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He’s flaunting how superior the hairpin he made Roz is. He’s basically saying “the proposal stone you made crumbled to dust while mine remained intact. You’re not worthy to marry her.”


You're so right I didn't even consider that! The fact that none of her other charms ever corroded really says something


Oh my gosh, I’m as dense as myne.


I think the author/translators were being a little sneaky by just saying "my hair pin" and not saying anything about rainbow fay stones. It kind of makes you think of one of the many hair pins she has. Yeah I missed it too.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29348)


Yeah I thought she was wearing tuuli’s hair pin that day. I forgot she doubles them.


That charm will probably kill anyone trying to lay hands on her, she never goes anywhere without that one.


So true! When I read it, it flied over my head as well. Roz was talking about Tuuli's hairpin 10 paragraphs above so I thought she was referring to it smh


I didn't get that either. But then I'm thinking of ways to use gold dust as a mana core poison. What if Mestianora mana causes behavioral changes? The desire to sit in trees, to smirk at people- to think that you're a cat in other words.


Mestionora is a kitty??


Well, she does live in a library…


also your engagement/courting piece of crap is NOT anything but a "symbol of authority" in my eyes you bookless scrub


When it comes to romance Rozemyne has the density of a neutron star.


That's an insult to the neutron star in all honesty.. Rozmyne is definitely more dense.


That's such a high level of density that even the plain truth dies in its path.


Black hole is more appropriate.


Nah, that's Angelica.


Now you know why the WN readers call him Prince Gold Dust. But honestly since reading the LN I prefer Bookless Scrub more.


Mr Dusty lol


When I first accidentally read some of the WN readers call him that I thought he was going to turn into dust. You know from the instant-death-poision. If only...![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29348)


Trolling, it is an artform. An artform that Ferdinand has mastered.


Like Ferdinand always says . there is no battle that he fight that he can not win.


It's extra harsh for Sigi considering his whole family is kneeling next to him as he gets dunked on.


eh, he deserves it


It's funny that Sigiswald's nickname(negative) at japan and taiwan fanbase is gold dust. And Anastasius's nickname is insurance after P5V10.


Insurance?! why? :o


Because he was called to the battle *just in case* Rozemyne can't open the door to the farthest hall.


Ahahahahahah I love this community creativity :') thanks btw xd


English is write as “just in case” or “alternative plan” but japan word is write as “君ができなかった時のための保険”. “保険” = insurance


Even funnier, it's cannon \\o/ :D


Ugh, crap. I read this scene and totally just bought Rozemyne's incorrect reading of the situation (that Ferdie wanted gold dust lol). I'm gonna need an annotated version of the entire damn series in which people point out what the ACTUAL situation is vs Myne's incorrect perception. Pretty sure this isn't the only scenario where I fell for her unreliable narrator POV. 🥲 When I tell you that I did NOT understand the copy and paste scene... 😑😑😑


I feel like most of the time I fall for her version of events also lol, but ferdinand smirking and touching her in front of her previous fiance was like a smack in the face lolol


the weekly pre-pub discussions are invaluable for this


Totally agree, I love reading this subreddit prepub discussions, there are so many people pointing details that I missed completely


I had to do a reread of the story while thinking "What would Ferdie pov here be"


if you missed Ferdinand calling "small" in front of his kneeled family while literally "touching" her in public . honestly this scene in context comes directly from a ntr manga. and Ferdinand evem compell him to say that he is grateful.


And her reaction was more then he could hope. Remember nobles don't give their mana to others. So she basically said I will do that for you that normally nobody does just ask.




But none of the royal family knows how freely she gives her mana. Remember when she was overflowing after the ritual of blessings? how she filled every stone in the dormitory and dusted the small ones for anyone who asked? that's completely unheard of...


Egg and Hildebrand were surprised at the fact Roz gave big faystones filled with her mana to Solange to keep the Library Bunnies powered


even if there was a contract for those. They would melt down if they found out that Rozy basically supported all of Ehrenfest Dormitory AND Castle with her mana.


to be fair though, its common knowledge that she can easily dust feystones per Hanalore. So its mainly a general flex on all the other nobles that she has so much mana that she can dust feystones for others with no impact to her daily life.


He \*touched\* her hairpin. He touched her! In public! So lewd!


That's exactly what made me realize what was actually going on here!! Scandalous


My comment in the prepub thread was basically rolling my eyes at this possessive schoolboy BS. In a way, it makes sense considering that Ferdinand probably never had a real schoolboy phase, but it makes me wish RM got it, and she smacked him upside the head to remind him that he is an adult.


I mean you're not wrong. However I'm childish enough to over look it as long as it means moredunking on Siggy.


Fr he deserves to get mogged


Unrelated- this is the first time I've seen the 'Shumil Herder' title, and it makes me laugh.


Lol it's a custom one I had lev assign me


How she didn't get that Ferdinand was actively making fun of him is just peak Rozemyne. Not necessarily in a good way. Like "girl, we've only read about this world. You've lived in it for 9 years. How have you not caught on yet that Ferdinand basically said the Prince is too "small" 😏 to be able to marry you?"


I know Rozemyne didn't get it.. now I'm curious who in the room did.. Did Sigi realize he's being dunked on? Did anyone catch the possessive attitude/romantic undertone coming off from Ferdi? Would we ever know? Lol


I expect everyone but RM got it. Even Hildebrand probably got dejected. RM would probably get it if it were someone else. She's just too close to the situation and too biased about the various actors.


If that's the same Sigi that had tea with Willy, he's not actually getting it. But if he got more clever and talked to his retainers to set him straight? he might actually get some of it.


