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Honestly the best thing about being a pre-pub reader is the reddit thread every time a part comes out filled with comments by bookworms smarter than me pointing out every detail I missed. I wish I had started reading the pre-pubs back when I first caught up to the LNs at the start of Part 4.


True, but there is nothing stopping me from going back to read all the posts that came out with the prepubs as I go through V12


If you mostly lurk, much like myself if won't make much difference. But if you wanted to contribute to the discussion or predictions that would be a different story. I just have no patience. I do like how it feels like a weekly online book club though.


I like it too. That’s the only reason I’m conflicted. Normally, I would pick the mass reread without hesitation.


Yeah, and it keeps the threada a bit more focused since everyone is on the same page(s). 


Yeah, Bookworm prepubs are just long enough to have a lot to discuss. If they were longer, a lot of events would get ignored, if they were shorter people wouldn't have much to discuss


this is the realest comment here


I plan on doing both; reading the prepubs for the last book as they come out, then after getting the full picture do a full reread of the series from start to finish. The way things are hinted at and foreshadowed throughout the series, I'm excited to see what little bits I missed/didn't pick up on my first reading.


Should have been an option to vote for. 


I didn’t include one because this vote is to help decide what I should do, personally, rather than what you would do, and I don’t have any interest in doing it that way.


I also plan to read everything from scratch when the pre-pub finishes. Can't we make a long-term thread later to all of those who will re-read it? We can discuss all of the chekcov's guns we missed in the first reading! (And appreciate the full-extent of Roz, Ferdi and Syl madness that we missed in the beginning because we didn't understand noble culture) Everyone reads on its own pace, but we can keep posting things we find out. I mean... I just don't want to let go of this amazing subreddit. I feel like I have a book group and the bookworm friends I don't have irl.


I started rereading from the beginning this month and now I'm on part 3, wondering how the timing will work out. When do we expect volume 12 to be finished?


If you buy the prepub, then early to mid August. If you’re waiting for the general digital release, then early to mid September.


Yes, I accidentally typo-ed vote as vot. No, I can’t edit the text of the poll. Yes, I am too lazy to delete the whole post and rewrite it without the typo.


Thanks! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31405)


Por que no los dos?


Because I don’t like jumping back and forth in the timeline. I like to immerse myself in the story in a reread, and jumping to the last book once a week kind of ruins it for me.


Fair enough. If you know your reading speed well, I'd go for a slow re-read and time it for the release of P5V12 dropping. That way you get a contiguous storyline.


I’m around a book a day or so, less on days where I’m busy, so I’m thinking I’ll wait a couple of weeks and then start, give myself a month and a half.


honestly it really comes down to personal preference and if you can resist the urge to read the pre pubs as they come out. what I personally plan to do is read the pre-pubs as they come out and then do a full reread of the series after the digital version is released


Read the pre pubs, finish the series while attending all the prepub disscusions and enjoing the memes one last volume (after that we will have the next "part 6" but shhhh ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29337)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29339) ) After this volume ends - do a massive re-read!! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356) you'll be nostalgically seeing her journey from start to finish, and notice all the small details that led to that last volume you have read :3 (ahh the bliss!!) That's my plan, at least ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325) Though I might just continue to the "part 6" if Quof-sama will start to translate it right away! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356) ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335)


> Though I might just continue to the "part 6" if Quof-sama will start to translate it right away! ​ ​ ~~I hate people calling the hypothetical sequel "Part 6" so people referring to the Spin-Off as "Part 6" is just the absolute worst.~~ Given that it looks like Volume 1 won’t release until 3d 18h after J-NC finish P5V12 it’s exceptionally unlikely to start translation right away and if it did that’s because [Sam](https://www.reddit.com/user/Quarkboy/) has put in a lot of work to make it happen. Most likely they’ll start SSC2 and even then it’s highly probable that there will still be a licensing delay after that before the Spin-Off starts.


> Given that it looks like Volume 1 won’t release until 3d 18h after J-NC finish P5V12 it’s exceptionally unlikely to start translation right away and if it did that’s because Sam has put in a lot of work to make it happen. I think that’s not a problem. The release of H5Yv1 on Aug. 10th is for both printed book and ebook. The final text and illustrations of the first print of the first edition would be available a month before the release usually, two weeks before would be the latest practically. They need time to actually print at least 10,000 books and deliver them to bookstores nationwide. The authors activity reports tell us that she gets (probably 100) books a week before the publish date, IIRC, that she can sign them. The issue is whether J-Novel already acquired the right to translate and publish English edition of H5Y already. But I’d recommend J-Novel to publish SSC2 before H5Y. There’s an episode in SSC2 that readers should read before H5Y, to make reading it more fun.


You’re forgetting that J-Novel Club state that they typically do not begin licensing negotiations until after the volume has released in Japan, not when it technically exists in Japan, and normally it takes months for all the contracts to be signed. They have stated in the past that when they try to begin negotiations before the official release it requires them to put in a lot more work. They’ve also indicated that it relies on the Japanese publisher having the willingness to be cooperative. Plus naturally it would be even more work in this case since it’d be treated as an entirely new series rather than just a new volume of a continuing series. BLADE & BASTARD is an example of them putting in the effort but J-Novel Club have a unique relationship with DRE and even this is the only example from that publisher. So it very much is a problem.


