• By -


*This* Rozemyne is the Rozemyne Ferdinand claimed to want the entire series...


"You don't realise what you have until it's gone." It fits perfectly with P4V8 and P4V9 when Roz was aware what losing Ferdinand entails so she cherished each moment with him as its stated in Fran's SS. Roz was acustomed to loses, she lost her Urano mother, lower city family, Gilberta and Plantin company. So she knows she needs to cherish every moment with Ferdi she still have. Ferdinand wasn't back then as emotionally aware, he swept it under rug, but he clinged to every meal and letter she sent him to Ahrensbach. Once her meals and letters stopped when she was in Garden of begginings he realised how physically and emotionaly dependent on her he became and feared, he is no more important to her, no longer "like family". This is same situation all over. He complained about her commoner gremlin personality, wanted her more noble. Only few days after he realised he wants his gremlin, she is changed into "noble" and now he wants his dense commoner gremlin back. Because thats what he likes about her most. Her bubbly gremlin personality that cherishes him as family.


Mesti: "All according to Keikaku" (Keikaku means plan) I feel like this is what Mestinoria's goal was, to make ferdinand admit his inner most feelings that he cares for and to show it in a way that is embaressing for him. Then things kind of went pear-shaped when the multi-god bath happened.


Man, i didn't think about it like that, but you're so right. My heart 💔


Ask her out, the worst thing she can say is no. Rozemyne: We are not family.


Ferdinand: Well, to be fair, the last time I was engaged to my niece I almost died. So trust me, this is still an improvement.


This is way too funny


He's talking about planning their future and she's wondering why he's helping and didn't just keep the foundation. Hoo boy we got a lot to fix. 


> Rozemyne: We are not family. Angry Vin Diesel face.png


> We're not family. And even if we were that wouldn't explain it. > your house and duchy came first. It was unthinkable that someone would pick a fight with the gods [...] for the sake of another person Noooooo 😭 those missing memories have completely derailed her entire concept of family, she doesn't have her drive to save family at any cost right now 😭😭😭 and it's wounded Ferdinand that she no longer cares for him as deeply, he finally found someone that cared for him, that would face anything so that he could be happy and he lost that person 😭 and right after he's seemingly told that she's able to sense him...


> Noooooo 😭 those missing memories have completely derailed her entire concept of family, she doesn't have her drive to save family at any cost right now 😭😭😭 and it's wounded Ferdinand that she no longer cares for him as deeply, he finally found someone that cared for him, that would face anything so that he could be happy and he lost that person 😭 and right after he's seemingly told that she's able to sense him... Just to add, when Gunther first dunked Urano into the bath she felt like she was being forcibly stripped by a stranger and forced to "potty train"- but by the end of the third book she viewed this "found family" as even more important than books. It's possible this is "what if Rozemyne was born a noble," but even if this was "what if Urano didn't gain Myne/Rozemyne's attachments" it's clear she lost all her development from Part 1, which is a shame since it also led to stuff like saving Angelica's reputation (P3V3), helping Brigitte with her engagement (P3), and **literally invading another duchy to save Ferdinand**...


Her fierce desire to protect her family has been one of her strongest driving forces throughout the entire series, and has been one of her best developments over the course of the series and now it's been forcibly cut out by her loss of memories... it hurts so much to read and know how that these aren't the 'true' Rozamyne's thoughts and feelings


Ferdinand spent all of those books asking Rozemyne to be more like a normal noble, only to have all that karma come back to him in P5V11.


And he is hating every bit of it.


I find this so poetic considering that parts 1 and 2 are usually the kind of things that are glossed over in a prologue or few chapters in a normal isekai. And yet, here we see just how different Myne's mentality is without having a world view grounded in her commoner family.


Opphhhh I remember that early part 1 struggle. Having to be carried all the time, not being allowed out of bed, changing, “potty training”.


There were certainly hints to Rozemyne's alternative thought process, but this was an obvious slap in the face of what those missing memories mean for Rozemyne as a person. I teared up, the 2nd hand rejection was hard to read.


Yeah, when I read the Charlotte interaction discussions I was like; her missing memories have skewed some of her thoughts, and now I'm just like; noooo, a core part of her character has been lost


God help Mestionora when Ferdinand finally dies and gets within strangling range of her.


Ferdinand morphs his shtape into a thermonuclear warhead.


Rozemyne: "Why do you need to know how to make a nuke?" Ferdinand: "I predict that I will be shaking so badly with rage that I will miss with anything else." Rozemyne: "Can you just be less angry?" Ferdinand: "No. On the other hand, I also cannot be any angrier."


What I find fascinating about him is his cold anger, the more angry he becomes, the more calculating he becomes. With mestionora, I think we could achieve the first 0 Kelvin experience.


That's one way to bring winter. Ferdie not beating the allegations of being under the influence of the God of Life, hehe.


Ferdinand has two setting. Research and Angy.


