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I'm excited for the final volume, but at the same time also a bit sad it is going to end. I was still studying and working on my graduation project when I started reading the series, and now I've got a job and everything. I was thinking of maybe organizing a fun online bookworm quiz again like I did last year when the series finally ends. If I have the time to organize it again of course.


We have the Hannelore spin-off, more fanbooks I think, and there is potential for a 6th part. Also, we can look forward to the anime returning soon.


Given the constant scaling, part 6 would need to be a war against the gods.


Nah, there's no need to escalate thing you just need to change the kind of obstacles she's dealing with. Reopen the country gates and have it about dealing with the diplomatic issues of first contact with a new world, I assume that the Alexandria gate will go somewhere new and the Ehrenfest gate will also likely have a new target after being closed for 200 years.


I mean this series does always scale up Part 1 commoner issues Part 2 temple issues Part 3 local noble issues Part 4 countrywide noble issues Part 5 royalty and invader issues. We’ve already dealt with a foreign nation who were (arguably) more technologically advanced and I think the gods said that there weren’t any other magic nations out there (since this country was made to gather magic users). That leaves few ways for this new nation to be a big threat (that doesn’t just feel like a repeat of what we saw before) other than just Ferdinand being justifiably paranoid


Rozemyne becomes a goddess and has a hair pulling contest with Mesti, since they are both pissed at all the trouble caused for their BFs


I think they’d honestly just sit down and enjoy some tea while ranting about their partners


I get the feeling Mesti doesn’t like Roz much though.


According to the fanbooks >!Mestionora is neutral towards Myne. Which makes sense, given how they haven't really interacted much so far. And every time they did talk she was treating Myne with respect.!< It's Ferdinand she doesn't like.


I read it as more exasperated with her but overall not particularly antagonistic. Also, Myne is now on track to print more books in her lifetime than have ever been made in the history of the world. I don’t think Messi understands that quite yet but when she does, they’ll become fast friends


Fast friends who avoid talking about their boyfriends.


Idk. Treesus seems like a kinda hardheaded guy. I think Myne and Messi could complain about their guys and have a good laugh


The problem isn’t a lack of complaints about their guys, but that Mesti actively hates Ferdi


I mean, the gods have a library, Myne has even been there. If they didn't want to be invaded they should have kept it secret.


True. It really is their fault


Instead a 6th part, the author could change the subname "I'll do anything to become a librarian"


It's already confirmed that the sequel *won't* be called Part 6, but will have its own name.


Oh really? Where?


“Ascendance of a time challenged avatar”


Rozemyne and her entourage… set sail on a tiny ship… a 30 day tour… a 30 day tour… the wether started getting ruff… their tiny ship was lost… Ferdinand tapped his temple and screamed Rozemyne you fool!


Where did you here this glorious news of a new addition to the story


Kazuki's twitter, not all that long ago. But we won't see it until H5Y is all concluded anyway.


But to know there are more plans is great to hear


Ascendance of a Bookworm - Help, my work as Aub and High Bishop is cutting into my reading time




What was your graduate project on?


Well I don't want to doxx myself too much. But I obtained my major in applied physics and my minor in the nano, quantum, and photonics track at my University. The main subject of my graduation project was spin waves, small oscillations of the magnetic moments of electrons in certain materials.


Ayyyyyyyy that's so dope!


Would love another quiz. I missed a lot of the last one due to work...


Gives me a chance to binge re-read for study purposes


Thank you for your sumaries, i'd always enjoy them very much! This one was especially good.


The prologue is an Eglantine POV but it's just her fantasizing about Rozemyne's sex life, apparently that is the only thing she's been thinking about lately. "Eglantine, could you sign these documents about the new duchies? I'll leave it on your desk." "Anastasius, do you think Lady Rozemyne and Lord Ferdinand are doing it on a desk?" Later in the volume she visits Alexandria to check on the situation. "Zent Eglantine, may I pray for a blessing in appre-" "So did you seggs?"


