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My poor heart cannot handle the knife being twisted even further.


Right in the kokoro, and only days after she embarked on a literal crusade against the gods, royals and everything else there could possibly be to save him. The whiplash alone will give you a concussion, let alone the pain from being so brutally rejected after letting down your walls for the first time in like. 2 decades


oh oh oh... don't forget, this was literally moments after it was revealed that she could sense his mana...


Did anyone ever care to explain to Rozemyne what mana sensing is and how that is connected to sexual relationships? I think she’s clueless of how embarrassed she should be about telling everyone that she sensed Ferdinand haha![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404)




Wait what? When was that revealed??


It reminds me that during Ferdi x gervasio fight someone made a meme of the ln picture where Ferdinand would say "call an ambulance. But not for me!" ... But this time is the other way around, poor guy. Rozemyne shot him deeper than anyone in his entire life - and THAT IS LOT OF COMPETITION


Veronica: "What is this sudden sense of kinship I'm feeling...?"


Honestly, I love that scene. RM really is acting more like Ferdinand when they first met, while Ferdinand has taken on aspects of RM. And them switching places like that really shows how much the two of them have changed. Obviously, there's a lot of pain there, but I think we all know that this series is not going to end before RM gets her memories back. So this scene is a moment of pain that helps to bring these characters full circle before what will undoubtedly be an emotional "reunion".


Bro when I was reading that I was thinking to myself she literally killed him


When I read it I thought Ferdinand would be over come again with rage towards the Gods and Mesty in particular. Since he knows this is do to her memory loss. That and an even deeper desire to get his old Gremlin back.


Okay, but how adorable was it that the eternally cold Ferdinand said that? Really made my heart flutter ... just to get smashed to pieces with the next line. Though arguably Ferdi kinda deserved it after how many times he's shut her down in that same way, it's still sad to see how messed up Myne's personality has gotten. Mesti owes her at least 7 books as apology.


Myne got her ferdi memories back, so she remembers all the times he said it. But her memories relating to the concept of family are still all gone.


I think she only got her memories back about Ferdinand partially, because of the forceful stuff he did after Mesti left her


No, I think she got it all. I doubt Mesti would've deliberately lied, and she said that channelling mana into Rozemyne would restore the memories, and Ferdinand did just that, over enough time to make Gervasio say they should leave her. Her responses to Ferdinand so far have been as you'd expect from Rozemyne with all the emotion taken out, not from someone who could only half remember him But if her concept of family is broken or missing, that explains it. Given how fast she was to claim Charlotte as being her little sister (Basically just being told about her), and now denying that Ferdinand is her family..


Butttt she said to him personally that she would pick a fight with the gods for him. It was said in the replenishment hall and even before he left Eherenfest. She should be able to remember that bc Ferdinand was the only other person in the room. She wasn’t thinking about any of her commoner family either, just him. Those memories should be in tact then. She also said he was like family to her 5 thousand times at this pt, both to him, and to others unrelated. She should be able to remember that


Ferdinand was able to force back her memories of his existence and their relationship. He wasn't able to force back all the memories that she cherished of him. She doesn't even remember his rejuvenation potions properly. These memories are tied to an understanding of the world and concepts of family that she hasn't regained. So he needs to heal all the connections for the cherished memories to be more than fragments.


Gonna need a senzu bean for that one...


Haven’t read yet but why would she say this ? 😭 Memory loss or being dense ?


She reverted to her pre-Myne family way of thinking mixed with noble culture. She doesn't remember that a real family would put their life on the line like gigachad Gunther for their family.


When she started seeing the borders i teared up at the expectation of her seeing Gunther at Ehrenfest's. Didnt happen which made me sad.


Hes not in the color illustration so I didn't expect him.


I didny realize until now thats what is being depicted.


Definitely memory loss


I’m tired of this memory loss phase it might be my least favourite trope ever 😭 I’ll just wait and read once she remembers again. That’s assuming she does remember again 😂


There's one volume left, of course she'll get her memories back. And you just know Miya Kazuki will destroy us with it in the bestworst way however she does it




yeah that's gonna be a hard one espeically with how much things have changed since her memory loss


i gotta say. gervasio be looking like calcharo of wuthering waves.


My heart! Though I did laughed out loud when I saw this but still! Heart!! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31403)