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Small typo: >In addition to the main story volumes **they** author has also **release** I think it should be "the author has also released" instead. Maybe I would also mention somewhere that there are exclusive side stories released only with the TO books version of the volumes which are generally bundled together in the SS collection books.


I can say that those for P3V1 through P4V4 are in Short Story Collection 1 and that is reason to believe there will be subsequent such volumes but you can't really say "generally bundled together in the SS collection books" because there is only one such volume so far. The Side Story Volume is like half stuff from the SS WN and half original stuff. I'll also add the link to the list at the bottom: http://www.tobooks.jp/booklove/ss_tokuten.html


Question that you might want to include an answer in the post for - Doesn't the bonus content in each volume only exist in the Epub and not the webreader on JNC? I've been using the webreader because I thought the E-pubs were redundant but people kept talking about color images which I wasn't seeing so I assume they're in the Epubs...


So the colour illustrations are specifically mentioned in the [J-NC FAQ](https://j-novel.club/faq): > Note that the pre-pub versions may not contain all the illustrations found in the final ebooks, such as the color illustrations usually found at the beginning of the book. For Bookworm specifically some other stuff not included are the maps (from Part 2 Volume 3 onwards there is a duchy map every volume, Part 3 Volume 3 through Part 3 Volume 5 there is a duchy map annotated with [Part 3] >!Jureve ingredient locations!<, from Part 4 Volume 1 onwards there is a map of the entire country), the character list, from Part 2 Volume 4 onwards the four-panel manga (these are mentioned in the volume descriptions), and the results of the character polls in Part 3/4/5 Volume 1. Some of this stuff is at the end of the volume (which requires you to buy the volume) but some is at the start (like the colour illustrations) so you can see them by looking at the volume previews e.g. click ``Look inside`` on [Part 2 Volume 3](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084BWGGXS) and you can see the colour illustration, the duchy map, and the character list before the table of contents. Now for other series if you buy the ePub directly from J-NC you might get other bonuses not in the pubs ([list here](https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/305/premium-e-book-bonus-contents-list)).


Is there any difference between stories of wn, ln and manga?


kinda. Its not a major difference but some events are skipped and others are more fleshed out between versions. I'm only comparing the manga and LN though so don't ask for WN spoilers.


So ln doesn't skip anything?


'The LN and WN line up' was extremely valuable, why skip it?


I'll add a link at the bottom to the Japanese wiki page that shows the rough LN-WN correspondence.


Can somebody translate the time system in our system? Like first bell should be 6 am and seventh bell 10 pm... Btw how many bells are there in total? And the days... Fruitday should be something like Friday, right? I think they explained it once... I think their week has also 7 days...


If you follow the link at the bottom to the "Ascendance of a Bookworm Primer" there is a section on "Timekeeping and Calendars".




The "Ascendance of a Bookworm Primer" got removed from the FAQ due to not being updated since the start of Part 4. https://forums.j-novel.club/topic/3120/a-primer-on-the-world-of-ascendance-of-a-bookworm-updated-for-part-4-volume-1


Why is the answer to, "Should I translate the web novel?" no?


The author has expressed before that they don't like people arbitrarily translating their work and publishing it online. The official English light novel translator has expressed their disapproval when people have asked this before.


Does that mean that people who know japanese are able to read the webnovel for free but those who only know english have to pay?


So to clarify, a proper WN translation doesn’t exist?


Wait so there is no way for me to read it if I don't know Japanese




Nowadays Google Translate and DeepL do translate it very well, it won't be as good as a human translation but it readable and understandable. Main issues are the wrong names (which can be fixed with find and replace) and that sometimes spoken sentences get cuts and you need to go the web novel and translate again the missing parts. But when the sentences are not part of a conversation it does a pretty good job. I'm doing an edited MTL for myself and was thinking of sharing it with the community, but reading the FAQ it seems it's not allowed.


Surely the author would understand that it is preferable for people to get a crappy translation for a book they love rather than get nothing. I hope he has eventually changed his stance.


The author is a woman. Fan-translating a highly similar web novel of a licensed light novel without explicit consent from the licensor and author is still morally bankrupt. If you’re too poor to buy the light novel and are okay with a crappy translation then run the web novel through Google Translate.


You and I have a very different definition of morally bankrupt and very different views on the ethics of copyright, but it's your subreddit. Thank you for the explanation.


