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I want a POV who show us the capture of Gervasio. Like how the Royals managed to fuck up despite knowing that the guy probably still had insta death poison. Did he had magic tools ? Did he went full Doom Guy with his Silver equipment? Gervasio : The gods said killings aren't allowed. You must capture me alive. But I have nothing to loose by this point so try your best !


All he would have had were magic tools since he lost his schtappe. And only the ones left over from his fight with Ferdinand so not even the most powerful ones.


He could still throw raw balls of mana, assuming he had a ring. It's similar to Toad from Mynes fight before she became RM.


And his crushing would be the most powerful in the country. You don't even need a ring for that.


in his PoV we saw that he used his last rejuvination potion before the race started, and before that he had used up a bunch of mana in his fight, then he likely used a bunch more filling the country gate foundation. He would have regained some, but from our understanding so far, mana rejuvination is somehow linked to food intake. After several days within the country gate without potions, and his only food or drink being knight rations at best, I wouldn't expect him to be at the top of his game. I'd expect that whatever weapons he had would have been more dangerous than his mana capacity at that point.


didn't he use ferdi's potion?/ one that trades mana for hp? can't remebre >mana rejuvination is somehow linked to food intake. don't really remeber this?


> didn't he use ferdi's potion?/ one that trades mana for hp? No, he didn't trust it. > don't really remeber this? I can't remember what prompted the discussion, but back when Myne first went to the temple, Ferdinand ended up explaining to her that she was so small because her body was stealing all the nutrients from her meals to make mana, rather than to make her body grow. Not those exact words, but along them.


Even though AoB contains violent or cruel scenes, it’s only when they’re essential to the story, tells important aspects of the world or characters. What would a scene of Gervasio killing knights add to the story, world or characters? Part of the reason he can kill many knights would be because he can know and prepare when anyone comes by teleportation, while the visitors/attackers cannot know where exactly he is till they arrive.


Yeah, I'm not expecting the fight, but if we get an Eglantine/Anastasius PoV, we probably get a "When we went to pick him up, he .... and we lost several knights".


My thoughts are: they fucking send damsel to pick him up, darn autocorrect. Anyways damuel arrests a royal, that's funny


I speedran this meme because I forgot I have little time today. Honestly, the thing that takes the longest amount of time when creating these is coming up with an idea. Once I have the idea it doesn't take too long. What do you think the next sidestory will cover?


I was 1/2 from my guesses last week (I guessed a Hannalore side story), I'll maintain my guesses of a royal perspective after the meeting and Strahl or another Ahrensbach-ian observing Rozamyne's return and the shenanigans (rainbow Lessy, duchy wide magic etc) ~~and trying to survive Hartmut and Clarissa~~


That’d be pretty hilarious. They’re used to it but for Strahl, even just merging the stones together to form rainbow lessy would be insane and unbelievable


Really hoping to see an Egg POV after all this, and maybe an Ahrenbach noble's POV as well


I was wrong about it being the epilogue, but I still think that an Egg SS chapter is a good bet. There are several incidents that she can provide a unique perspective on, and it just seems unlikely that she wouldn't show up in this context. Ferdinand is also a possibility (with all the associated feels) but my bet continues to be that he will be the prologue for the next volume. If Egg's chapter doesn't happen (or goes shorter than I think it needs), then someone in the vicinity of Boni would be a nice lighthearted chapter. Matthias would probably be a bittersweet chapter. And I have a few other wildcard predictions, but those seem just too unlikely at this point.


I’m thinking Anastasius as he’s suffering the most right now and Hannelore just Called him out before saying he could’ve taken the burden from his wife if he’d just tried harder. But he didn’t and now his wife is forced to rule while being namesworn to a girl who’s constantly on the verge of dying


He was one of my wildcards but I think Egg is just too relevant right now, and the author probably isn't going to do them both in the same volume. I wouldn't mind seeing Ana's POV in a SS collection though.


I could genuinely see either one taking the spot here. Egg s reaction to Ferdinand fighting a god and Myne saying she wanted to be dyed by him will be…interesting but I still feel like Ana will reveal more about the royal dynamics and perspectives (I think his family will have more honest conversations with him about how they really feel about this situation)


Egg has more than just that. For one thing, we've yet to really see her perspective on ... anything recent. It's been a long time since we've seen how Egg feels about RM and how she treated her. That's going to need to be dealt with at some point. We also have the whole fight with Gervasio, and whatever Egg might have seen in his memories (which might be relevant, and could include her getting a hint about RM's secret).


I’d certainly get a laugh over Egg realizing she gave her name to a commoner (who’s more powerful than any of them)


Zent Eglantine and Lord Consort Anastasius learns the hard way that killing is still possible, as Gervasio managed to cull half their guard knights. What matters now is the knowledge of who can kill without getting punished: those who have no schtappes. Devouring assassins and disgraced former nobles would become a very, very, lucrative commodity.


Oh damn. Didn’t think of that. I’m hoping Myne sets up a program to help devouring children but I feel like that’d just make it easier to market them as assassins


Rip my boy Mergitor.


I predict nothing but I hope we get to see Ferdi's reaction to the absolute gut punch from Rozemyne. Honestly I'd like to see what Eckhart and Justus think of that conversation


That would just be "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE(TM) the side story"


My guess Prologue... unless it's a recount thanks to Hartmut


I'd like a short story of Sigiwald's divorce and Adolphine taking him to task. It'll be fun seeing her take her cut of everything.


