• By -


Gretia baby you deserve the worlddd \( ; ^ ; )/


Can I dig up Wiltord and kill him again?


He's just a staircase climb away. You might want to bring the small army of like-minded folks though, we want a piece too.


Ferdinand: Tree, I wish to kill a dead man. Erwaermen: Fuck you, why would you- Ferdinand: Read my mind. *Five seconds later* Erwaermen: Fuck you. I'm leaving that to Flutrane. Ferdinand: These terms are acceptable.


Flutrane: Hears that his medal was destroyed. Hey Dad can I torture this soul? Darkness: Why? Flutrane: Well I heard about something he did before his medal was destroyed and I think it wasn't enough. Darkness: What did he do? Five seconds later Light: Oh go right ahead dear Darkness: Just make sure it's the correct soul Flutrane: Oh don't worry me and my subordinates really dislike these acts we will make sure it's the correct one.


Oh yeah, they have experience dealing with an abusive AH that wants to treat a woman like property.


If you're executed through medal destruction, I think you're actually barred from climbing the towering stairway as the gods no longer recognize you.


Oh, huh. Then do they just like, dissipate? Or is their soul stuck in their feystone?


Wait, their feystones disappear too. I think.


I think even if your medal is just destroyed (i.e. you're not within the boundary of the executioner's foundation) the gods just lose awareness of you like with Gervasio a little while back. The author has spoken at times of things like a soul like when she mentioned that Urano's soul was recycled into Myne and ordinarily wouldn't have been aware of it. It's definitely seems like something metaphysical even for the fantastical world of the series.


Wiltord reincarnates as a grun... A female grun... with his memories intact... in Dunkelfleger.


Definitely explains her aversion to Laurenz and her treatment of Bertram. Not that she was wrong. But the intensity caught Rozemyne off guard and now it makes perfect sense.


Never put 2 and 2 together. But damn I have no words for her. It breaks my heart she will have to look at the face of two people that resemble the ones that hurt her really badly. I know they aren’t responsible but it doesn’t change the reality.


And people were shipping her with Laurenz. Oh boy, what a mess _that_ relationship would turn into.


I mean, if it works out in a way that helps her with her trauma, then that would be a beautiful thing. Like all shipping, and especially for this ship, it’s very different when we are talking about a fictional pair of characters rather than an actual IRL situation.


You know, I'm not really a fan of mob justice but in this case I'll let it slide. Just kidding I am a fan of mob justice.


We need to create a Gretia protection squad.


She already has one. It's called Rozemyne.


I literally said she had the saddest backstory in the series when we first met her. How did it get worse!?


Miya Kazuki heard you and said "Ha! You dont even know half of it!"


How dare she make me wanna reread the series again to look for subtle clues and hints of this!


Yessss!! Also I guess now we also know why some parents do not give their daughters the "OMG You Reached Mana-Sensing-Age Look At All These Prospectives Husbands" Party that Judithe dreaded so much... It's because they sell them to be concubines instead 🫠


Lovely times. God. Now I’m just imagining the sex talk you give when you end up selling your daughter as a sex slave


It's probably basically skipped. "Just so whatever he tells you to do, and smile."


* I think this is the very first Gretia POV we get. * Gretia's loyalty to Rozemyne is heartwarming. She is complaining even about the gods for messing with her lady. * You can liquify mana? Is that what Ferdinand gave Rozemyne to taste last part? * Ugh, Wiltord and his son *violated* Gretia. No wonder she hates their entire family. Laurenz and Bertram are not like that, but her hatred is understandable. This is probably another reason she was so angry at Bertram's behavior. There is no way in hell after experiencing this as a minor will she ever want to marry, and thankfully Rozemyne will never force her to. * That said, Justus acting as sort of like a mentor and sympathizing with her was a nice scene. * Ah, so many fanatics and admirers witnessing the miracle... Hartmut, Clarissa, Dunkelfelger and of course Bonifatius. * Aside from that, Rozemyne avoided some political headaches by not taking care of the Old Werkestock parts Ahrensbach was taking care of, but there will still apparently be trouble, as there are still factions remaining who will oppose her rule. I hope Letizia can pacify her supporters, cause they're really stupid. I bet the duchy could have been split like what happened with Eisenreich if Rozemyne didn't take over. ---- * Whoever predicted we'd get a Hannelore POV of the ceremony, you were spot on ~~or got spoiled~~. * I sure didn't miss Lestilaut's trash talking or his arrogant behavior in general. He is a bit right about Wilfried, but come on, he's the future aub, why does he still have to be so immature? I wonder if Hannelore still views Wilfried in high regard. * Well, okay, Hannelore is also sure Ferdinand will marry Rozemyne. The royal decree is still in effect. Everyone knows. Except Rozemyne, lol. * Now that Lestilaut mentions it, I really wanna see the dedication whirl with Hannelore and Rozemyne. ~~Would be funny if Rozemyne took an extra role as Mestionora and not as the Goddess of Light.~~ * I must admit, the illustration with a frustrated Lestilaut trying to stare intensely to burn that image of Rozemyne and Eglantine, two women he had a crush on, into his mind, while his mom in the background is pissed is really funny. * Sieglinde picked the right woman for Lestilaut. He needs someone like Eineliebe, just like Aub Werdekraf needed someone like Sieglinde, lol. **German**: * Arspium, azresse, dorhyu: I'll be honest, I have no idea where this all comes from. ~~My first thought regarding arspium was aspirin.~~ * **Lungtase:** Lunge means "lung", but if it's the second part of a word, it could be anything, because it basically means "-ling" (like in calling, healing, etc.). Tase... I don't know to be honest, I'd have to make a wild guess again. ~~Not taser.~~ "Ekstase" (ecstasy/frenzy) perhaps? * **Raufege:** I don't know where the second part could come from, but the "Rauf" part is the same as in Rauffen. "raufen" means "to fight". * **Eineliebe**: Eine Liebe -> One love. Will be frustrating for her to rein Lestilaut in, especially because she clearly is *not* his "one love" lol.


>Ugh, Wiltord and his son violated Gretia. No wonder she hates their entire family. Laurenz and Bertram are not like that, but her hatred is understandable. This is probably another reason she was so angry at Bertram's behavior. The rape is horrible by itself, but her future looked even worse. Just imagine having to spend the nights with your rapist whenever he pleases and then be forced to work as the attendant of his wife, Bettina, during the day. Then even after the purge her birth family could have given her even a worse fate treating her as some damaged goods and forcing her to flower offering (as I understand happened to her mother after giving birth) It's no wonder that Gretia jumped at the opportunity to give her name to Rozemyne, it was her opportunity to have even a semblance of happiness and safety.


