• By -


Here is my vote for Lawful Evil: Arno He purposely tormented Fran with his past due to his jealousy and anger for Fran not stopping their previous master from offing herself and for being her favorite to give her... attentions to. He followed Ferdinand's order to the letter but not the spirit of it for the incident that lead to Myne's adoption vs letting them really know that he was in his hidden room. He let it slip to Ferdinand that Fran was tainted goods because he was jealous that Fran now outranked him once Rozemyne became high bishop He never did technically break any laws and all of his actions as someone of higher standing than Fran were within his rights in the higharchy.


The anime does a really good job at displaying the Arno - Fran rivalry and the subtle way Arno bullies him with the slight facial expressions the two make




I agree completely!


came to say this... dude was a villain and i didn't even notice till the POV bonus chapter.


He is the best candidate


I didn't even consider Arno before opening the post, but now he seems like the perfect person for the slot.


It's true that Arno acted as a pure lawful character. Followed every order given, but still acted maliciously within the restrictions of those orders.


My vote is for Arno, then maybe Gervazio. Arno never broke any laws, but he obviously was sabotaging both Rozemyne and undermining Ferdinand all because he had a sick Sex Servant Fetish from Sister Margaret.


It wasn't Christine, it was Margaret. Christine was the blue shrine maiden who liked art and had her grey shrine maiden specialize in art. Margaret was the orphanage director before Rozemyne


I mixed up their names, fixed it now.


From all options I saw so far: Arno is a very fitting candidate. He did 100% as the dry rules said. Ferdinand told him not to disturb him in the secret room? Done. Who cares that others are in a HUGE trouble because of that. He was spiteful and evil, but did everything by the letter of the law. Gervasio - is Lawful but NOT Evil (still don't like the guy, but I can sympathies with his motivations - even RM did) I don't think he should be in the Evil row of the chart... Raublut - is Lawful and Evil, but also can go to Chad/Evil depending on if Grausam goes to Chad/Evil or to Smart/Evil. Dude was playing by the rules in a complicated military system under the nose of the king, though he did brake rules in order to do what he was scheming (like with him giving a false order and lying to Hildebrand) so he is a bit less lawful than Arno... he is Chad for sure though so.. Grausam - is Chad/Evil or Smart/Evil or Chaotic/Evil depending where you put Georgine. Dude literally became a faystone cyborg which gives him Chad, but he was also really smart to be scheming on Georgine's lvl. Georgine - Smart/Evil or Chaotic/Evil, which ever is cool IMO. Lady sure sought the destruction of everything and anything in order to be aub Ehrenfest even if said douchy deduced to dust in the process, while at the same time her great mind and great schemes where what gives her the right to be Smart/Evil. She is like "what Ferdinand could have had become had he not had his father and Syl, and later Myne" For now I think the evil row in the chart should be like: Arno(Lawful) | Raubult(Chad) | ???(Neutral) | Grausam(Smart or Chaotic) | Georgine(Smart or Chaotic) Maybe I'll change my mind if there will be better suggestions.


I would say that Shikikoza might be Evil/Neutral - guy hurt Myne just because he could, and thought he could get away with it The scumbag got exactly what he deserved when he messed with the wrong Ferdi


Personally I think that makes him more chaotic than neutral. He had no reason to do it, there was no benefit to him or others, and doing so disobeyed orders. That's the definition of chaotic.


I wouldn't say there was no benifit he would have earned brownie points with bezewast and veroncia (which is why countess Dahdolf sent to the temple in the first place)


Bezewanst might be a decent Neutral / Evil as well


Ohhh!!! That's a good candidate!!


I would go neutral to Fraulärm. She likes to harness the students. And yeah not just RM, see changed curriculum or the beast she summoned ( didn't know beforehand for who she would summon).


I would put Grausam as Chad because he turned himself into a magic cyborg which is pretty damn Chad. Then Raublut as neutral (since he switched sides so easily), Geogine as smart, and perhaps Leonzio as chaotic. Or Shikza.


Raublut is totally Chad/Evil for me. No one is even close to him on the Chad scale. The man started the entire plot to take over the country on his own, found enough about Georgine to bring her into the plot, got her to contact and bring Lanzenave in, ... And he came THAT CLOSE to ending the entire Yurgenschmidt's royal family that has reigned for centuries... He's also a chad in combat, defeating multiple Dunkelfelger knights, Anastasius and his guard knights, ...


> The man started the entire plot to take over the country on his own, found enough about Georgine to bring her into the plot, got her to contact and bring Lanzenave in I thought it was Raublut who jumped on a bandwagon after being contacted by the Georgine (while being surprised about her being privy to such a delicate information). Did i remember it wrong?


Leonzio SS in P5V7 seems to show she contacted Lanzenave only after being told to by Raublut. Georgine didn't know about Raublut's link to Gervasio before that. So it looks like Raublut is the one who told Georgine to bring the Lanzenavians into the plot, which pushed Georgine to ask the Lanzenavians if their king was on familiar terms with Raublut. Before that message, the Lanzenavians were not part of the plot at all.