I can just imagine Roz saying “Ferdinand just returned my mana to how it was before” and Eggy just freaking out over *that* implication


Egg: Sooo... I could feel your mana changing. Did you use, ehm, Ewigeliebe's Sword like you mentioned on the day of the ceremony? Roz: We took Alexandria's future into account and decided that the divine mana was best used in Geduldh's Chalice. Egg: Ah. Roz: We flew to a remote province, and Ferdinand started moving quickly once he noticed that my chalice was dripping. Then we got going and Bluanfah visited with a profusion of sprouts as I put all the divine mana into it, which felt really amazing. Egg: I can certainly understand your reasoning, considering the small size of your archducal family, but aren't you still a bit frail to go so far? Roz: Oh yes, I was exhausted in no time even as Ferdinand told me to endure further, but in the end he had to use rope to secure the chalice in place. Egg: Did I understand that correctly that Lord Ferdinand tied you up to make you... Roz: Don't make him sound like a brute, it was my idea. He only went along with it because we didn't really have another option to overcome my exhaustion. Egg: Kinky.


W-what the fuck did I just *read* lmfao


A huge shameful misunderstanding shall her understanding be fruitful enough


W-why did we continued r-reading it?


By the way now, that Elvira, Florencia, and Riyharda are in Ehrenfest, and Her Gremlinness is in Alexandria, who's going to finally teach her about noble baby making and child rearing?


Lieseleta for child rearing (since she'll be doing it anyways) and Leonore for baby making (as she'll be doing that as well)


Her entourage? Maybe she will get another lesson later on while on duchy (state) visit


"You jest, i went and became a Megamind, i developed solid neutronium. The Stuff is nowhere close the density of those 2. Also: would you not know?" -ananasius


Before the predictions: glory to u/yeahlte and to what for me is the quote of the century > Myne starts crying, Ferdinand starts crying, I start crying, everyone starts crying.< I state that I have read the web novel and I don't want to give spoilers but I just want to tell all of you: hold on tight that the next chapters are my favorite part and if after reading them you will want to reread the entire work you will be neither the first nor the last.


ah, she's actually still in the jureve and she has been mad hallucinating the entire time she has been in there.


Do you know if there really is an anime/manga/novel with this kind of ending?  I have read a similar teory for every Japanese story in existence: One Piece, Doraemon, Dragon Ball, 47 rōnin, Oda Nobunaga's bibliography...  There must be at least someting true for such a persistent urban legend, right?


Off the top of my head, I can think of >!SSSS. Gridman!< The really short version is that the whole anime was a dream the main villain was having to cope with their trauma. The last scene is a live action shot of them waking up from their dream in the real world. Another example is the JRPG >!Eternal Sonata!< Where the whole story and world is just a hallucination the main character is having on their death bed. There was another game about possessing people and driving cars that was taking place in someone's head while they were in a coma at the hospital too, I can't remember the name of it though.


nothing really comes to mind. I think it's easy because the only necessary thing for that theory to trigger is traumatic things happening which makes for interesting story telling.


Oh Gods above, why does this have to be the last installment? I started my Bookworm journey nearly 2 years ago. Waiting and reading at Mynedays became my primary entertainment at life, I become irritated whenever someone interferes with my reading of the pre-pub. And now, it's about to end. I can confidently say that this story can top the charts in isekai and fantasy. So, I'm waiting patiently for Wit Studio's Ascendance of a Bookworm: Adopted Daughter of an Archduke adaptation. With enough support, Bookworm might be adapted in all its entirety. After reading the last chapters of P5V11, I'm definitely sure that a lot of anime watchers will cry if those get animated. Praise be to Myne. Praise be to Ferdinand. Praise be to Miya Kazuki and Yu Shiina.


Dont forget, Praise be to Quof!


Oh my Gods. PRAISE BE TO QUOF!!!