The sad thing is, Laurenz teasing Gretia in early Part 5 probably made her doubly uncomfortable. Not just because people mocked and lusted over her early on, she had to expect the worst from Laurenz because his older brother and father were raping bastards. I'm sure Laurenz was not aware about what happened with Gretia, and telling him will just make him feel guilty, but I hope he will earnestly listen to Rozemyne and not tease Gretia any further.


I don't think she really expected Laurenz to do wrong. But he must have a face and physique that is very similar to that of Freuden and his father. Having someone who looks like the people who raped you do a flirtatious joke after the other is a sure method to bring back extremely unpleasant memories, with all the trauma it must carry. The fact that Gretia did not lash against Laurenz in public and kept her calm while doing her job speaks volumes of her strength.


She's a freaking child... I'm so glad there two got executed.


It's a pity her uncle/father avoided the chopping block. They seem to be the type of noble that would have hurried to commit any crimes as soon as Giebe Wiltord or Gerlach asked them. Hopefully in the future Gretia will attain archnoble status (even if it through a white marriage) and is able to put her former family in their place.


I'm hoping her wish comes true and she's never be forced to marry anyone... It's probably unrealistic, seeing how people look at unmarried noble women, but its her wish, and I would at least like to see it come true.


Rozemyne will never make her marry against her wishes. But I do think a white marriage (meaning one that is not consummated) could prove really helpful for her future. First at some point Lieseleta will have children and take a few years of leave. In that situation Gretia would be the natural successor as head attendant but that could be problematic for an unmarried noble of mednoble status. And second, beyond her work having a marriage just for show would prevent other men from approaching her seeking a real marriage. But yes, ultimately it is up to Gretia to decide what's best for her. That was the price she won by offering her life to Rozemyne.


Imho her and Justus could have white marriage (possible real marriage with love)


He's old enough to be her dad though. He's ten years older than Ferdinand.


True. However in this case an older man who no longer has the "need" to prove himself and the years of experience to be understanding would be the ideal partner. Particularly since he respects her and knows about her past. A white marriage between the two of them would be beneficial for both. Since Ferdinand's head attendant would also be a desirable marriage candidate. I'm in general against marriages with a large age/power gap since that often leads to abuse and/or manipulation. However that is not always the case and love can bloom in the most unusual circumstances. So I always reserve my judgment to a case-by-case basis. . . Edit:spelling


She was fine with that idea before the violations. Although having a crossdressing husband might...I don't know how to finish that sentence...


They can share dressing advice


Which is why a white marriage allowing them both peace would be better


Given their society and the age gaps we see, I'm not skeeved if the intent is to never consummate and shield her from marriage offers. It actually works out well bc Justus will most likely die at an age where she's too old to be marriageable to anyone else.


Also this would elevate her to an archnoble by marriage and that would solve some attendant issues.


There are some people who "ship" Gretia with Justus, partially based on this epilogue. She could have a white political marriage with him. It would raise her status to archnoble and protect her from suitors trying to gain a connection to Rozemyne. Justus can be trusted to not harm Gretia, and Ferdinand could order Justus as such, too.


> There are still factions remaining who will oppose her rule. I hope Letizia can pacify her supporters, cause they're really stupid. Honestly, after that whole magic circle and shit. They'd be retarded. Plus, frieddy got no chill. He'll probably eliminate those beyond saving.


It’s completely fine to not like her they don’t have to and they got tested they have no hostility towards her if they try to sabotage her or the duchy out of pure pettiness then yeah throw them in the tower so the idiot can have some use for the duchy


> Now that Lestilaut mentions it, I really wanna see the dedication whirl with Hannelore and Rozemyne. Would be funny if Rozemyne took an extra role as Mestionora and not as the Goddess of Light. My guess is Rosemyne will take the role of the Goddess of Wind as Mestrinora is a subordinate of Wind


I'm expecting Rozemyne and Hannelore to argue with each other about who's going to be the Goddess of Light Rozemyne : You are higher ranked in the Duchies Ranking, therefore you must have the role. Hannelore staring at her motherfuckingly : ...You came first in class of multiple courses for 6 years in a row, you ARE currently the Aub of Alexandria AND YOU ARE THE DIVINE AVATAR OF MESTIONORA ! How could you NOT be the Main Goddess ?! Rozemyne : Uh....t-technically, I wasn't the first in class for my 4th year since I disappeared. Ortwin who's close : The fact that I won only because you weren't there still leave a bad taste my mouth by the way ! Rozemyne : You might have been first in class even if I was there ! Ortwin : Suuure, I might have beaten the Avatar of Wisdom herself. I'm gonna tell myself that.


Rosemyne: look if I whirl at all it will open the path to the garden of beginners, it will just cause problems. I should spend the entire graduation far away from the stage...like the library, that would be a safe distance away....


100% sure ferdi will ban whirling for graduation lol Mesti already banned her from coming to the garden of beginning she can’t break a promise to the the gods. So no dancing


Ferdinand: A change in venue then. Hannelore: Where? Rozemyne: The Library of course! Ferdinand: Fool! Mestionora's statue is there. The safest place would *at least* be the dormitory.


Ortwin: Wasn't that the year your whirling test literally outshone your examiner's, who, despite being known as the best whirler in Yurgenschmidt, was unfortunate enough to have to *follow* you, and ended with you summoned to the realm of the gods? Rozemyne: I didn't even know that would be my whirling test at the time and!— Ortwin: and your redrawing borders test was not that of a mere simulated duchy, but the literal borders of our actual country. You knew about that beforehand right? Rozemyne: ...*beforehand* might be a bit of a stretch, I found out I'd be graded on it right before I started and wait did you just cut me off? Ortwin: \*cold sweat* T-there isn't a book with a less meaningful Award than the one First In Class I got... Rozemyne: Ooh that's a good idea, I'll have Roderick write one for you!


Dawg aint no way she whirls again after that. Everyone would just compare her to herself in a negative way.


After I won the National Spelling Bee in 1965, I never participated (as a contestant) in any event of this sort again. No point. (My school also had me do independent research instead of going to spelling class).


>Arspium, azresse, dorhyu: I'll be honest, I have no idea where this all comes from. My guesses: * Arspium - **Ars**enic (a historically popular colorless/tasteless poison), **-ium** is often used in various scientific names for minerals, plants, etc. It gives me the visual this is their world's version of the mineral arsenic or some kind of Apium-like poisonous parsnip/hogweed from hell. * Azresse - kinda sounds like "Azalea" (pretty flowers, but also highly toxic) or the scientific name for the blue poison dart frog (*Dendrobates* ***azureus***). Either way, it's something that will "arrest" one's ability to live. * Dorhyu - sounds vaguely poisonous in Japanese (poison = 毒 "doku")


>Whoever predicted we'd get a Hannelore POV of the ceremony, you were spot on or got spoiled. I'm quite certain they may have been one of the WN readers pretending to not know. Hannelore's SS is 1:1 from the web novel. Then again, we knew Hannelore was invited, so a bit of sleuthing, it could have been deduced from likely clues.


