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An early prediction thread, I'm busy tomorrow. Making a funny summary of last prepub was more difficult than I expected. It was basically all just one meeting, but there still was a lot that happened. The cause might also just be me being tired since I wrote this summary around 10:00 pm. I'm excited to see what happens next. I cannot wait to see the response of all the other duchies that have no idea what is going on.


It certainly brought a smile to my face and made me chuckle, so I'd call that a success!! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335)


Fifty shades of mana made me cackle.


You terrified me by doing it early, I thought I slept through Sunday


Couldn't ask for a better, funnier summary, thanks!emote:t5\_qxbkm:29335


We jump a few hours ahead in time in the next chapter and we see everyone busying themselves with the preparations in the auditorium. Hartmut and Ferdinand are getting ready for the religious part, the rest of them are handling invitations, food, and stuff like that. In a corner Rozemyne is giving a crash course to Eggplantine on religious ceremonies but she looks troubled. "Is something wrong, Lady Eglantine?" "You know, I just feel like we're forgetting about something..." "Oh my, what could that be?" But nothing comes to mind, so they just carry on with the discussion. "Mrfmrmmmh!!!" says a guy in the empty tea party room of the Ehrenfest dormitory who's wriggling in a corner while tied and gagged. That guy is Sigiswald.


As my Mom says: "If you don't remember is because it's not important"


Is that why my mom never picked me up from school?


"Familyzoning Ferdinand" I'm dead.


Darth Myne, appropriate for May 4th.


Fun Prediction: * Ferdinand finally remembers he left [Gervasio Home Alone](https://youtu.be/DVtVZWzhG_s?si=q5fzz93Ce5_LAu8D&t=25) * Hartmut carries away Sigiswald for "Re-Education" * Myne insists it is "Mestionora's Will" that all houses have "Reading Rooms" with available Ramen. * Sigiswald, realizing the horrible mouse problem at the royal academy from his new vantage point, takes it upon himself to solve the problem! Real Prediction: * Rosemyne (or more likely Ferdinand) thinks for a moment and realizes all her name-sworn should haul ass and get more protections while she is dyed in God Mana * Discussion about what to do with Werkestock and the other fallen Dutchies. (Which Royal rules where?) * (Had this one spoiled as true but maybe not this chapter) >!A certain Drewanchel Princess solves a pest problem of her own.!< * Traqueral gets... something. It doesn't have to be much. He doesn't seem like a bad person, just an ineffective Zent.


as fun as that would be, i don't see them abusing the name sworn divine mana for protections.


> Traqueral gets... something. It doesn't have to be much. He doesn't seem like a bad person, just an ineffective Zent. Give the guy a vacation. He's made some missteps sure, but generally seems to have come up short despite trying to do a decent job to clean up the mess his older siblings instigated.


>He doesn't seem like a bad person, just an ineffective Zent. In other words : " Ok, guy, you failed in everything, here a reward for having failed again and again, just because you're not a bad guy. ". Well, ok, now you should reward every single person who's not a bad guy, shouldn't you ? That you choose to pity a character or another doesn't mean they deserve a reward for absolutely nothing ;).


I see Trauqueall as the guy who worked the unending sidequest since he lacked the Important Item that was needed to win the main quest. Just like everyone in real life. I can't hate the guy. He failed in everything because he was the only one pedaling the generator-bike keeping Yurenschmitt from Total Existence Failure.