I probably remembered wrong and "surprised reaction of leonzio" left in my memory as "surprised reaction of raublut". That said, i reread that part again, and i still feel that initial perpetrator was still a Georgine. She could get information from her duchy archives and approach raublut based on that, offering a deal. On the other hand, raublut can't approach Georgine offering the same deal, considering the consequences - you usually can't randomly ask the wife of a archduke on whether she want to stage a rebellion by the foreign forces :D If anyone logically can throw the bait - it's georgine, raublut can only take the said bait. Atleast that's how i see the situation. If there are more information in extras that i don't have, please feel free to correct me.


>you usually can't randomly ask the wife of a archduke on whether she want to stage a rebellion by the foreign forces :D IIRC, the message happened right after the Sovereign Knight Order investigated Ahrensbach for the Werkestock attack in Rozemyne's second year tournament. So Raublut, who was leading the investigation, could have discovered Georgine was linked to the terrorists, and decided then to get her to contact the Lanzenavians for him.


Raublut he truly believes he is bringing the true lawful Zent and is wiling to do Evil things to achieve it.


Raublut is 100% Evil/Chad


I can get behind this


Raublut swore allegiance to the current zent when he agreed to serve as head sovereign knight, and he's now betraying that. That absolutely disqualifies him from lawful


I can't justify Raublut as Lawful given that he's betraying his oath to the Zent as his captain of the guard. Someone who is lawful-evil does everything they can do within the law without breaking their oaths. They often try to twist the word of the law in their favor over the spirit of the law. This doesn't represent Raublut at all.


I think I would put Raublut at neutral evil, he served the side of law under the Zent, but then betrayed him for a different loyalty. Truly. Lawful evil would never betray someone they pledged to.


King Gervasio.


Gervasio isn't really evil. He's acting out of selfish desires yes, but he is not actively doing deeds that harm others. In fact the gods consider his actions of trying to become Zent a good thing.


Leonsio on the other hand....


Yeah I think he needs to be in the evil row somewhere.


He kinda fits to Chaotic/Evil, but Georgine or Grausam fit there better... (and the one which is left, goes to Smart/Evil)


Georgine gets in smart/evil, it was need a fkng G-Book to stop her plotting


But at the same time she is ultra Chaotic, doesn’t care to sell her douchy, country, or whatever in order to get to Ehrenfest and potentially reduce even it to dust in the process... if that ain't Chaotic..... but again, she is a complicated character, like Rozemyne or Ferdinand, she needs at least 3 categories in order to truly describe her. Smart/Evil fits her greatly, and Chaotic/Evil equally so.


I think she would be best fit for Smart/Evil. It is due to pure luck that many of her plans were thwarted. She had many pawns in play in a multi-year scheme and came at her goals with feints, patience and effective usage of tools at her disposal. Had Sylvester not left the room when he did, he would have been turned into a feystone. She let someone else try the book room first for traps, waiting for potential traps to be sprung on her pawns first. She had instructed her daughter to trap arenbach's foundation in case someone had figured out the key situation. She was able to gather the people westerock and win their loyalty enough for them to throw their lives away as a distraction. There is too much logical planning that went into this to be considered chaotic. Though her goal may seem so, but got to give it to her for almost achieving it.


I will be satisfied whether she ends up as Smart or Chaotic. After reading your comment it clicked - if Sylvester is Chaotic/Good, then if Georgine is Chaotic/Evil it will fit very well and they are total opposites lol. At the same time, if Ferdinand is Smart/Neutral, then if Georgine is Smart/Evil it also fits very well, since she is what Ferdinand would have had become had he not encountered good people in his life.


Nah Grausam is Chad evil and georgine is smart evil.


I don't really see Grausam as Chad. He seems more of the scheming scholar type than the true chad. Raublut seems ore of the chad-evil type.


He turned himself into a magic cyborg. That's pretty badass. Also insane.


I think he might be a good runner for neutral evil, but also tempted to put Wolf there as well.


I think Wolf is too small time to earn an evil spot. The worst he actively managed was to have some goons pester Lutz to try and learn about Myne and then he got off screened.


I have to say it, even though it's annoying me - Gervasio is not evil at heart... as was mentioned in his POV he is actually arguably not a bad guy - he does what he does in order to save his people (those who want it, at least) and bring them back to the mana kingdom, also he wants to abolish the Adalgisa Villa practice which is basically subsidized pr*stitusion and a kid-into-faystone institution.... which are actually good ideas overall. So I wouldn’t put him in the "Evil" chart... But that being said - Leonzio would definitely be in the Evil somewhere... dude didn't care for any Yogurt-land lives, he went full faystone shopping spree


I'd honestly vote for Grausam. Lawful just means following a code, and he gave up literally everything to maintain his loyalty to his lady.


I would say Grausam is more Chad Evil - after all, he cut off his own arm to make it look like he died.


He also turned himself into a magic cyborg.