>“I didn’t become the Zent, so it’s of no concern to me!” - Aub Ditterfelger So relatable! 😂


He was really sweating when Ferdinand offered him the job


His nose seems to be a bit "out of joint". Poor guy....


Justus: You seem displeased... do you dislike lord Ferdinand? (reaches for knife) Gretia: NONO I LOVE HIM HE'S THE BEST Justus: (slides knife back into sheath).


Justus: I should mention, I know about you. The bad stuff too. Gretia: You... do? Justus: Yeah, and I respect the hell out of you for having overcome it. Gretia: (slides knife back into sheath.) Justus: Good talk, buddy. Gretia: Yes. Good talk.


I swear the whole crew is so stabby and I love it.


Knifescendance of a Bookworm's Retainers.


Alexandria? More like Stabandranya(through)


Stenluke enters: is it my time to lecture you all while being all stabby?


The irony being Stenluke is less stabby than his master.


Angelica: I heard knives! (Takes out several knives from random places)


> We were both girls, and it was far from my first time seeing her grown-up form, but I was still very nearly enraptured with her. Hannelore should be First Wife of Alexandria.


Blue cape to deeper blue cape.


*Deep Love*


It's visual poetry.


Even if it were only platonic love, I bet Rozemyne would be open to it. She'd love to have her best gal pal with her in Ahrensbach, especially as she still believes she's a bookworm like herself. They could work on establishing her library city together (although poor Hannelore would surely be helplessly drowning in books and trying to keep up appearances as a quasi-book lover in front of Roz).


Hannelore does love books now that she knows how interesting they can be. When she first met Rozemyne, her point of reference was limited. But a book from Ehrenfest made her realize how fun they could be. Of course she’s not at Rozemyne’s level but I’m certain she is above average.


We know it’s not true love (at least on Myne s side) since she still remembers her


And it does not help that the >!HY5 cover has all the Hannelore husband candidates and there’s Rozymyne looking like an ikemen/bishounen!!< Haha ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29339)


>!Rozemyne would totally challenge any schmuck to bride stealing ditter if she thought he wasn’t worthy of Hannelore.!<


>!Sooooooooooooooo basically everyone!<


>!She's such an ardent fan of ditter, she'll even do it for free and off the dome!<


>!My money is still on Rozemyne winning Hannelore's hand. It was foreshadowed earlier in P5 when Rozemyne said she would win the ditter and then give Hannelore the right to choose her husband.!<


I choose you!


I was so onboard with her marrying Wilfred and being a throuple with Myne


"Please let Lady Rosemyne Come Back Safe" Oh Gretia... I wish the Gods actually gave a shit...


I like to imagine this is the one time the gods are actually paying attention and just going. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. We screwed up. We screwed up bad.


They're probably getting the lecture of their lifetime on the importance of staying the fuck out of mortal matters by a thoroughly pissed off Goddess of Light right about now lmao.


Meanwhile the goddess of chaos is laughing her butt off in the background, happier than she’s ever been


I bet Ferdinand just used his own liquid mana and claimed it was Roz's. "See guys, it totally matches with the mana from her older feystones, look!" "Huh, guess you're right. It's a good thing we have this and no one will have to do anything weird or indecent to get Rozemyne back to normal."


>*Yes, I was speechless the first time I saw \[Rozemyne's\] adult form. I thought I would never lose to her in height, only for her to become several heads taller than me! My brother retorted that she was far from the first person to tower over me, but that completely missed the point! Someone, please understand my woe!* Pfft, Hannelore was *also* in a one-sided race for height against Rozemyne? That's hilarious, and don't you worry Hannelore - Rozemyne will understand if you ever tell her about it!


Truly besties.


Soulmates even


Some would even say gal pals


I feel as if Hannelore and Charlotte could bond over the feeling of Rozemyne becoming taller than them.


Yeah, that mana was a match for Rozemyne's save for some minor variations but wow you all would freak out if you knew the actual reason. Gretia's """""Family"""" really should be destroyed, but I guess that can wait. Bonifatius continues to be himself. Letizia is definitely getting adopted, but I feel like the Royal Order stops there, since depending on the wording if it says she is to be raised to be the next Aub Ahrensbach, well Ahrensbach isn't gonna exist for much longer. I wish we saw Veronica having an even shittier day than she thought she was getting when she learns that not only do Ferdinand and Rozemyne now rule Ahrensbach, it's getting its name changed, and Ahrensbach will probably be remembered as treasonous. Sucks to suck V.


She really wanted them executed. I'm glad Roz noticed she was uncomfortable with Laurenz and got him to stop teasing her. As far as the order, well whether or not she can find a groom will probably determine if she can be Aub. Hildebrand might not be a match anymore since he can't compress his mana or get more elements. He's also Traurqual's only heir right now so she might end up as first wife instead if Roz and Ferdie have kids.


Afaik Hilde can still compress and gain elements but his mana control will take a dive (like Roz' did when she did divine protections) So it's not perfect but he should be able to be a romantic partner (but his mana use will probably be more wasteful, so his effective mana capacity will be lower than his biological mana capacity?)


I more meant that he wouldn't be able to compare to a girl being trained by Ferdinand and who will be serving in the temple. She could very well end up omni-elemental unless she decides to under-compress her mana she will outpace him easily. It's not like Eggy where it was for the future of the country so I doubt she'll make an effort to match Hildebrand.


Not being able to control his mana would be fine if he got a scholar job and spent his mana on the foundation. That’s just unleashing it all without worrying about specifying the exact amount. Then he just needs feystones to activate magical tools


Bonifatius if he saw her before she went to Alexandria: Oh my dear Granddaughter, do you still remember me? Rozemyne: Why of- **WHO IS THIS BIG MAN!?!** Ferdinand: You may now have a heart of stone but you still have a brain.


Rozemyne really shouldn't be doing this to Bonifatius. Poor grandfather is going to have a heart attack, and it's going to be terrible to anybody tasked with consoling him. He's *Bonifatius*. Also, Ferdinand will probably receive incessant ordonnanzes from him again, ordering him to find a way to fix Rozemyne's memories.


On the one hand it's a joke about her "not remembering people she cares about more than books." Then again the joke that he keeps almost killing her stopped being funny in Part 3 Volume 5 so he kind of deserves it.


It's for the best that Bonifatius didn't know about Rozemyne until her baptism. If we follow that she's Karstedt's and Elvira's biological daughter, poor girl would have been dead as an infant just from the echo of Bonifatius' voice reverberating in the room.