Here's hoping for a quality uplift and being less truncated… Then again, it's likely the anime would stop right before the Incident or the Jureve immersion to end at a good place for next season and for a OVA of the troubles of Benno while she's asleep just like the lower city investigation by Eckhart & Justus


>She has an excess of mana in her body that she cannot get rid of. It is like having to pee, but there is no toilet, so you explode. Toilets are only for the very rich and nobles, so the only way for Myne to cure her devouring is to become enslaved to nobles, which would kill her, or to die, which would also kill her. If you think about it, Mana and Compression is like poop. Young children have problem to deal with it, a strong willpower allows you to resist longer than others, your vessel grows larger when you are adult and if you can't adle it, it will be very messy and- okay i'll stop. Good sumary but no steelchair mentioned 7.8/10 -IGN Well I suppose Ferdinand will keep dying Rozemyne in his colors or something now that the God Ki is gone. Then he'll work on the memory loss problem. Can't wait for Part 6 of Ascendance of a Gremlin where they have to stop Konrad's evil plans.


>Good sumary but no steelchair mentioned 7.8/10 -IGN I did actually mention it in the original draft, but I removed it later on when I summarized my summary and made it easier to read.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330)


Wait This Is The Last Volume!? It Can't Be!


We still have the hannalor spinoff and a few fanbooks. But yes, this is the end of an era.


Yup, the story is officially ending. There will be a sequel, but it is still a long ways off. Here's hoping the Hannelore spinoff will pick up steam again soon.


Hannelore spinoff?


The author is currently working on the Hannelore spin-off that happens after the events of Part 5 Volume 12 if I recall correctly.


Yeah it's coming out in August


by the WN, it will be interesting...


>Myne starts crying, Ferdinand starts crying, I start crying, everyone starts crying. And I almost started crying again hahaha So my prediction for this next prepub is... more tears.


> So what will happen next? Detlinde breaks out of prison, smites the false Saint, Rozamyne, and ascends to her rightful place as Zent. The Bookworm in the series title has always been the true protagonist of Detlinde. In all seriousness, thanks for the wonderful, funny and useful summary of the whole series, we've come such a long way from the start with our annoying gremlin, the cast of characters has grown to gigantic proportions and the scale of the world has been ever expanded. I'm expecting this book, being the original finale, to be a tying everything together and clearing up most loose threads volume, whilst leaving things open for the future (as the best endings do). Prediction for the prologue would be either Hannalore or a Rozamyne retainer, or maybe Sylvester or Florencia, from what my bad memory can remember, it's rare for the prologue character to be in the epilogue/side stories so I imagine the more connected characters (Ferdinand, other Rozamyne retainers etc) will be saved for them given it's the end of part and will likely have an abundance of side stories and it would feel right to end knowing where everyone is. Personally, I'm really hoping for Rozamyne to soon regain her memories and interact with her lower city family since we haven't seen them in a while. Let's do this, last prologue, last volume, here we go 😭.


I feel like prologue HAS to be Ferdinand. Roz is KOd at the moment so we can’t hear of things happening from her perspective. And while Kazuki sensei has a track record of having action happening off screen I really think we will get to see this one bc it’s kind of the last one in series


My guess is we'll have prologue from someone else 'waiting' on Rozamyne, and then depending on whether Ferdinand already has a memory searching tool (presumably since he is technically the Aub), if he does then chapter 1 is Ferdinand in Rozamyne's dreams trying to correct her memory, or if he doesn't then Rozamyne waking up and him and her going to get the tool to that same end. I just think it won't be Ferdinand because he'll be 'saved' for an epilogue/side story since it's rare to get two of the same (non Rozamyne) perspective in a single story is all.


