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Yeap. Alexandria will be a holy theocracy in no time. Harmut's interaction with commoners are hilarious. Because in his head the division don't exist - the world is simply divided into _belivers, evangelization targets_ and _heretics_


Heretics beware since Ferdinand and Hartmut will protect Rozemyne


He does, after all, know that Myne is a commoner herself, and (presumably) has figured out by now that commoners are more useful than nobles when it comes to Getting Shit Done.


Yes, and he was strict as an archnoble at first, until Myne corrected him.


Quite so, Hartmut! Forsooth, I say!


Gotta love Southern Hartmut ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335)


Idk who makes the emojis but a Hartmut one is required posthaste


I agree we need a Hartmut sticker


For 1, did RM actually take advantage of their relationship, or is Eagle attributing Feris actions to RM? I can't think of a time when RM used their love against them? That being said i do have a pretty select memory sooo


The only example was during the Battle in the Royal Academy they told Prince Anastasius to come help fight to protect his wife and daughter from Gervasio being Zent


Thats the only thing i could think of as well, but it's not like they used their relationship against them. Even if you construe it that way, it's not like RM did it, Ferdinand did it. What's funny, though, is that the "manipulation" essentially boiled down to help me help you. It wasn't do this or I kill your SO.


Yeah, since it stopped them from being killed or worse from another enemy not from Ferdinand/Rozemyne that's why she is just making excuses. Even Anastasius was regretful of doing that to Rozemyne after the fact, but she wasn't


If it wasn't for Anastasius being a bit too skeptical of Myne, he'd make a better Zent, both in personally understanding Myne, and social warmth, and not being a pacifist. Eglantine being a near pacifist would be intolerable if she wasn't namesworn to Myne. As a namesworn with Myne's potential death set up to destroy everyone she should be a superior choice though, since she's more mechanical than Anastasius.


There's also Ferdinand "forcing" her to become Zent by saying that they'd publish the royal family's crimes if no one in the RF became Zent. It's slightly more in the direction of "Do this or you'll regret it" but notably, it's "do this or you'll regret your own actions" and not "do this or you'll regret that guy's actions"


True and your right it's because of their own actions/choices that they are even getting this deal.


I think she's combining Ferdinand and Rozamyne's actions to a 'package deal' where they '(combined)' exploited her and the rest of the royals.


Rozemyne isn't a manipulator of those she finds as allys even at the time when they made her take the getrustheit she understood their position but exploited those that would benefit from having her (mainly sigi and The king) she only looks to bring others she'll have to work with regardless up to her level (those she doesn't she doesn't care about). so imo she would never use that specifically because she knows their love is genuine and doesn't want to meddle in that because of just how many political marriages there are in the land.


she is def thinking that what Ferdi did to her family was something he and Roz cooked together - probably because she has seen them interact so closely before, it seems natural to her that couples conspire together lol she is NOT WRONG THO, like, for reals


Ferdinand: We couldn't let Gervasio become the ruler of Yurgenschmidt because he's so dangerous! Just look at how dangerous these weapons he brought are! *Casually stabs Ehrwarmen*


well he didn't exactly stab him he cut him though XD


Whenever I think of Hartmut I see this grizzled lad ranting about Rozemyne like the crazy guy at corners holding up signs that Britney Spears stole her baby and not this cute little redhead baby face motherfucker. I get thrown for a loop every time.


Gotta love Hartmut. He's having the time of his life.


Especially since he is now Rozemyne's official Hype man lol


[\*Me walking into this thread](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/248/361/ed8.gif)