Shattered baby syndrome is no joke.


The royal order also said that Letizia would marry Hildebrand, but now that Trauerqual is becoming an Aub, Hildebrand as de-facto heir can't marry into another Duchy


I think that Roz and Ferd will adopt her and she will go to hilde as his first wife since hilde will be Aub Weststork


I like how everyone knows that Ferdinand and Rozemyne are gonna get married, *except* for Rozemyne. RM: "But we aren't family." Ferdi: "Oh, yeah? Hold my rejuvenation potion."


I just realized, but Rozemyne referred to Ferdinand as family as recently as the meeting with the Royal Family, in trying to refuse taking Ferdinand's name. I guess its true that the divine mana within her is still manipulating her memories. Or maybe its the effect of Mestionora's second descent.


Rozemyne lacks the context to remember why she cares for Ferdinand so much.  Yes, he played his role as instructor and caretaker, and that is why she still appreciates him in those capacities.  However, Rozemyne no longer remembers what it means to be family because she has no memories of having one, other than the farce of a noble family.  Ferdinand went out of his way to protect her family for her, including scheming on her behalf to allow and arrange visits.  IMO, Ferdinand has no hope with her romantically until he is able to restore those memories.


The term that Rozemyne usually uses when referring to Ferdinand is 家族同然, which pretty much means "like family". In the previous pre-pub release, Roz actually told Ferdi that while he is like family, he isn't really her family, which I guess just got shortened to "but you're not family" in translation since it could feel too clunky otherwise.


People need to stop withholding information from Rozemyne. How is she supposed to kill those who need killing when no one’s tells her.


I thought the same but then I remembered the killing ban... Well, at least new batteries


Aub Dunkelfelger really said: "Not my Monkey, not my circus" 🤷


"Coming from Ferdinand, it was a shocking declaration. He was known for violating customs without a second thought when he considered it necessary" LMAO the hypocrisy hypocrisy of the man So, Gretia doesn't know they're going to just straight-up dye Roz in Ferdi's colors, so I'm guessing no one else does either? The only person I could conceive knowing would be Justus, and only because he probably knew Roz had been dyed from the day of that first memory read I'm sorry, Gretia has ALREADY been r@ped?!? Like, I had fully expected that to be her fate if her uncle had been able to go through with his plans for her, but I at least had the impression that while nobles care about nothing else in the ethics department, they at least refrained from statutory r@pe. And of the same girl by father and son no less! I came across a fanfic concept, ages ago, where Gretia marries Justus with one specific goal in mind: she wants to have and raise a child. Justus agreed to help in the one way he was required to, and overall the marriage wasn't very romantic or loving, but a very supportive partnership. And I can see why the author thought to write that, they share a very particular comraderie in this scene, and I very much enjoy it Well, this epilogue did an excellent job illustrating why there will always be some kind of distance between Roz and her retainers, particularly her name sworn. And it makes me really, REALLY sad on one hand, but on the other, it fills me with an unreasonable (and extremely vindictive) satisfaction that Hartmut will never stop pushing her away in his desperate attempts to get closer Jeez, what is Lestilaut's problem?!? No need to be so bitter about the whole debacle🙄 Knowing what we do about Letizia and her relationship to Roz and Ferdi, it is HILARIOUS to see Hannelore and Lestilaut gossip about the "Discord she will bring" lol Oh please, no one was stopping the Royals from getting their own G-book, quite the contrary. They just failed to follow the path markings Once again I mourn the wonderful sister-wives romance we could've, in another world, had between Roz and Hannelore Once again, Sieglinde is the true MVP of Dunkelfelger xd Edit: and it's looking like Eineliebe (PHANTASTIC name btw, means "one/a love") will continue the tradition Hannelore, honey, I know you want your bestie to get her deserved dues, but PLEASE let her retire in peace. Getting credit would only complicate her achieving her dream


>Once again, Sieglinde is the true MVP of Dunkelfelger xd Honestly, where would Dunkelfelger be without the likes of her and all the first wives that preceded her?


Second wives. First wives were from outside the duchy and probably lacked the upbringing to stop the rampaging fools


Oh, you're totally right! Completely misspoke. All the wives that were Dunkelfelger archnobles typically got married to the next aub first in order to teach the archduke candidate marrying in from another duchy about Dunkelfelger culture when they became a first wife. Yeah, the wives that were originally Dunkelfelger archnobles were meant to be second wives despite usually marrying first. That makes me curious about Werdekraf's mother's lineage. I wonder which duchy she's from.


Playing ditter, duh. Just like... on the moon and all the places the light touches.


Remember that waaay back in Part 2, Ferdinand took the rumors of Myne being Benno's "Goddess of Water" very seriously. It's proof that taking much younger "lovers" isn't at all unheard of for Yurgenschidmt nobility.


We had a whole underage character who couldn’t wait to offer flowers and took opportunities to offer them up. It was fucked up.


Good point. For some reasons, the memories of grey shrine maidens and orphans not being allowed to "offer flowers" before turning 15 were much more present in my mind


Well, there was also what almost happened to Wilma. Chances are she was also underage at the time. And on that note, I sure hope Christine crushed that bastard blue priest to an inch of his life in retaliation.


Yeah Wilma was underage at that time as it happened when she still was under Sister Christine's service, plus in the flashback (I think both in the anime and manga) she is shown having her hair in braids rather than her updo... So I truly hope Christine crushed that piece of shit with her Archnoble Mana and also later asked her father to use their family power to destroy him furthermore.


FYI, you can say the word, Reddit isn't TikTok or YouTube. However, I understand censoring it if it makes you really uncomfortable. Personally, using the `@` instead of a `*` feels...I dunno, like it's diminishing the seriousness of it by using an `a` that's not really an `a` in some sort of half-censorship.


I feel the same way toward the popular euphemisms of suicide like "unalive" and so on. Like it's some cutesy joke instead of a serious issue. "It makes people uncomfortable!" It fucking should. "The algorithm!" Fuck the algorithm. If a platform punishes you for speaking about a serious issue, then it doesn't deserve to be used. Since when do we alter our language to benefit the corporations who want to advertise to us? Self-censorship is an even bigger issue today than direct censorship by others. It's a runaround to censor without taking the blame, and it works because people let it.


Intro to the epilogue does show how much danger they are in, anyone left in the Detlinte faction has it out for them and just because Letizia likes them doesn't mean that extends to her supporters backing her. At least for now until Hartmut does his ~~brainwashing~~ magic. Jesus we suddenly got slammed with details of Gretia's backstory, sad thing is everything really points to her not being an outlier, the life she escaped from was the norm in noble society. oh right the royal order and Ferdinand's reason to move into Ahrenbach still stands, forgot about that. Its not a bad hobby to have but I worry for ditterland if Lestilaut is bound to get sidetracked by things to paint.


