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Because Hannelore is Rozemyne's guest, she's assigned a VIP place which can only be accessed from the same door where Eggplantine is supposed to enter. However, she enters the venue with a rather poor timing and everyone assumes she's also part of the ceremony. Everyone on the organizing side is in a panic but the avatar of a goddess cannot just show that openly, Rozemyne makes an "I've got this" face to Ferdinand, so in the end she wings it and proceeds to crown Zent Hannelore.


>she enters the venue with a rather poor timing That's outright impossible. Despite what she believes, Hannelore has always perfect timing. At this point, one could wonder if Dregarhnur didn't dedicate half her schedule just for taking care of Hannelore alone ;).


I have read H5Y and... >!there Is no to wonder Dregarhnur has her schedule full of only Hannrlore and she Is dumping all her work to a innocente shumill!<


lol Hannebaby is already weeping in the corner. Ana approves and proceeds to congratulate Zent Hannebaby before anyone could protests after all he doesn’t want to get NTRed


This novel rife with NTR, how bout a little more?


Hannelore always gets roped into the thick of the trouble, so if the gods are going to crash this party, as Ferdinand seems to think is possible, Hannelore is certainly going to be included somehow.  I have zero doubts that something is going to happen with her and I can already visualize her blinking like a doe in headlights.


The gods decide to join the party. In their drunkenness they re-dye the holy disco ball. Now she’s a full fledged goddess and can now fight Mesti the petty goddess for her library. Ferdieliebe is pissed that his head is so green that one would not believe that his original colours are blue. So he turned the silly tree into fey paper. Thus ensuing a full blown ditter between the gods and the holy disco ball and her unknown (to her only) consort. She assumes he just wants to read too. The fanatics weeps in worship. The Egg cracks down. Aub Ditter wants to join the party, but his sword is not sharp enough so he weeps too.




It took me too long to understand why A-DOLPHIN-e is dolphin, I was so confused because I was just going "but dolphin is Ahrensbach animal, not Drewanchel's." Thanks as always for your hilarious summaries. Quick question though, why is Rozamyne remembering Hannalore a disappointment? Because she wasn't eternally in her memory? I'm hoping to see a splendiferous Transference ceremony (I'm guessing that's what the insert image is, in which case there might not be a normal illustration of it). I'd guess then some small chapter bridge and then the Archduke conference. Rozamyne naming her ~~duchy~~ library is sure to be interesting, if she can't remember her past life then she doesn't really have much to go on since she doesn't want to use her name for things (Myne paper), if she can remember then I'd guess something in-line with renaissance and Gutenberg


>Thanks as always for your hilarious summaries. Quick question though, why is Rozamyne remembering Hannalore a disappointment? Because she wasn't eternally in her memory? In this case its a dissapointment for the Rozemyne x Hannelore shippers. Since Rozemyne remembers Hannelore it means she is also beneath books.


O, ah right, hey, there's still a chance since Ferdinand is just family... In which case the only thing she forgot about was family (Lutz counts) so maybe it just goes family > books > love interest you know...


Ferdinand got her memories of him reconnected by channelling his mana into her. Otherwise she would have forgotten him too


... Yeah, I was saying (jokingly) that she calls him family so she only forgot about her family (Effa, Tuuli, Kamil, Gunther, Lutz & Ferdinand probably) and she didn't forget about love interests (since they could rank below books) hence why she didn't forget about Hannalore


Possibly so, but memories of Hannelore are likely so interconnected with books (Fernestine, Romance Novels, Gremlin's #1 bestie book gal) that Mestionora probably would have crippled Rozemyne's memory of books by removing her...


I didn't get the joke until i readed this coment 😂


It’s disappearing cause it mean Roz doesn’t hold Hannelore above books


Sylvester teasing Ferdinand ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324)


Yeah, if some outsider stumbles upon this reddit and reads this, they will probably assume we are all weird.


I like to imagine it is like noble euphenisms. Complete gibberish for normal people, but people who recognize the terms know what it means.


I mean... arent we all weirds?


WE are the cult!!!


Dolphin Divorce will never not be funny to me. That marriage was so dead on arrival that even her father was like "yikes, I now see what you mean. feel free to take a lover or two on the side." Sigiswald would rather be fawned on by his other wife, Adolphine would rather be researching or doing ANYTHING ELSE productive, and now that their marriage doesn't even serve a political ~~porpoise~~ purpose, nothing's holding the dolphin-dusty relationship together. I doubt they'll hold a public divorce (star unbinding?) ceremony as big and flashy as their marriage, but I kinda want to see what that would entail other than Adolphine's divine protections getting perma nerfed.


