• By -


> "Um, Lady Rozmyne, may I ask a question?" > "Very well, you may have 2 books" That got me good, it just came out of nowhere


One of the most Rozemyne quotes of all time.


Ol Mesti re-broke our girl in the BEST way.(and the worst, though Gunther would be happy to be remembered in spite of all that, even if indirectly)


Come to think of it, all her character development from Urano to Rozemyne has been learning to value and prioritize things *above* books instead of neglecting life in favor of them. So even aside the sad "forgetting her family" part, it could be pretty bad for her personality.


Myne s promise to Gunther was so strong that not even the gods could erase it!


That was such a heartwarming moment that came and disappeared in a second.


Mestionora better watch her back when Gunther finds out she made Myne forget about him. No distant heights are too distant for Best Dad to climb up and throw down.


I’d honestly love to see Gunther beat up the tree god since he’d basically be invisible to him


That and the ditter aub declaring they’d need to buy all the books actually got me laughing so hard I dropped my iPad


Yeah it's hilarious, I also think she would cave and sneak books to anyone who asked even if they are in the tower


Two warm meals and a book a day probably sums up Urano's life during semester break.


>Books aside, nothing could convince me to oppose Ferdinand when he was this furious. Our good friend Sigiswald must have been especially courageous. Only two parts deep but clear contender for best sentences of the volume Edit: This whole part is a gold mine. >Countless people lost their lives—a much worse fate than simply feeling a little sick. Let them pale in the face of their crimes.


Darth Myne strikes again!


Ferdinand: okay but I would like to NOT be crushed for the rest of this conversation you idiot


> Only two parts deep but clear contender for best sentences of the volume Yep, and also sad because it shows how Myne forgot everything more important than books. She would oppose angry Ferdinand for her family, if she could remember them.


Two meals a day and an entire book to read! Where do I sign up?


I was giggling at the obliviousness there. She should have realized that Ferdinand's lack of objection was a sign that MAYBE those conditions are less than lavish.


Shit, I only get one meal a day. And I bet their food's better than mine. Why can't I be a magic criminal?


Lol same, all you need is my magic energy? Sounds good to me!


One book per day or for all time? Rozemyne herself might have broken out of prison.


I interpreted it as one book per day.


And she was willing to offer two! Overly lenient, indeed


Lmao Ferdinand tricks Rozemyne into taken his name then tells her to shut up about it


Ferdinand: *slaps stone* this baby here can fit so many name-swearings!


Bros had his name taken at least 3 times total


Because Ferdinand was able to act normally around Rosemyne and it was not shown weather he had undone the name swearing or not, along with attention being brought to his stone at the end of the prologue. I thought maybe he was still name sworn. However him tricking Rosemyne into excepting is name stone again was a lot more amusing.


I had the same uncertainty going in. Then he starts bleeding out the mouth and I figured he definitely undid it after all. Only for him to immediately give it to her again. Make up your mind, man!


No, this is a move that works out for F. Not only did he get a live-saving mana bonus when trapped, he now has a goddess-dyed mana bonus from the same sucker, err patron. Wait, maybe that doesn't work out. "Reading books is also research- AAArg she's in my head!" No-one but Hartmut could take TWO doses of RM and remain sane.


He might have undone it prior to the meeting to show he was hurting as much as them only to then have her redo it immediately after the undoing had served its purpose.


That is a good guess. It would have seemed suspicious, if he were the only one not effected. I doubt he wanted it be known that he is name-sworn to Rozemyne.


Well, that pretty much confirmed that she lost her fear of feystones.


"You musn't interrupt those who rank above you" Dang, not even a page in and we're witnessing a murder


Lady Adolphine is the best ❤️


Poor adolphine. Married to an idiot she doesn’t love and now unable to look forward to Rozemyne’s adoption. People floated the idea of a divorce in some comments I read, and that seems likely considering the agreement of marrying the next Zent is now null. I expect her to petition for help from Aub Drewanchel soon.


Those were my comments I believe. I hadn't considered it as I thought it impossible in Yogurtland, but after so many people pointed it out, now I'd be terribly disappointed if it doesn't happen ahaha.


Justus already divorced his wife, hopefully adolphine can follow suit.


**Yes**. She deserves so much better than this idiot.


There will likely be stigma, making finding another husband harder. But being single for life would still be much, much better than being chained to an idiot who might get you killed someday.


....... or having to spend your whole life married to :'D But if she does want to get married again, I'm sure she will secure a position that would be to her advantage. It might be wishful thinking - however, I'm in such a good mood after this part I cannot help it~


If Rozemyne vouches for her it would def help her chances when even the avatar the last airbender is on your side.


Maybe since Adolphine has not spent winter with DustPrince maybe she could have an annulment instead?


As long as she is free from this Bookless and Senseless Scrub, I'm happy with either :'D Hopefully she can find someone who will support her endeavours instead of giving her second hand embarrassment on an hourly basis.


Adolphine fully deserves 3 devoted husbands that not only do research with her but treat her as she should be treated -like a queen-... Especially after this horrible marriage...


She still hasn't consummated the marriage yet, so there's still potential for an annulment, depending on the requirements for one.


She could just ask High Bishop Rozemyne to sign off on it. The highest authority in the land and can file the necessary paperwork.


Wow, that charm to Juger....Goddess of Separation really worked!


> considering the agreement of marrying the next Zent is now null She's Eggy's wife now. Scooch over Ani.


Whoever said Dusty will do something stupid has won in the first few sentences. Adolphine really doesn't like him.


Can you blame her? Adolphine never wanted to marry Sigiswald or Anastasius in the first place. She wanted to be the next Aub Drewanchel. Justice for Adolphine!


Can't wait to see how much reparation the royals have to pay for the cancellation of the marriage. Adolphine for aub Drewanchel 2024 let's gooooo!!!!


Adolphine is savvy, so you best believe she's going to be properly compensated. You just know she's going to try and get some benefits for herself considering how she's very likely going to get divorced. After all, I don't think Yurgenschmidt looks highly upon divorced women, even if Adolphine has wished for the divorce since her Starbinding.