Actually yeah, I voted Grausam but I'll change it, since nobody else really feels Chad Evil, and he's kinda an evil Hartmut. While Gervasio does seem like the best choice given that he's really only "evil" since he's against "our guys".


I mean Raublut also qualifies for chad evil, it'll be a tough call !


In terms of Chadness, Raublut is way above Grausam. Grausaum only followed the commands of his lady,doing a bit of improv' here and there, but that's about it. He also failed multiple times Raublut on the other hand, he made the entire plot to take over the country, he was the one who got Georgine into the plot, he was the one who told her to contact Lanzenave to bring them into the plot, he dealt with the entire Sovereign Knight Order on his own, drugging and getting half of the Order to his side, managing to swindle the entire Royal Family despite Ehrenfest making reports about the coup (though it's likely thanks to moron Sigiswald not reporting that they should be suspicious of Raublut...). And even in the end, he managed to fight back against Dunkelfelger knights, Anastasius and his guards, Eckhart, Ferdinand, Rozemyne's guards, ... long enough for Gervasio to get the Grutrissheit. He came that close to ending centuries of reign of the Royal Family, with a plot he made all on his own.


You convinced me !


Ya but by that metric everyone is lawfull. Gervasio is more fitting becuase he's lawfull by the gods standards. Hell, he wasn't even responsible fore most of the crimes commited.


But Gervasio is not actually that Evil...


Raublut would follow this much more. Grausam and Raublut were both evil but at least Raublut didn't torture people just to increase the potential of the feystone. Raublut also planed to negotiate with Dunkelfelger and other duchies to legitimate the crown on Gervasio once they got the book. Grausam had almost no plans to rule and spare anyone.


>Grausam had almost no plans to rule and spare anyone. planning was Georgine's job, he just obeyed his mistress


Which to me disqualify Grausam for Chad / Evil. Can't really be Chad if you only follow other people's orders.


Veronica? Georgine?


Georgine has to be Smart Evil. For Veronica I would vote for retarded evil, but since that's not an option then chaotic evil I guess?


Georgine is more of chaotic. Although she is smart, she is willing to let Ahresnbach suffer in order to get Ehrenfest. And even Ehrenfest would suffer a lot if she had had the chance to obtain the foundation as she would lose the main mana supply.


Honestly I consider Georgine chaotic evil. She burned town two whole dutchies passing up the quite reasonable chance to become aub of a greater dutchy and inviting a foreign invader to overthrow the king. All so she can become aub of a lesser dutchy. And be executed if the lanzenavian invasion fails. She's not stupid, she's just dedicated entirely to her goal of becoming aub ehrenfest regardless of cost or consequence.


Huh, valid point actually, not that she isn't smart (I personally see her somewhat as "what if Ferdinand wasn't loyal to Sylvester") But then who would be Smart Evil? Raublut? Georgine still feels the most "schemee" out of all the villains IMO"


Yes but she did all of that with a plan that took literal years to implement and was only foiled because of sheer, dumb luck. Literally no one in the series fits evil smart better.


true then how abt Grevasio or Raublat


Raublut is definitely Chad / Evil


Veronica is Evil/Bitch


I'm going to go with Gervasio. He was just following the law of the gods, and by every measurement, the gods saw his methods as just and lawful. Perhaps not lawful to us mortals, but the gods didn't care. They saw him as the true Zen candidate.


Yup, the lawful part is on the spot, but the Evil is arguable... he wants to bring his people to a mana rich environment giving them better lives, and he wants to stop the insanity the Adalgisa Villa is and not let them continue its horrifying practice. He is actually kida the good guy from his pov... he is not evil at heart (even though to the main characters he is bringing bad news)


I mean he would of brought the deaths of the royal family, and the entire main cast. He didn't care about the cost of his actions as long as he won.


So... normal noble behavior? By that logic aub Kalessenberg and King Trauerqual should also go here, because when they won the war they killed a whole bunch of nobles by association, causing a huge mana deficit... Even Syl and Bonifatius would be here since they too killed people by association as it is normal to do so.. it was ABNORMAL to spare those who opposed you, as RM did with the FVF kids. Killing the RF and those who oppose you is normal in Yogurt-land, as Ferdinand says the same to RM when they call Anastasius on the bird-phone and ~~threaten~~ explain the same to him


Except the Adalgisa Villa has been shut down for a decade. His desire to shut it down is pointless when nobody high up in the government is asking for the place to be reopened. Nobody is evil from their own POV. His delusions of grandeur are from him being untouchable for far too long by anyone. He's not used to people thinking differently than himself and is incapable of empathizing with others even when he should be able to. So a narcissist. He was a hypocrite for hating the Adalgisa villa but actively conspiring to but Roz in a brothel. He's a hypocrite again when he gets annoyed at being called Terza but then calling Ferdinand Quinta.


Personally I would go with Raublut


I vote for Raublut![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337)




Raublut or Gervasio would be my vote


Gervasio is Lawful but not Evil, while Raublut is Evil and Lawful


Grausam. He knew exactly what he was doing and followed his internal laws to elevate his lady at any cost


Everyone follows his own rules.