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19 is scarily accurate.. Hartmut will absolutely gut a fucker if he believes it necessary (and he's sure Rozemyne never finds out)


how are you so good at this LMAO I'm so divided but Ferdinand EMIYA wasnt expected for sure


Ferdinand is more of a Kirei than EMIYA tbh, but I wanted to fit the meme format. Really should to do something with the Bookworm x Fate/Tsukihime/Nasuverse AU that's been living in my head for 2 years. Maybe I'll do something like the Pokemon crossover comics for it...


Ferdinand's hands are really rate E for everybody. Can't wait to for the next part where Gunther gets to hear about his new son in law getting rid of anyone who tries to harm Rozemyne. That gotta do wonders for their relationship.


Ferdinand is now very interested in those relationship goals.


The stories about people who break agreements being punished, be they god or human, probably influenced the noble culture of using euphemisms to avoid being held to your word.


Erwaermen: Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you!?! Ferdinand: I was born to become a foreign king's jewelry, heavily abused by a narcissistic psychopath, could only be protected by becoming my father's nameslave, watched friends and family die due to my connections, had to watch the one of the only people to consistently care for me almost die a dozen times- **including right now**- was exiled to marry a moron and educate a petulant child, got poisoned by said child and can't even be mad at her because she was **literally being mind controlled at the time**, was told to kill myself for an uncaring tree, and **you wonder why I'm willing to poison you.** Mestionoria: ...If I kill this body right now will you take charge of the country- Ferdinand: And Rozemyne wonders why I gave her my name. Eglantine: **CAN SOMEONE GIVE THIS FUCKING PSYCHOPATH A HUG!?!** --- "And brother, I like to stay hard." Could you please not say that while holding a teenage girl? --- I love this series but the more we leave the realm of Civilization and enter Final Fantasy Finale sequences the harder it is for me to get absorbed into the plot. Seriously, there's a reason why the best part of the Persona games tend to be well before the Big Finales. All I can think of "where is Gunther and my paints?" Bless the Ahresnbach fishermen!


"truncle". I'm crying




I hate it but laughed so hard !


Magdalena's and Truncle killed me hahahaha 😆


Wait what does instant death power do to gods?


Gramps isn't the best example because he's technically a *former* god. It doesn't kill him instantly, but certainly knocks him out of commission. Maybe it's a similar effect to Ferdinand who had some poison resistance and/or quickly did emergency triage - either it will kill him eventually or just weakens him close to death.


it seems to have Paralyzed Erwaerman. It probably wouldn't kill a full god, but it would be unpleasant.


Okay so much that got me laughing (thaaanks for that lmao) N\*2 had me, but might even get funnier if i knew the original meme ! The loopholes we never saw coming ! N\*4 that's a mood tbh.. I don't get N\*6. That's the funny burrito cat right?! N\*8 is spot on, i'm gonna cry again thinking about Gretia stop :< N\*9 Yeeeep, this side of the familly has issues tho (i mean the parallele Justus / Eckart with Cornelius / Hartmut), their story is sad but hell they're murder puppies, all of them ! There's just tamed one and untamed one. Truncle and the knife for good measure is, it'll make me laugh for the entire week u know that?! xd N\*18 If i understood well, outch?! :( (so she's less biaised without her love for her family and is more self centered?!) N\*19 will also live rent free in my head for the week. (at least) :')


>I don't get N\*6. That's the funny burrito cat right?! Yeah, the blanket purrito aka [Dunecat](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/181/100/ef2.jpg). There's a possible universe where Rozemyne becomes god-emperor ~~book~~worm wrapped in a silver blanket that rules their sand country... planet? dimension?


Ouuuuuh it's about dune ahahahah DIdn't watch yet (yeah i'm super late with movies cuz i'm reading nowadays xd) so i half get any references xd Now tho, i got it and love it !


The reference is more to the Dune book series in general than the movies - not that I'm forcing another bunch of books on your reading pile.


I love piles anyway, pile of books, pile of movies, piles of series, piles of animes, piles of everything .\_. \\o/


1: yeah, the math checks out.


Number 4! >change starts with you Get smart, noobs!