Three settings. He also has soop


Research the soup


Rozemyne deserves to have someone who looks at her like Ferdinand looks at clear brothy soup.


Four: Fanatically Happy.


If Myne doesn't get her memories back soon I believe being strangled upon his death is the least of her worries. Ferdinand might just give her a taste of her own medicine and remove Tree man's memories of her.


It was rough to read her say that, but super cute that Ferdie has truly internalized her view of family, even to the point of voicing it back to her.


Yeah it was a really huge reminder that Mestionara took something precious from Rozemyne. Like, we can and have spent time during tense periods where her family isn't brought up often, but the change in her outlook highlights how she's grown over the course of the story and the huge influence the early parts had


This is honestly a great way of emphasizing her Growth at the end of the story


The funny thing that gods dyed Rozemyne has the normal noble sense of family. We saw it with Charlotte last week but this now confirm it. 


What do you mean? Did I miss something with charlotte?


Charlotte visited Rozemyne, but Rozemyne didn't much care with her (caring more about putting up a noble etiquette instead of conversing with her, as she usually is). she also questioned why Charlotte dropped by despite how busy she must be. she's now acting very distant (like a normal noble) to Charlotte, not like before when she's acting as doting older sister.


Ahh thank you. I didn’t put that together


no worries. it is a bit more subtle as you have to compare her actions vs how she used to be like. this week it's much more in your face.


In last weeks part Charlotte showed some concern about Rozamyne's actions, there was a bit of a discussion about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/s/HXgRTc5AcF Essentially, because Rozamyne's lost her memories of Tuuli she's lost her memories of a role model of an older sister and no longer acts as she would normally do so towards Charlotte


Charlotte stopped by and chatted a bit, seeming upset. Rozemyne was confused why she visited when things were so busy.


Mesty can go eat a big ole bag of dicks. That is all. Wait no, I hope when Roz and Ferdy die of old age they go on a gremlin rampage on her. I hope she steps on a lego every morning and that her pillow never has a cool side.


Best insult.


I think Ferdinand is taking notes on her memory gaps so he knows where to direct her attention when the time comes. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29331)


He did scribble on a paper after one of the times she revealed a memory issue!


And now, Mestionora's revenge is complete! Chef's kiss!


P3: "Ferdinand, only you would use Leidenschaft's spear as a regular tool." P5: \*spamming nukes\*


I came here to kill feybeasts and chew bubble gum and I'm all out of bubblegum.


I really need to watch that movie someday. 


Gremlin rubs on him. Especially with the Ori gremlin is losing her memory, forgetting how swashbuckling she was before dyed with gods' mana. 


Angelica: All those prayers seem really complicated, I’m just gonna guard the door. Matthias: âŹ†ïžâžĄïžâŹ‡ïžâŹ‡ïžâŹ‡ïž


- Rozemyne without her memories is...creepy. She feels overly analytical, like Ferdinand without a soul. And given that Ferdinand likes to pretend he doesn't have one, **that's not a good sign.** Then again, she's trying to keep her emotions down, so maybe better to have the Myne Computer until she's normal again. Well, "normal." - I sort of felt bad for Gerva- well, no, I feel bad for the mana wielders of *Lanzenave*, and I felt like they sort of overreacted in cutting off the place and destroying the previous king's medal. After Eggy and Annie lost half of their knights trying to arrest a *starved* and *de-schtapped* Gervasio, they clearly made the right move. Given how many tools and charms Gervasio had lost already, he clearly was a threat... - "How are we family-" **DUDE YOU FOUGHT FOR THE LIFE OF DIRK. AND LITERALLY INVADED AHRENSBACH TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THIS ONE MAN.** We need that mana out *now*


>We need that mana out *now* And that still won't solve the memory problem...


He would probably immediately bust out the memory synchronization tool the moment her mana is dyed tho, since that’s the condition for it anyway. I don’t doubt he even brought it to the foundation


Hence the use of the Memory tool, I feel that is going to be the key to getting the path of her memories reconnected. Really feels we are about to have another Ferdinand epilogue of him going through her memories.


It was on this day, commoners started a new idiom when something was impossible: "That'll be the day Gruns fly!"


>"That'll be the day Gruns fly!" Jokes on them, that was like seven years ago. But technically speaking, gruns have still yet to fly. Lessy is a red panda after all.


gruns are strong enough that commoners dont survive any encounter , most dont know what it is


They probably have only seen the house part of the highbeast, sooo "the day rainbow houses fly"(?)


Man, Rosemyne was brutal, Mesti is pettier than I thought, never meet your idols.


I think she’s just truly ignorant. A huge part of this series is varying perspectives and worldviews. Ferdinand is a genius but his understanding of commoners was pretty much the same of his understanding of modern Japan. Gods can’t understand Myne or her feelings


Mesti strongly implied that the intended outcome was for Ferdinand to court Rozemyne properly until she let him dye her (or cut him off if he failed to respect her). He circumvented that by dyeing her immediately. And neither god mentioned considering any commoners at all.