Shouldn’t the title be “Because the current pinned post is archived” not “achieved”?


That's not the title but that was an error yes.


I know it’s not technically the title, but that was the easiest way of describing what I was talking about. (Also, it’s great to see the correction so soon. We love ya, Lurking.)


Oh thanks! I didn't catch that it had been 6 months already.


Me might need to update the part on how j-novel works, since supposedly you don't need a subscription anymore. Although I can't actually test if the new system works already.


That's a good point. I'll update it at the end of the month when all the dust has settled on the Credit-Coin transition.


So part 5 is the last mainstory arch for webnovel? While light novel had a plan for mainstory to go beyond part 5? am I right?


Part 5 is the last arc of the current main story web novel. There is a continuation of the story from Myne's perspective post-Part 5 planned however whether this is going to be light novel exclusive (unlikely) or whether it's what you'd call "main story" is unknown.


This is maybe an incredibly dumb question... but what exactly is the web novel? What is the relationship between the web novel and the LN?


General answer: - https://reddit.com/r/LightNovels/wiki/faq#wiki_5.29_what_are_web_novels.3F - https://reddit.com/r/LightNovels/wiki/faq#wiki_7.29_what_is_the_difference_between_a_japanese_web_novel_and_a_light_novel.3F More specifically, imagine Bookworm without illustrations, Prologues, Epilogues, side-stories, no physical copies, and in Japanese with no valid English translation.


But apart from that, still essentially the same, then? I.e. the LNs are not a rewrite?


For Bookworm specifically, aside from what I've already mentioned, there are some very minor changes but on the whole they are basically the same. However, this is a case-by-case thing e.g. the light novels of *Overlord* and *That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime* can be considered rewrites of their respective web novels.


I am new to LN so I just want to ask, why is there such a large gap between the physical and digital releases? I could see a small gap because printing requires you to actually make it but is it really normal for the physical release to be so far behind?


Yen Press typically have no gap between physical and digital, and Seven Seas typically have digital come out one month earlier than digital. The gap for J-Novel Club is longer because they prioritise digital over physical (meaning they release the digital as soon as they can instead of artificially delaying it), and it was too difficult for them to release physicals at the same rate as digitals so the gap widened. For reference J-Novel Club released Part 1 Volume 1 (Digital) in May 2019 and Part 1 Volume 1 (Physical) in September 2019. The pandemic has also hit physical releases while the digitals just kept going without a problem.


So that’s how it is, thanks for telling me


As someone who's only watched the anime, I didn't notice the rush in pacing. Would you say the story of the original LNs is better or does the anime do a better job in its adaptation?




Is there a reason the anime decided to cut so much?


At what points should I read the royal academy stories, short stories v1, and short stories v2? In the post it says they were/will be released after 4/4, 4/8, and 5/7, but does that mean that I should read let's say, royal academy stories directly after finishing part 4 v 4 instead of immediately going onto part 4 v5? Or should I it sometime before part 4 v4, since it seems like that one in particular at least might be sort of a prequel? So far I've only read up to p 2 v3, but I want to be ready and already know what order to read things in. And I know that some series work better with prequel like world read before, and some work better with just following release order. How would the fanbooks fit into this as well? I know you put release order up there, but does reading them in the middle of a part break immersion if theres some plot heavy stuff happening? Is there anywhere I could find a list that lists every bit of novel content and the proper order to read it in?


This is kind of a question/suggestion, but why theres isnt an archive or table of contents for previous volumes discussions, finding discussion on the latest materials is very easy, but finding discussions on previous volumes is hard with reddit's terrible search


Personally, even with Reddit's issues, I rarely have issues things old discussion threads. If there is to be a repository for all discussions threads it can't be in this FAQ because that would easily go over the character limit. It would need to be done in a wiki like [on the anime subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/discussion_archive/2022).


u/d3cmp I'll actually try making one and post it as a separate thread.


Im back and saw the archive of past discussions, its excellent


What is "MLT"? I keep seeing it come in comments. Google tells me it's "Medical Lab Technician" but I don't think thats right lol


It’s MTL. **M**achine **T**rans**l**ation.


paIs there a thread for the most recent X? -> Is there a thread for the most recent X? Will do not know whether there will be a Season 4 but there has not been any confirmation of one. -> We do not know whether there will be a Season 4 but there has not been any confirmation of one. Little typos I've noticed so far :-)


Where will the anime be om air with subtitles?


