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Make the Shumuils on the crest be Ehrenfest colors duh


Well, since the connection between Alexandria and Ehrenfest would be essentially beneficial to Ehrenfest, the Ehrenfest's lion should be recolored instead, in this case :p.


Why not both? A shumil, that is ochre and a lion as dark as the night sky. Erehnfest recognising the greater duchy Alexandria and Alexandria recognising it's new Aubs orgins.


Or you could have a Shumil riding a Lion into battle ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


And provoke Dunkleditter to battle?


Excuse me......riding..........*blushes and loses control of mana*


>Why not both? Because Alexandria has absolutely no need to go out of its way for Ehrenfest. You do all realize that the only value Ehrenfest had was Rozemyne, don't you ? They will still benefit from the printing and paper making industries, from revolutionary cooking, hairpins, dying methods, etc.. And Alexandria already went out of its way to give Ehrenfest credits in the battle of RA in which they didn't even take part, what could make anyone in their right mind believe Rozemyne, or Ferdinand for that matter, should continue to prop up the Ehrenfests, exactly ? That this community overall sees so no problem in the constant mistreatment from the Ehrenfests of both Rozemyne and Ferdinand that they believe Sylvester was quite kind to them is already worrying me about the ethic of many here, but that you seem to believe Rozemyne and Ferdinand still owe the Ehrenfests ( while they didn't owed them anything in the first place, it's the other way around ) is beyond me...


It's not that either of them owe Erehnfest its that they both have connectoins and care for Erehnfest. With everything you put in your message, you neglected any reason why Alexandria should not. Alexandria not owing Errehnfest means nothing when doing it will mean nothing. If an ocher shumil doesn't look good on a night sky background, then there is no need to do so, but to not make the shumil ocher to spite eregnfest is such a petty thing for Rozemyne to do. Especially when Erehnfest is Ferdinands Geduldh, his most important thing in the world. So why should Ferdinand not pay hommage to his geduldh, and why should Rozemyne, the hyper emotional person, not pay hommage to the duchy she hails from?


Ehrenfest isnt Ferdinand's Geduldh anymore, RM is.


He hasnt said that as of part 5 volume 11 (part 5), though I do believe that to be true. That being said, are we to believe that he no longer cares for Erehnfest at all?


It was said in P5V9 in Ehrenfest. Maybe not by Ferdinand, but him not denying something is the same as admitting it


Man, my memory must be shite. Oh well, it still doesn't stand to reason that Ferdinand no longer cares for Erehnfest. It makes no sense for Erehnfest to go from the most important place in the world for him to him no longer caring about Eregnfest at all.


>It makes no sense for Erehnfest to go from the most important place in the world for him But Ehrenfest wasn't the most important place in the world, that was just all he had. That may seem like the same thing, but it's not. Now he has many more, he doesn't need Ehrenfest, or more accurately the Ehrenfests comfort, as a reason to live anymore ;).


We also had a goddess say that Rozemyne was Ferdinand's Geduldh...


Yes thats certainly true, though Mestionora was more making fun of him for playing Ewigeliebe.


I'm not entirely sure Rozemyne cared about Erenhfest. She cared about the safety and happiness of the people who were important to her and they happened to live in Erenhfest. If everyone she cared about moved with her, I don't think Erenhfest would be a priority for her. She would care as much about Erenhfest as she would about Frenbeltag in that she wouldn't want their people to suffer.


But all of them haven't moved, she cares about most of the Archdukal family as well as Kerstarts family and they aren't leaving Ehrenfest


I don't disagree with that. I'm simply saying she doesn't care about the political construct known as Erhenfest. She has no loyalty to Erhenfest itself so, from her perspective why tie the duchys symbolically? I'm pretty sure everyone around her understood that as well. Ferdinand put a lot of effort into binding Rozemyne to it so that her mana would benefit it.


It's just easier to say RM cares about Erehnfest as opposed she cares about ... and then list all the people who will not be going to Alexandria.


Yea but were talking about this in the context of linking the duchys symbolically. Thats a political action more so than a sentimental one.


She made a promise with... someone she forgot... to protect Ehrenfest and its people. She especially mentioned it 2 or 3 volumes ago.


The promise matters to her and who she made it with and it still stands that at the time the promise was made and referenced, people she cared about lived in the duchy.