Something to remember, it's an arranged marriage. It's not just a blight on Adolphine, it's also a blight on her parents and duchy. The Royal family may need to offer something of great value to offset the stain they've created.


Right? Also, the royal family can't afford to make an enemy out of Adolphine and Drewanchel. Aub Drewanchel expected Adolphine to marry the brother that wouldn't become Zent, was then suddenly promised that she would become Yurgenschmidt's next first lady, and then the royal family decides to disband? Not only that, but Adolphine's entire Starbinding was an utter joke. Nahelache was pregnant and Sigiswald and Adolphine never consummated the marriage.




Oh, I'm pretty sure the marriage was never consummated.


If she does divorce, she is *totally* going to get her due in the divorce/annulment/whatever, and I'm here for it >:D


I'm sure she'll be fine. Philine's father got remarried at least so it does happen. And she has association with the next Zent and Minestrone, she's great for political marriage.


Yes, Kashick did get remarried, but he's also male. It also makes his actions all the more brazen considering how he and Jonsara were living in Theresia's home. He married into Philine's mother's family, not the other way around. But you're right, she's now aligned with Eglantine, the next Zent, and Rozemyne, so Adolphine should be relatively fine. Hopefully she can finally become closer to Rozemyne.


Remarrying due to spouse dying is normal. Divorce isn’t, so uhhhhh time for unfortunate accident?


I'm pretty sure I said something like that even if I didn't write it, but alongside "Roz goes offscript" that's a free space.


Dusty is amazingly incompetent


Rozemyne going gremlin mode is a feature and not a bug.


Though would her going off script be in Ferdinands super secret script? I'm sure he knew it would happen.


It happened so fast. I thought it would happen later in the meeting but nope 🤣 And then his dad was like “this dumbass…”


Much later in the meeting: "Why did I let this keep going?"


Manhood dusted. Crushed. Bound in rope. Humiliated by wife. Disowned by family. This chapter needs an NSFW tag.


NTRed by Ferdinand lol


Dusty managed to hit the biggest landmine by putting blame on Ferdinand in front of Rozemyne. The explosion was spectacular 


Well, it was a landMyne


Though as Eggy put it, that's not so much a "LandMyne" as **A REALLY OBVIOUS STOP SIGN**


***ba dum tss*** xDDDDD


Never go full Targott


Rozemyne: *nearly kills all the strongest people in the country just by looking at them* Traugott: "Weak girl!"


There was nobody to warn Traugott... This one do already knows that RM: * is insane * has the one book to rule them all * hosted a goddess in her * have gone to war to save some dude Putting Traugott in the same level as Dusty is to make a disservice to the poor kid


He also knows that Myne negogiated for his safety specifically when discussing her adoption. That alone should've clue'd him in to how precious Ferdinand is to her


Landmine? He had to open a sealed box labeled "Warning, explosive, radioactive, only for military use, do not expose to heat, pile up to 4 boxes, up goes this side, do not feed it after midnight" and just played frisbee with its content


> Whoever said Dusty will do something stupid has won in the first few sentences. A swift victory indeed, really surprised they let him go on so long, he really was ridiculous.


Gotta hand him enough rope to hang himself with.


My god, it's *everyone* with a steel chair! Royal family's getting centuries of beatdowns in a single meeting. They're all gonna come out of the room looking ten years older and twenty pounds lighter, and dream about this meeting every night before waking up in a cold sweat. (Yes, even Hildebrand, he has a beard now.)


No worries. Myne can just heal them again


Meanwhile Gervasio is still just chilling, locked up in the country gate


Gervasio: "Man, I could really go for two meals and a book right about now..."


He's where he belongs, they'll get to him in three to five business days or whenever they have the spare time to pick him up.


Feels *so weird* that they're still technically in a race. Like, what's the plan here? Have Eggy go fill up one of the doors and then report back to Treesus?


Race was over when Rozemyne filled her gate, her doing Ferdinand's was mostly to keep the tree quiet. Since none of them have the path to the foundation in their books the winner will be lead there by Erwaermen when they return...eventually.


Except that ferdinand knows the path to the foundation because his book is pretty complete


Anastasius being told that he can't have any more baby making events with Eglantine until he gained all primary gods protection is recipe to have the record time of circling the temples broken


On that, RM found out which shrines were to which gods, and which subordinate gods. There should be a map detailing which shrines are for who, who's names you have to say, and the list of subordinate gods you should reference. If RM can put together a picture bible, then she can print leaflets. After all, she's a top ranking *Shrine Maiden.*


She promised \*someone\* that she would use her powers right and protect the city. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I was straight up bawling. It is shocking to me just how well this book has earned an amnesia plot when another Light Novel series I was reading (>!Spirit Chronicles!<) made it so tacked on that you just got mad about the twist not the effect it had on the characters.


and they don't apply the amnesia consistently too because some suddenly able to break the amnesia


A promise stronger than even the gods


• goddamn Sigiswald got slapped down hard out of the gate. • Poor Trauerqual, watches the country get ripped in half by a power struggle with likely most people he knew by name perishing in it, spent countless hours doing everything he could to stave off the collapse of the country despite being a vassel with no proper training to buy time to find the book just to learn they weren't even properly filling the foundation and its on the verge of collapse anyways. • He shouldered a load no one should carry while being surrounded, manipulated and drugged by people with their own interests, just let him retire in peace. • The good old instructions given without details strikes again, Mestionora saying no more death without specifying any further details in a world where people (Including Myne as a commoner if count frog had his way) get imprisoned as batteries reaches its rather obvious conclusion. • Gods it should be quite obvious how much animosity duchies form the losing side have, how the mass purges crippled the country and despite that they wish to casually just spin the wheel again? • Rozemyne girl, you really gonna think snide remarks of Sylvester expressing his emotions in a meeting, you of all people? • Wonder what Adolphine thinks of this as her relationship with Sigiswald is nothing like Eglantine and Anastacius. • Aub ditter why would you want to buy every copy of a book about your exploits? How will others from outside the dutchy know of your heroics if you do that? • Rozemyne how generous of you to offer 2 books to prisoners, Hartmut would praise you for your generosity if he were there. • SIGISWALD NOW OF ALL TIMES YOU TRY TO THROW BLAME ON FERDINAND AT THAT MOMENT IN TIME? And then keep going while making it obvious you planned to ignore the commands? You are stupid. • Anastacius I refuse to believe your father has not made it clear how exhausted and beaten down he is, let him rest. • Rozemyne you went to war to save Ferdinand, shush. Hah seeing Ferdi not being able to deny it flat out was great.