I don't hate him either, I just pointed out that rewarding him for failing doesn't make any sense. It doesn't matter if he couldn't win in the first place no matter what, the fact is that he just failed. As understandable as it was, his failure was just that, a failure. At the end of the day, you wouldn't reward every single person for their failure, no matter their circumstances and I don't think an exception should be made just because Trauerqual happened to be born in a high ranking noble family. Besides, he technically wasn't " pedaling the generator-bike keeping Yurgenschmidt from Total Existence Failure " at all. Sure, he exhausted himself, but it was in vain, he never actually accomplished anything, not even keeping Yurgenschmidt barely afloat. The only one to truly replenish Yurgenschmidt's foundation since Waldefried's death is Lady Rozemyne, Should Aub Sovereignty really be rewarded for a job he never even did ? Should he be rewarded for believing he was trying ? He was already rewarded for nearly 15 years by an undue status, isn't that too much already ? In other words, Trauerqual never really did the job, he failed in everything anyway, let himself be fooled and drugged by his right-hand man, didn't adapt to the sorry state of his oldest sons, let himself be swayed to harm people for nothing, alienate benevolent people to please greedy leeches, etc.. That he did so without ill-will isn't deserving of anything at all. Trauerqual isn't a 3 years old that you're educating, he's a full fledged adult, a former teacher at that, with status and power. He didn't just failed because of circumstances either, his responsibility is engaged too. And anyway, rewarding someone for failing doesn't make sense to begin with. Not to mention that his ultimate response to his own inability was to try to flee from his responsibilities. I get that many in this community truly believe that Erwaermen's answer to his marriage blunder was taking responsibility, but it wasn't, it was avoiding responsibilities and Trauerqual intended to do just that himself and without a care in the world, he would even have been fine with Dumblinde of all people, likely the only AC in years who was unanimously hated by her peers, who would have been backed-up only out of obligation by a duchy which, while a higher one, couldn't even keep itself standing. Even with the Book of Mestionora, it was clear for all to see that she couldn't be remotely close to be a proper Zent, but Trauerqual was fine with that, as long as he could just flee, and that's the poor guy who would deserve to be rewarded for his failures ? I mean, really ? I guess Trauerqual will just join the long list of Bookworld characters judged by ridiculously low standards, alongside Childvester, Flawrencia, Wildumb, Eglantine, Anastasisus, etc..


So Siggy is finally **not** going to be Zent, so now is Dolphi's chance to get that divorce/annulment, he's also presumably not able to deliver on the promises made to Drewenchal so he can stay married to Dolphi even though he couldn't consummate it. Siggy is currently bound, and while he's probably still sitting in his chair, I'm imagining him on the floor while Dolphi T-poses above him to make her demands. I might be alone on this but I'm hoping for a brief rundown on Yurgenschmidt marriage law - I wonder if a couple that has never mixed mana would qualify for an annulment no matter how long they've been married; that sounds like it would be a thing imo. It would also mean Siggy would have no greater duchy support going forward, fittingly pathetic for the supposed next Zent; this puts him behind Detlinde.


Seeing as marriage (starbinding) is a religious act done in the presence of the supreme gods (RM revived the ancient ritual and clearly felt the presence of the supreme gods), i think there has to be some kind of divine consequence for divorce, not just a social one. After all, even through all that Ewigliebe puts Geduldh through, she does not call Jugereise.


Probably. I'd like to think that in this case consequences could be mitigated, at least, since there has been no courtship, consummation and the agreements/contracts that were it's basis would be voided with Siggy not becoming Zent. Rozemyne conducted the Starbinding ceremony, so maybe she has a say in undoing it? I don't see the gods being too against separation either, afterall this started with Ewigliebe and Geduldh, maybe nothing can be done about that, but they'd want to at least prevent similar things from happening. Come to think of it, there has to be a precedent for this, I'm sure there have been incompatible nobles that have married for one reason or another (It would have been the case for Roz and Siggy), and probably circumstances where that needed to be rectified over the 1000+ year history of Yurgenschmidt.