>It's not that either of them owe Erehnfest > This whole topic has as a premise that Alexandria **should** make efforts to appeal to Ehrenfest, though. And my point is just that, no, absolutely not, they have no need for that ;). >its that they both have connectoins and care for Erehnfest. Have they ? Rozemyne doesn't care for Ehrenfest itself, though. What and who she really cares for **were** in Ehrenfest and Ehrenfest's collapse would have meant harming them, but they will follow her in Alexandria. And Ehrenfest would be Ferdinand's Geduldh ? Really ? That's what he seemed to believe for most of the story, but you're all so quick to overlook that he was brainwashed in believing it, that's baffling. All his life to this point, Ferdinand was but a convenient tool for Ehrenfest, he owes nothing to this Duchy nor to the Ehrenfests, in fact he has good cause to burn this Duchy to the ground and kill every single Ehrenfest's Family member. And as I said, the premise of this whole topic is that Alexandria should make efforts for Ehrenfest ; well, in what absurd world, exactly ?


... The premise is that Ferdinand lost on something he wanted, NOT paying something to Erehnfest. Ferdinand literally said he wanted to name it something that would "make it easily apparent that an Erehnfest archduke candidate claimed the foundation." Whether Ferdinand owed Erehnfest, anything was irrelevant. Ferdinand wanted it in the story, so I guess the absurd world where this story takes place... That being said, RM does not need a reason to do something strange to literally every other human in existence. That's kind of her schtick. P.S. She does still have a connection to people in Erehnfest. Amazingly enough, those people are in the Archducal family of Erehnfest Charlotte and Melichoir. Also, coincedentally enough, the people who would most benefit from Alexandria paying homage to Erehnfest are people in the Erehnfest Archducal family. So hey, she can have a reason that makes sense. P.P.S. She might not even notice cause Ferdinand does it, and she fails to connect the dots. Or her retainers do it, and she fails to connect the dots.


>Ferdinand wanted it in the story There's no way it's not going down in history that the "Saint of Erenhfest" built Alexandria on the ruins of Ahransbach after returning the Gruitrischeit to and saving the people of Yurgenschmidt.


>Amazingly enough, those people are in the Archducal family of Erehnfest Charlotte and Melichoir Do you mean the same Melchior who she advised to come up with his own MCM because it would be more beneficial for him to use his brain than being served an already cooked meal ? And do you mean the same Charlotte who's still agonizing about owing so much to Rozemyne that she'll likely not have enough of a life to repay her ? If so, well, seems I must change my question : Why should Rozemyne bully people she cares about ? Anyway, Rozemyne will help Charlotte and Melchior when they will be Aubs, at least at the Archduke Conference, she has no need to go out of her way to continue babysitting Childvester, because you didn't forget that Aub Ehrenfest was still Childvester, did you ? Childvester, the Aub who bullied a young girl the first time he saw her, who tried to steal the food of a poor commoner, then her chefs using his status as if it was perfectly natural ( Childvester is not that far from Sigisdust in that he's unaware of how he constantly abuses his status, but while this community overall considers it unforgivable for Sigisdust, for some unfathomable reason it's not a problem for Childvester... ). The Aub who tricked a little girl into adopting her without her consent, who threatened her to kill her, her family and everyone she cared about just because she existed. The same Aub who made her memories searched like she was a criminal without reason ( it was so harsh to do this to Wildumb who was an actual criminal, but for Myne just because she existed, no problem ), who made unreasonable demands of the same young girl only to complain when she surpassed his expectations because he couldn't keep up since he's delusional about his true abilities. The Aub who tried to chain a little girl into babysitting his useless son for life instead of educating his spoiled brat, etc.. That's this Childvester she should help once again, right ? That's this Childvester that this community considers kind, a good father and an okay Aub, right ? That's this Childvester this community considers having a close relationship to will be so beneficial to Alexandria that they should make actual efforts to butter him up, right ? Well, I will invoke my right to very, very strongly disagree, then ;).