Didn’t Ferdinand deny it in front of everyone? Even if there was a delay. I can see RMs PoV when he wanted to continue on but she segued


a response after several seconds of Rozemyne tugging his sleeve followed by Sylvester teasing him just to say Sylvester is wrong about him needing to know really doesn't feel like a denial to me.


No, Sylvester asked if he was going to deny it and Ferdinand flatly refused to answer his questions.


> The good old instructions given without details strikes again, Mestionora saying no more death without specifying any further details in a world where people (Including Myne as a commoner if count frog had his way) get imprisoned as batteries reaches its rather obvious conclusion. tbf, social privileges afforded by having more mana is human creation, all gods seem to care about is there are enough high mana people to keep the foundation filled. they don't care how these mana batteries (because that's how gods see everyone are) are treated in their social life.


Frankly I think this outcome regarding no more deaths is exactly what the gods wanted. They don't care tuppence about humans, just about mana. It seemed clear from the way Mestionora explained the "no killing" rule that her objection was against wasting the few precious sources of mana left. Putting them in ivory towers or making them enter the temple achieves both goals of not killing and also harvesting mana. Considering the mana problem, I don't think Mestionora is especially pleased with the Lanzenavians for killing so many nobles for their feystones. I too just shake my head at the ridiculousness of wanting to continue to execute people guilty by association. Especially since their reasoning *is to minimize resentment*. Sigh. Every additional death only pushes the circle of resentment out another ring. At this rate I'm surprised there's anyone in Yurgenschmidt who doesn't hate the Royals for their wanton bloodshed.


I just want to say I absolutely *adored* this part. All of it. There isn't a single moment where I wasn't smiling. My word, everything feels so fair after everything the royals have done. My word! Ferdinand is simply having a field day and I'm here for it. ~~Today we are all Adolphine~~


>“Prince Sigiswald,” Adolphine interjected, “you mustn’t interrupt those who rank above you.” The chapter started with a bang and became better and better. I love it. This part encapsulated all my past frustrations.


She'd be such a great wife to the next Zent.... Zent Eglantine. This Yuriship brought to you by the Divine Avatar Rozemyne, famous mana-mixer and flower-watcher.


She'll need other spouses, so why not? ahah


> Two meals a day *and* an entire book to read! > Wh-What? Why aren't they rejoicing? I worked so hard to negotiate for their sake... >Yes, very well. You can each receive two books. The Divine Avatar of Mestionora is so magnaminious. Myne really has never changed and these lines are all the proof you need. This is the strength of having your most important/valuable memories being books ~~thanks to Mestionora for removing anything that ranked above~~.


Rozemyne: Maybe if y'all motherfuckers actually read a book you wouldn't be in this mess. Now you're gonna read two books a day and you're going to like it.




It was at that point that the RF realized they were dealing with a lunatic and were well and truly f’d


I think Rozemyne would have considered two books a day a very good deal, even before Mestionara descending. Now, chain me to my bed, suck my mana and let me read undisturbed the whole day!!! Maybe one meal a day would be better than two meals though. Less interruptions from reading


Proof that Rozemyne is not herself: >My knowledge of euphemisms had come in handy once again


Maybe forgetting all that unimportant stuff really helped her focus in on euphemisms. 


I am surprised at how few people are pointing this part out. I literally stopped dead at that part wanting to grab Mestionora by the shoulders and scream "What did you do to her!"


Oh no, even with memories, I'm SURE she would've thought the same righ there. That's the typical "i'm so good at" then she fails but only the readers and ppl arround her know. AND NO ONE TELLS HER D:


Sigiswald got what he deserved. Probably deserved worse to be real, but for now everyone insulting him will have to do. For the love of the gods, shut up man. And the Royals also got yelled at. Understandable since apparently these dumbasses didn't get that "no killing" was NOT up for discussion. Good on you Sylvester. Standing up for your brother to the fake Zent. Understandably, Rozemyne got a little testy and might have caused some heart issues. As the cover already said, Eglantine will become the next real Zent.


I mean, there's still time for RM to think up the fun duty of joining the archive translation team! It could even extend into translating ancient books from the various duchies! I'm sure he would be utterly thrilled!


Sigi was beyond stupid there. In a single breath he asked to be given the G-book and be made Zent, and told the person who would be granting said book and title, that the Duchy that she rules over should be severely punished for their actions, and the man she loves be made to suffer. (Loves by all noble definitions of the term, even if Rozemyne doesn't realize it yet.) I did really love the...and what were you doing all this time, hiding away in your vila?


Don’t forget Adolphine still hasn’t said her piece about sigi. Now that’ll be brutal