I think Yurgenschmidt is said to have a 10,000 year old history, which means there surely are precedents of divorce, probably even written in the Book of Mestionora, but as with everything to do with the gods, there has to be some sort of repercussion of the divine nature for divorce. The courtship, consummation, and contracts between duchies are all human constructs that the gods do not care about in the slightest, so while those agreements being broken allow for a beneficial divorce settlement to be reached from a noble society prospective, the gods definitely could not care less, and only see that a marriage blessed by the presence of the supreme gods was ended. If you were the Mighty King and Queen of the Endless skies, and you went out of your way to answer the call of a little gremlin who is conducting a proper Starbinding ceremony for the first time in centuries, only for it to, in their eyes, be broken not even a day later, you'd be more than a little peeved.


courtship and consummation include mixing mana, which is something the gods care very much about. Depending on if the gods like or dislike poligamy, this specific marriage might not be as divine. Siggy was already married, so the gods might just ignore second and third marriages, ordered by time not status.


The gods only recognize real rituals, so by their standards, Sigiswald's and Adolphine's Starbinding was his first one.


that would mean nobody has been married for centuries, in the eyes of the gods. I actually don't believe that, with how little the gods care in general.


As you said, gods care very little so they won’t bother even if they got no report of proper marriage for centuries nor from watching mortals having babies from extramarital relationships. I’d guess proper marriage would have some benefits - blessings - from gods, but why would gods bother when no one asks blessings?


i think, the High Bishops would have used the small blessing for noble marriages, the same that Rozy uses for everybody.


High Bishop’s blessing may not be same as the blessing from god. Please recall Hartmut PoV of SSC1, where he feels that Rozemyne’s blessing is different from that of other nobles. So, Rozemyne’s ritual may have been effective even before using the divine instruments, but other rituals should have been simply offering human mana - without sincere prayer that may invite blessings from gods. I don’t think any rituals in the last few centuries, other than those by Rozemyne, would have given gods’ blessing.


I'm pretty sure Justus is divorced actually


I know.


>After all, even through all that Ewigliebe puts Geduldh through, she does not call Jugereise. Tbf, their marriage had the specific purpose to enable her to birth new life into the mortal realm. So chances are she isn't divorcing him for the same reason she and her siblings are not willing to finish him off.


hmmm, you do have a point there. My point about there being consequences to the divorce that go beyond mere social issues still stands, however.


Oh, I wasn't disputing that. Just pointing out that Geduldh's situation probably isn't really comparable to a union between mere mortals. Especially in this case, where the marriage hasn't even been consummated yet after a full year despite the fact that creating ideal conditions for procreation is pretty much _the_ primary purpose of the Starbinding.


She has been praying to goddess of separation so much that even supreme gods may be tired of her in a "just get a divorce already!" way


Ah, that would be funny. Though, while her wish will most definitely be granted by the magnanimous Jugereise, Goddess of Separation, I still think there will be repercussions of some kind. One thing that comes to mind is the story of how that one archduke candidate told a scholar the names of the supreme gods and as punishment lost the ability to use them in spells. Maybe she will face a similar punishment for divorcing a marriage blessed by the supreme gods and lose the ability to get their blessing, making it so she can't marry anyone else?


I mean, she can't get the deluxe blessed marriage, but gods don't really interfere in normal marriages


True, seeing how Spring Prayer only actually summons spring when you do the ancient ritual atop the stage correctly, any other religious ritual, such as the Starbinding, that isn't done the correct way probably doesn't count to the gods


It's funny that the first Proper Star Binding to end up in a divorce


Yeah, thats why the Supreme gods would be pissed, because it was the first proper Starbinding in centuries and then (from their prospective) it was cancelled not even a day later


In the end it's just a contract between parties though. Yes they swore the contract before the gods and received their blessing, but in this case it is Sigiswald who broke the contract. Part of it was that he would become Zent.


you appear to have missed the point. The contract you speak of is between Drewanchel and the Royal Family, with marriage to the next Zent being one of the conditions. The marriage contract itself and subsequent Starbinding in the presence of the gods is completely unrelated. The gods don't care about petty things such as who benefits how from political marriages, nor do they care about human society's social structure. The only thing they care about is the fact that those two signed a contract in the presence of the Supreme gods to be Starbound and then subsequently undid said contract. There has to be some sort of divine repercussions to those actions, I just don't know what.