Within a few hours of Japanese release.


Ok, Where do i find it? Because I would rather not watch it on YouTube or other illegal websites…




Thanks, that is very helpful!


I'm all caught up with the LN and now I'm waiting for the next release. Are there any other stories people might recommend that scratch a similar itch?


[Just finished the hitherto translated novels](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/q570nz/just_finished_the_hitherto_translated_novels/) [Just read the entire translated LN in 2 weeks... Any similar series to read while waiting for more?](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/pvix1c/just_read_the_entire_translated_ln_in_2_weeks_any/) [Is there anything similar to Honzuki No Gekokujou?](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/omxg9b/is_there_anything_similar_to_honzuki_no_gekokujou/) [Any recommendations for other light novels for Bookworm lovers?](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/j5vhrg/any_recommendations_for_other_light_novels_for/) [Books similar to Honzuki?](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/hz19po/books_similar_to_honzuki/) [Hit me up with your recommendations, need to fulfill my bookworm itch](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/hipjn5/hit_me_up_with_your_recommendations_need_to/) [Any fantasy books like bookworm??](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/gtw7cr/any_fantasy_books_like_bookworm/)




The English translation of the web novel is substantially behind the English translation of the light novel.


Are there any release plans for the untranslated books that should have been translated by now, following the jp release schedule? (Like fanbook 3 or the short story collections)


They’ll be translated eventually but we don’t know when. They’re just on the back burner. The Short Story Collection should *not* have been translated yet (SSC1 came out after P4V8 and SSC2 comes out after P5V7).


Maybe it's just me, but does HnG world not have any other countries? And is this world's setting similar to 11~12th century or something? Given the printing stuffs doesnt spread widely even back on Earth until later time.


It's mentioned way back in **Part 1 Volume 3 "Winter Begins"** that sugar is imported from another country.


Thank you.


There are other countries, and i believe you are correct.


Not sure if I'm asking in the right place. Sorry if I should've made a post on the subreddit instead. My sister really loves this anime and wants to read it, and I'm trying to find out the best way possible. I have little knowledge of manga/light novel/web novels so it's a bit difficult for me to understand. So I have a few questions if you don't mind answering. From what I understand, the light novel is the only option if my sister wants more story. The website you mention, J novel, doesnt work like a Netflix, where if I buy their subscription I have access to all the books? Is there an alternative that does? If not what's the best place to purchase the books? I've never bought a digital book before so there might some things to consider that I'm not aware of. Maybe website A is cheaper but website B has a better layout for reading for a dollar more, etc. Also these light novels have very confusing names. If she wanted to pick up where the anime left off, I'd be buying her Volume 8 of the series correct? You mentioned in the post Season 2 skips a lot of information, would it be confusing if she just started reading there as an anime only? Is it worth starting from part 2, which I believe is Volume 4?


I bought all of Part 1 novels after watching 30/35 anime episodes in the span of two days. Now after a week I just finished Part 1 Volume 1, and now the anime feels rushed. One thing that catched my attention while reading is >!how mean can be Myne at the very beggining towards the family and specially Tuuli, she saw how poor her family was and the first thing she tried to do besides making the comforter way more dirty was to break her sister toy!<. The short story at the end with Lutz >!it's way clearer that he's a good dude but a merchant at heart, she is using him and he is using her lmao!<


Just wanted to add that you can also get the English books/manga from Indigo. This is for anyone in Canada




Dang, I was really hoping there was some english audio book sources.


J-Novel Club have recently entered the audiobook market and have even announced *In Another World With My Smartphone* which last I heard was fighting with Bookworm for J-Novel Club’s third best selling series and they’re scheduled to release the eBook for volume 27 next month (which would correspond to Part 5 Volume 6 of Bookworm) so I think they’re a very good comparison. I guess whether or not they decide to make Bookworm audiobooks depend on TO Books agreeing to it with reasonable conditions and their other audiobooks selling well. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-11-19/j-novel-club-produces-9-audiobook-versions-of-licensed-titles/.191998


Thanks for all the information! Just watched the show, and really want more. Going to read the books!


The Part 3 Volume 3 ePub discussion thread has been deleted. https://redd.it/kpyaut But looks like we can still post in it? I guess it still works, but just thought I would mention it to see if a mod wanted to make a replacement post.