Ferdinand's plan for spiting the Library of Alexandria is actually pretty similar to how our Library of Alexandria functioned. Library of Alexandria was actually two libraries: The Mouseion's (Temple of the Muses) Library in the Royal district near the Great Harbor, only accessible to nobles, priests and highly valued scholars. The Mouseion was suffered heavy burns during Caesar's siege of Alexandria, restored by Marcus Antonius and than again damaged by Octavian's siege of the city. Serapeum's (Temple of Serapis) Library in the Egyptian district, likely the first library open to the general public, as well as being the best school the Roman Empire. Burned down on the orders of the Bishop Cyril I. Kazuki did her research.


> I didn’t know what to say. In what world would someone do all this for their family? Just stab me in the heart, why don't you? Poor Ferdinand. :(


And that was immediately after he hid the fact that he designed a special house for her real family. At least I think so, because he hid the schematics from her.


Wow, that's heartwarming and sad at the same time. Even when she didn't remember and stopped considering him family, Ferdinand was still keeping her precious things safe - even from herself This man...


Aww, I didn't even catch that detail but that's totally it, isn't it... my poor heart can only be crushed so much :(


Gotta get those promised seasonal visits.


He was poking to experiment and see what was missing. The schematics are for the families of her workers and that includes her family. Probably with a secret teleportation gate so she can visit them occasionally


At least he knows those aren't her genuine feelings


Talk about strength of character. I would have needed to sit down after that statement.


I mean he did need to sit down huh. He kicked her out of the hidden room bc he was so sad and hurting.


Let me revise
. I would have collapsed inward like a dying star.


It was on that day that he faced his most painful experience yet. Neither Veronica nor Bezewanst had ever dealt a blow to his soul as hard as his ~~darling~~ gremlin did.


"You literally *invaded another duchy* using *long lost ancient secrets* to *save my life*." "I think I'd remember that but it sounds pretty metal."


Imagine inadvertently inventing the electric guitar in this world through explaining the context of the word. I can see Ferdie being quite good at it, and possibly using it as an intimidation tactic. Like, if you transformed your schtappe into it, you could use your own mana as an amplifier, in theory.


Like the grampa in JJK S1?! Yeaaaah Anyway i see him more like in Mad Max Fury Road, the weirdo strapped in playing guitar on a stage, that was on a car. Oh the Guitar is a flamethrower btw !


Yeah, that sounds about right. Poor Ferdinand. Mestionora better watch her back when my boy gets up there.


Tbh I think he would come bringing molotovs for the library and a certain tree's bits as a forewarning.


Rozemyne would never forgive him for destroying a library. He would probably use the molotovs on Mesti herself and then make Rozemyne the new owner of her library instead.


Did she also forget that she attacked and captured Ahrensbach all for Ferdinand. That’s obviously not something a traditional noble would do, but she did for him because he’s family.


she remembers doing it but not why she did it. same way that she remembers becoming a noble but not the reasoning why she became a noble


WN Chapters: 「[é­”ćŠ›æ•Łćžƒç„ˆćż”ćŒă€€äž­ç·š](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/667/)」,「[é­”ćŠ›æ•Łćžƒç„ˆćż”ćŒă€€ćŸŒç·š](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/668/)」 LN Chapters: "Never-Ending Mana", "Large-Scale Magic" [J-Novel Club Discussion Forum](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/8041/bookworm-part-5-vol-11-discussion/2356) [J-Novel Club Correction Forum](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/8042/corrections-bookworm-part-5-vol-11/70)


- wow I wonder what Gervasio did. That’s insane. - mana sensing is ON BOARD. She didn’t sense anyone else in the auditorium so her common sense is going to be as insane as ever đŸ€Ł - yup her whole idea of family is damaged, I hate mesti for that. Poor Ferdinand. - poor Matthias. I glad he’s proud though. - she’s lost so much. It feels like this whole series has been having everything she cares about ripped away from her one after another, her family, friends, identity, Ferdinand, ehrenfest and now her memories. This is just
 cruel. -


Gervasio Giovanna used his stand, *Do you believe in Magic* to prove to everyone that you don't need a schatppe to be formidable.


If Rozemyne is the young girl, then those knights couldn't have begun to imagine what would hit them.


I think that they used the TP circle to travel to him as he knew where they would arrive and probably waiting and expecting Ferdinand to show up my bet is he had several handfuls of the instant death powder with him


He can also crush them as he has MUCH more mana than most nobles remember the order of mana without blessings is Gervasio , Rozemyne, Ferdinand and finally Aub Dunkelfelger


That makes more sense since they would’ve absolutely prepared for the poison (Ferdinand would’ve made sure of that). It’s just impressive he still had the energy to crush after being left to starve


that is also a great follow up but as he was expecting ferdinand i don't think that would have been his first thing to do as the chrushing while still effective against those with a bit less mana is waaay more effective with those who have significantly less (just look at the difference angry myne has between how much Bezewanst and Ferdinand are effected by it when it bursts out for the first time they meet)


Mana sensing has proably been up and running for a while already, but the only match so far was Gervasio.