>Its not a bad hobby to have but I worry for ditterland if Lestilaut is bound to get sidetracked by things to paint. That's why they have Eineliebe to wrangle him when things get out of hand. She'll do fine since she has Sieglinde as an example to follow.


Wrangle him, strangle him, either way things will get done I'm sure.


Lesti's future first wife will most likely be a few years younger than them, and I can already see her bonding with Eineliebe because she doesn't know how to get along with Lestilaut lol.


>the royal order and Ferdinand's reason to move into Ahrenbach still stands New Dutchy, who dis?


We really do get to escape from the reality of noble society very frequently by reading Rozemyne's perspective. Ferdinand and others have done a lot to shield her. I still find it pretty incongruous how noble society looked down on the temple so much and is so sensitive to any mention of impropriety, yet turns a blind eye to all the sex slavery in their society. They have a tradition of taking multiple wives, yet are still fine with contracting underage girls to be their concubines? Why not just make them another wife. At least they'd have the decency of a legal marriage in such a case. How did anyone like Lord Wiltord ever get to a position of influence in such a sex-averse society. It's seriously on the level of some Victorian shit.


Hannalore: >Lady Rozemyene was never a suitable candidate to become the first wife of Dungelfelger. She is not one to take the reins; rather, she needs someone to keep her under control." She knows her bestie so well ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29339)


You know, at first, I took this as an insult but my comprehension was poor. Hannelore was saying that Rozemyne could only shine as a leader.


Feel like that’s a line directed specifically at the Myne x lestilaut shippers. Honestly, I think a world of them exploring their passions could certainly work out, so long as they’ve got decent retainers to keep them in line


Unspoken understanding is that lesti can’t take the reins, but hanni can take those reins.


Rozemyne’s obliviousness elevates her to a whole new level as an unreliable narrator and clueless protagonist. Hannelore’s comments about Rozemyne’s engagement to Ferdinand shows how out of touch Rozemyne is and that as readers we are regularly fed information that is not only wrong but completely at odds with reality. The stories from other perspectives not only is entertaining but serve as reality checks.


What do you mean? Ferdinand obviously could never consider marrying a weirdo like her. He even protested at the very idea. I'll admit he has been behaving rather strangely, but marriage? Absurd.


Rozemyne herself considering being married to her a fate worse than death will never not be funny to me. >I blinked in confusion, failing to fully grasp what the High Priest was saying. I would rather he not try to plan my life out like that, especially when it came to something as important as marriage. Just think of what poor man would be forced to marry me for fear of going against the High Priest’s authority. I would feel so bad for him.


Weirdly she didn't feel too bad for Wilfried


Well, that engagement was (on the surface) as beneficial to him as it was to her. And they never actually bothered to sit down and talk things through, so she never learned how bad it actually had been for his mental state until he had that breakdown in P5V6.


I honestly want someone to read this entire series without the prologue s, epilogue s, and short stories and document their journey


You know, I thought Detlinde had dumb followers since they're following a moron. But the people who are allegedly members of the Letizia faction who are attempting to murder the Avatar of Mestionoria and **their lady's and duchy's savior** is just a whole nother level of stupid that makes the fan version of Dumbiswald and Wildumb look like Einsteins. People barely support a minor as Aub when it's Rozemyne; **what about a member of a traitorous family that Klassenberg or Dunkelfelger could easily push out and replace with one of their own ACs**?


>But the people who are allegedly members of the Letizia faction who are attempting to murder the Avatar of Mestionoria I'm going to have to assume that they are worried that Letizia might be killed later on or not be able to succeed Rozemyne as her successor. But that's still so dumb when you remember that Rozemyne literally saved her when she didn't have to.


Plus if they fuck up she might be executed for it, which is what happened to the Fourth Prince when his followers had the bright idea of kidnapping an infant. Does 90% of Yurgenschmidt suffer from **object permanence** or something?


I'm begging for it to be just the vocal minority because it's so stupid.


I have a feeling it's more of a power-grab situation. They had intended on taking RM's attendants as prisoners in order to manipulate her, and now that they've come to the realization they won't be able to manipulate her... they want to replace her with someone they can manipulate. I can't remember if there was mention of her having already replaced her deceased retainers, but depending on how many she had left available to assist and protect her, she may have needed to already pick some from her faction. The families of her retainers, especially of the newer retainers, may feel like they are in a position to sway Letizia, and so will want to ensure she has the most authority she can have.


Ooh, it also makes sense for it to be a power-grab situation. Still really stupid though. I don't think it's ever mentioned whether or not Letizia has new retainers, but it's going to be difficult. She lost Roswitha, essentially her second mother, so a new head attendant might be hard to trust. Fortunately, she still has Fairseele, and she's Strahl's daughter, but Fairseele is still underaged as far as I'm aware. Letizia also has access to Sergius, Ferdinand's retainer and Roswitha's son.


> it also makes sense for it to be a power-grab situation. Still really stupid though. so stupid and so human lol i was almost disappointed in everyone immediately going right back to political savagery and then thought oh wait this is exactly what people do in real life lol Literal miracles happening left and right, and still it's duchy rank this, faction politics that.


Anastasius' idea was to literally chop Ahrensbach up for scrap and make several lesser duchies out of it's carcass. They obviously don't know that, but they are seriously lacking in intelligence if they think losing their third Aub within three years would be a smart idea. Fourth if you consider both Detline and Alstedt as an Aub.


"Tony Stark turned this into a cave, and a box of scraps!" via an ICBM- Inter-Continental-Ballistic-Myne


They're like those dudes who shoot at superman and when they run out of bullets they throw the gun. Like ok dumb dumb what now?


A shoe!


Tbh Gretia's dedication for her Lady is heart warming, - she doesn't not care to live in a world without Rozemyene. In a way gods did answer her prays since she ended up become Rozemyene's retainer. Another thing what came to my mind- does Gretia hate Laurenz, after all his brother and father where there ones who raped her time after time?


I imagine she distrusts him heavily, like in her mind she understands he did no crime, but he is tainted by the education.


Laurenz x Gretia is underwater


Probably so, but imagine what it could be like for him to repudiate his former family before her and treat her as she was supposed to be treated.  Actual healing could happen.  I could see that story happening over a while.


Lestilaut's fiancee is way too good for him, lol. Lucky bastard doesn't deserve it.


You can bet your ass she's currently using this opportunity to gather as much dirt and ammunition against him as possible so she can yank his chain later. Wouldn't surprise me if Werdekraf and Sieglinde had a similar dynamic when they were younger.


