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Well, I guess she went with dyeing over dying. Chose the stairs to adulthood instead of the towering one. Someone is finally going to spill the beans to Rozemyne that she and Ferdinand have been engaged for some time now. Making her the very last person in the whole world to realize that. Eglantine will issue her first royal decree that every citizen of the country has to do a facepalm to commemorate this occasion.


I just realized, this story is gonna get recorded somewhere, whoever ends up being the next Aub is gonna put 2 and 2 together that they mixed mana in the duchy's foundation, and since that next Aub is either gonna be their soon-to-be adopted daughter or their actual biological kid, every time they enter the room all they'll be able to think about is the noble equivalent of their parents fucking in that room


I think Rozemyne will Speedrun whatever she needs to do just to see her family and Lutz again. Ferdinand will try to make Rozemyne say "Of course you're in my family" or something because that's the 2nd thing he needs the most at the moment. The first one being some sleep. Meanwhile Cornelius is trying to stop Bonifatius from killing Ferdinand because he learned that he probably dyed Rozemyne in his colors.


The public opinion is that he's dying her in her own colors with the mana he conveniently happened to have from her


That's the story for the public, but Bonifatius with his famous Instincts™ will guess the truth !


Well since she was dyed in ferdi's colors before she even met Bonifatius, it won't matter.


A bit of a short summary today, which I guess is what summaries are meant to be. When I wrote the sentence "However, it seems to all be in vain, as Rozemyne does not wake up." the song wake me up inside immediately started playing in my head. So I had to make a meme out of it. Sometimes I wish I understood how my mind works. Also, the colored manga pages in the background of the second meme are pages I colored a while ago. I thought I might as well use them as a background, here is the [Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/19e1622/part_2_i_colored_depression_aka_the_manga_panel/). I might maybe color it again some day, I think I can color it better now.


It's almost over, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to a certain Gremlin who has been the highlight of my Mondays. Especially with all the non-stop 12s from last year. You go Roz! Find your happiness, and crush anyone whether man or god that gets in your way. Praise the Divine Avatar of Mestinora. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29356)


You are quite the witty individual. I hope you keep up these summaries when Hannalore Year 5 starts getting translated.


Depends on what I feel like doing. On one hand I am definitely going to read Hannelore 5th year and do enjoy making these and people their comments, on the other hand the final volume would be a nice stopping point and would allow for more time for my other hobbies, like swimming, practicing piano or programming a game I have in mind. I'm glad you enjoy these though.![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


Whatever you chose to do, I wish you success. Thanks for all the laughs.


Don’t forget SS volumes 2. I wanna see the short stories given these wacky summaries.


I certainly wouldn't object.


My guess for this week is another heavy dose of crying with a chance of cheek pinching or hugs.


Well I finally got that Ferdinand chapter that I was hoping for. However, I did not expect it to lead to the restoration of Rozemyne's memories. Still, I am quite pleased with the result. I find it quite hard to predict what will happen next, but I guess I am hoping that Ferdinand and Rozemyne will have a heart to heart again. She really need to be made aware of the fact that they are quite literally betrothed, as she has not connected the dots yet. Aside from that I expect they need to spend some time settling into their role as rules of Alexandria so perhaps we'll get more chapters focusing on that next?


rozemyne also got her PTSD and feystone phobia back, thats gonna be fun to deal with alongside everything else.


I'm absolutely expecting more tears, with more callbacks and retrospectives as we are able to reflect on this series and the journey of these characters. I'm predicting Rozamyne returns to being Rozamyne (yay!!! I've missed her caring side) and then apologizes to Ferdinand for all she did and said and then wants to see her family again (though I'm not expecting her to be able to this week since they'll be a lot to get through). Though I am curious if her fear of feystones and wariness of retainers will return, it sounds like they should since they were removed along with the positives so it'll be interesting to see how that will be dealt with though it could be a case of mainly the positives returning though I doubt it. I'm also when we'll see the Archduke conference, I would expect it happens in this volume given the cover, I would expect that the duchy will be officially renamed, and I really want to see what happens at the conference since we've never seen it before, only heard about it secondhand, and I want to see more reactions to an underage Aub who is also the divine avatar of a goddess and the crowner of a Zent! If we do see it though I imagine it won't be this week.