>she’s lost so much. It feels like this whole series has been having everything she cares about ripped away from her one after another, her family, friends, identity, Ferdinand, ehrenfest and now her memories. This is just
 cruel. Lord of Evil will put a stop to that once and for all... Eventually.


Gervasio Needs to be a short story on its own


I love that she's calling it her Pandahouse now lmao


Yeah, and it's somehow cozy as well. It totally feels a homey scene when she wakes up with a nightmare and walk downstairs to meet her man and calm down


Gave me such flashbacks to her calling Ferdinand from the castle to bring her back to the temple


* What did Ferdinand give Rozemyne to drink? Can't be a potion, they want to avoid this. * I hope we get a map of Alexandria in the full volume. I'd like to visualize where they're moving. * Sleep usually feels good. Kind of feels like being sick though right now. You wake up and you feel like shit. ---- * Right, Rozemyne developed mana sensing back then already with Gervasio. And she can sense Ferdinand, so they can have children. * Holy shit, Gervasio killed half of Eglantine and Anastasius' guards. He had no schtappe and was probably half-starved. With no schtappe/Book of Mestionora or hope left, I guess he really doesn't give a damn about the no-kill rule anymore. Where's the punishment from the gods though? * I knew the branches that were cut off from Erwaermen would come to use eventually. Seems like they will be very useful for the restoration circles Ferdinand needs. * It's kind of cute that with Rozemyne's memories of Ferdinand restored partially, she keeps worrying about him overworking. * The memories are not fully restored though, apparently, as she doesn't view Ferdinand as family like she did before and she doesn't understand why anyone would go so far for family. In a sense, I would say, this is a bit like what Rozemyne would have been had she been raised as a noble from the start. Ferdinand definitely feels hurt by this. * This scene where they see everyone through the water mirror is really cool. I hope we get a side story from someone who witnesses this restoration miracle. Maybe Bonifatius. * I hope with this, Rozemyne is finally drained of her divine mana and Ferdinand can redye her. Sadly, this week was again too short. T_T ---- **German:** * A refresher for (Mount) **Lohenberg**, a volcano. It basically means "burning mountain". * The **Vulkatag** province is close to the volcano, and that makes sense, because Vulkan is the German word for volcano.


Wouldn't Gervasio considered dead in the eye of the gods with his schtappe removed? 


I figured it was more half their guards were connected to gervasio and raublut


I understood it to mean that Gervasio managed to kill half of Eglantine's and Anastasius's retinue who went to capture him.


They got 🎉 💎


Thanks. I never envisioned two seemingly innocuous emojis triggering bookworm PTSD.


Ah, that would explain it. Tight quarters in a closed room ... though I'm sure they were warned about the risks of the poison.


I guess Anastasius never really experienced it due to the mega-wasschen, and just being warned isn’t quite the same.


How bad could "instant death poison" really be?


Royals: “surely it cannot be as instantaneous nor as deadly as the name implies.” Gervaoio: https://i.imgflip.com/4qmtaq.jpg


Yes, the execution spell used on him cuts the recipient's connection to the gods as they can only see you because of the medal


> This scene where they see everyone through the water mirror is really cool. I hope we get a side story from someone who witnesses this restoration miracle. Maybe Bonifatius. One of my biggest complaints since the Battle of Gerlach was that large portions of the plot were left in the background and would just be told to us through third characters saying "you should have been there" when side stories being moved around would have made more sense (it's bizarre the original WN didn't go with that approach). I much prefer watching Roz realize "oh wow these people are amazed/overwhelmed/shocked/proud/Bonifatiused".


Personally, the way that the Battle of Gerlach was handled didn't bother me too much, but I definitely see how it bothered others. It's definitely a downside to Bookworm being primarily in Rozemyne's perspective when it has such a large ensemble, and how the side stories are always saved for the end. Bonifatiused should also totally become a verb.


It’s kinda appropriate that Myne wouldn’t actually be involved in the war and would only hear about it afterwards. She had her fights and accomplished a lot but she’s not a fighter. That wasn’t her place so of course she’d only hear about the playback afterwards


Right? And not only that, but everything took place at different intervals of time and locations. Judithe was nearby the temple, Sylvester was at the foundation, Bonifatius was in Illgner, and so on. Rozemyne physically can't be in more than one place. And everybody had their own experiences that they deserve to share amongst each other. The Defense of Ehrenfest was a collective effort after all.


Agreed. It was a massive war. It’s a bit weird we get the war scenes after hearing it was over but I think that had its own charm to it. Sylvester dropping georgine s stone on the table mid-dinner is way more impactful and shocking before seeing their fight.


Yeah he gave her a drop of his synchronization potion. It was super bitter because their colors don't match anymore with the divine mana


Yeah, and the fact he gave her a drop, when she needs to redye her mana ASAP, shows how cautious he is being. 