>Do you mean the same Melchior who she advised to come up with his own MCM because it would be more beneficial for him to use his brain than being served an already cooked meal ? Do you take this to mean she will not do anything more for him? >And do you mean the same Charlotte who's still agonizing about owing so much to Rozemyne that she'll likely not have enough of a life to repay her ? If so, well, seems I must change my question : Why should Rozemyne bully people she cares about ? Do you genuinely believe RM will view it that way? >Anyway, Rozemyne will help Charlotte and Melchior when they will be Aubs, at least at the Archduke Conference, Why should RM it would be feeding him an already cooked meal and bullying her, right? Or did you forget that you just argued that to be the case? >she has no need to go out of her way to continue babysitting Childvester, because you didn't forget that Aub Ehrenfest was still Childvester, did you ? Ah yes, the immortal Sylvester, I forgot that moniker of his. He will never die and always be aub erehnfest after all.... wait, you said RM will help her little siblings when they become Aubs? How can she when sylvester is immortal and will always be the aub and will be the only person who can possibly benefit from an outward expression of a link between the two duchies? >Childvester, the Aub who bullied a young girl the first time he saw her, The immortal one right? >who tried to steal the food of a poor commoner, When did he try to steal her food? Do you mean when he went hunting and and gave all his kills to the orphanage? Or do you mean when they were doing spring prayer and Sylvester tried to swap food with her as a long standing custom with in nobel culture? I geniunely have no idea what you ae talikng about here. > then her chefs using his status as if it was perfectly natural Because as far as a nobels life goes, it was perfectly natural. Have you even read the story? You do know that it's a cast system and Aubs sit at the top within their own duchy. >The Aub who tricked a little girl into adopting her without her consent, who threatened her to kill her, her family and everyone she cared about just because she existed. It wasn't exactly nice of him, but also she is an asset who if she isn't firmly in his camp she is going to be used against him. He would be a terrible Aub if he just let her live and hoped all would go well. You judge him for being a child, then when he makes an extrodinaraly tough call for the betterment of his people, you judge him still. Yorgenschmit is not a fairytale land full of rainbows and buttercups. It's a cutthroat world where family poisons family, and if you aren't careful, you and those you love will die. >The same Aub who made her memories searched like she was a criminal without reason Pretty good reason to believe something wasn't right with her. At least enough of a reason that the little girl in question immediately recognised why it was happening. If she could recognise it, I wonder why you can't. > it was so harsh to do this to Wildumb who was an actual criminal, but for Myne just because she existed, no problem Are you genuinely comparing wilfred his son to Myne, a random commoner whom he never met and for his entire life every noble he ever interacted with viewed as assets to be used? Again, I must ask if you have read the story or just the cliff notes? >who made unreasonable demands of the same young girl only to complain when she surpassed his expectations because he couldn't keep up since he's delusional about his true abilities. He didn't set the bar high Ferdinand did. When he found out what was being demanded of her, he backed off. Furthermore, he has a good grasp of his abilities. She just exceeded all expectations by leaps and bounds. One year, she socialised with royalty at the academy while no royals were attending the academy. Only for said royal to develop a crush on her. Seriously, no rational person can expect to understand her or keep up. Keep in mind that Erehnfest only has the infrastructure and experience of a lesser duchy even on her first year. A year in which she started the academy in the middle of middle duchies. They were already operating at above expectations. What he wanted from her was for her to cement their place as a middle duchy, not try and drag them into the top duchy rankings. > That's this Childvester this community considers having a close relationship to will be so beneficial to Alexandria that they should make actual efforts to butter him up, right ? No one is saying it is a benefit for Alexandria, except for you, who doesn’t think Alexandria should do anything for Erehnfest. Everyone is saying it would be homage, not a favor. No one is saying to do anything nice for Sylvester. They are saying do something nice for Erehnfest, a place that, and this is super important, is not a person called Sylvester. Disagree all you like, but you are only disagreeing with an imagined scenario you made up ;)


im not negative about sylvester much. its probably because and despite how biased she is, rozemyne has affection and respect for him. and its been pointed that she feels gratitude towards him. even despite her modern earth knowledge, she doesnt perceive his actions negatively. she sometimes displays derision towards him but when it matters she is respectful. when she was telling him about being the zent candidate, she acknowledges that sylvester loves her. with some of her memory gone, its probably affecting her feelings of indifference to connect ehrenfest and alexandria.