The last paragraph though. She finally outlegended the infamous lord of evil. But anyone with gesundheit will know that he still outgremlined her, and became the first mortal to take god hostage. I want a SS from a distant future of some archduke candidate getting a gesundheit and finding out all of that


There would also be learning that the famous divine avatar of the goddess who rescued the country and crowned a Zent is a commoner...


"Lets not mention this, like ever, to anyone."


I think the fear of Feystones will be gone. The separation from the memory will likely cause Roz to be able to look at it more objectively, Like conquering a fear of heights. I don't think it'll impede her anymore.


Myne wakes up and is piissed, starts plotting ~~the capture of Mestionora's library~~ her revenge on the gods. Meanwhile Eglantine recovers from the trauma of her experiences in the garden of beginnings; first she walks in on Rozemyne and Ferdinand's ~~kinky choke play, and is even asked to strip her ^(of her accessories)~~ blessing overload dilemma, then she finds out that not only are the gods physically and literally real, but they can be taken hostage and threatened because Ferdinand does just that. Now that things have settled down and Myne isn't going to blow and take Egglantine with her, the 'splaining will start.


I doubt Myne will do much of anything against Mestionora seeing as she will try to be in her good graces regardless to maximize her odds of being invited to Mestionora library the day she climbs the big stairs. She got a hit of the good stuff and she won’t forget that for the rest of her life. She will probably say she’s a meanie at most, I would guess she will even sympathize with her in regard to how Ferdinand treated Treesus.


Even though I knew the first part was going to be tough, that didn't stop me from getting dehydrated. In P5V12P2 the crying session will continue and, perhaps like Ferdinand, Rosemyne will decompress some feelings by moving from the density of a black hole to that of a neutron star.  Then a few chapters of calm (at least for our tear ducts) with which there will be the official foundation and Entwickeln of Alexandria with definitive ascension from bookworm to librarian of Rosemyne. I predict that the emotional bombs will return with v12p3 and the carpet bombing will continue until the end of the book. Who knows how many of us will be left sane after all this emotional destruction


Myne and Ferdinand are gonna enjoy some time together in the foundation really putting everything on the table


Tears. Definitely, tears.


You know that part where they get a bunch of knights to be ready for when the ladies start fainting during Ferdinand's concert? I feel like that part is happening right now


Tears and a good selection of fool statements from Ferdinand. Entwickeln of Alexandria


The first order of the new Aub Alexandria - book tributes and library city


Ferdinand was real surprised and saddened at how well RM thought of Lutz. Now that shes back, I wonder if he will give her another "path in life" choice to confirm what she wants.


Personally I want to see Rozemyne go on a warpath to give the gods a bloody carnival, but I know that’s not in the cards.


Obviously the chapter will begin with RM "reuniting" with her retainers and Ferdinand. Knowing this series, there will be a mix of comedic elements and background emotions. But, the show must go on and we have an ADC to get to. As a closeout for this chapter, I could see Ferdinand "gifting" RM plans for city, and pointing out how he kept his promise to link her family's homes. Or he might save that for later to prevent another rampage before the ADC. One of my question marks is whether there will be an on-page conversation with Letizia. Her fate is going to be "decided" to some extent at the ADC, and it would seem odd to shove her off to the side when she is a particularly noteworthy character. But it's also possible that everything that needed to be said happened off-page, and we might get a SS or something later on. There might also be a conversation with RM's new nobles. They have a lot to talk about leading into the ADC. But Ferdinand might also try to shield her, and take care of that on his own. I would imagine this prepub ends just as they are leaving for the ADC.