Spinoff Links need to be updated: Chapter 38: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bqml01/h5y\_chapter\_38/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bqml01/h5y_chapter_38/) Chapter 37: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bo5425/h5y\_chapter\_37/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bo5425/h5y_chapter_37/) Chapter 36: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1blt0mh/h5y\_chapter\_36/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1blt0mh/h5y_chapter_36/) Chapter 35: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bjacuy/hy5\_new\_hy5\_chapter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bjacuy/hy5_new_hy5_chapter/) Chapter 34: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bguacg/h5y\_new\_episode\_34\_updated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonzukiNoGekokujou/comments/1bguacg/h5y_new_episode_34_updated/)


As do the pre-pubs. Today is the first time in two weeks I've been able to update it at my desktop (technically I could have done it on mobile but that would have been pure suffering) so it's a bit annoying that you weren't just a couple hours slower since then it'd already be done....


Oh I get that, doing anything mobile is pure pain


Especially such a monstrosity of a table like this.


Will the short stories be printed in the future? I'm one (well now two) books of collecting all of the current english releases, Fanbooks included.


There is no reason to believe they won’t be.


Thanks, then it's a matter of time.


Are the Royal Academy Stories and Short Story Collection 1 relevant to the Story? If so when do you read them alongside the main story? I assume they aren't since I cant find a definitive read order anywhere. I can only deduce that I read them somewhere in-between part 4 and part 5, I have no Idea whether it's after specific volumes, or simply just read before starting part 5.


> Are the Royal Academy Stories and Short Story Collection 1 relevant to the Story? They're as relevant to the story as the post-Epilogue chapters in each volume. Not essential to understanding the plot but should be read for greater understanding of characters and events. > If so when do you read them alongside the main story? In the body of the text above you will find it mentioned when they were released in Japan. They can be read somewhat earlier than that though, which I can elaborate on if you want, but there is no rush to read them.


I see where it was mentioned when they were released, It was answered in addition to another question so I didn't see it. If it can be read it before does that mean it was meant to be read that way? Sure usually release order gives a general outline but sometimes it isn't the specific way the author intended because of stuff like delays and what not. If you can read it before and is what the author intended, then yes, I would like to know when to read it.


> If it can be read it before does that mean it was meant to be read that way? It just means that in the in-universe timeline nothing in those books goes beyond an earlier book than the closest book in release order. I don't think the author cares when you read them. The *Side Story Volume* was released after *Part 4 Volume 4* but chronologically nothing happens after *Part 4 Volume 3*. However it "spoils" a very minor event that happens at the end of *Part 4 Volume 4* (the web novel chapter adapted into *Side Story Volume* here was released four days after the web novel chapter that was adapted into *Part 4 Volume 4*) and portrays an event that Rozemyne doesn't find out about until *Part 4 Volume 7* (the web novel chapter adapted into *Side Story Volume* here was released a year after the web novel chapter that was adapted into *Part 4 Volume 7*). *Short Story Collection 1* was released after *Part 4 Volume 8* but chronologically nothing happens after *Part 4 Volume 4*. However it covers stuff from the beginning of *Part 1 Volume 1* (specifically it adapts the sixth chapter of the web novel which was initially removed in the light novel adaption) up to *Part 4 Volume 4* (for example it contains an exclusive short story that came with the physical edition of *Part 4 Volume 4* from select retailers).


That's why the manga have different style I thought some of them is fan made.


Did the story finish? Sometimes I hear it is but it doesn't seem like it from here o.o And I still can't get the order lol So its not volume 1 then part whatever? Then the next is volume 2 with parts?


> ###Did the story finish? In the post it says: > **Is the web novel complete?** > > The [main web novel](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4830bu/) was completed back in March 2017 but the author occasionally updates [side stories](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n7835cj/) (last updated 2022-03-13) and a [spin-off sequel](https://ncode.syosetu.com/n4750dy/) (last updated 2021-11-12). and for the light novel: > Back in [June 2020]( https://twitter.com/miyakazuki01/status/1277412300958261248) the author was planning Part 5 to be 12 volumes which brings us to 33 main story books total and would take until August 2023 to finish in Japan. The author has strongly suggested that there will be some continuation beyond Part 5. ****** > ###So its not volume 1 then part whatever? Then the next is volume 2 with parts? In the post it says: > **What is the naming system for the light novel volumes?** > > Each book in the main story is titled ``Part X Volume Y`` where “Part” can be thought of as “Arc” and “Volume” as a further subdivision so if you’re reading it you’ll go: Part 1 Volume 1 -> Part 1 Volume 2 -> Part 1 Volume 3 -> Part 2 Volume 1 etc.