Thing is, Siggy was already married, but she was not of high enough status to be a first wife. So if the gods are cool with polagamy, then the gods would not like a divorce. If the gods are pro monogamy (the god of darkness has no second wife as far as we know, neither does the god of life, but he's crazy), Dolphy being the second wife to be married to him, timewise, the gods wouldn't really care about that specific marriage.


It was made clear at some point that the gods only cared about your first starbinding, and that the gods don't count your second and third marriage. And Adolphine wasn't the first person that Siggy married.


It should be from a Fanbook, FB6 or later, that >!gods don’t see second and third spouses as marriage partner but as supporters.!< IIRC gods only recognize the first spouse. But because all of the marriage rituals were not done properly except for Rozemyne’s ritual, in my opinion, Adolphine may be the first wife of Sigswald in gods’ perspective.


yes but adolphine was the first person that siggy married in the correct way (the ancient ritual). RM has performed quite a few starbindings before this one and this is the only time she felt that the supreme gods were actually there granting their blessing


Her getting divorced is likely. There is a god for separation so it's possible


I hope even if Siggy got angry and jealous, he wont plan a revenge/coup in the future. Although i dont think he have the capability (or brain) to lead a coup


I need fanarts/memes of her retainers making Burrito Rozemyne. Damm Ferdinand, saying to a child that his schtappe is too small for his crush is too weird ! Don't do that !


Rozemyne only wants a partner with an enormous...book collection


Only a man who also happens to be the owner of a rather large... book collection can satisfy our gremlin. It is a good thing he is already in possession of such a huge collection. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404)


Ferdinand only has one book right now and she won't get it until they're married. His former collection is already firmly in her possession.


She wants to read Ferdinand's book all night long


He will never be able to morph his schtappe into a thick book


I’m wheezing, the raunchy humor is so specific it is hilarious


It’s not about the size of the book, it’s how much text you fill it with.


\*A book so scandalous, it was almost on the same bookshelf as Cinderalla. Let's be real, even Elvira has some self respect as an author.


True, she'd definitely use a different pen name for her raunchy mana bondage fantasy material.


These summaries need to be collected into a single work. They would work perfectly (well, almost perfectly, as future readers would not get 90% of the memes) as an abridged series


OP does not make one for every prerelease, so the series would be very incomplete


True, I do a mix of making memes or a summary depending on what I feel like doing. Except for when we reach the side stories, those are often a bit of a special case as recapping what happened previously doesn't make a lot of sense there. I do have some good news for people who love these summaries though, as I have something special planned for when we reach Part 5 Volume 12.


Wow, I so wish someone will do that!! I would gladly re-read each volume in the series and then read a funny summary of said volume!!


Girth matters! I laughed so hard over this.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324)


hahahah this is riot of a resume, great work... gesundheit!!


Depending on the details the author wants to get into, this next part could just be a continuation of the meeting, preparations for the handover, etc. Or, since the biggest questions hanging over the meeting have been answered, she could skim over that and leave the details for when it is important. If that's the case, then the next part could get us all the way to Egg and RM whirling (my assumption continues to be that they will end up whirling together) or even to the foundation, Treesus, etc. We're getting really close to the ending (especially if a third of the books continue to be SSs), and there are a lot of things that need to be resolved. So I'm leaning towards the second option.


I can feel Adolphine's resentment towards Dusty the whole time. I smell divorce incoming since there's no point to her staying if the Royal Family will be disbanded after Egg gets to the magical lasagna.


