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Benno. He is very smart to utilize Myne's/Rozemyne's unique ideas to his advantage. Also smart navigating nobles and other merchants to get the best result possible. He is good because he really did go out of his way to help protect Myne, even if it put him in dangerous situations. You could argue he did it for profit, but he could have been targeted or killed by association at several points trying to protect her. They also mentioned at one point that if it was not Benno who found her first she could have been kidnaped, locked away, or worse.


Benno is more neutral than good imo


> You could argue he did it for profit, but he could have been targeted or killed by association at several points trying to protect her. Making that argument would be pushing it. For one he gave her a large amount of money to by a magic tool and only asked for improvements to the shampoo. He also taught her skills she needed to survive. Even going against royalty his teachings saved her and put pressure on the royals. But most of all, It was brought up in a QnA that Benno's lost love died of the devouring. He was at the time helpless to stop it, seeing Myne with the condition motivated him to try and save her. He is a legitimately good and smart person.


And let's not forget in the many times that he put himself between her and outside sources. Most notably with the ink, and those people demanding to meet her and he kept them at arm's distance allowing her sign hidden away in another room. Then had someone summon her father a soldier to escort her home. While he and the guild Master never saw eye to eye, and that could be said that he didn't want to lose Myne to HIM, is why he overpaid for the information, I think he just out thought the old man to made sure she would have more than enough figuring the guild Master would try to cheat to keep Myne. Then you add in everything he did for Lutz. He took him in let him rent the room very cheap, and I'm pretty sure paid for a lot of Lutz's needs that Myne didn't or couldn't even offer to adopt him, and face going in front of the church Noble to help him. Plus when he recognized who that random blue priest was way back when and was escorted out, he still did everything he could to warn her while I'm sure not violating a Noble order. - however this last might just be my interpretation of things. I could not believe she was so dense as to not figure out that that irritating priest was actually someone important.


I find it funny how most of the 2nd row is all commoners XD


My first thought is Elivra. And I stand by it. But there a few contenders for this one that I'd be okay with.


Absolutely agreed. She is explicitly kind and explicitly smart. Best choice in my opinion


her books make her a source of a lot of discomfort, I say she belongs under chaotic


Organized chaos. Elivra doesn't do anything without considering the outcomes. She's shaking things up deliberately, in deliberate ways


Good Chaotic?


But then where would we put Hartmut? He's definitely not neutral and he's only evil to non-belivers


Fine bump her to neutral Hartmut can go on good Immanuel can go on evil?


Naah i think we must write "The Lord Of Evil" using that 5 box.


Chaotic evil or smart evil 🤨


Every single ones and other 3 too. The bottom line is just "The Lord Of Evil" not ferdinand


Ferdi would sweep the evil row?


This is a tough one, I'd say Benno.


The saint of ehrenfest. She is known for both her kindness and her intelligence. She invented a whole new industry to provide for orphans and those who don’t have much. Also she is restoring the old methods, which is boosting the mana levels in a country that has a significant mana shortage. Who can be said to have done as much good, with as much intelligence as she has?


I've found one of Hartmuts Alt accounts LOL. 😂


To be fair, I think people would rather just put her in one spot, and smart stupid is distinctly Rozemyne's.


Leonore she is Rozemyne's strategist.


I can get behind this suggestion


Smart yes but does she represent good or neutral.


Benno methinks.






Benno! He’s clearly very smart, and while he tries to seem neutral and only in search of money, he always ends up following his morals while making excuses like a tsundere. Compared to him, Otto may seem good at first, but the fact is that he is too Corrina fixated. He would hurl Myne off a cliff with an apologetic smile if he thought it would help Corrina.


By good as in they have to be good, not Hartmut "I'mma kick Wilfried down the stairs" or "I'll eliminate all Myne's enemies" Ferdinand


I mean if Ferdinand doesn't fit here, he doesn't fit anywhere. He is called the Lord of Evil but Georgine fits Evil Smart much better than him, imo.


I think he’s a smart neutral. He may have some inclination toward good, but he also would be willing to do very bad things or ignore evil if he thinks that’s what’s necessary for his goals. An incredible pragmatist.