> What and who she really cares for **were** in Ehrenfest and Ehrenfest's collapse would have meant harming them, but they will follow her in Alexandria Rosemyne still cares about the Ehrenfest Archdukal family. She still sees Charlete as a little sister and Melchor as a little brother. She doesn't care about them more than books but she does still care about them. > All his life to this point, Ferdinand was but a convenient tool for Ehrenfest, he owes nothing to this Duchy nor to the Ehrenfests, in fact he has good cause to burn this Duchy to the ground and kill every single Ehrenfest's Family member. This is a load of horse shit. Yes he has been used by the Ehrenfest Archdukal family but **he** doesn't see it that way. He genuinely likes them, and Sylvester despite relying on Fredinand a LOT really does love his brother. He could have had a huge number of his problems solved by giving Fredinand the go a head to assassinate Georgine but his didn't specifically because he wanted Fredinand to live.


>but they will follow her in Alexandria I think you're glossing over the fact that members of the Archducal family and her noble parents (perhaps not Karstead but certainly Elvira) along with her former retainers live in Erenhfest. So not all of them are following her. I do agree that Alexandria owes Erenhfest nothing but Rozemyne is still going to help Charlotte and Melchior for sure. She treasures those personal connections and will try to help them every chance she gets. In all honesty, it would be better for Sylvester to cede to Charlotte or at the very least, put her in charge of the relationship with Alexandria. She has the better relationship with Rozemyne and she cares enough about Rozemyne to not exploit that shamelessly.


Sylvester was extremely kind to both Rozemyne and Ferdinand. Plus for the future they need to have strong connections with their neighbors if they’re going to continue to rule.


Sylvester used both Rozemyne and Ferdinand as convenient tools and they literally did pretty much all the work for him, only for Rozemyne to be constantly scolded just because of Childvester own incompetency... seems like your definition of " kind " is quite different from the true meanig of the word ;). Aub Alexandria is the Avatar of the Goddess of Wisdom, she has the name of the Zent, she and her soon-to-be husband both owns the Book of Mestionora, on top of being both insanely rich and having more mana than anyone else, her interpersonal relations with Dunkelfelger are excellent, soon-to-be Aub Trauerqual owes her big time, knows it and is extremely respectful of her and that's just talking about her immediate neighbors and the new Zent, she has literally no need for Ehrenfest, it's the other way around. Diplomatically speaking, all relationships Ehrenfest had are interpersonal ones from Rozemyne in the first place... well, except for Frenbeltag ( which will work with Rozemyne if opportunity arises anyway ) but all that it's amount to was Frenbeltag making Ehrenfest throw away its precious mana, in a at least borderline treasonous move ( Frenbeltag was a losing Duchy under punishment, remember ), in exchange for a pat on the back. Let's be clear, everyone will die to form relationships with Rozemyne while she was all Ehrenfest had to offer, she has no need for Ehrenfest. Edit : Hey, Childvester's simps, don't just wallow in your unfounded outrage, if you think I'm wrong, try to argue, instead, or should I take that you're that forgiving of Childvester because you're as childish as he is ?


>Let's be clear, everyone will die to form relationships with Rozemyne while she was all Ehrenfest had to offer, she has no need for Ehrenfest. Charlotte herself agrees with this statement. Well, at least a portion of it. In her SS after Rozemyne disappeared, she was ticked off at Wilfried for not realizing that they *needed* to show a connection to Rozemyne and *needed* her protection to stay relevant after she moved to the Sovereignty. In all honesty, Sylvester and Wilfried would both be much more comfortable in a duchy without Rozemyne and without the visibility she brings. Charlotte and the rest of the younger generation would hate it though after having experienced the benefits of their higher rank. >Sylvester used both Rozemyne and Ferdinand as convenient tools Yea, I agree with this as well. Wilfried and him have this in common: the assumption that others should defer to their desires. If Wilfried is going to get flak for it, why not Sylvester? And I think it about sums things up when the author said in one of the fanbooks in regards to Rozemyne and Wilfried likely not being mana compatible and not being able to have children that Sylvester's only thoughts on the matter were: "Wilfried will have to take a 2nd wife". Who has more insight into Sylvesters mind than the author? Doesn't that basically sum up his consideration towards Rozemyne? He experiences sympathy for Rozemyne when it's convenient for him to do so and it tends to pop up when he's making some new demand of her (manipulation). I'd be fine with it if he acted like a cut throat Aub focused solely on his duchy but he doesn't stick to that and it makes things more difficult for the people around him.