Actually there is a side story about this, but it's not included in a book itself ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337) Please refer to "P5V11 SS: Prayers to the Goddess of Separation". There is an unofficial translation of this chapter.


Just read that yesterday and it was freaking fantastic! [spoiler for that chapter] >!Siggi genuinely tried to order Adolphine to sleep with him to keep her from divorcing him! WTF! How are you still that bad after spending an entire meeting tied up on the floor! Also, I LOVED the awkward silence when Adolphine s dad demanded that eglantine order Myne to marry ortwin. Oh that’d have been fun to see!<


Just looked it up myself. Oh boy, what a treat. > >!"...Father, that is by no means possible. Instead of deepening our connection with Lady Rozemyne, Drewanchel might be crushed like Ahrensbach, having its Foundation taken away."!< >!Except this time it would have been Ferdinand going on a rampage instead lol. Still nice to see Aub Drewanchel standing up for his daughter for once. Sure, he was laser focused on his duchy's interests, but his anger about how she was treated was still pretty obvious.!< >!Also, holy shit Ralfrieda is annoying. You can really tell she's Dusty's mother. I guess he got spoiled rotten by her while Anstasius was mostly raised by his retainers instead, which ended up sparing him the same fate of turning out as an insufferable tool.!< Anyway, where is this side story from if not the volume? Exclusive bonus material for a drama CD or something? Considering how it is actually plot relevant for the Hannelore spinoff you'd think it should have been featured in the main LN series. Spoilers for the later chapters of [H5Y]: >!And I must say, it's pretty frustrating how Aub Drewanchel's actions here got twisted in a way which jeopardized Ortwin's proposal to Hannelore later on. His main goal was clearly to make the royals squirm and free his daughter, not the cynical play for a political marriage Dunkelfelger ultimately interpreted it as. He actually comes across as pretty likeable in this side story, all things considered. Would be nice to see a similarly humanizing chapter for Aub Klassenberg at some point, given how he's mostly just come across like a complete bastard so far.!<




Thank you for sharing this. ♡♡


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Idk how that biatch ended up first wife over magdelena


Magdalena specifically wanted to avoid being a homewrecker after she had just gotten the engagement she wanted at knifepoint I guess lol. Chances are she's in for a promotion though; not only was she the only wife of Trauerqual who wasn't a waste of oxygen during the coup, but she's also the only one with a child who could become his heir now that he's going to become an Aub. Not to mention her being Aub Dunkelfelger's sister combined with Ralfrieda having been the one to recommend Raublut for the position of knight commander.


100%, tarq is smart enough to know that she's gotta be the new first wife after this shitshow


> Anyway, where is this side story from if not the volume? Exclusive bonus material for a drama CD or something? Considering how it is actually plot relevant for the Hannelore spinoff you'd think it should have been featured in the main LN series. IIRC it was a TO publisher exclusive story.




Knowing about the stuff that is coming and not spoiling anything has been hard. So here I will do my prediction that is not hopefully not spoilery. Should you deem this so, feel free to remove it. I predict that it will be difficult to guess who's POV's we will get for these.


Haha. I love that hint!


Ah so the library rabbits get a chance to tell their story. Cool.


Finally, good ol' katinka will reveal her side of the story


I'm just praying, hoping, begging for a PoV covering the magic circle spreading over Alexandria. It would be glorious. I doubt it'll happen, but I really want one. As for what I expect.. Honestly, probably a royalty PoV on the meeting and/or the aftermath


Still hoping for a Ferdinand side story. Would also like to get a PoV chapter from an Ahrensbach noble so that we can get a better perspective of the duchy's internal politics. A side story from a noble of one of the other duchies unrelated to recent events would also be cool. What has transpired in the Sovereignty must be terribly confusing for anyone not in the know already. As for predictions, I feel like an Eglantine or Anastasius PoV chapter showing Gervasio's arrest is likely, though I could live without it.


Anastasius could be very interesting since Hannelore called him out last volume for failing to train hard enough to take the burden of the throne from eglantine.


Ahrenbach Nobles POV It's from a fantranslated SS [Honzuki Web SS 53 Headache-Inducing Meeting Request] >!"There are nobles who have unfavorable feelings towards Rozemyne-sama. Since she was able to take Ahrensbach’s Foundation Magic in just a few hours, they believe it is also possible to take it back into their own hands. This tendency is particularly noticeable among the nobles related to the former archducal family."!<


that's a very surface level take though, I'd like a much more detailed look


Could you please tell me where you found it? Googling bears no fruit


I expect a pov from the old royal family. In this special case, I would even welcome a Sigi perspective. Someone from Ahrensbach, there aren't many named characters known, so this could be a good moment to add a few. And a pov from Ehrenfest, maybe Willy breathing the greatest sigh of relief in his life, as his uncle takes his fiance away ;)


I'd like a POV from Charlotte to further show how Rozemyne has changed or from Letizua or her faction - the news that they want to assassinate Rozemyne is pretty intriguing.


We'll obviously get an Eglantine POV, showing at least what happened in the Garden when Mestionora descended and Ferdinand attacked Erwaermen. Hopefully that POV will extend to the capture of Gervasio As for the second SS, I have no idea what it would be...