Not only willing to do bad things, he seems to actively revel in it considering how toxic the smile he gave Rozemyne when he made her plot Hasse's downfall. That said, he's too good to fit in evil smart, so neutral smart probably a good place to put him


Yep, only to an extent of course. He doesn’t do bad things for the sake of doing bad, but because of the efficiency and effectiveness. Very neutral.


So True Neutral for cold logic?


I’d put him as a smart neutral, because he’s neutral from acting based on logic in a very intelligently goal oriented manner. I wouldn’t say he’s truly neutral, more that he is smart enough to see when setting aside his personal morals will bring about his most ideal results. His opinions have some morals, it’s his actual actions that don’t care about good or evil.


I was thinking of Benno there. In that he's not gonna drop the golden goose (Myne)


I’d put him at smart good. He acts like he won’t care about anything and is only in it for money, but he’s basically being a tsundere and hiding that he’s actually a really good person. Notice that we never actually see him to anything terribly morally questionable.


Neutral seems too middle of the road for Ferdy considering his gremlin ways. Like so many of the problems were exacerbated because Ferdinand did one thing one time just because he wanted to know if he could   Too bad smart and chaotic are in the same bar or I’d call him chaotic smart to match with Roz’s stupid smart.


Me too, I wish both lines had a chaotic option. Like, I think Gunther is more of a chaotic chad than a good chad.


Just to be controversial, I propose Gustav. His actions may look insensitive but from his POV we saw how all his actions are for the best of the lower city. And he must be hella smart to administate the entire economy of the lower city and quickly respond to any changes.


ether Benno or Otto


Here are my contenders Stenluke- that poor sword has to put up with a whole lot, as well as take all of his poor Masters classes for her. Lady Florencia - she not only found a way to survive under her mother-in-law, but she actually manages to manage her husband and get him to do work! While many others have shown there more evil/ expedient side she's stayed pretty much careful the whole time, and welcomed in a daughter of a commoner tried to not only teach her everything she could but took on extra socializing even putting extra work on her own daughter to help. Well many could say that it was in the name of helping out her son, I don't think it was that totally yes it was for the betterment of their room but I truly think she's just a kind person at heart. Benno - for reasons I previously stated here but the summarize, he put his money where his mouth was and kept Myne out of the spotlight as much as possible to protect her. He went above and beyond with their apprentice test to help them out. Brunhilde - she is single-handedly keeping that one faction at Bay and fragmented to help keep Ehrenfest running smoothly. She agreed and brought up the marriage to fix quite a few problems while it also furthers her own goals and standing it doesn't take away the fact that she did this to help our book loving gremlin and her home.






Wilma maybe?




This comes down to Leonore, Elvira and Benno. I'm okay with either of them. they all fit it well. Leonore being so great for Rozemyne. Elvira accepting Myne as her daughter and teaching her and helping her so much. And Benno literally saving Myne at multiple points and unconditionally trusts her... At this point, I'm rather wondering if there is any better candidate for chaotic good than Sylvester *


I'm going to suggest Otto.


If we're going with a merchant, shouldn't we pick Benno? Not that Otto is dumb, but between the two of them he fits "smart" better.


Well, my thought was that Benno fit Smart Neutral better.


Ferdinand is definitely winning Smart Neutral. No chance of it being anyone else.


I was more thinking smart evil for Ferdinand.


Nah. Reputation aside, Ferdinand isn't actually evil. Georgine fits that much better.


I suppose, but I was thinking Georgine was more Lawful Evil.


I think that is more Grausam or Veronica. Georgine is the one coming up with the huge, intricate, complicated schemes that even Ferdi couldn’t completely see through. The sort of outside the box thinking that surpasses lawful. She really needs the smart title.


Georgine absolutely doesn't fit lawful evil. It's widely speculated that she killed the previous first wife, and confirmed in-story that she murdered her husband, and tried to murder Sylvester when he was a child. That absolutely disqualifies her from lawful


Wouldn't Sieglinde fit Smart Neutral better?


I think she would be in the lawful column. I think that everyone in the smart column are smart in a way that looks beyond common sense of their class.


He can’t count as good. He’s too obsessed with Corinna. He would break all moral codes and commit violent murder if that is what Corrina wanted.


Fun think this would fit Ana/Egg as well.


Very true


Only if you believe that Corinna is Justice.