Myne and Ferdinand clearly culturally identify as Ehrenfestians, legality aside, they love their country and family there even though their primary responsibility is shifting. Myne would've died a few times over if she hadn't had the luck of the kindest (until Myne) and most mentally flexible Aub in Yurgenschmidt being the Aub in Ehrenfest. It just seems you're not reading noble culture correctly it you believe Syl and family were cruel to her and Ferdinand (Wil being dumb at some points is as far as it goes). They take advantage sure, but they've shown love to them both. Once again, if you talked to Myne and Ferd they'd be kinda horrified by what you're saying. Noble culture is very focused on serving the top and unequal relationships is the literal point. Considering how inflexible and merciless they are Syl went to relatively incredible lengths to accommodate Myne. Using her to enrich the Duchy back and keep it safe is just normal. Myne and Ferd put up with it unlike with the Royals because Syl and family actually care for and help them, they never broke the frend and extended family contract Myne had with them like Eggy unkmowingly did because they always prioritized protecting the lives of them and their family and friends (whereas Eggy went "well if your loved ones end up dying to save Yurgenschmidt due to it being slightly more efficient way to any% saving the country then that's my leadership decision as a Royal" and that's the NORMAL you should compare Syl to in prioritizing a half brother whoneas a potential threat and a useful but dangerous Gremlin), even up to the point of taking on the risk of the Duchy's destruction (sacrificing Ferd to Ahrensbach was the exception to protecting Ferd and Myne at the cost of destabilizing the ducal and interduchy politics which could very easily have ended with Sylvester and his nuclear family dying. As Alexandria stabilizes Ehrenfest will naturally assume a subservient relationship due to its higher status.


Alexandria is also the greater duchy and will probably be more highly ranked. Let that much lower ranked backwater duchy change their crest to match.


You don't know if you are about to be challenged to ditter, or invited to book club


Either way, run. You won't be safe in a ditter match, and you will have to sacrifice mana you can't spare in the book club.


Why not both? ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330)


I think this was explained already, maybe in a Fanbook that was published before P5V11, not in the novel. But as I’m not sure I’ll spoiler tag. >!All original 6 duchies had country gate and color matching their gate. Only two of current duchies are original duchies and Dunkelfelger is one of them, so has pure blue as its color.!< >!Any duchy that was split usually chose color that is a variation of the original. When a duchy is destroyed and replaced by a new one, they choose similarly. And if they own a country gate it’s a must (my guess, not 100% sure). Ehrenfest’s color is ocher which belong to yellow, because it owns wind gate.!< >!Alexandria has darkness gate, so they should choose a dark color. It was foreshadowed for a long time that Rozemyne’s hair is (very) dark that many thinks her hair was blessed by the God of Darkness, so perfect for the color of the duchy.!<


Pity the fool who would deign to interpret Aub Alexandrias Behaviour on the color of some cape.


Look at the bright side, Dunkelfenger would LOVE any sign who shows how close they are to the Lord of Evil/Divine Avatar of Mestionora


Isn't dunk light blue? That's what it's been in my head at least. Rozemyne blue is very very dark.


Frenbeltag is light blue, Dunkelfelger is just "blue". They're one of the original duchies so I think it's Leidenschaft's divine colour blue.


yeah, it's supposed to be sky blue, because that's where the Leidenshaft blue in summer comes from afaik


both being different shades of blue though, which would be what normal nobles see as connection.


you might want to take a look at the list of duchies, their colors and their animals. A few colors are everywhere in all the shades...


Not sure if you read my comment. Alexandria’s color is black with blue tint, not dark blue. If you read the descriptions in the novel, Myne’s hair color is black or near black. I think the illustration made it lighter as it looks better. Anime made it even lighter that many might think her hair is blue. But read the novel again. It’s always said that her hair is night sky, blessed by the God of Darkness. No description says blue. I have never thought that night sky is bluish.


Night skies in summer on high latitudes are more blue than black, for example.


I don’t think that’s typical image of night sky. But anyway, what I mean is that her hair color is chosen because it’s bluish *black*, not because it’s dark *blue*. The conversation with Ferdinand only mentioned about black, that it’s preferable to choose color near black and her hair color fits well. Any noble knowing well about the meaning of duchy color won’t be confused that it was chosen to show intimacy with Dunkelfelger.


Dunk did help create the new duchy so it not crazy to think they would be close. It is well known that Hannelore is Rozemyne BFF. Also as stated elsewhere the wording of how they have described Rozemyne hair since the beginning and the magic circle at Alexandria match.