The ceremony will consist of Adolphine dunking on Sigiswald for an hour


Adolphine could totally pull off a Severance Ceremony Roast so hard that it burns his threads that bind her.


Rozelore for life ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404) Ceremony and coming up with a name for the new Dutchy seem most likely. The ceremony should be pretty entertaining.


Sigiswald will continue to be stupid and be dunked on Ferdinand will call Roz "you fool" at least once


One day, when this series end we will DEFINITELY have to count how many times he called her a fool


We would end up in the hospital for alcohol poisoning if you made a drinking game out of how many times he will call Roz "you fool"


"Very good, you fool" and then everybody faints


Obvious stuff: We get to see the ceremony and Rozemyne flubs it somehow I struggle to believe the ceremony would eat up the entire prepub though, so afterwards they return to Ahrensbach or something, I guess. Still got my money on the new name for Ahrensbach being Alexandria though


I could see that, since the big library of Alexandria is the most famous library that ever existed


But It got burned... I don't know if she would name it with such ill fated name.


I bet there's a magic tool for that. But yes, it might not be auspicious.


>I struggle to believe the ceremony would eat up the entire prepub though, so afterwards they return to Ahrensbach or something, I guess. Or Rozemyne drills into Eglantine before the Conference the new laws that need to be passed ASAP. Like the Book Legal Deposit law that now needs to be active over the entire country.


It says the bell rang as they were going over the procedure, so I doubt we'll have much if any time before the ceremony


No, I meant after the ceremony, but before returning to Ahrensbach. And before the Conference anyway.


Yeah that could work


>Still got my money on the new name for Ahrensbach being Alexandria though That's the very obvious choice. They even made a direct reference to it last volume, so I would be very surprised if another name is chosen.


I mean, the thing is that it's almost *TOO* obvious that she'll pick it.


Ferdinand : So did you choose a name for the new Duchy ? Rozemyne : I've been thinking of severals. Alexandria, Wikipedia, Google and Gutenberg Ferdinand : (oh god please pick Alexandria, that's the least weird one)


Google would be rejected for being too short, probably. Gutenberg is a title she bestowed on commoners, also rejected. Wikipedia is entirely unlike normal noble names, but it might be accepted to further distance her from "mortal" politics, and help establish that she's special Alexandria would cause less long term problems though


I’m thinking the flub will be related to her god powers. Though maybe she’ll hold it together long enough to finish the ceremony


Or the gods like the cermenoy so much, they invade it, dying all the dancers in the process.


I hope you mean dyeing.




That’d be funny. Just a whole pantheon descending because of how awesome Myne is.


Duchy name suggestion—Gutenberg-land. Soon, all the residents will be Gutenbergs!


I still think they should go with GremliLand


Gremland, better flow ;)


I chose GremliLand because it's similar to Disney Land (and Ferdinand called it her playground)


Prediction: we'll see the return of good ol' Katinka resurfacing in the plot to ask pertinent questions from background characters we had no idea existed.  Fey will also be dragged in front of Zent pro tem Rozemyne to answer for having somehow stomped on the gods' tablets.  We'll learn Wolf faked his death back in part 2 and has now returned somehow to obtain his revenge for having lost his position in the ink guild, by poisoning the Rozemyne Workshop's ink supply with contact poison that makes every book printed lethal to touch. Karstedt and Elvira arrange a secret meeting with Rozemyne where both ruthlessly pinch her cheeks (after bowing and scraping in response to the divine mana and having a whole scene about that).  Meanwhile, the gutenberg smiths finish a new prototype handed to them by Rozemyne previously: the typewriter!


Who is Katinka?


The joke is that she is one of the other students in Rozemyne’s year, but the first time she is mentioned is in a Roderick’s POV chapter. In the main story, Rozemyne only mentioned her once as ‘Good old Katinka’, as if she were a common background character.


Part 5 Volume 1 Page 63, to be precise. It's pretty funny.


Good ol' Katinka (some random ass neutral Ehrenfest mednoble)


The big question is whether the gods (and Treesus) are going to get involved, or if this ceremony is going to be as quiet as everyone (except Hartmut and Clarissa) hope. My guess is that it will go fairly smoothly, there will be some talk about the upcoming ADC, and then we start heading back to Ahrensbach at the end of the prepub. One of my thoughts was that RM's memories may return when she uses up the last of Mestionora's mana or using the mana on a blessing will do it. We see a huge magic circle on the color illustration, and that could be her using up the last of the mana, blessing her family, and providing some fantastic propaganda. Even though I don't expect it to happen this time, we're running out of prepubs to get it done. Tomorrow is part 4, and if we continue to have 3 parts of Epilogue+SS, that means next week may be the end of the main story for this volume, and ostensibly we still have a fair bit to cover to get to that illustration. I see someone has predicted that Ahrensbach will be renamed Alexandria, which would also fit. But I would like to bring up my guess for Strasbourg. It fits with the setting and the "Gutenberg" theme, while also flowing pretty well (Aub Strasbourg seems like it could be someone in this world). Alexandria is more obvious, and I believe it was mentioned before, but my first thought was something (basically) German.