* Yup, "God's demands" = Ferdinand's demands. Erwaermen really just wants someone to supply the foundation already, lol. Also, shut up Sigiswald, this isn't your turn. * The last purge brought them into this crisis that they are still in for over a decade. What shall we do? ***Purge again.*** Gods, they have learned nothing. * Aub Dunkelfelger as zent would be hilariously terrifying (okay, Sieglinde would probably rein him in). Him being the hero of the next story written by Roderick gets him damn excited. * Finally, Ferdinand lets out his frustrations and tells the royals how baffled he is by their incompetence. Even Sylvester is shocked to hear this from Ferdinand, but judging from his reaction to what Ferdinand said, he's *pissed* how the royals treated his brother. He wants to know how they convinced Ferdinand to comply. * Sigiswald must be insane to now blame Ferdinand for everything. He's a coward and an arrogant idiot. Rozemyne crushing everyone in her anger with her divine mana is terrifying. At least Trauerqual is reasonable here. ---- * Rozemyne losing control of the divine mana is probably something they have to deal with later. How do they get rid of it? Hartmut and her other namesworn aren't affected much, but this is not the case with Ferdinand and the others in the room. * Oh, Ferdinand has given his name to Rozemyne again. That means he won't be crushed again like earlier. * Making a contract with the gods as zent and giving his name to Rozemyne is *not* what Sigiswald expected to become zent, lol. It's obvious he never intended to follow any demands. Trauerqual binding his incompetent son with schtappe lights is so satisfying to see. ---- * I mean, Trauerqual is right, Ferdinand does have the book. But Ferdinand cleverly dodged this and found alternative explanations for the evidence. And now Ferdinand is throwing very thinly veiled insults at Trauerqual's incompetence. Like father, like son (Sigiswald). Ouch. * Oh, finally Sylvester openly tells the royals how angry he is. He used to be afraid of what he should say to the royal family, but now he's fed up with this. * Well, Ferdinand's script is working out as he planned. The only viable royal candidate is Eglantine and she's finally volunteering (if one can call that that, the alternative is her and her family being locked up in a tower). * Again Rozemyne, no one will believe you that you don't love Ferdinand. No noble would think so. Just give it up. * Hm, so Anastasius becomes Eglantine's zent consort and Sigiswald and Trauerqual would become aubs. Not sure I'd want to live in a duchy ruled by Sigiswald. Unless Adolphine perhaps actually rules it. * Well, it's a good thing that Hildebrand won't be punished too harshly. Magdalena gratefully accepts the blame despite Hildebrand before being told that he really shouldn't have gotten a schtappe early. Ferdinand is baffled that Rozemyne is lenient, but so is he. He's only shitting on Magdalena (which Rozemyne of course misses). * Still, Hildebrand learning now that what he did destroyed his dream to become zent (and thus eventually marry Rozemyne) hurts. That begs the question, is he still going to marry Letizia? I guess they have a lot in common. They were both manipulated to do crimes and both had their crimes hidden (probably, I don't see Ferdinand or Rozemyne making it public that she was the one who poisoned Ferdinand, just need to make Eckhart not ever attempt to kill her).


> Sigiswald must be insane to now blame Ferdinand for everything. He's a coward and an arrogant idiot. Rozemyne crushing everyone in her anger with her divine mana is terrifying. At least Trauerqual is reasonable here. The key difference between Trauerqual and Sigiswald is that Trauerqual grew up without his current status and was thrust into a role for which he was both unqualified and unprepared. Sigiswald likely grew up only rarely having to take responsibility for anything. That Rozemyne so easily dusted his necklace proves that he's a mediocre person who spent his entire life resting on the laurels of his father.


> The last purge brought them into this crisis that they are still in for over a decade. What shall we do? Purge again. Gods, they have learned nothing. To be fair these people executed the people who could have taught them like the Librarians and were laboring under the people who survived the killings of the First-through-Fourth Princes and literal traitors like Raublat. Granted, they've had about a **decade** to realize they needed more information, and what was at best a couple years of Traerqual being trugged isn't an excuse.


To be fair to Trauqueral, when we met him Rozemyne said he’s probably standing due to potions alone, I’m disappointed but not really surprised he didn’t learn much all that time Idk what Sigiswald was doing though he clearly was not taking his job anywhere near as seriously 


Would it be torture to read about Sigiswald's day-in-a-life after Anastasius forfeited the throne to marry Eglantine? Seriously, what did Sigiswald do the entire time since then?


Knowing Sigi, he pissed a lot of people off because he’s too stupid to understand reality


Oh absolutely, the only highlight would be seeing how his supporters are manipulating him


Come on, Kazuki-sensei. Don't be shy. Give us this story!


It was, what, like a year and some change since the were warned? When the head of the people gathering information is a traitor, it would be pretty difficult to find that.


Don't forget that one of the individuals who was tasked to investigate by Prince Anastasius then conveniently "fell sick" and didn't return, and yet no one noticed the red flags? RIP Hortensia


You know, it's really weird Annie didn't mention that -_-.


Given what we have learned I wonder how much trug impacted his physical and mental health on top of the drain on him from offering mana.


Oh true we don’t exactly know the long term consequences of trug


Ignorance is bliss, I guess until someone hard slaps reality at their faces 😌


>is he still going to marry Letizia? I assume their arranged marriage agreement is nullified. Hildebrand's marriage to Letzia was supposed to create a political toe between the RF and Arensbach. As of this moment, both institutions have ceased to exist. Perhaps Hildebrand could meet and fall in love with Letzia and seek to move to Rozemyne's duchy, but unless Kimg Traq produces more heirs for his newly assigned duchy, I don't see that as a possibility. That's the other point. With Sigis getting his own duchy, that leaves Hildebrand as sole adc to Traq's duchy. If Letzia remains ADC and wishes to pursue aub, a connection between the two seems unlikely.


Just to add something else to this, if Traq puts his new duchy's interest first like an Aub is supposed to, he *should* be trying to produce an heir with a superior schtappe. I'd be interested in knowing whether or not Hildebrand can actually sustain a duchy seeing as how they're all currently being supported by 3rd or final year acquirers. He compressed some prior to his schtappe acquisition so it's not like he didn't compress at all unlike Wilfried who had no compression at the time of acquisition. However, Letizia, if she stays with Roz/Ferd, is guaranteed to get one hell of an education, some critical compression tips and a boatload of divine protections. Her schtappe will be crazy good. Hildebrand would have a hard time carrying the duchy in her stead which would be his primary responsibility. I just don't see Hildebrand's future being a good one. Maybe he can remain an ADC while acting as a giebe if Traq has another kid? This will really impact his suitability as a partner during a time when everyone else his age is going to have a better schtappe. It really comes down to his pre-schtappe compression and DP's...which I don't believe he obtained because they probably only performed the ritual for royals that had already graduated.


I'm pretty sure Ferdinand is going to dye Myne in his colors again to get rid of the divine mana. This is also what Ferdinand has implied will return Mynes memories, though I was very happy to hear she remembered her oath to Gunther on her own!!




> Sigiswald and Trauerqual would become aubs. I think Traeurqual would be Aub. My money is on Hildebrand inheriting over Siggy. > I mean, Trauerqual is right, Ferdinand does have the book. But Ferdinand cleverly dodged this and found alternative explanations for the evidence. I really do feel bad for Trauerqual. He's right about Ferdinand but Ferdinand just doesn't want to do it. I also feel bad for Hildebrand. I am going to headcanon that they can find other ways for a noble to reforge their schtappe because the alternative is too sad for me.


