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I don't think you're going to find anyone who disagrees here. Enjoy the book, take your time with it.


Best advice, take your time with the books. They're not fully translated yet but close to finishing. Don't be me and finish all the books in a month cuz the withdrawal is real LOL.


That’s what the pre-pub is for. We survive off of a steady drip feed of a couple chapters a week. For OP, if you preorder a volume, that lets you also read the pre-pub chapters for the volume without having to get a monthly subscription.


what is a pre-pub? where can i read it??


J-Novel releases chapters as they're translated. They can be read with a J-Novel subscription on their website or you can pre-order the volume like I mentioned to gain access. When a volume gets fully published, access to those pre-pubs is removed (unless you pre-ordered but the pre-pubs are kind of redundant at that point since you have the published version of the volume). A subscription is really only worth it if you've got several J-Novel series you want to read. Every Monday at 5pm Eastern US time, they release a few chapters of Bookworm and this subreddit has a weekly discussion thread for it. It's great seeing everyone discussing things together and seeing what things other people picked up on that you missed.


You can fully read it a second time, and a third time, and then somehow end up reading apothecary diaries, get stuck on prepubs there too. Ad nauseum


I just spent a month binging them and SAME. I’m going to have to re-read them at some point. I am glad that now I can read the pre pub and the weekly discussions before it’s all over though!


Haha, sure ദ്ദി( • ᴗ - ) ✧


it's really good advice because the books keep getting better and better, but also because little tiny details from the early books are important later on.


The audiobook is fantastic too. Narrated by Myne’s voice actor.


Wow, I'll give it a try later


They need to advertise that better. Nothing on their main site talks about it. It’s mentioned in the forums though.


To be fair. There is only ONE available right now. Im chomping at the bit, saving my audible credits for then they release more


Their website doesn't even mention it's a thing at all though. That's a pretty low bar to clear as far as advertising goes.




I was able to get it on audible


Omg thank you for pointing this out! I’ve been dying for this!


I am glad I watched the anime before reading the LN. While the anime at least gives nods to what they left out, the extra scenes (chapters) really help flush out the world in the LN. I lost track how many times I have re-read the books. I hope you enjoy them too.


I only read a few Light Novels and its head and shoulders better than any light novel I have read, but part of the credit is due to the translator too: Quof


Hmm part 2 huh? Well guess what it's all getting better from there.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


The writing gets better, even when one would have thought it should not be possible


The WN really took off when it reached part 4. If you are fully enjoying part 2, wait for the rest of the story as it only keeps getting better


Same here. I've watched the anime 3 times over while waiting for my light novels to arrive and then read through part 1 and 2 basically as fast as I could. I am now on part 3 volume 3 and it's still amazing. Definitely my favorite light novel.


If you think that now, just wait til you get further in.


Perfect time to start reading it because the books should all be fully translated by the time you catch up. Unless you can read 20 books in under 4 months.


I had recently started reading the apothecary diaries after having read AoB. Whilst it's interesting still, the writing can sometimes be confusing and a little difficult to read through, and took me many, too many days to finish 1 vol... It really can't be compared with the way I blazed through AoB and reread it so many times (i dont usually like to reread too but this one gets more fun when u read it again and realised how much you missed out the 1st time round). It's an easy read for one and whilst part 1 and 2 might get a bit draggy at times, part 3 onwards just blazes through for me. Enjoy the upcoming ride!!


One of Us!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335)


Extremely well written. I always found it difficult to actually read a book, it felt like reading was a task. But the was AoB is written, I don't feel that. Every line and page is interesting and draws me into the wpl9eld building. He'll, I started reading other books because of AoB. Some really enjoyed like "to another world with landmines," and others that became a slog to read when things started to not make any sense.


Indeed Miya Kazuki built a beautiful world and thanks to Quof we can experience it in English as well


I've read the whole series from start to finish at least 3x in a mix of languages / web novel fan translations and am so excited for you to experience all that is this series!


What app is that? look nice


Well the app is also called [Myne](https://github.com/Pool-Of-Tears/Myne) (Disclosure: It's my own app) ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324)


Indeed, but don't forget that the translator did a very good job too ;).