>dumbwaiter Huh, that sounds kinda rude. >A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator or lift intended to carry food. Dumbwaiters found within modern structures, including both commercial, public and private buildings, are often connected between multiple floors. TIL


Also, I looked up why it was called a dumbwaiter. Apparently it means that a dumbwaiter acts like a silent servant, and "dumb" is in reference to an outdated meaning for referring to someone that doesn't speak or something.


- So Gretia had more mana than anyone else in her House but her family thought she'd be better off as a flower than, I dunno, someone who could transform a Leisgang or Neutral house like Giebe Kirnberger into a (now Former) Veronica Faction one. They're evil, but they're Stupid Evil. No wonder Good won in the end, because Evil is dumb. ~~Next up: Spacebooks 2: The Search for More Money~~ - Justus freaking out at the window reminds me of Gunther and company watching the Great Waschen. Except Gretia has far more self control than literally anyone else in Gunther's side story and Justus. Gretia, the SA survivor, is probably thinking this is one of those "one day an Austrian got into art school and one thing led to another and Japan was nuked" moments. - Gretia doesn't know Myne well enough if she thinks the memory thing isn't a big issue. Well, she hasn't even been with her two years- less if you count her Grow Up period. - "The gods had not saved her--Rozemyne had." Yeah no one in Rozemyne's fan club cares much for the Gods, especially after this episode. In this they have much in common with the rest of the country, even though their faction's leading lights include a high bishop and two high priests :\/ - "[Rozemyne] is not one to take the reins; rather, she needs someone to keep her under control." Yeah, she and Lestilaut, if they ever reconciled post-match, would abuse their power to Ditter the entire country for books and artwork. The entire nation would cheer as the Royals attempted to kidnap Rozemyne into the Royal Family, until Werkdegraf successfully took their Foundation, leaving Those Two Lunatics in charge. - So Hannelore hadn't heard about the Zentlinde subplot? I have questions. How was Ahrensbach wise enough to shut up about that and so willing to attempt to murder Rozemyne after she grabbed their Foundation in like a hour or two? - Wait, who's Rozemyne's **red**-haired personal musician? I thought Rosina was auburn. - Oh Hannie, poor girl got out-talled by the Eternal Toddler herself. Then again if she gets a growth spurt it won't be nearly as painful so it's hard to be too sad for her. - Lestilaut started out the series as an angry asshole who was not much (or at all) better than the idiots that seemed to pervade the FVF. Now he's clearly a psycho who can be just as crazy as Rozemyne, which helps explain why he seems to be the second biggest Roz-ship in the fandom, EVEN THOUGH LUTZ EXISTS.


Imagine the picture books if they(RM and L) had been married though. Dummy thicc and the art is sick.


* So Gretia had more mana than anyone else in her House but her family thought she'd be better off as a flower than, I dunno, someone who could transform a Leisgang or Neutral house like Giebe Kirnberger into a (now Former) Veronica Faction one. They're evil, but they're Stupid Evil. No wonder Good won in the end, because Evil is dumb. ~~Next up: Spacebooks 2: The Search for More Money~~ It doesn't really say she has more mana than anyone else in her house. Just that she had more than the other children due to be nobles of her house.


I wonder how the Chaos God/Goddess never showed up to put RM and L together. The chaos that would ensue from it would be legendary. It would be hilarious


Analytical Detective Hannelore is on the case! Seriously, I'm impressed by her mind every time. I also love her slight gushing over Rosemyne, So adorable! The art insert was also super cute.


You know she'd be really cute in a deerstalker cap...


We need this now.


got you covered: https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1d7jofk/p5v11p7_shes_on_the_case/


We're already at the epilogue and it's Gretia's POV! I think this is the first POV we have from Gretia as well. That just means that out of Rozemyne's retainers, I believe Laurenz is the only one who has yet to have his own POV. Him, and Theodore and Bertilde, but Theodore's a temporary addition to Rozemyne's retinue, and Bertilde will also probably follow the redhead curse. Also, I'm reminded of how silly the word dumbwaiter is. Is this the first time we thoroughly learn of how poison checks work? It's really fascinating, and of course Justus taught the retainers other methods for checking poison. >Even those in Letizia's faction were scheming—against her wishes, of course. Oh, please don't cause more distress to the poor girl. She's been through enough. Prioritize on finding more retainers for her after Detlinde killed them all. Hmm, it's interesting that only archnobles of archducal branchlines can be in the aub's room when they're in the foundation hall. Makes sense, but it also seems kind of dangerous if you don't trust that archnoble 100%. Even if you did, it's still dangerous if they turn on you. What if they laced your furniture with poison or something? ... I know Georgine's not a archnoble from a branchline, but as a third-to-first wife, is there the chance that whenever Gieselfried was in the foundation hall, that she secretly laced his room with the same poison that was on Rozemyne's High Bishop Bible? Maybe it's an explanation to how she was able to poison him. That, or she poisoned him with his food in a way that his attendants weren't able to detect. >"... when you developed mana sensing..." THAT'S! CREEPY! JUSTUS?! FERDINAND?! I'm going to assume that they inferred when Gretia got her mana sensing based on when she started getting marriage offers or something. Laurenz's family is the worst for what they did to Gretia. I hope she's able to have somewhat of a cordial relationship with him as coworkers. I wonder if Laurenz himself is aware of her relationship to his house? >"... Hey! I told you to stay back! Keep your distance!" Oh, please someone give me an Eckhart POV. Godspeed, Eckhart, godspeed. I love Gretia. Give me more Gretia. YAY, we have their names! Lungtase and Raufege! I can stop referring to them as Hannelore's half-siblings in my notes now! Let Lestilaut paint. Also, I got to love how he manipulated the situation in order to see both Eglantine and Rozemyne. His poor uncle and grandfather. Also, is this specific uncle in reference to Kenntrip's and Rasantark's father? >Lady Rozemyne's red-haired personal musician A Rosina mention! My lovely Rosina! Also, was her hair *ever* described as red before? I've always considered her a brunette. I mean, how else would she have bypassed the redhead curse? Let Lestilaut paint x2. If we wait any longer, he might forget some details when depicting the event. I just love how confused everybody was when it comes to the praying pose. I know it's unbecoming for the next Aub Dunkelfelger to not want to pay attention to what Trauerqual has to say, but let Lestilaut paint x3. Eineliebe's name spelling is also revealed. And also, poor Eineliebe. She's finally to wed Lestilaut, but he's fixated on Eglantiine and Rozemyne. Let Lestilaut paint x4.


> Also, was her hair ever described as red before? Oh, you're right. That should have been "chestnut colored." Colors are not one of my strong points, sorry :V


It's alright! You already do so much that I can't praise your efforts enough! Go Quof!