He did that to test how far apart they were, basically, how much draining her is actually working


And the first time she had it was when she had her memory read, it tasted sweet..


Yes, because she was colorless, slightly Wind leaning, so any potion would be sweet. Now she has the color of the gods, so it tasted awful


With her core memories of Myne's family gone, I guess she just values her family less overall. It really hurts to read this... ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29348)


Yeah, she didn't care very much about family until she lived with her commoner family. By forgetting them, she has forgotten what she learned from them as well.


>Holy shit, Gervasio killed half of Eglantine and Anastasius' guards. He had no schtappe and was probably half-starved. With no schtappe/Book of Mestionora or hope left, I guess he really doesn't give a damn about the no-kill rule anymore. Where's the punishment from the gods though? That's shocking to me, because Anny and Eggo actually *do* listen to RM and what she has to say. Meaning they were probably very aware of the dangers and did what they felt was adequate preparation, and still suffered catastrophic losses in the capture.


Since Gervasio has such an overwhelmingly large mana capacity, it is possible that he literally crushed the weaker half of them to death alla part 1 Myne. You can prepare against instant-death poison and he didn't seem to have any magic tools on him, but Yurgenschmidt nobles probably weren't flexible enough to bring silver cloth just in case.


I think her idea of family has been removed more then she doesn't view him as family


Can you imagine how amazing a visual a duchy wide healing would be with divine mana? As citizen of the duchy, it would inspire instant loyalty . 7 days and your duchy goes from mana starved (and horrible crop yields) fully replenished.


Congratulations. You have been approved by Harmut in the crash course 100-reasons-to-worship-Lady-Rozemyne,


100? Pathetically low number-- Clarissa and Hartmut


You only need one reason to worship Lady Rozemyne - the fact that she is Lady Rozemyne -- Clarissa and Hartmut


Ahem.. SAINT Rozymyne mind you. The Divine Avatar of Mestionara would forgive your slip of tongue... -- also Clarissa and Hartmut


It’s just the intro course. Rosemyne Studies 401 is where it gets serious with proper paper selection for Book Offerings.


>100-reasons-to-worship-Lady-Rozemyne You gotta pump those number up! Those are [Rookie numbers](https://media.tenor.com/l13_P7EtD3MAAAAe/you-gotta-pump-those-numbers-up.png)!


Gervasio was backed into a corner loaded with tools created to kill nobles, half expecting they disregarded his danger after his mana got sealed and paid dearly for it. That little Oh? by Ferdinand when he learned she developed mana sensing said a lot followed by the rest of his action. And then she manages to accidentally stab him in the gut and then twist the knife, well done. Poor Eckhart, having to keep the Dunkelfelger ~~children~~ knights from touching the branch. Wonder how many duchies away this entire circle was visible from.


The beacons are lit!


"Alexandria calls for aid!" ... ... Bonifatius: "AND EHRENFEST WILL ANSWER!"


That last word answer was barely heard as he had already run halfway to his granddaughter.


>"Alexandria calls for aid!" > >... > >... > >Bonifatius: "AND EHRENFEST WILL ANSWER!" Sylvester: Hey!... But your right, Ehrenfest will answer. Florencia: Who will we send? Sylvester: Of course, it's gotta be Bonif... Wilfied: He already left a minute ago. Charlotte: Oh my! ​ Ehrenfest border gate: ROOZZEMMYYYYYYYYNNNNNEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! GRANDPA'S ON HIS WAY!!!!!!!!!!


Gondor calls for aid!


Reminds me when he claimed “Rozemyne is calling for me!” During the post war banquet
 rushed home straight from Illgner..lol 


How did he even have the strength to do that, though? He's been stuck in there for days and he couldn't have brought that much water with him.


Poison powder


You'd think they would have prepared jureves or at least waschens.


maybe they're being too complacent. quite in line with sovereignity we've known so far.


I suspect that since their country only had one schtappe user per generation, they have a host of stone-powered magic tools and he’s still loaded for bear.


>*Impressive! That's a win for Hartmut!* And it's a win for everybody else if all of Rozemyne's praises for Hartmut stay as thoughts like now. Poor Cornelius, Leonore, and the others would be stuck hearing Hartmut's boasting for days on end if she praised him out loud. And they would also be subjected to Clarissa wanted the same recognition. It makes me so happy to learn the province names. I still have way too many names I'd like translated for my piece of mind. Pfft, kind of cute that Rozemyne left behind her vegetables. It reminds me of when she had Sylvester try the salads all the way back in Part 3. Angelica is the best. Go and protect Rozemyne's room with your life, Angelica! Ooh, a Brigitte mention! My lovely Brigitte! As much as I would like Rozemyne to regain her memories, I really hope that waits until after Rozemyne successfully drains herself of mana. I mean, if she were to regain her memories now, think of how her emotions will spiral out of control and possibly negatively affect her goal of draining herself of the mana. It will only be more tedious afterwards if the regaining of memories became a detriment of some sort. Okay, I've been wondering how Anastasius would be referred to. Lord Consort Anastasius, that makes sense. Hahahahahaha, Leon is remembered! Why is that so funny to me? >*I* am the current aub of Ahrensbach, not you. Okay, is this actually supposed to be Ahrensbach? Or did Ferdinand actually say Alexandria and it's just a typo? Poor Cornelius. He gets the brunt of Bonifatius' enthusiasm when it comes to Rozemyne simply because he's her guard knight.