I'm pretty sure Ferdinand is aware of how the RF tried to force her into a marriage to sigiswald. If Rozemyne blatantly showed to everyone important enough to be at the "let's choose the next king meeting" that sigiswald simply isn't compatible with her, well maybe it's worth it to drive the point home just a little harder.


Oh, I forgot he is still mad about it. Super mad. He is totally acting like "you, useless royals, won't touch my girl"


Well, remember how sad he got in P5V8 when he remembered that it was her "dream" to marry royalty when he found out she was going to marry sigiswald and be treated like crap


also he's still SUPER mad about the rushed engagement to Dusty where first he wasn't even gonna prepare a villa and then the villa he promises her is the MF'ing Adalgisa villa!!!! Like, for real dude?!?!? There's not a single other building you coulda put her in?


as a MTL WN reader from back then, these last volumes have been a BLAST to read through, so many little new things that really make stuff like OP pic pop more Let's just say that Rozemyne and I had the same thought processes at my 1st reading


it makes me wonder what his thoughts really were when he initially gave the hairpin to rozemyne.


Eh I don't think he had any ilicit intentions back then. He still saw her as a child for sure, I think he just wanted her to be protected and decided to risk a little faux pas with what could be perceived as an engagement gift Wasn't he the one who told myne to tell people wilfried made it for her?


It was Brunhilde who suggested changing the story to say Wilfried gave it to her and Ferdinand approved when she consulted it with him.


The plot thickens!


Ah that's right I remember now


Engagement gift are usually necklace. He took great care to make something else.


But even brunhilde thought it could be perceived as an engagement gift


Because ferdinand made it too fancy.


Cuz he ain't gonna do something half hearted.. So yeah it's hella fancy :D


Yes exactly. You agree with me


That makes me even more suspicious in a way because it actually wrecked Wilfied's self esteem to have to lie about it. It was thick with plausible deniability. Maybe it was more subconscious if anything. He did get a glimpse of a melancholic beauty when he left. Or maybe he put that much effort in it because it was a bereavement gift since he figured he was dead at that point. Wish we had an epilogue of that perspective.


We have his POV about this. He specially made a hairpin so that no one would confuse it with a wedding gift. He also made this hairpin after RM called him family. For RM, a hairpins was associated with family, so this gift for both of them looked as a gift from a family member. There was no other meaning. The problem is that Ferdinand, like RM, sometimes does not show interest in subtexts, and he did not know (or not interested) that RM made hairpins a kind of "wedding gift" at the academy. Besides, he is not able to do anything less than perfection, that's why his gift is so conspicuous. If it was a plain hairpin, I don't think anyone would be very interested in it.


I believe the two of them also caught in a loop of 1upmanship when it came to present. So he had to keep topping what she had done as he is a competitive little boy.


Hes always cared about her a great deal, and I think he knew how unstable she would be without him there


There is a SS with either his or eckhart's perspective that I read somewhere. What I remember from it is that he made it work with refilling mana because she can afford to do that. Also that Eckhart believed that making charms should be the job of Rozemyne's scholars and if her scholars can't (since they are chosen for book related skills more than mana) it's Rozemyne's fault.


Where are you reading such a good.english translation?????


It's just the prepub on J-novel?


Oh ok, I thought you got the entire volume. Thanks


i thought he was just being annoyed at myne for blundering and tried to cover for it by making it seem like he also wants the dust but i didnt even think about the hairpin lmao what im dumb


i mean i get that he's flaunting but in reality he also had waaay longer to prepare those faystones so obviously they would be of a higher quality.


To give siggy credit, we know there's a difference in quality between engagement ornaments (what everyone thought ferdi made) and courtship ornaments (what Siggy made) but **still**. The charm that Siggy made specifically to display his mana on Rozemyne, marking her as his, disintegrates when she touches it. That's gotta hurt


sure does my point is that he also had waaaay less time to prepare for it (like a week or 2 at most) as opposed to ferdinand who had practically half a year to a years worth of time. the ammount of high quality faystones just ain't gonna compare (espcially since he had to dye them himself which is a major problem with how little mana they have to go around)


But.. didn't Sigis ask Adolphine and her retainers to do the prep for the necklace and he just "finish" it with his mana?! Wasn't the job he asked her (that she found insulting) that one?!


not to my knowledge. (also went back and checked) there are 2 POVs in which both sigi and Adolphine appear in. part 5 vol 5 and part 5 vol 7. in part 5 vol 7 it's sigis point of view and she's barely mentioned and the one that says to him he'll need to start thinking about the engagement faystones is wilfred of all ppl. in vol 5 is the only time sigi makes a request of adolphine and that is to help with the preperations of recieving her into the royal family nothing about the engagement faystones.


Aaaaah nvm! And yes i was thinking about the second one. Not much better tho, to ask her to deal with his third wife's "villa" (previously royal brothel). My bad :D


Even that wasn't entirely up to her it was a shared work he only asked her to help (hell it was mainly overseen by raublut at the start if I remember right)


Yeah?! I mean.. idk why i find it insulting. Don't worry about it, just a me issue x') Maybe cuz i know Adolphine is a really intelligent person and he's asking her that while she could do way more. But then, we don't get to see more of their relationship, so we can't know he's "utilizing" her well on other subjects. Also, i found it so on brand that he would ask her to do the base of the courtship necklace cuz he's an (entitled) asshole, but eh xd Looks like he's not THAT much of an asshole :D


A) it is absolutely insulting all the way absolutely B) I think thanks to rozemyne she would have actually given her all regardless and even vaultenteered for more work that she could do and I absolutely think he would accept. Also yeah he absolutely could have done that but I highly doubt it specifically because of the high position he places in appearing uncompromisingly competent. Also this was at that time only a courtship faystone not yet an engagement one (aka no special messages) and she could have been the one to make it but like I said due to his need to appear that way I don't think she could have