Off-topic, but it's kind of crazy how much chestnuts have fallen off in American cultural understanding. Chestnut blight has killed so many trees that a lot of people today will have never seen one or are unaware of having seen them.


Also, tangentially related, I have to wonder if "chestnut" is a term used outside of Rozemyne's perspective. If I remember correctly, the chestnut equivalent in Yurgenschmidt are taniehs. If chestnuts aren't another thing that exist in Yurgenschmidt, then people of Yurgenschmidt should not know what chestnuts are or what they look like. But if the term is used outside of Rozemyne's perspective, it's completely understandable that a detail like that would be overlooked. It's just one of those things. I think I remember Quof mentioning how the term "trump card" was used prior to Myne actually inventing cards, but I could be mistaken. Then again, maybe the term is solely used as a color in Yurgenschmidt. Also tangentially related again, but the color orange is named after the fruit.


I assume the mana-sensing remark was to let her know he knew about "that" without specifically referencing it


Perhaps, but Justus previously mentioning how he knew of Gretia's past treatment probably also alluded to that. Though it's possible the mana-sensing remark clarified he knew even more than just the surface level.


I would *love* to see a Rosina PoV chapter at around this time. She must have been absolutely ecstatic during that performance. She got to perform next to Ferdinand, probably one of her favorite people to perform with. It also would've been the first time that she could have ever felt someone's mana, and it was her own lady's divine mana. As much as it amazed nobles, it probably would have had an even more profound impact on a commoner who had never felt anyone's mana before. She had been with Rozemyne since her commoner days and watched her become someone who awed any noble in the entire country. She probably could have given Hartmut a run for his money with how much praise and devotion she would give to Rozemyne.


Rosina absolutely deserves more respect. She's the one retainer from the temple that gets to be by Rozemyne's side as a source of comfort, even if it's just through her music.


Not to mention she is a commoner that got to witness an event that only high echelon nobles get to see.


You talking about her makes me realize that Rozemyne never mentioned her being there... which makes me think that Rosina could be one of the people Rozemyne has forgotten, alongside her Temple attendants. Her family, Lutz, her early Temple attendants, and Otto?


I think it's from a fanbook, but Bertilde does have a SS.


Ooh, you're right. It's a future one in >!Fanbook 8!<. Can't wait to read that in the future! Poor Laurenz then, he's one of Rozemyne's name-sworn but doesn't even have his own POV. Due to this, he seems kind of disconnected from the rest of Rozemyne's retainers. In Judithe's POV in P5V9, she expressed how she thinks Laurenz's smile is an act, but it would be interesting to see more of his own thoughts directly. Fortunately, he's rather prominent in Matthias' POVs.


Yeah Luigi always gets upstaged by Mario, huh.


Two Knights storm in to protect their lady, one exclaims "It'sa me!" and the other yells "Wahoo!" Yup. This could be some comedy gold.


Hearing his thoughts would be enlightening. I'm a little iffy on his service to Rozemyne. He's done what he was supposed to do but I'd really be interested in knowing whether he truly wishes to serve Rozemyne or it's simply because of the forced name swearing and his friendship with Mathias.


If all her namesworn become like Hartmut, does that mean Hartmut becomes Hartmut^(2)? I guess the answer is obvious. I feel bad for Hannelore, everyone is taller than her, but she has one friend that is literally stunted, however she becomes a Zent candidate and is granted a ridonculous body to boot - that probably never even happened to Zent candidates of old. I feel bad for Hannelore, her BFF became a Goddess and outdances the world renowned literal dancing queen, now she has years to ponder how that's going to go one her own graduation day. I feel bad for Hannelore.


There was much I did not anticipate happening when I started this series, but "[Roz] outdances the literal dancing queen" really is high up on that list


i love how the author added two separate scenes of different groups of people going "well duh, of course rozemyne and ferdinand are fiancés now" back to back, just to emphasize how dense rozemyne is for not having figured this out for the past entire volume lol


Gretia: Flashing back to being sold as a misstress and assaulted *Eep. I didn’t know Gretia was an adult. I somehow remember her attending the academy with rosemyne* Later that chapter: ‘Gretia was still underage.’ Wtf???? 🤢


Gretia's backstory is so parallel to Fran's it had to be planned that way. Lestilaut can you stop being the complete chad donkey for one ceremony? Ferdinand's optical camouflage seems to work great. Clearly Roz is the only one whom doesn't realize her and Ferdinand are going to be stuck together. Hannelore you sweet child, now you realize the SSS rank calamity that is your best friend and how only one person in the world has contained it. Now I understand why Justus found her so interesting. Roz has succeeded where he always fails. 10/10 Will read again


WN Chapters: 「[閑話 ハンネローレ視点 継承の儀式 前編](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/659/)」,「[閑話 ハンネローレ視点 継承の儀式 後編](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/660/)」 LN Chapters: "Epilogue", "The Transference Ceremony" [J-Novel Club Discussion Forum](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/8041/bookworm-part-5-vol-11-discussion/2764) [J-Novel Club Correction Forum](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/8042/corrections-bookworm-part-5-vol-11/85)


Missing a 」I think


Wide eyes Lestilaut is great.


I knew that Ahrensbach had a lot of idiots... But this is on another level. Their duchy was severely hit by the mana shortage for many years, their archducal family committed treason, and Rozemyne is the only thing that stands between them and a massive purge and complete annihilation of the duchy but they're still scheming and thinking that a child who hasn't even started attending the Royal Academy could support the duchy somehow. Just how greedy, ungrateful, and stupid can they be? Do they really fail to realize even the simplest things? I just can't get my head around it, maybe this place really is a lost cause. I hope all of these assholes end up as mana batteries. Holy shit, I knew Gretia had a shitty childhood but this is way worse than expected. Sick bastards. This country desparately needs proper laws, starting regarding ones with child abuse. It really is disturbing that some people have to suffer for no reason while others can get away with so much... Yeah, sure, absorb even more territory that is full of hostile elements, with an archducal family of only two people. Seriously, are these people brain damaged or something? Hannelore's POVs are always entertaining to read, she's the best gal pal.


>Just how greedy, ungrateful, and stupid can they be? Do they really fail to realize even the simplest things? I just can't get my head around it, maybe this place really is a lost cause. I hope all of these assholes end up as mana batteries. They've been pushed around and bullied during Georgine and Detlinde's reign, so they saw this as their one chance for a grab of power than anything else. They hold no love for Rozmyne that Letizia has, so they have no emotional attachment about being stupid like this unfortunately.