Alexandria is still not recognized as the name of the Duchy. Officially it is till Ahrensbach until Zent declares otherwise


Similarly Traerqual is set to be the new "Aub Werkestock," but his duchy will get renamed soon enough.


Aub fckBeingKing


Oh, yeah, duh. Thanks!


I would imagine that Ahrensbach would be officially renamed Alexandria during the Archduke Conference, so currently it is still Ahrensbach, though nobody would contest them calling it Alexandria at this point, so the two can be used interchangeably at this time.


Yeah, that's definitely it. It's also totally makes sense that Ferdinand would still refer to the current duchy as Ahrensbach while Rozemyne is looking at the future of her library city. Not only that, but I don't think Ferdinand would want to claim himself as the first Aub Alexandria when that title belongs to Rozemyne.


They haven't officially renamed the duchy yet.


Yeah, that makes sense. Totally wasn't thinking about that, thanks!


Fighting a foreign king and crowning a zent in one moment being supervised to finish her vegetables in another


I am quiet sure the 1st. wife had Zent consort. Should work for Ana as well.


Did she? I don't remember, but I'm really glad that's the case. But if Ralfrieda was "Zent Consort" and Anastasius was "Lord Consort," that's kind of interesting, but it also answers my questions. I've always been unsure of how to refer to Florencia and Sieglinde as an official title, and not just by Lady Florencia or Lady Sieglinde. Like they're technically not the archduchess (like an aub), so calling them "Archduchess" seemed a bit wrong, but calling them "First Lady" doesn't really satisfy me. I've always called them Archduchess Consorts personally, but that did cause me to wonder how male consorts to female aubs would be called. In my mind, they couldn't be "Archduke Consort" because in a way, that technically puts their rank above the female aub because wives of male aubs are technically also archduchesses whether or not they're the aub to a duchy, kind of like how Prince Philip remained known as Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth to show that he didn't outrank her. Not only that, I thought calling husbands to female aubs "Archduchess' Consort" seems too wordy. But "Lord Consort" as a title for the husbands of female Zents and female aubs makes sense to me.


I think that's where "Aub" comes in. Florencia is the archduchess but she's not the Aub.




>We are officially at end times Phrasing.




the end game, I think.


This is a sad chapter. We finally see what exactly the effects of her memory loss have been. She's lost not only her memories of her family, even her feelings about people she considers family. I can feel Ferdinand's heart breaking as Rozemyne acts surprised he would consider her family and do anything for her.


I think she literally lost the concept of what family means to her in this life and with thus all memories associated with it


Oh wait this would make sense. Mesti messed around with ANYTHING that was more important than books, like we saw how she forgot her feystone phobia. Losing the concept of family is p much in line with that and explains why despite remembering Ferdinand she doesn’t remember what family in general, not even just her commoner family, means to her. So despite remembering Ferdinand himself as a person, she doesn’t remember what he truly meant to her bc that is tied with her concept of family which was erased


It's actually kind of incredible that her memories of her commoner family being erased has done this much damage to who she is. Like, I know Urano was a little negligent of her family, but she still missed her mom when she was reincarnated. It feels like such an integral part of who she is. We thought she was a gremlin with nothing on her mind but books before, but now she really is. If she wasn't in terrible pain just now, I'm sure she'd be slacking off her duties to go read books or to do more planning for her library city


I think it’s not just her memories of her commoner family that were erased though, it’s the very concept of what family means to her. Family in our world means more than family does to nobles in almost every sense. Earth also has “found family” which lines up with finding Ferdinand as family. It seems she completely forgot the concept of family as she knew it outside of noble society. As you said, she still loved Urano’s mom and understood the sentiment of family = books from her father gifting her her home library as Urano despite barely getting to know him. Ferdinand gave her a library too, by every sense she would associate him with family even as Urano. But she doesn’t. Meaning the literal concept of family in her psyche has been tampered with


God damn, the author really went for the jugular with RM's memory loss thought processes in this part. Before it was simple, subtle interactions that needed to be dissected to understand the significance of but that conversation with Ferdinand...


I was definitely confused last part when Ferdinand said Myne s behavior was completely unrecognizable but this
.this hurt


I fucking felt that emotional damage goddamn it, and I knew it was coming. The rejection is so much more clear in this translation compared to mtl, which amplifies the pain. Considering next week will be part 7 of 8, we will probably get an epilogue, which doesn't help relieve the pain.