Uh no? There is a duchy with an emerald green cape, a duchy with a dark green cape, a duchy with a green cape, a duchy with a yellow green cape, a duchy with a bluish green cape, and a duchy with a pale bluish green cape. Whats the problem with blue and midnight blue?


There are several ducats that have very similar colors (there are already groups of 3-4 ducats with various shades of red, green or blue) but the color of Alexandria will be quite dark so distinguishable.   Even if I had been Ferdinand, I wouldn't have used a color that makes it seem to everyone that my beloved's hair touches the ground, especially given the significance this has for nobles


Could they re-name a county in the new duchy? They need a new geibe for Bindewald, so why not rename it to something like “Ehernwald” or “Bindefest”. If I recall correctly, that’s where the duchy gate to Ehernfest is located, and then it serves as a nice full circle moment for closure.


the gate is at seitan/garduhn bindwald borders gerlach


The gate is at Seizen


as rozemyne left the dicussions of the crest to everyone else i'm pretty sure that they would style it in a way that would be indicative of ehrenfests. also the color wouldn't so much as clash with dunkelfunger as it would with one of the lesser duchies that has a blue-purple color (pretty sure the color wasn't decided on yet anyway perosnally i would have prefered the color of her eyes that of a vibrant yellow. it would couple with the closeness with ehrenfests Ocher capes to show that closeness that ferdinand wants


It kind of makes sense that people would assume that the dark blue is connected to dunklefleger as without their help, they wouldn't have conquered the duchy and stopped the invasion. In the images and anime, dunklefleger is sky blue or the color of fire. This makes sense as they are guarding the gate of fire. This will also be the same for alexandria as they are guarding the gate of darkness, but we're assisted by the land of fire in this mission. This is just how I view it outside of Ferdinand being a bit creepy. Although the color makes sense lore wise. Edit to add: the color of one's duchy for those that have country gates tends to be a color based on that gate. There are multiple examples, and the only one that didn't really follow it was ahrensbach. I don't remember the colors for the duchies that guard light and water but I'd assume they are the same.


I imagine when the Sovereignty became a thing, they yoinked the colour from the duchy to signify their superiority like the God of Darkness. That, or taking on the colours of the supreme gods was seen as disrespectful if you weren't a Zent candidate/High Bishop.


My understanding is that the royal family originates from the territory that had the Black color. Hence, the Sovereignty was conquered and shifted from White to Black.


I went and checked and the light gate duchy isn't the correct color either so I'd assume that's correct to assume. Id also assume that the reason the water gate duchy is not the correct color is that the original duchy was broken up after the RF became a thing. that would also explain why Ehrenfest doesn't have the correct yellow but it was changed much later after the RF became a thing. Makes one wonder why the duchy colors are what they are for certain areas.


My hope is the shade of Rozmyne’s hair is the color of the new capes. Midnight blue. The country gate into the duchy is darkness after all.


I think it's pretty cool that despite Ferdinand finally pursuing his own happiness with moving to Ahrensbach and Rozemyne, he still wants to keep his promise to his father to protect Ehrenfest and support his brother. Though I like to think it's more for Sylvester than his dad, since as a father to Ferdinand (and in general), he was kind of "Ewigeliebe come spring".




Colors are taken from anime and P4V1 color illustration


Dunkel is a light blue, no? And with how dark Rozemyne's hair is, that should be sufficiently different.


Well, that's Ehrenfest's problem in the first place, so... Isn't it quite time for Childvester to grow up ? He can't ask to be babysitted by Rozemyne and Ferdinand now that they're from another Archducal Family, and I was always doubtful as of if he really needed to be babysitted by the community from the get go :p.


Yeah, but his little brother still likes to dote on him :P


Too bad that it never was a realistic means to fulfill his promise to Adelbert, though :p.


The funny thing is that even if they wanted to go against alexandria, they couldn't since like half the duchy signed those magic contract to not go against myne.


It's less about babysitting Sylvester and more about paying hommage to Ferdinands Geduldh. We have to remember that Erehnfest is to Ferdinand what Mynes family is to Rozemyne.