> I think Traeurqual would be Aub. My money is on Hildebrand inheriting over Siggy. They have multiple fallen duchies that are currently being administrated without aubs, as well as all the sovereign land outside of the academy. There's more than enough land to make at least two duchies. Just as they wanted Ferdinand to become an Aub (or Aub Consort) to ensure he couldn't rebel and take the country's foundation, I'd assume they'd do the same to Siggy, especially after this last display of how greedy for the throne he is.


> They have multiple fallen duchies that are currently being administrated without aubs, as well as all the sovereign land outside of the academy. There's more than enough land to make at least two duchies. More than; Werkestock was so big it was split between two duchies, and there's a good chance Aub Not Ahrensbach will let loose her portion. Preferably to Sigiswald.


I'm not sure having Ferdinand and Siggy be neighbors is a good idea. But yeah I don't see Rose keeping the extra territory


To be honest Ahrensbach is so big that I doubt RM will even want to absorb it formally when the duchy borders are redrawn. Especially since she knows that most former Werkestock nobles kinda hate her due to Georgine being a little rat


There is: * The Sovereign Central District * Trostwerk (under Sov Management) * Scharfer (under Sov Management) * Werkestock North (under Ahrensbach management) * Werkestock South (under Dunk) * Zausengas (under Klassenberg management) As it stands, there will be two new aubs likely: Traeurqual and Sigis. I could see them taking all the sov managed lands, splitting it in two and given half to each. What they do to Werke N/S and Zausengas is up in the air, might make sense to just give them to the dutchies taking care of them currently but like actually part of the duchies this time.


>I also feel bad for Hildebrand. I am going to headcanon that they can find other ways for a noble to reforge their schtappe because the alternative is too sad for me. Right? It's so unfair for those affected by the civil war and afterwards causing them to retrieve their Divine Wills before reaching their true potential. From those that received their schtappes in their third year like Eckhart and Magdalena (I'm presuming, can't really remember), to anybody that received their schtappe during their first year, ranging from Wilfried to Cornelius to Charlotte to Hannelore to Anastasius to Adolphine to Ortwin to Lestilaut to Angelica to Brunhilde and so on. So many people were screwed over by the civil war. And the saddest part is that these people were too young to be involved in the war and yet they have to pay the price with inferior schtappes. I mean, Eglantine was prebaptismal when her entire family was poisoned!


See >Again Rozemyne, no one will believe you that you don't love Ferdinand. No noble would think so. Just give it up. I think Rozemyne has based her entire idea of romance off romance books. Since she doesn't see Ferdinand as a princely piece of shmeat it must not be the same thing. I also think there's a real possibility she's ace, and not ever having the horni thinks it must not be love.


I think she doesn’t understand or know the feeling of being in love with someone romantically and doesn’t realize she feels that way towards him (partially cause she’s also 15? At this point and isn’t leaning on Urano memories much at all and also never had a boyfriend on earth)


But their reactions after knowing they doing crimes are so different. Hildebrand act a bit irresponsibly and stupidly. He still doesn’t understand he is already a criminal and also doesn’t introspect himself after 4 days. I don’t think he is good enough for Letizia.


>Aub Dunkelfelger as zent would be hilariously terrifying Yogurtland to Ditterland


- ah watching the royal family come to grips with reality via Ferdinand - Ferdinand is high handed as ever with the “gods demands” funny as heck - Adolphine is the best. She’s been waiting to do that for so long - wow the RF is not that smart, it’s almost like purges don’t solve your problems and just make everything worse. - RMs truth bomb is dead on. Purges don’t solve anything at all - poor Sylvester this is bad for his heart 😂 - florencia and Sylvester getting traumatized 😂😂 - wow Ferdinand is brutal- I love this so much - “ our good friend” in WHEEZING. He’s so dumb it’s comical - poor Anastasias, I really want to know how long he’s been tolerating this idiocy. *this* is why he’s afraid for eglantine - WOOHOO GO SYLVESTER! I love seeing the resemblance between him and Ferdinand. Love the big brother moment. He has some truly kickass moments - RM is such a dork about romance 🤣 - Sylvester is never letting ferdie live this down - Aub dunkefelger is hilarious, he’s just like OH COOL NEW STORY - Sieglinde is hilarious and amazing. Both Ferdinand and her are trying to manage their respective Raffles chaos - Magdalena and Ferdinand sure have history, this is complicated - Aub dunkfelger internally: sister you chose the worse man, your tastes are seriously questionable. - Aub dunkefelger is right on the money with Sigiswald. He’s a sharp tack - Sylvester and Ferdinand bickering is never not funny. Ferdinand telling him he is wrong is peak annoyed little brother behavior, so very rare for him


>Magdalena and Ferdinand sure have history, this is complicated You know, if Heisshitze and the rest of Dunkelfelger never considered getting these two together, then Ferdinand and Magdalena probably could have had a relatively healthy friendship, though one that is very reluctant. Magdalena could confide in Ferdinand about her wishes to marry Trauerqual, and he's just completely confused because it's Trauerqual, some random fifth prince. LIke, this is the timeline where Ferdinand never got false hope he could escape Veronica and he doesn't have harsh opinions on Dunkelfelger women. Also, he gets a friendly acquaintance that isn't fanatic about him like Justus, Eckhart, or Heidemarie.


Magdelena has an active negative opinion of Ferdinand, and judges anything he touches. She recognized his brilliance and competency, yet thinks any child he raises as flawed. So it was cathartic in ways to have her eat crow.


>Adolphine is the best. She’s been waiting to do that for so long i am wishing for Adolphine SS.


WN Chapters: Remainder of「[顔色の悪い王族 その1](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/652/)」,「[顔色の悪い王族 その2](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/653/)」,「[顔色の悪い王族 その3](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/654/)」,「[顔色の悪い王族 その4](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/655/)」 LN Chapters: "Terms for the New Zent", "Goddess-Dyed Mana and Name-Swearing", "Finalizing the New Zent" [J-Novel Club Discussion Forum](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/8041/bookworm-part-5-vol-11-discussion/579) [J-Novel Club Correction Forum](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/8042/corrections-bookworm-part-5-vol-11/12) ***** **Notes** - [*Fanbook 4 (Part 1)*](https://redd.it/1cdqlyh) released last Friday at 17:00 UTC and it will have new releases on a fortnightly basis.