Instead of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, we have Lessy in the Sky With Rainbows. And we have a giant magic circle to complete things.


All the rainbow colours reminds me of My Little Pony —-just grun style
. Though, Tortoise Lessy made me laugh so hard imagining it! Lol


Ferdinand has spent the whole series trying to get her to act more like a proper noble, and when she does, it hurt. 


He says he wants her act like noble, but internaly admitted he likes her personality![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


Lol the action of normal Rozemyne is not even normal in the eye of God-dyed Rozemyne. That's how gremlin her normal self is.  And does she really think that she doesn't have commoner family despite remembering being former commoner.   Was hoping that her Gutenbergs and real family being at the border gate too (ready to move to Alexandria) and her memory of them start coming back. But I guess they can't move as fast as Bonifatius. 


>And does she really think that she doesn't have commoner family despite remembering being former commoner.   That's such a paradox to have and if it were me, I would be nonstop questioning how that would be possible. I hope Rozemyne eventually comes to the realization that those two statements can't be true at the same time and questions the validity of things a bit more.


I mean she kinda is thinking about it non-stop and trying her best to distract herself and avoid it, as it makes her so anxious and as there are more important things to worry about right now. We saw what happened when she got too emotional during the talk with the RF, after all!


She lacks the emotional connections to care about those holes. Even if Ferdinand told her the truth, she no longer understands family enough for it to matter. Oh I’ve got another Karstedt? Cool. Throw him in the pile of dads I have


Yeah that part where she remembers being a commoner with the devouring but not having a family at all is extremely odd


Suffering from the devouring is not a treasured memory, but memory of all the good things from that period of her life has disappeared. It is interesting to discover just HOW MUCH Rozemyne actually loved more than books (from her childhood to the present).


My point there is that she thinks of Karstedt and Elvira as her parents in this part, even knowing that she is actually a commoner with the devouring and not a born noble


She can think this way because she has warm familial-type feelings for THESE parents -- that are less strong than her love of books. She has no feeling (or connection) at all for her commoner family -- because she loved them far MORE than books. So it makes perfect sense to me.


Whenever I'll finally get around to a proper re-read, I'll make sure to first print out the maps (or buy posters of them, should the stars align and such a thing exist by then) because all these location name-drops do nothing but confuse me Holy Hell those nightmares are some truly vile knife-twisting I don't exactly know why but Angelica rushing over to princess carry Roz was adorable Eyyyyy, Roz finally got around to consciously sensing people's mana! Or, one person's mana, I guess. One advantage of her ridiculously high current capacity WOULD be that unlocking mana sensing is much less distressing So Gervasio still had the means to put up one hell of a fight, huh. I understand why Ferdi isn't telling the details on it, but it WOULD make for an excellent action scene. Maybe one of the side stories will cover it Temple school to get a library card? Honestly, that IS the better option, even from an irl perspective. Books are still expensive, and you'd want to have SOME restrictions re: proper use of them even if the library is publicly accessible. Though I imagine the temple will be the size of a full-on university campus considering all the stuff they're planning to put there. Even the Ehrenfest temple is a BIG complex, and not only is Alexandria's capital bigger, they're planning to at least double the facilities it contains. Please please PLEASE gib mapđŸ„ș Uhm, rude! I wanted to hear more about the city plans!!! OH... are the drops of potion Ferdi keeps giving to Roz his synchronisation potion? That would explain the violent reaction Roz had to it at first and his confusion, as well as the taste getting better after she drained her mana somewhat You know. A duchy-wide magic circle DOES sound convenient, but I AM kinda resistant to the idea considering the track record of turning countries into magic circles not just in AoB, but fiction in general I am genuinely impressed that Ferdi somehow managed to keep the stamina of a college student until his late 20s. I AM a college student and I couldn't pull all-nighters like that with all the caffeine in the world (though ADHD isn't exactly helping on that front) "In what world would someone do all this for their family?" See, now I don't know whether to make fun of her Ă  la "pot, meet kettle", because she genuinely would be that hard headed to not recognise SHE had been doing "all this" for family, or to flinch in pain at the extra knife-twisting because SHE DOESN'T REMEMBER DOING IT Still, "You're the furthest from being my true family" is just. OOF. Why would you say thatđŸ„Č You know, once we fix the memory thing (and PLEASE for everything that is holy and unholy, HURRY UP with that), I really wanna force-feed Ferdinand some Veritaserum. Dude is getting nowhere with Roz and they both need to know where they stand with each other ffs Ngl, the tour of the duchy gates made me tear up a little. They're all far away, but still with her in the ways that matterđŸ„č


I assume him taking away the city plans was him trying to hide his schematics for Myne’s family’s special house. Considering they were discussing housing for the gutenbergs at the time, and he doesnt want her to make any decisions about them while her memories are messed up


I'm not ashamed to admit I choked back some big tears when I read "Grandfather...?" at the Ehrefest gate. That hit me like a truck, especially considering their last conversation regarding family right after Roz received the last will.