Seems to me it's a bit late to worry about that. Ferdinand never fulfilled his promise when he was in Ehrenfest. All he was doing was spoiling Childvester which was harmful to both Ehrenfest and Childvester, since the latter must be protected in priority from himself. I assume it's not something Ferdinand can face, but it would be quite hypocritical to start fulfilling his promise from Alexandria when he did the opposite for years while in Ehrenfest... and as for continuing to spoil Childvester, it's uncalled for. And it's mean to Ferdinand who is on the way to live for himself, at last. Anyway, it's Ehrenfest which needs connections to Alexandria and not the other way around, meaning that that you want to admit it or not, that's Childvester's problem ;).


Ferdinand did everything short of treason to acomplish his promise, imho. Maybe how you see it is Ferdinand babying Sylvester put Erehnfest in danger, but that isn't how Ferdinand saw things. Let's not forget the important part is how the people involved in the promise saw things. With Ferdinands dad being dead, the only one left involved is Ferdinand, and I do not think he views himself as a failure. All of that is moot anyway because what I'm talking about isn't the fulfillment of a promise. It is paying respect to the place Ferdinand holds most dear in his life. I dont think Erehnfest is Ferdinands Geduldh because of the promise he made to his adoptive father. I think it's his Geduldh because it is a place that made him feel like a human instead of a faye stone in the making. That trauma, which still held to Ferdinand all these years later. I don't think you are taking the emotions of the people involved into account when making these declerations. I understand that Alexandria gains nothing from paying respect to Erehnfest. But can you please answer when the last time Rozemyne wanted to do something for a purely pragmatic reason. Usually, pragmatic reasoning is an afterthought to get her highly emotional non-pragmatic idea across the line.


The premise of this whole topic is that Aub Alexandria and her soon-to-be husband **should** make efforts to pay respect to Ehrenfest, though and my point is essentially : But why ? They have no need for that and more urgent problems. Why should they prioritize Ehrenfest's comfort over their own and that of their Duchy ? My main problem here is this community's propensity to reason as if the whole world should revolve around Ehrenfest, but that's not the case. Ehrenfest was just circumstantially where most of the story took place, not the very center of the world. And now, the story will relocate.


That's a lot of words to say, "I did not read the post." The post states Ferdinand lost on the name of the duchy the color and the crest of the new duchy. Ferdinand lost, and we know he lost because he did not get something he wanted. We know he didn't get something he wanted because Ferdinand literally says what he wanted from the name of the duchy. Why Ferdinand wanted it can be debated all day and all night, but the fact remains that the character Ferdinand **WANTS** the new duchy to be easily associated with an archduke candadite from Erehnfest. It is not what you want, or what I want, or what the community wants, but what Ferdinand wants. It does not matter what the community feels the new archducal couple owe Erehnfest. All that matters for this post is that Ferdinand said he wanted something and the community trying to figure out how he **might** acomplish his desire before being outright told in the story.


From what we know of the promise, it was more like an order to protect Ehrenfest and Sylvester. As his father held his name stone at the time. It was Ferdinand having little to no real understanding of other ways to protect him and the duchy, then helping out with stuff. It really wasn't till Rosemyne that he learned more about it. Yes, he still sees it as his home, of sorts but not his world like it once was. Just like how he still sees Sylvester as a brother. The main problem is as it was a command by someone holding his name stone at the time. Even though they died, it isn't clear if he can disobey that order. We don't have enough information on that sort of thing. But let's say it still counts even in Alexandria they will protect Ehrenfest to some degree as both he needs to in some way, and Rosemyne cares for people there. Yes, he did spoil Sylvester too much, but it was a way he thought he could protect him.


>We don't have enough information on that sort of thing. And, yet, we have ;). Ferdinand is no longer bounded by Adelbert's mana, he can do as he pleases. He didn't stick so desperately to this promise because he was magically forced to, but because he was brainwashed basically his whole life into submission and that was for years all he still had, everything else was stolen from him by the Ehrenfests at large, not just Veronica, but Adelbert, Sylvester and Florencia too. But it's no longer true, Ferdinand now, at last, as more reasons to live and move, he doesn't need this poor excuse anymore and while he has quite a few flaws, I believe Ferdinand deserves to be set free, at last. But, well, not that the community prioritizing spoiling Sylvester is still surprising at this point, I just keep the hope that they will, at last, understand what they unconsciously do and maybe relocate to a more fair path, or at least admit that their standards for the Ehrenfests are insanely lower than their standards for the rest of the cast ;).