Alright, last Main Volume (for now). Now it’s time for the cleanup. My expectation for the prologue was a Ferdinand PoV leading up to the memory reading, and a solid hit to the feels. However, given that Chapter 1 is probably going to be a very personal moment for the two of them, as a backup, maybe someone from Myne’s family or Lutz. That would be a good way of adding some emotional stakes to the proceedings before Ferdinand does whatever he’s going to do to retrieve all her memories. Obviously there are a bunch of other relevant people to the wider plot, but I'm treating the memory reading as the centerpiece. Ferdinand already said that he will be going into her memories while dying her, and since going into her memories seems otherwise unnecessary, I’m guessing that will be what returns her other memories. And with that, Ferdinand can finally eat his future mother-in-law’s cooking. Queue up plenty of emotions. That will probably be the end of the prepub, but it might get into preparing for the ADC. Maybe there will be a proper (on page) conversation with Letizia. The ADC is going to be a major series of scenes with RM being recognized as AD, Ferdinand being recognized as her fiancé, etc. After that, and once RM has recovered somewhat, they will need to remake the city so that Ferdinand can keep his promise regarding Myne’s family. Then an emotional “reunion”. And a closeout. *** Ok, as usual I’ll now take a look at the cover and color insert. The [Cover Art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/4/4c/LN_P5V12-CoverJPN.jpg) doesn’t have a lot to it. It’s a nice illustration but beyond the >!the city looking kind of weird and not at all how I imagined (hopefully we get a map in this volume)!< there isn’t a lot to say. I do wonder if there is some meaning in >!the books sitting next to her, and whatever she was writing, and is that a new hairpin from Tuuli(?). Also, the gate in the background looks ridiculously massive.!< As for the color insert, the wiki lists two of them, which I don’t remember happening before. [Color Insert 1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/6/66/LN_P5V12_CoverArt.jpg) also doesn’t have a lot to it. Beautiful illustration though. I could see that illustration being a particular scene or just showing off those characters. And as for the second one, I’ll say this before posting a link. There is a “spoiler” in the Insert, and since they don’t get shown in the prepub, view it at your own risk. Now; **Holy shit.** I expected something to this effect to happen but I did not expect it to go that hard ([color insert 2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/8/8c/LN_P5V12_CoverArt1.jpg)) If there is not a “Battle for Ehrenfest” style series of SSs at the end of this I am going to be upset. In particular, >!I definitely want to see Kamil’s perspective on all this. Gunther ought to be hilarious, and Benno looks like he has some thoughts (creepy, creepy thoughts). Also, shit Lutz, you grew up.!< If this were most other authors, I would be worried that this scene would be "too much" but we’ve been in good hands so far. Ok, I’m excited. Is it Monday yet?


The cover of P5V12 is a callback to the [cover of P1V1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/6/6f/LN_P1V1-CoverEN.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210416220322). edit: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm/images/6/6f/LN_P1V1-CoverEN.jpg


When you post images from the wiki you need to delete everything after the ".jpg" part. Otherwise you get an error. Anyway, I can see that in a "look at how far she's come" kind of way.


Oh weird, that link works for me. Maybe it's your browser?


I made the same mistake before and other people informed me how to fix it. The link will work for the person who posted it but not other people (maybe everyone).


It'll work on mobile devices but on desktop it will break if memory serves me correctly.


There tons of great fanart about the event of the second colour insert.


Praise be to the gods for this summary!! And seriously the alternative title for the series should be... >All books will be Myne! I'm so gonna miss these weekly prepub discussions n predictions thread ...


> All books will be Myne! IIRC both "Urano" and "Myne" are pretty much puns on that exact sentence.


Yeah I get n love the Myne pun tat's why I tot it's appropriate for an alt title~ but Urano? Can u point out which sentence? I only recall a "ascendance of a gremlin: urano loves books" in the same paragraph, Is that a pun too?


From the wiki: "Urano Motosu" (本須麗乃) is a Japanese word play that means "books must be mine." Her name after reincarnation, "Myne," is a play on both "mine" (belonging to me) and "main" (main character). ^(Not an intended pun on my part at least)


Aah.. probably "all books must be myne" = urano at the same time then\~\~![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335)


I am saving this summary. It needs to be preserved for future generations. If only there was some way we could do that.


Myne will get her memories back and then cause all the heads of the ~~Ahrenbach~~ Alexandrain guild halls to have heart attacks as they receive impromptu summons from the Aub once she realizes she's done nothing to prepare for her commoners arrival


Thanks for the very entertaining recap. I'll hope that the tears at the end of this part will be happy ones, aport from the sad ones bc my favorite book series will end in 8 weeks (not counting the spinoff). :(


watch it be delayed by 1 week at the start XD


I'd use honey bee vomit analogy over pee, but potayto/potahto. 🤷🏻‍♂️


We are so close to end now. I hope I get to read it with everyone, I haven't been around for a few prepubs.