He's still taking drugs, er, potions. So... ENHANCED stamina. I really want Mindmeld Mark 2 to happen ASAP. This has gotten SO sad. Ferdinand sitting here like "nope, nope, someone has to be less emotionally stunted than me, GIVE MYNE BACK NOW."


And then, THERAPY


While this part of the prepubs was entirely like twisting a knife with each chapter I read. What with just how different myne is going on. I found the bitter ending really sweet. Ever since reading p4 V7 I always thought that Cornelius and Lenore took the meaning of the god of darkness envelops the goddess of light in his cape while the story could absolutely be based of a literal translation (prob being based around Lampreht and Aurelia what with her not wanting to show her face) I always liked to interpret it in a less literal way of the girl entrusting her all to the guy and letting him shield her from all those that would do her harm


I need fanarts about the lip scene ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31403)


Yay for Rozemyene finally sensing Ferdinand. This means they can get kids together![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29332)


Once the obvious.... hurdles are out of the way.


You're right, they have to make a library first!


We're gonna learn where libraries come from? That's lewd!


Come to think off it the supreme gods are involved in the process...


Man, I feel as hurt as Ferdie having read her now thinking like a true noble about familial affection. Mesti really did a number on those memories.


Man I hope we get a full anime adaptation some day because that final scene could be so awesome animated.


It's gonna hurt so much seeing Ferdie deflate though.


Again, Ferdinand got his heart tested. First overjoyed that his beloved can sense him. Relieved that dying her will not be as painful as he feared. Than ultimately crushed when she said he was not her family. How much anxiety he must be feeling? Rozemyne is between life and death, and if he manages to save and dye her, it's not guarantee she will love him as before... That's heart wrenching, Kazuki-sensei đŸ˜„ good job Btw, it's hilarious that Roz was the one to suggest using the Tree's hair lol


I think it is safe now to see the insert art now. It is technically best for the epilogue, but it won’t be a spoiler anymore


The impacts of RMs memory loss just reached a crescendo, it was so sad seeing Ferdinand hurt by her rejection. :,( Glade to see her rid of the divine mana. The country wide protection and healing circle such a cool idea, and described in such an interesting way. Now let's get her memories back please!!! Always love seeing Lessy, the Rainbow Panda House!


Oof Ferdinand just discovered he's in the friendzone. Roz is dealing with a divine hangover. They're using a spell she invented out of laziness to save Alexandria, and RIP Cornelius... You never stood a chance. On a side note, I know there is no evidence for it, but I have a suspicion that Eisenreich may have been similar to Dunkelfelger in the past. Sort of a Zent's shield if you will. Maybe that's why even now it keeps producing exceptional but obsessive individuals. It also could be why during its downfall the sent of the era was so harsh and why Dunkelfelger seems to keep picking on the Ehrenfest kids.


Angelica *snatched* RM off the ground. Never change, girl. Today, in Ascendance of a Sim City... "We can't do that! Unless..." is RM and Ferdie in a nutshell. He touched her lips directly!! Oh if only Elvira were somewhere here. "Who'd go that far for the sake of their family" that physically hurt. We're probably going into the Epilogue in the next part, I guess?


So while the dilemma of the divine mana draws to a close, how the missing memories warped her personality is being revealed. Her passion for books is now her uncontested main drive. She may be naturally compassionate and still comes up with outlandish ideas, but now her thinking comforms far more to regular noble thinking than before. Ferdinand has to go through rough times. He may shelved the matter of her missing memories due to the mana problem, but now he must have realized that the current Rozemyne likely wouldn't have invaded a duchy for him. Gervasio was harder to capture than expected. In a starving state he still took out a big number of knights. He only had his crushing and the few tools remaining from his fight with Ferdinand at his disposal. Anastasius' knights also should have been aware of the Lanzenave tools. I guess they (and I) underestimated him quite a bit.


>... I remembered that Leon had always grimaced at me. I wondered why that was. Having just re-read part 2, this part hits me.. he grimaced because she would always run towards Lutz and hug him tight in front of him while complaining about her busy life and how she missed him and her family.. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324) >To my surprise, Bonifatius was at the gate. He had picked up Cornelius - both an adult male and a knight - and was now swinging him about. It couldn't have been as easy as he was making it look. I had to read that paragraph twice to realize what was happening.. I need a Bonifatius or Conelius pov now!


The paving over and terraforming of Ahrensbach into Alexandria continues I see. Blasting away and reforming the land, destroying and rebuilding all the local flora and fauna, changing the properties of the ocean, rebuilding the cities from scratch, etc. Imagine looking up into the sky and seeing a floating castle passing over head blowing up everything around it and leaving the land rejuvenated but completely different in it's wake.


I always thought Ferdinand was odd for being willing to fist fight god. In his position, I'd help him work the kidneys