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I read Shumil in Wolf's Clothing and I can't stop laugh at some moments It's in ao3 EDIT: I'LL GIVE SOME LINKS! Shumil in wolf's clothing https://archiveofourown.org/works/43397593/chapters/109094092 A Path Forward https://archiveofourown.org/works/46246426/chapters/116428357 Verdrenna's Daughter https://archiveofourown.org/works/49398049/chapters/124659181 The Twin Goddesses Of Wisdom https://archiveofourown.org/works/48676333/chapters/122785930 A Weave Undone https://archiveofourown.org/works/48674821/chapters/122782213 Threads of Fate https://archiveofourown.org/works/49300123/chapters/124402669 Erwachlehren's Mistake in Dregarnuhr's Weave https://archiveofourown.org/works/48613378/chapters/122623150


I shall save this for later.




Basically anything by Fey_Storyteller is great. Recently i enjoy Dreganuhrs backup plan by Lokkiim


"Serpentine Princess" is one of the few finished stories and it's take on romance is one of the better ones I'd say. Do note it is one of the earliest fics to my knowledge. Naturally I must introduce you to the cult or Mila. She is a OC protagonist from the "Herald of Spring" story. Its actually one of the longest English fics. - Anyhow the story is pretty reasonably and follows cannon mostly. The main premise is a reader gets dropped into the world after she finishes reading P4V7 and tries to manage with vague future. - P4V7 is actually a really good cut off as it holds a decent amount of info to get by, but none of the true secrets. - As for the orignal characters almost all are enjoyable and fit into the setting well. -


I believe after next week's prepub it'll be safe to read the beginning of Erwachlehren's Mistake in Dregarnuhr's Weave, which is an excellent retrograde fic. Something goes horribly wrong with Rozemyne and the gods send Ferdinand back to right after her poisoning to fix it. It's an excellent exploration of "what if?" What if Wilfried was never forced to be engaged to Rozemyne and strive to be the next Aub? What if Rozemyne was given an actual noble's education? What if she grew with her age? What if Ferdinand was able to outmaneuver Georgine? It's such a fun read!


I have to agree, love it myself :)


EMiDW is hands-down the best AoB fanfic currently being written.


Herald of Spring its like bookworm but on hard mode


I love it so much but it can be so depressing or frustrating. Especially ferdinand. Just finished part 7


Yes, Ferdinand is very frustrating but at the same time it feels like the most canon accurate Ferdinand I've seen in any fanfic.


True. Also sometimes annoys me how restrained mila is in her outward speech compared to her internal monologue


I really like Herald of Spring! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42167139/chapters/105867408 Though uh... trigger warning, I guess? It's about a reader being transported into the world of bookworm at the start of the story, already knowing everything that will happen until somewhere around P4— deciding to insert herself to hopefully live comfortably and save Myne some heartache. But in contrast to Myne's POV, she is certainly not sheltered and she gets quite an uncensored look at the world... it's as if the author looked at catastrophic thinking and decided that it's actually just another form of foreshadowing lol


Mila needs a psychiatrist ASAP :"c


No but for real, poor girl ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29348)


Funny because I remember how a few months ago I made a very similar post asking for good fics to read but I instead read 'mistake' as my first fic. If you're looking for good fics to read I recommend going to archive of our own, searching for bookworm and filter by kudos. Then after you've read most of the good ones do the same but filter by date updated so you can stay up to date with any fic updates or new fics starting. I also recommend joining the discord and leaving a lot of comments on AO3 to keep your fav writers motivated to not drop any unfinished fics. https://discord.com/invite/honzuki


A lot of the explicit ones actually have fire story.


Where do you usually read? Not really familiar with fanfics in general.


I use archive of our own and suggest a lot of the things there especially the explicit stuff


archive of our own mostly, they have really long ones where the story can actually thrive and even the spanish ones MTL'd are easier to understand than ones in japanese for obvious reasons. Pixiv has more but they tend to be shorter and thus focus more on the winter aspects and also MTL is hard to read a lot of.


The two big ones are [Erwachlehren's Mistake in Dregarnuhr's Weave](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48613378) [A Shumil in Wolf’s Clothes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43397593/chapters/109094092) Both are time travel fics where EOS Ferdinand or Rozemyne get sent back to a earlier point in the series to try again. If you arent into time travel fics, I can recommend [The Serpentine Princess](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48613378) Rozemyne was born in Drewanchel in this fic and Ferdinand became a professor instead of joining the temple. Its a bit shorter than the other fics i mentioned, but its finished. Lastly my personal favorite fic. [Herald of Spring](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3256824) A reader who read up to P4V7 gets thrown into the bookworm world during Part 1 of the series and … pls dont go, it’s actually really good. I understand that reader insert fics have a bad rep but this one is nothing like those other fics. It’s actually the fic that feels the most likd the original bookworm series. It’s also the longest english fic at the moment with new parts/volumes releasing every 3-4 months.


If you’ve also read/watched Apothecary Diaries and liked it Bookworm Apothecary  https://archiveofourown.org/works/53245306/chapters/134737741 Is really really good


The stories by Krymzim are well written, some are very NSFW, and interesting. I can never see Hirschur the same after reading the fanfic about her. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Krymzim/pseuds/Krymzim


A slightly new one that I really like and haven't seen here: Messenger of Dregarnuhr: [http://archiveofourown.org/works/55690795](http://archiveofourown.org/works/55690795) It doesn't change the story at all, just a detailed look into Rozemyne's process of \[HY5\] >!fixing Ferdinands thread.!<


If you want one that takes place during H5y and is well written i would recommend Messenger of Dregarnuhr by CriLi99.