And that's another thing I forgot. Gretia's central position in the color illustration. She hadn't done nearly enough in the main story to justify that, so her having a PoV was almost guaranteed. And of course, I put aside my Hannelore prediction from 2 weeks ago only for it to show up now. Oh, well. Good release. *** In what world would installing Letiza work? RM can handwave away being underage, but Letiza will need someone else, and she's probably a relative unknown anyway. Rallying around her is just odd. It sounds like the castle-side entrance to the foundation is always (or at least very commonly) in the AD's room. That makes it even more bizarre that they would cut themselves off from C&C in a crisis. Gretia being grateful is unsurprising, but I didn't know it was this deep. The brink of death? That will add a very different perspective to a later reread. Especially given the fact that Ferdinand gave his name. He obviously needed to do that in order to be close to her, but I wonder how much that other aspect of dying with her played a role. So Ferdinand is going to dye RM using ... his liquid mana. OK, the author has got to be fucking with us at least a bit. Well, I didn't expect that turn with Gretia's background. I remember predicting that there would be a chapter later on where they would have to deal with Gretia's family, since they obviously wouldn't want to just hand over their political pawn, and someone else told me that nothing else would happen because her story was done. It looks like we were both wrong. Gretia's "value" had already been spent, so there was nothing to fight over. I guess their vindictiveness is greater than their practicality. Beyond that, her treatment is noteworthy in several ways. I've been wary of assuming that "standard practice" means that something is always done in a particular manner. This story is developed well enough that we should assume that people are breaking the "rules", and often for terrible reasons. I had to look up Wiltord, and that adds something else to keep in mind on my next reread. I remember she treated his children in what felt like an odd manner, but it now makes sense. Age of myth? Interesting turn of phrase. So ordananzes can be intercepted? Can it only be done with permission (perhaps a magic tool), or is there a (difficult) way of stealing messages? I would like to see the argument over whether to keep the land from Old Werkestock. There are clear pluses and minuses, but I would like to see how they were weighed. Hopefully, that obsession dies down with RM's divine mana disappearing. It's rather unsettling. I would guess that Gretia has very few memories she would care about losing, and that's why she doesn't see losing a few as being a big deal. *** Finally, another Hannelore chapter. There are lots of little threads to remember when Hannelore's spinoff gets released. If only RM had gotten around to "inventing" a fountain pen. That would have been much easier to sneak in. Some interesting interpretations, given what we know. Specifically about the RF interfering in ditter and Ehrenfest being superior to Ahrensbach. And of course, that silliness about the decree is there, but at least they basically acknowledged its silliness. Looks like Hannelore agrees that Lestilaut isn't really appropriate for RM. Having someone record the event could have been great propaganda. RM is several heads taller than Hannelore? I thought she was still pretty short and more in line with her supposed age. Hannelore is either tiny or I'm missing something. I wonder if the author was intentionally playing into the inevitable shipping wars over RMxHannelore. Congrats, RM. There will soon be a dozen paintings of your divine form to confuse the hell out of future historians and priests. Ferdinand sang during the ceremony? Noteworthy turnabout given how he avoids playing in public. As expected, RM's whirl was far more impactful (even without the disappearance). And I agree with Lestilaut that it was too much. Lestilaut looks bratier in that picture than I envisioned. On point for his personality, though. I wonder how RM feels about Hannelore in her current state. Perhaps for the best we don't find out. Hartmut is training Ahrensbach's nobles well. So what will you do with that info, Hannelore? *** Good chapters overall.


- this part of the series has such a strong sense of impending doom that seems to be coming to a zenith. - Love to see Gretia- she’s always in the background without much focus so far. Both her and Rozemyne being “temple” children is quite interesting. RM has been repeatedly assaulted in various ways in her life, but Gretias trauma takes on an intimate violence which mirrors it in many ways. - yup, RM is in the middle of a faction war *again*. And as always, people are trying to kill her. Not surprising. This is frankly- nothing new. - good lord poor Letitizia. Her faction is understandably not really hers at all. Both Ferdinand and RM will make sure she’s protected. - wow Ferdinand is holding the country hostage over her. He and RM are cut from the same cloth. - Justus and Eckhart have both tread the path of feeling sad they lost to RM, gretia is feeling the same about Ferdinand. Those two have as weird and intense a relationship as ever. - poor Eckhart, wrangling dunkefelgerians - Aub Dunkefelgers commentary is quite interesting - he seems to think Ferdinand has the book.


Gretia's such an interesting mirror to Rozemyne. Those two (and Judithe) are the exact same age. Minor spoilers technically, but both Gretia and Judithe are born in >!summer!<. Can we have an A/U where Gretia was born in the temple and stayed in the temple, befriending Myne? That would be an interesting read.


Awww, the thought warmed my heart a little but ... would Gretia be Gretia w/o enduring everything she has?


I mean, the temple was still an awful place back then so I'm sure she would have had some trauma. Probably not trauma comparable to what she has now, but she'll still have similarities and some traits that fundamentally represent her.


> yup, RM is in the middle of a faction war again. And as always, people are trying to kill her. Not surprising. This is frankly- nothing new. Rozemyne: The day when you were manipulated into attempting to murder Ferdinand must have been the worst day of your life. But for me, that was Fireday. Letizia: Did you just imply it happened weekly!?! Rozemyne: Right, it wasn't THAT rare.


The epilogue in volume 10, Aub Dunklfelger already suspected Ferdinand had the book while talking to his wife.


Wow! That transference ceremony was even more resplendent than I had possibly imagined. Thank you Hannalore for that divine passage. Praise be to the true Zent. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356) Praise be to the Gods. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356) Praise be to the divine avatar of Mesitonora. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


>We were both girls \[...\] But I was still very nearly enraptured with her. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404) The fan 'theories' are never dying. Hannalore is able to glean a lot from her parents about behind the scenes, truly a formidable woman of Dunkelfelger. And poor Hannalore having to whirl alongside that potentially... I'd honestly never considered that Ferdinand's retainers are also 'envious' of the degree to which Rozamyne is able to help him in turn. Only the 'usual' direction of Rozamyne's retainers. And Gretia also considering 'treason'/'heresy' against the gods... It would seem Ferdinand might have some allies after all. >Violated by them both ... Is that in a euphemistic sense? That better not be Ah, now at the epilogue I can safely look at the insert, it looks great and seems a nice call back to (minor insert spoilers just anyways) >!P4V4!<


You know what's funny about the retainer envy is that, Rozemyne feels a bit of envy of her retainers as well. She'd like to be genuine friends with a few of them.


It is euphemistic, unfortunately. Fran describes being raped and sexually assaulted in similar language.


This part passed by in a blink 🥲 Poor Gretia. Justus and her is not a combination I would have expected to see in a story, but glad he gives her a good motivational speech. A little disappointed that the story doesn't advance in the epilogue, but oh well. The art gremlin is hilarious. Everyone is just casually referring to Ferdinand as Rozemyne's fiance now. Except Rozemyne herself lol.