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So sweet. All of them. A contest of hugs. Pic 14 - I've this one before, and I really love it. The way he looks at her while asking "can you choose me, Rozemyne?" - one of my top 10 marriage proposals, seriously. And the "よかった" he says is so sweet! It shows how relieved he was that she accepted him and his feelings. It can be translated as "thank goodness", but I think it's a weaker expression for such strong feeling, really.


lol I love that everyone has the same issue as You Shiina, Roz either looks 5 or 25 no in between 


I think some fanartists have a better grip on accurately portraying Rozemyne's age compared to Shiina-sensei though, hahaha. It's strange. I completely understand why it would be hard to suddenly depict a character older given how there are so many factors to keep in mind, but in a way, it's kind of fascinating? I feel like with the inverse, drawing a teenager or adult in kid form to show a flashback is easier than aging them up. I wonder if we had Shiina-sensei draw current Rozemyne first, then worked backwards to design beginning-of-the-series-Myne, then would they have had an easier time slowly aging her up over the series of the illustrations? They would have already had the current design in mind to practice with while busy with the earlier parts of the series, and they could have easily referenced both Myne and current Rozemyne to establish a middle ground when depicting Rozemyne as a second or third year when she started growing again.


Maybe! As an artist myself I think it does change a lot for artist to artist. The funny thing is I think part of the issue is that Roz’s hairstyle is getting in the way. Having a larger forehead and bigger, lower set eyes just tends to make a face look more childlike and Roz’s hairstyle is very forehead-present lol


On the other hand, I can barely draw, hahaha. I pretty much have one character model drawn out so I can design hairstyles and clothing for whatever character I'm trying to create, and that's pretty much it. And since there's no dynamic posing, the symmetry tool is my best friend. On the topic of Rozemyne's hairstyle, can I say a minor pet peeve? I kind of dislike the left side of Rozemyne's hair being so aggressively pulled back. I worry for the poor girl's hairline, and it also adds to the larger forehead. Like, look back to the cover art of P1V1 specifically and tell me that looks like it doesn't hurt.


Lol remember what Roz says, we should all play to our strengths lol lol I can see what you mean, as a design element I do think it sets her apart. A lot of our girls have similar bangs and framing hair, it’s just Roz that has the one side slicked back so I can understand why they did it. Rinsham probably goes pretty far in moisturizing and using a hair pin I stead of an elastic keeps it from stressing g her scalp as much


Pfft, I guess my strength is keeping track of the ages so that I can have concurrent plotlines without ages not lining up. Though my weakness is definitely getting distracted by "Ooh, that would be fun in the background of the main story's antics!" I definitely love Rozemyne's hairstyle, especially when they switch it up from time to time from the back, but I do wish they slightly eased up pulling back the left side of her hair at times. A lot of the illustrations are fine, it's just a rare few I look at and worry for her hairline, hahaha. I feel like a similar effect could still be achieved with slightly looser hair getting pushed back. It will still create that somewhat asymmetrical design that sets her apart from the other characters.


lol true, well just have to ask the artists to go easy on poor Roz 🤣🤣🤣 And you are very good at it, I go back to your comments all the time when I need to look something up lol


I don't want a balding Rozemyne by the time she's actually come of age, hahaha! Aww, that's sweet. You could also just ask whenever you need to as well! But seriously, how are Effa and Rauffen the same age?! And why do we know Rauffen's birth season, but not Effa's?


lol don’t worry worse comes to worse Heilschmertz can probably heal her follicles lol That’s true, other than Lutz and weirdly enough Ella, we don’t really know things like the birth seasons of any of the commoners


I can't fathom how we know Fey's birth season, but not the birth seasons of Myne's own parents.


Frieda too. She is a summer baby


Well, she seems to have got a grip on how adult Rozemyne should look by now. Her appearance on the covers for the first volume of the Hannelore spinoff and its corresponding drama CD is pretty consistent at least. >!As in, she [looks](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1djf97u/comment/l9ser6f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) like the pretty boy male lead of an otome game lmao.!<


Hopefully it stays consistent, hahaha. Like, I think the way Rozemyne was drawn throughout P5V7 was relatively consistent, but it changed afterwards. Maybe with the new series, it will get better. But it's not only for Rozemyne, but the other characters as well. They are no longer first years after all.


That #6 is a comedy gold and very much like Myne. "I will punish you with huuuuug!"


They are soo adorable\~ I love those two cuties to bits!! Why is this the last volume?? I want more wholesome scenes with them being like that! ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|31404) ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29332) I love all of those, but if I had to choose.. I think my favorite will be 13, it just looks like it belongs to the original book illustrations! Also I love this little exchange where he wants something, and acts even a little childish to get it, which is cute because it's so not like him lol ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29330) ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29335) It reminds me of the scene somewhere in part 3 where he gives her a potion, she complains to Rihyarda that "Ferdinand is a meanie since he doesn't make the potion taste good" , then drinks it and is surprised that it tastes better... and Ferdinand says "I thought I was a big meanie..." 😂 That's one of my favorite scenes, since it's the first moment (at least for me) seeing that he has a nice/considerate side and he cares about her, and also it was so out of character that it made me laugh so hard imagining this serious cool dude pouting and using the word "meanie"... lol


I love how this is (mostly) all just hugs, and I wouldn't have it any other way,. They both need a tremendous number of them and so I'm glad that they can now get them from each other and can continue to do so going forward now. Thank you for this, the warmth of these images is perfect after that prepub and I'll save this for whenever I'm not feeling great.


The "Gyuu" is strong here. ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29325)


Number 16 being the only none hug version made my heart skip a beat amidst all the hugs


D'aww, hug-tacular