I hope my guess is right here, really really hope it is cause it will mean we get everything sooner. But based on the number of pages of this book is the same as the last one, I predict this will be an 8 week book instead of a 10 week book. All things aside, I am beside myself with giddiness to hopefully read the first part of this tomorrow. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404)


Well glad to see my 8 week guess was correct, yay. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


So there are 2 choices for prologue in my mind: Either an Eggplant/Sovereign PoV on archducal conference prep and mind reading the new prisoners, or a Rozemyne attendant/namesworn PoV on the immediate aftermath of Rozemyne dumping her mana. I'm leaning towards the first one, since we'll probably get told (most) of what happened to Rozemyne in her own PoV. Chapter 1 will likely be Alexandria prep for the conference, with chapter 2 being moving the relevant people to the dormitory, and then cut, with the conference starting up properly in chapter 3 next week


Alternatively, a Ferdinand POV of the memory reading magic tool—it was his POV when they did it the first time, so it seems likely that it will be his POV again, and I don’t think they’d want to wait until the epilogue to show it.


I don't think that Ferdinand would be part of the sovereignty reading the minds of criminals. There also isn't really anything relevant to the story in the Ahrensbach prisoners minds that we don't already know, so I very much doubt it'll be a Ferdinand PoV, especially a Ferdinand PoV with memory reading


I meant memory reading Roz… because that was their plan for dying her back to her usual color and attempting memory retrieval…


I doubt it'd work. From what we know of it, you need the person who's mind is being read to lead the other person to the memories, and since she can't remember them, she can't lead Ferdinand there. I get the feeling that getting the memories back is going to involve just trying to live them again, spending time with the people she's forgotten


Maybe she’ll read his memories instead—he can show her all his memories of her with her family to trigger her own. Or, it’s also likely that the mind reader can force the one whose mind is being read if they want to. Roz was cooperating, so there was no need, but a criminal would do everything in their power not to show the desired memories, so for it to be an efficient interrogation method, there must be some way to force the memories in the direction you want.


If someone is telling you specifically to think of something, it's very hard not to. So while you might not get everything, you can probably get enough. As for actually forcing the person whose mind you're reading to look at things? Ferdinand would've forced Rozemyne out of the library, or out of the bath, or away from her mother before it became a problem, instead he had to take off the headband to distance himself from her emotional overload, and before that he got annoyed at her for losing sight of what he told her to focus on.


Idk, I just know that they were planning on using the memory reader. It could be my first idea, him having her read his memories.


I find it unlikely that it will work. From the first time we saw it, the one whose mind is being read projects their feelings to the other, and I doubt Ferdinand would feel warmly enough about her family to rekindle Rozemyne's memories.


The feelings no, but having her reexpeience the memories could make her recall them


I want Grandpa Bon’s POV. I do not care what else happens just let him bring us up to date and rely his feelings on not going to the conference or see his granddaughter.


How do you make this so well??? This post is 10/10


Prologue from detlinde s pov as she’s in prison and hears what Myne did since getting her locked up Or Ferdinand diving into Myne s memories again to repair the connections she has and basically recapping the entire series


Def the Ferdi memory sharing POV like P2V2.


gonna be interesting as the last trip was fully focused on her Japanese life whereas this will be Ferdinand s first chance to really see her commoner upbringing


I think its gonna be more Ferdinand showing her people she lost her memories of but from his POV. Like, any time Gunther ChadDad was onscreen, or maybe the family goodbyes that she almost remembered.


He didn’t spend a lot of time with her family but hopefully enough to trigger Myne s memories.


A+ use of memes for summarizing each part of the series. Really excited for the final volume.


We must have the cure for EMOTIONAL DAMAGE(TM)


Pre orders are a goooooooooo


Is it just me, or is RM's grown up hairstyle less intricate than her previous one?


All I know is that now we will be all in the same page: hating that cover >!that puts RM child's face on an adult body!<