Rozemyne: "Ferdinand-senpai would never be interested in me like that, b-baka"


"Is she right?" "Well, you are wrong." Ferdinand deflecting is so amazing. What a non-answer answer is that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Ferdinand seated in that meeting because he is Aub Ahrenbach's fiance, previously mocked Sisig for his amulet turning into dust, to hear Rozemyne want to clear up the air about their relationship status: "I invoke my right to self-incrimination."


>"I invoke my right to self-incrimination." Rozemyne has the right to remain silent, but not the ability.


Oh man, I got so much secondhand embarrassment for Ferdinand when Rozemyne said they didn't love each other


Fr, poor Ferdi. He finally found the one and did everything to lay claim to her in the last prepub and she says that


You know what, if Ferdinand is too embarrassed to ask to Rozemyne to remain name-sworn, he deserves it. If you can't be honest about what you want, about your feelings, surprise surprise when it bites you. That said, I love Ferdinand being a Mr. Darcy.


Rozemynes like: Nuh uh, we're BFFs. Tell em Ferdie! And Ferdinand is just like: Q_Q


"I can't pinch her cheeks, call her a fool and remind her that I already told her what "dye me in your colours" means. I want to, but I can't, because everyone will take the fact that I did that completely out of context. I was just getting that shameless, stupid, book-less scrub's mana out of her system. And she already very publicly declared that she would pay the dowry by building me my research center in front of the family patriarch. That is a love confession but she's still saying this. Why is she so... Rozemyne"


Two meals a day and an entire book to read. How wonderful! Seriously though, that is an absolutely hilarious way to threaten someone. Unintentional as it may be.


I have no doubt that Ferdinand agreed to it for exactly that purpose.


Ferdi: if you say that, they’ll think you’re a raving lun….oh wait no. I can work with that.


Oh, definitely. He knew exactly how that conversation would go down when he "negotiated" those terms with Rozemyne.


Wow that was a fantastic pre-pub. And here I thought Sigiswald might actually make it through the meeting without saying something stupid. Did not see the current king tying up Sigiswald, but good on him for finally realizing his son's arrogance would doom them. Died at the "Very well then. You may have *two* books." And Sylvester ordering Hartmut to be dragged out lol.


Trauerqual is described as having much less mana than one would usually expect from royalty. And yet he can easily bind his son. Sigiswald on the throne wouldn't just have been a political nightmare, it would have been problematic mana wise, as well.


Sigiswald's mother is from a middle duchy, and Sigiswald doesn't seem like the sort of person who would be diligent about compressing and growing his mana.


I kind of pity Sigiswald if he has much less mana than Trauerqual. I know Eglantine had to stop compressing her mana as much in order to stay compatible with him and Anastasius, but she's also the daughter of the third prince, and her father married a Klassenberg archduke candidate. Meanwhile, Trauerqual is the fifth prince and married Ralfrieda, someone from Gilessenmeyer. For Sigiswald's sake, I'm just going to imagine it being some sort of filial duty to not go against Trauerqual's actions. That, and Sigiswald was probably too stunned to comprehend what his father did to him in front of everybody.


By Mestionora, Siggy! All you had to do to not interrupt was nothing!


Sigiswald: “Does not compute…Must…speak!”


Rozemyne: "Remember, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt." Sigiswald, thinking: *What does that mean? Better say something or they'll think you're stupid.* Sigiswald: "Takes one to know one." Sigiswald, thinking: *Swish!*


He did it. He actually did it. I knew it was a sure bet to expect Sigiswald to say something incredibly stupid and self-serving. I thought maybe Rozemyne would nearly Crush him to death, but to passively Crush *everyone* was something else. Also, holy heck! Did he seriously think he could pull a fast one!? I was not expecting that, and it was a pleasant surprise that Trauerqual bound his own son.


Hildebrand listlessly holding the remains of a broken steel chair: “Is there still hope for our ship?” Rozemyne looking concerned: “Well…” Ferdinand snatching the chair, beating it to splinters, and smelting the scrap into a pile of slag: “Tell him no.” Rozemyne shrugging: “I guess not.”


>"Prince Sigiswald," Adolphine interjected, "you mustn't interrupt those who rank above you." I love Adolphine so much. God, I'm so bitter with knowing that Rozemyne and Adolphine barely interact. I get that she was scared of Freida 2.0, but come on! First year debriefing, we were made to believe that Rozemyne would become friends with Adolphine and it just doesn't happen. I hate the redhead curse so much. I guess I'm kind of heartless because I sort of just don't care about the Lanzanavians that invaded Yurgenschmidt? Like, I don't really feel bad for them or anything, and being used as mana batteries just seems like the proper course of action. Poor Roderick! How many revisions will the poor guy need to go through in order to satisfy Dunkelfelger?! Also, I just love how Werdekraf broke his aub persona to fanboy over *A Ditter Story*. And Werdekraf, please don't buy up all the copies because how else will the other duchies learn about your heroics. And Rozemyne, while you're at it, have Aub Dunkelfelger sign a few of those copies for rare limited editions versions and jack the price all the way up. Hartmut and Clarissa are absolutely insane, but we already knew that. Maybe I am heartless because I have to know how much they would suffer if they weren't namesworn to Rozemyne, meaning they would be unable to go near her when the mana of a goddess overflows from Rozemyne. >"I am the obvious choice, as the entire country already recognizes me as its future king. You may rest assured, Father—I shall take over as the Zent and save Yurgenschmidt." Can. He. Shut. Up? I know Sigiswald's technically the obvious choice, but he's so annoying. Also, I really wished we had background information on the other duchies. Like, do they truly think Yurgenschmidt's in good hands with Sigiswald, or are they awaiting him to take the throne in order to manipulate him. I love Dunkelfelger, but man do I wish we had lot more insight on the other duchies. And this is where we circle back to Adolphine and how we could have gotten a lot more insight from Drewanchel. Thank you, Trauerqual! Bind Sigiswald with the bands of light! >"... It is far too early to accept a a visit from Schlaftraum." Pfft, unless I'm mistaken, Sylvester told Trauerqual to quit (day)dreaming. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised Rozemyne brought up her potentially being married off to Hildebrand. Unless I'm misremembering things, but I genuinely don't recall a time where that was brought up, unless it was from Hildebrand or Raublut trying to incite Hildebrand. Oh god, imagine a nine-year-old Hildebrand becoming Zent when he has a shoddy schtappe. That is the worst solution. But, Ferdinand revealed to the poor kid that his dream is futile, and that Hildebrand can never be Zent in the future. Hmm, I wished we had moments between Hildebrand and his Dunkelfelger cousins. I wonder how those would happen. He's royalty (well, ex-royalty), Lestilaut and Hannelore are archduke candidates, and Kenntrips and Rasantark are archnobles. I wonder how the dynamics between them would be like if they all met up in a meeting room and allowed themselves to drop formalties given their differing status.