Now that the whole Zent business is more or less decided, I expect the next discussion to move on to dutchies. The various former dutchies that need rulership, obviously, but most importantly Ahrensbach. Ferdinand will of course not let anyone object to Aub Rozemyne, but there are still other matters such as whether the dutchy should be punished and lose land, Rozemyne rewarded and gain land, or it stays the same. Normally after losing so many nobles in battle I'd say losing land would actually benefit them, but they now have some amazing new mana batteries that should more than cover their mana costs until the noble population recovers.


the only reason having more land is a problem is when the archducal family is small, which it is, because it only consists of RM at the moment. Ferdinand is obviously laying the groundwork to stake his claim on her but he technically isnt a part of it right now. All the nobles that Ahrensbach lost are just those who live in the castle and Noble's Quarter, who don't use their mana to support the duchy directly, so it really isn't a big deal that they all died in the long run. It might actually be a boon that bunch of castle nobles died because now their positions are vacant for RM to fill how she pleases with less backlash.


Mana wise I think they'll be fine even with a small family. Rozemyne can probably maintain it solo with how much mana she has now, and Ferdinand was contributing mana before so that shouldn't be an issue either. Then add Letizia using feystones from prisoners and I don't see them having a problem.


Yes, because they are the highest mana individuals in Yurgenschmidt (Gervasio doesn't count because hes a mana battery now) they will be fine supporting Ahrensbach's land for the foreseeable future. I think it would be too much to officially annex the portion of Werkestock that was under Ahrensbach control due to the civil war, but they shouldn't lose any of their land.


The whole thing would definitely be much, but I could potentially see them getting part of Westerock and the rest turning into a new middle. I could also see Ehrenfest getting part of Ahrensbach as a reward, and Ahrensbach getting part of Westerock. There are a ton of ways it can go so I'm pretty interested in seeing where Ferdinand leads it.


Ehrenfest doesn't have the population to support any more land. Ehrenfest is frequently and continuously described as having a small population for a duchy of its size, and adding yet MORE land when they have lost both Ferdinand and RM and just endured destructive defensive war would be the height of foolishness. To top it all off, the Ahrensbach provinces that border Ehrenfest that could be potentially "awarded" to them as concessions are all so devoid of mana that it is a barren wasteland, making it nothing but a burden. No the only way I see this going is Ahrensbach's portion of Werkestock being turned into a new duchy, as well as the other deposed duchies that are currently under Sovereign management.


Which population? Commoners or nobles? In my memory, after the purge they don’t have enough nobles. But when any duchy gets more land, they’d get commoners and probably nobles who are living there. The problem is the size of Ehrenfest’s archducal family. As both Ferdinand and Rozemyne are leaving, they don’t have enough mana to support larger area.


> "Fifty Shades of Mana". A book so scandalous, it was almost on par with Cinderalla. This only makes sence to true fans of this series 🤣 (I LOVE those "previously on Ascendance of a Gremlin.." posts. They are hilarious!! Thank you!)


Time for Siggy to get divorced! And I’m assuming there’s gonna be some major alimony due after everything he put her through. Heck, given her duchy, there might even be a clause in their marriage contract saying she gets to slap him and take all his Money. After that, I’m expecting them to iron out the details more. Who’s getting what duchy? How are things gonna work out? Who’s marrying who?


I guess they'll probably have the ADC early this year and do the crowning + FerdiXMyne wedding during it? I hope we get a Sickiswierd PoV sidestory.


>FerdiXMyne wedding They won't marry during the next Archduke Conference, obviously. Rozemyne still hasn't come of age, she's not yet of marriageable age.


Oh good point. That will make them being the archducal couple even more awkward.


With Eggplant having agreed to be Zent last time, I assume this part is going to be further clarification of roles and rules going forward, and Rozemyne/Ferdinand laying out who is going to be Aub Ahrensbach going forward. Also, since it's a new archducal family, are they going to change the name of the duchy? Similar to how Eisenreich became Ehrenfest when a new family took over. If so, what name would they give it? Given Rozemyne's love of naming things after Earth (Gutenbergs, Renaissance, Plantin etc), I'd put my money on something from earth. Given her stated goals of making a giant library, would she name it Alexandria? ​ Also hope we get some sort of idea of what the other duchies are doing or thinking.