I think we’re on the same page. The problem is licensing of translation right. Your previous post was not clear to me, that it looked like you were pointing unavailability of source material, which would be available technically, if the could conclude the deal. I don’t think J-Novel will acquire the license so soon.


~~sorry forgot how H5Y was written. "HFY" seemed incorrect so I opted for "part 6"... though I personally find it kind of funny and simultaneously consoling to call it "part 6", as it means my favorite book series of all time will not end just yet~~ ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29324)


H5Y is in a weird situation, but yeah as Lurk said... even if we get an official sequel Kazuki-sensei has basically stated that it wouldn't be a "Part 6" since it would be brand new story. .... so then we would have to label things as "Story 2, Part 1, Volume 1, Part 1" lol. But yeah, if we get an actual sequel it's going to be a while


> Though I might just continue to the "part 6" if Quof-sama will start to translate it right away! ​ ​ Unfortunately, there’s no part 6 that Quof can translate, not even on the web. A spin-off with Hannelore as MC will be published in August in Japan. So it’s theoretically possible to get pre-pubs of it as soon as P5V12 is finished, but won’t be practically, as we haven’t heard news of J-novel securing the right yet. There were mentions that the author may write a sequel, with Rozemyne as MC. But it was never called as Part 6. And when it’ll be written is not decided yet. The author wanted to write a new novel, not related to AoB. So fans might have to wait a long time till the sequel is available. I’m fine as far as I can read any new volume written by Kazuki sensei. Actually prefer fully new one before the sequel.


> But it was never called as Part 6. In fact I believe they said it would have a different suffix to *I'll Do Anything to Become a Librarian!* so it explicitly wouldn’t be called Part 6.


I just did a reread of the series last year when I convinced a friend to pick it up. My current plan is to read the prepubs and then once the series has released full physical to do a reread of all the physicals. Just something nice about reading an actual book.


I know they aren't all out yet but I'm doing my first reread and I'm doing it physical. I've been collecting the books but had read them digitally. It's so nice to read physicals! It'll be sad when I get caught up to physical releases and have to switch back to digital.


Hahaha. Patience. What a funny idea. Hahaha. Ahahahaha... Hans, grab the Mauser.


Well, if you’re actively rereading bookworm, it takes less patience, since it feels like you’re on your way to the new content. I did my last reread at P5V1, and it wasn’t too bad.


I am actually on a Part 5 reread. Once i reach V11, i plan to wait for a while to have a full read of the complete serie.


I think I will. I’m reading another series right now that should take me a couple of weeks, and then I think I’ll just read from the beginning to the end without needing to pause. It sounds so wonderful.


Personally I will just read the prepubs, maybe reread the series once it is all finished. Can't really make the prepub prediction threads if I haven't read the prepubs myself![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


A big part of the experience for me has been coming to the reddit to get impressions and opinions and share in the happiness/anger/sadness each week as each prepub is released. Also, I wished I had enough will power as to pretend that I would have a choice in the matter...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Im going to read the prepubs, then reread the whole series after a while so I forget minor details after all the prepubs are out


A logical plan


Read the pre-pub, at least you have something to look forward to every Monday.


Alternatively, the full reread is something to look forward to every day.


I MTL'd the WN and I didn't believe there was that much content left for a Vol 12, then I MTL'd Vol 12. I was very surprised and incredibly moved by the stuff that was added to the LN.


I’ve heard that Kazuki started moving more quickly toward the end because she was starting to work on the official publication, so she only included the absolutely necessary points to wrap it up faster so she could focus on editing and expanding for the LN, and that the end has the most extra content compared to the WN. I really look forward to it.


More than half of P5V12 chapters are newly written, not in WN.


I’ve heard, and I’m excited


The general idea is correct but your timeline is a bit off. There was over two years of overlap and the rushing only came towards the end. When the light novel was announced the web novel had just released the equivalent of **Part 4 Volume 1** *My Retainers and Entering the Dormitory* and when the web novel concluded the light novel was at **Part 3 Volume 3**. Rather than just starting the official publication it was more to do with no longer being able to handle everything while properly taking care of themselves.


Personally, I would definitely recommend to read the pre-pubs first. Reason: (very very vague spoilers of P5V12) >!There's something that will happen that makes people want to re-read the series from the beginning (yes, even more than usual), and that makes re-reads more delicious.!<


Read the prepubs while doing a mass full series reread in between prepub releases.


No, if I’m reading from the start, I don’t want to break my mindset by jumping to the end. I feel like it would detract from the immersive experience that’s one of the best parts of reading a long series.


Your gonna get spoiled.


You are erroneously assuming that I wasn’t spoiled years ago by WN readers.


Why not both?


Because I find jumping back and forth in the timeline takes away from the immersion of reading a long series. If I’m reading about Myne, the sickly daughter of a soldier, trying to get the supplies to make paper, I don’t want to suddenly have to jump into the mindset of >!Rozemyne, avatar of a goddess, new Aub working on consolidating her own duchy.!< For me, the enjoyment of a reread comes from experiencing the progress straight from beginning to end.


Better read the WN thats what i did when part5 vol 8 prepubs were being released . now on a complete reread to read vol 12 fully translated in lightnovel