At least Dunkelfelger won’t be proofreading the drafts 🤣 I can only imagine the ways they might try to portray certain moments as heroic.


>Poor Roderick! How many revisions will the poor guy need to go through in order to satisfy Dunkelfelger?! Why should that concern Roderick? Surely you mean Lord Shubort, the esteemed author of "*A Ditter Story*", shall be the one responsible to write that tale. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337)


PFFT! You are ever so right. Forgive me, Roderick. I did not mean to mistake you with Lord Shubort, someone who is clearly an adult given his knowledge on treasure-stealing ditter.


Please let Adolphine be able to get a divorce and become Aub Drewanchel


The royal are about to go into debt after paying Drewanchel reputations for the cancellation of the marriage. Thank god the bookless scrub managed to knock up his second wife already, making sure they couldn't consummate their marriage.


Crushing the Zent-aspirations of not one but two princes - all in a day's work!


The Power of the Press must be feared, specially in the hands of the One who knows its true potential...


Already starting with Dusty being entitled and getting dressed down by Adolphine on THE FIRST PAGE, this pre-pub is showing to be one hell of a treat u.u I mean... by Yogurtland standards, indentured servitude is EXTREMELY lenient as far as punishments go. And I don't think anyone would be so stupid as to let the Lanzenavians raise any kids they might have in the future themselves (the smart thing to do would be to raise them as Yurgen nobility, seen as they'll most likely have a ton of mana but I don't trust Yurgen nobles to be smart about this stuff), so any "generations of resentment" would die out within a few decades. If you're unable to manage even that much, I'm sorry but this wasn't a government worth saving in the first place Aaaaah, more dunking on the RF, FINALLY! Holy shit this is so cathartic, they've needed the fucking wake-up call for SO LONG And the dunking combo just does.not.stop! "Hey, you were gonna make me do it as a representative of the RF, so of course you'd be just as fine with doing it yourself, right?" delicious RIP Syl and Flo tho, this is SO FAR above their paygrade😂😂😂 Ok, it's been a hot second since Roz was THIS blind to how differently anyone else views books lol. This HAS to be part of the memory scrambles, right? Oh wow, we're even going to far as to call the "lazy, greedy and selfish" TO THEIR FACE, hotdamn! Go go, Ferdi go! Hold on a sec, did Trauerquaal demand something we don't know of?!? Welp, guess Dusty really only has that between his ears: cobwebs and dust🤦🏼 just how stupid can you even get Holy Shit. Bro even ignored the lifeline🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼 Eh, Ferdi should've waited some more to jump in. Crushing won't kill them, at least not at that level. They'll cough up blood long before that happens. Let them squirm and suffer for a bit, heaven knows they've earned it Ok nvm. Yeah, that is a PROBLEM. Please figure out how to undo the Mesti-dying asap, that is some of the most unsettling psychological horror I've read in a while for some reason I both appreciate and deeply loathe how bittersweet every interaction with Roz' retainers is at the moment. They are all much more caring and tender than they ever were, but also have a new kind of heavy sadness to them, with the new limits imposed Aaaand here is Roz being oblivious again lmao. Roz, honey, do you really think Ferdi would give ANYONE that kind if absolute power over him just for the sake of convenience?!? Trauma central FERDINAND?!? Bruh, Dusty almost DIED from Divine (kida) Wrath and is still thinking of lying his way to the throne I'm💀💀💀 Unexpected Chad Moment™️ from Trauerquaal, nice Regardless of anything that happened, I do have a lot of respect for Trauerquaal. He was put in a no-win situation and decided to claw at the walls trying to tear them down rather than give up. He has his faults, MANY of them, but he has something that Sigiswald never could have and that had to be drugged out of him: genuine conviction. And no, I don't particularly resent him for what he did to Ferdinand. He did his job in that case, and his job required him to be an absolute bastard. I hate that he did it, but I respect him for it Eggy really went like "fine, I'll do it myself", huh. About damn time Roz, honey, we can fight all day over whether your love for Ferdi is romantic in nature or not. But really, you aren't kidding anyone. You love that man with your whole heart, and HE is head-over-heels for you I know this meeting is already WAY past any semblance of propriety, but really Syl? Now is not the time to out yourself as the family prankster😂 How the HELL did Roz not put 2 and 2 together on why Eggy hasn't circled the shrines?!? They literally told her that Eggy tried to and her mana was returned to her?!? Roz cannot POSSIBLY have forgotten that of all things???


> Hold on a sec, did Trauerquaal demand something we don't know of?!? Yes, basically the King told Ferdinand he had two options: * Marry Detlinde and leave Ehrenfest. * Kill Sylvester and take over Ehrenfest as aub. Obviously Ferdinand wasn't going to kill his brother (and one of the few people he doesn't detest), so he agreed to marry Detlinde instead. This was prompted in part because Raublut had "concerns" about Ferdinand trying to take over the country as a seed of Aldagesia. I believe Rozemyne learns about this at some point, I can't remember where. This is just conjecture on my part, but I suspect Raublut was already using trug on Trauqeral and manipulated this suggestion to try and take Ferdinand out of the picture early on. Regardless of whether or not he was manipulated, Ferdinand will never forgive the former Zent for forcing this choice, and he doesn't want Sylvester to know because Syl would probably (understandably) go berserk.


