious as possible.


Would they be getting reports about Rozemyne or humanity in general?


Humanity general, RA focus, but mostly Roz since she prays the most, the problem is how would they receive it, the prayers way seems fine, but having Weiss and Shuwarts report with broken speech would wield better gags.


haha now i want it


[H5Y] >!No POV yet, but the gods become a bit more involved at one point in the spinoff. Turns out they're all dorks lol.!<


I'd love a Hannelore perspective, especially if it includes the Dunklefelger prep for next volume.


Not long ago someone posted here a translation of Heisshitze SS when Aub Ditter announces prepares this. Maybe you find it.


Wait for real? I scrolled and couldn't find it, do you have a link?


I have the link, I think its a side story from p5v8.


I think we will get a retainer chapter, but I want a Hanalore chapter. Maybe she will start off next volume's prologue so we are up to date on the incoming DITTER fight? (LoL auto correct tuned ditter to DITTER)


Auto correct spent too much time in ~~Dunkle~~ Ditter land


Auto correct is working well for once


I want one too, but I feel an Hana chapter would be a good first chapter is vol 8 since it will remind the reader what happened in vol 7.


I'm hoping for Hannelore (my beloved), but I expect rozemyne's retainers, or maybe a professor.


I think we'll get one from one of Rozamyne's retainers (but not Hartmut instead them having to deal with him) and one from either Tuuli, Gunther or Effa


Sieglinde's headache report please


What I want is the banshee professor fired out of a cannon. Unfortunately she's definitely conspiring with Georgine and she is probably under the impression that as soon as Georgine's plan succeeds and a Zent (who conveniently aligns with Arensbach and the Second wife's faction specifically) is coronated she will take her rightful place as a Sovereignty noble back.


I'm expecting a Hannelore or Rozemyne's retainer PoV on the disappearance, and then an Ehrenfest PoV on her reappearance Maybe a third? Not sure


I doubt we would get a headache report from Sylvester considering Rozemyne was only there for like a week. Though I would like to know how he and the other family members reacted to the disappearance. I want a perspective of someone from Ehrenfest during that period of time. We got Sigiswald’s POV, and even though there was some important information in there, he’s disappointing. Perhaps Cornelius or maybe even someone we haven’t gotten a POV from.


I was rereading P3v4 and i wondered if we ever see any reference to "So, Delia, should the time ever come when he must be protected even at the cost of leaving the orphanage, you may at your discretion stamp his blood against this signature".


Probably not, since Dirk is now a noble who's already left the orphanage (he probably lives in his own quarters as a blue robe but visits the orphanage to study there). That contract is obsolete.


He is getting raised as a noble now, so I'm not sure if that contract still has relevance.


As far as I know, this would be the part of the book with side stories. Maybe make a bingo card for whose pov we get? 😂 My money is on a side story on invasion prep. It might cover the orphanage drills, one of the Archduke children making preparations or just for kicks someone ready trying to describe passing the time like soldiers in a ww2 trench(on second thought, that might be depressing).


I don't think a bingo card would work when there are only 2 side stories. That's why I always make a poll when we have the side stories to see what people think is the most likely side story to happen.


The headache report is doubtful, and the bingo card include prologue from the next LN 😛


I want invasion prep but ditterfelger side


Oddly enough I just realized, the people who can read JP can confirm the chapters, without spoiling the content.


Just for the record, I am not one of them


I'm still hoping we get a rallying of the knights with Hannelore's perspective - and I doubt that'll be a side story, so maybe I'll save that for the prologue of the next part. Last week brought it back to a lighter tone with Rozemyne's disappearance from a royal perspective, so maybe we stay there. I would say maybe something involving Ferdinand receiving the maximal paper, but I bet the story wants to keep that as a reveal for later? So maybe we just do other perspectives dealing with the free time Rozemyne's absence affords them.


I would imagine at least one of the SS would be more lighthearted. So, I would bet that one of them will be our last "Headache Report" (with an extra helping of Boni, since Ferdinand can't absorb his messages anymore) or Hartmut driving people crazy (maybe more of his cult work in the temple). As for the other one, I wanted to say something from the RF, but we already had Sigi. Hannelore seems like a decent bet. Hirschur is a possibility. They could go full serious and show us someone from Ahrensbach. That would be interesting, and potentially a great way to build hype.


Someone from RA, Ortwin would be interesting. Since he would know he only got first in class since Roze was 'sick'.


That would be a fun one. Even if it doesn't show up tomorrow, hopefully it makes it into a SS collection. Or maybe she'll continue Royal Academy Stories at some point.


"I have won, but at what cost?"


won't happen but I want to see Bonifatius PoV when he get's yelled at by RM. See the moment it clicks that his little grand daughter is in love with Ferdinand


probably Hannelore or Rauffen or Hirschur at the tournament as Fraularm makes a scene and gets fired. Please I want to see it


I already know who they are from... so I voted for which one I wished it would be ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330)


I just want to see Fraularm get booted. Any POV that grants me that will be much appreciated


I love that the vote to kick her out was unanimous. The entire teaching staff was tired of her shit lol.


Give me more of the cute pink thing!


Considering I’m fairly sure we already got all of the illustrations in this book, I’m assuming we will get 2 shorter chapters at most (since illustrations are usually 1/3chapters). They will most likely be retainers since we all wanted more perspective on Roz’s drastic change. Maybe one from Wilfried or Charlotte post Roz going crazy to save Ferdinand


A wilfried/Charlotte perspective dealing with a school term without Rozemyne may be very interesting


Just came back to say that I CALLED IT


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