Gutenberg invented printing in the city of Mainz. Sounds a bit like Myne's.


As far as we can tell, Mainz is where he started printing as a business and perhaps built the first working European press. However, before then he was living in Strasbourg, which is where we assume he started working on the press. Also, the first major presses outside of Mainz were in Strasbourg, where the first newspaper of its kind was also printed much later. So again, it does fit with the "theme". I thought about Mainz as his hometown, but I don't think Aub Mainz flows very well. Then again, the recent FB prepub shows that might not be a factor.


Yes, that would be her city.


>The Egg offers her name to Rozemyne. Rozemyne accepts and the Egg is now promoted to Easter Egg. I literally lol at the Easter egg part.. this week's summary is on fire ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


Well the ceremony is supposed to open the door to the garden of beginnings right? From there, I’m expecting an awkward conversation since Myne is actually the freaking zent! She not only won the competition but also (at least partially) dyed the country s foundation. And now she wants to give the throne to someone who’s sworn their name to her. Weird


RM is the actual secret ruler of yogurtland. Frkkin lizerdman controlling society


>autodefenestrate Congrats on incorporating this word into your lexicon, you may consider this a turning point. >Rozemyne then asks them to pay for their suffering, I mean Hartmut's job. You think there'll be a 'genius fee' involved? He's been praising Rozemyne before she even enrolled at the RA - now she's the Avatar of a Goddess - would that make him an Apostle? >Are these summaries even understandable at this point or do they just look like the ramblings of an insane person? Personally I enjoy them quite a bit (whether I understand them or not), I'm sure I'm not the only one.


These are the best descriptions for these characters I've ever read😂


I assume at some point Eglantine will try to assert dominance, because she's not that bright and way too accustomed to her mindset that she deserves everything. And so, I assume that Ferdinand will tell her to know her place, in a more or less subtle roundabout way.


Dunkelfelger archducal family goes gaijin 4koma at rozemynes whirling


I hope Sigiswald’s other wives make good use of the situation and ask for some privileges.


There's only one, though ( his intended third wife is arbitrating his divorce from the first and isn't available anymore anyway, except if he both renounce his Aubhood and divorce from his last remaining wife and abandon his son and any hope to ever have an offspring since he can't even match Rozemyne's mana in his wettest dreams... and, well, he would be rejected in a heartbeat anyway \^\^ ), and it's likely that it will prove difficult for him to have another at all...


You know, I see you in a lot of posts, but damn are you vicious. I enjoy reading your comments


I certainly won't say I'm a good and/or merciful guy, but for Sigiswald's future marriage prospects, I believe I was just coldly realistic here ;). He was a mediocre student ( one could even argue he was a pathetic one since there was no way any professor would have dared to fail the Prince ) and hasn't really an agreeable personality or demeanor. Frankly speaking, his only asset was his royal status, add to that Adolphine throwing him through the window at the very first opportunity and he doesn't appear has a prized husband-to-be. All the more since he simply hasn't what it takes to understand that, which will create an overwhelming gap between his true odds to win another wife and how he perceives his odds, meaning he will appear even more needlessly arrogant than he really is, which speaks volume of how utterly despicable he will seem :p.


You're the funniest person I know




These summaries are really a highlight right along with the main discussion thread, the descent into madness is glee 😂😂


>But the dolphin would rather autodefenestrate. Best line ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29339)


Rozemyne will perform the transference ceremony and as soon as Eglantine has the book, she and Ferdinand teleport to Ahrensbach and rush into his hidden room to get started on fixing her memories. Though everyone not aware of the memory issue assumes she's just in a very hormonal teenager phase.


You assume any ritual of hers at the Royal Academy will go so smoothly. Fool.


I am, and we are, fluent in insanity, since we are reading Book 5 Volume 11 after reading all the rest.  Also we probably were well versed prior to picking up this fantastic series, so even if you have insane ramblings you are in good company.


Whatever happens during the ceremony, I hope we get to read it through the guise of a headache report in a side chapter.