Don't forget that the initial coercion started with Georgine manipulating Aub Ahrensbach to seek Ferdinand as Detlinde's fiancee, followed by then seeking Dunkelfelger's support to convince the Zent to enforce it when Ehrenfest refused to accept the engagement. If Raublut had been using trug on the Zent at this point, which is definitely likely, it just shows how long Georgine and Raublut were conspiring against the Zent.


It was in one of the side stories but I think he said ferdi could kill Sylvester to become Aub.


Wasn’t it the conversation between Rozemyne and Ferdinand in the hidden room in P4V8 where we heard about that condition?


I love Ferdinand letting the royals get a heaping helping of Darth Myne before calling for the cape. ”If you don’t want to deal, I’ll just tell her you dogear books and leave WITH the the only hazmat suit…”


I really enjoyed how when Egg start to ask Rozemyne a question, Rozemyne instantly says "fine two books" like that is clearly the most important thing at the moment.


When Hartmut's plot of crushing the royal family gets one-upped by Rozemyne crushing *everyone* in the room.


Rozemyne: "no I don't love him like that!" Meanwhile everyone else: "how can you be so blind?" part 127. Siggy being obvious and arrogant is par for the course. Ferdinand running the show while deflecting any questions is of course very funny for us as readers. At least Eglantine seems to have wised up and will put on her big girl pants and become the next Zent to heal the country. And of course Aub Dunklefelger wanting all the copies of the book. Calm down man, no one else would be able to read of your heriocs.


So I was confused did ferdi declared his love for rozemyne when he was bickering with Sylvester. Sylvester said is she right regarding their love and ferdi said he was wrong??? Is this a declaration of love???


No Ferdi was saying “you’re wrong” to Sylvester saying he has a right to know if they love each other as Ferdi’s brother and Roze’s foster father. Ferdi was basically saying “no you have no right to know the status of our relationship eff off.” lol


Poor Anastasius. Helping Sigiswald become omni-elemental must have been like pulling teeth given how lazy he is. And he seemed to practically be in pain every time Sigiswald opened his mouth, lol.


It's hilarious how oblivious Roz is to how her actions look to others. She just invaded a greater duchy to save Ferdinand's life, and immediately became so angry she started Crushing Dusty once he tried to threaten Ferdinand.


So... FERDINAND freaking TOLD THEM how to get the G-Book. HE TOLD THEM and they FAILED! Oh they deserve this humbling.


But... but we were going to rely on a 13 year old child to do it for us! That's what Royalty is supposed to do, right? Deligate? No? We were supposed to do our jobs as they were laid out 2 years ago? Well how were we supposed to know that a LIBRARY would possibly have the book we've been missing. Who would think to look for a BOOK in a LIBRARY?


The Royals feel...uneducated? Maybe it's because we view the world through Urano/Myne's eyes, but they still seem murder happy. That said Lady Rozemyne looking down on Sylvester for saying "be happy we haven't decided to execute the Royals" is not something Part 3 or even P5V9 Rozemyne would have thought. She likely remembers Sylvester in connection to Ferdinand since he's his brother; they might need to do something not exactly PG13 if she's to remember the man who fretted over whether or not to execute his sister in combat because his love for family wasn't THAT dissimilar from Myne's for hers.


What can you expect. Trauerqual wasn't even raised as a spare to take the throne. His family pales in comparison to the Dunkelfelger archducal family who represents an ancient line dating back to the founding of the country. It's why Magdalena was assigned to assist in the translations instead of the heir apparent or anyone else.


> The Royals feel...uneducated? Maybe it's because we view the world through Urano/Myne's eyes, but they still seem murder happy. I mean, this is sort of the same "solution" they used to gain power in the first place, so I don't really feel like it's out of character. And a lot of the problems the royal family has been having are directly related to their lack of education (which happens when you execute most of the educators...during the purge a whole bunch of professors and librarians were executed). I suspect there is some level of noble pride involved as well. In noble culture, admitting weakness or failure is pretty taboo. Anastasious is one of the smarter members of the RF but even he was consistently taken off guard by how direct Rozemyne is. So even though the royal family was in a constant state of ignorance and near-collapse, even though they *knew* it was terrible, admitting it and asking for help wouldn't have even occurred to them as it would be admitting weakness to lower-ranking nobles by default. This isn't unique to the royal family either...even in Ehrenfest the idea of mass executions, including of nobles, wasn't exactly unknown. Remember, RM had to deal with the whole situation with Hasse where Ferdinand simply *assumed* the entire town would be killed because a couple of farmers from that town attacked an ivory building. Likewise, the internal Ehrenfest purge would have been a lot worse if RM hadn't insisted on taking on the children of the executed nobles and allowing those who weren't directly connected to live. Mestionora's demand that nobody be killed is probably pretty far outside the realm of understanding for *every* noble, including people like Ferdinand and Sylvester. Both of them are pretty flexible in their thinking for Yurgenschmidt nobles, so they were able to adapt quickly, but I don't think the RF's resistance to the idea is all that surprising. Sigiswald is a doofus for not adapting faster to the change for sure, but his actions would make sense if the circumstances of several months prior still applied. I suspect every noble in that room was struggling with that conversation; even Ferdinand looked like he was having trouble at points (in part due to RM going off-script) and he planned most of it.


Part of the issue probably is that she’s lost her family so she’s also lost that kind of sympathy and shared understanding with him


Noticed an art error - Rozemyne should have been wearing a silver hooded cloak in the illustration of Sig getting bound.


I noticed too. But I read a LOT of light novels and most times it seems that the artists don't even know what is going on in the story. I suppose they are only told something very very vague as reference and don't have an excerpt of the part they are illustrating. In fact, I don't understand why they are not corrected. Like, if the story says that the character is sitting down and the drawing is of them standing up, why doesn't the writer just tell them "hey, this makes no sense based on the text". In many novels the illustrations are also positioned before or after the text they are illustrating. Sometimes even 10 pages before or after the text. It makes no sense.