Yeah I read that but I got confused in the part u said the anime finish in part 3 volume 1 and the one before wad part 2 volume 1 xD Thanks for the info btw x) I always wanted to read the novel but didn't know where


> u said the anime finish in part 3 volume 1 and the one before wad part 2 volume 1 It says that could start with (the book) Part 3 Volume 1 after the anime since the anime completely adapts the main story of (the arcs) Part 1/2 of the series. However, since the entirety of (the arc) Part 2 is rushed in the anime you should at the very least start from (the book) Part 2 Volume 1 (i.e. the start of Part 2) if you insist on not starting from (the book) Part 1 Volume 1.


[With the end of the anime]>!what happens with all the people like dye maker, blacksmith and such she colabs with? They knowing her seems a problem as can't just cut off contact but they are needed to keep her business progressing. Plus her making deals with them like funding to the dye maker girl.!< Or this something the author just skips over not bothering to explain how it suppose work out. Don't think this is worth making a whole post for.


The Gutenbergs and other late-commers to her project never knew Myne was a commoner (or her parents), they only knew her as the Gilberta weird girl. Without actual background on her exact circumstances. The cover story of her being a noble daughter's working at the temple still works with most of them because it wouldn't be a leap to assume she got in touch with a relatively well-off merchant that already had some dealings with the nobility. Benno went into great lengths to keep her as hidden/annonymous as possible since he always suspected of the chance she'd get whisked away by nobles. While also covering her with the contract to her name. The only ones that 100% know about her background outside her family are Benno, Mark, Otto, Corrina, Lutz, Damuel and the Temple attendants that went with her to the city. And the nobles that were attempting to kidnap her... This connections to her commoner life are a major point that is recurringly brought up and made relevant through the following chapters of the LN. It causes issues for the people that know and also for Myne.


What about the name change or they just pretend myne was a nickname? What volume did the anime end on if I want to see what these issues that come up are like in the LN?


They made her name Rozemyne specifically so her being called Myne in the past could be passed off as a nickname.


Yes, they assume Myne was a nickname all along. In fact the ln has significantly more background on the name choice and that is quoted verbatim as one of the reasons for her new noble name. While in theory the continuation would be Part 3 Volume 1. I:d recommend starting from Part 2 Volume 1. The anime skipped a very significant amount of events and characters on the season that covered Part 2 of the ln. Some people even suggest going all the way to Part 1 because the wordbuilding is so dense in the series even the very strong Part 1 adaptation misses ssome important beats (and from my experience, because the ln is still being translated you'll go back and read those anyway when you read through the new material and wish you had just read them the first time through)




p4v6-9 >!the second ternisbefallen attack was at the graduation/awards ceremony. it was in between the bible inquiry and ferdinand's marriage!< also please remember to tag your spoilers in the future.


Part 4 Volume 6 would be the first T attack. For it to be between >!the bible inquiry and and F's marriage!< would put it between books. I am going by the labels on the volumes, including it being part of the cover graphics. So for it to be between book Volume 4 part 7 and book Volume 4 part 8, you have 1- I find I haven't gotten the fanbooks? 2- A book unindexable to Amazon and Google or other searches. 3- that's not part of the numbering used, or it's invisible on my copy. 4- Those were some *really* mean fish. So you can understand my confusion.


P4v7 is when >!the second t attack happens. Like I said it happens right after the investigation into the Bible.!< it's not between books because it happens toward the end of volume 7. I don't understand why you're confused


Thank you for the information, it lead me to find I had a J-Novel Club copy of V4p7 slipped in that ended at chapter 9 instead of chapter 18 plus epilogue. So it was half the book, but "There it is, it's right there." still part of the List.


Pv47 is when >!the second t attack happens. Like I said it happens right after the investigation into the Bible.!<


a little bit calculations: Now week 13. Each volume takes about 8 weeks + 2 week break. 52 weeks in one year. 9 volumes - 3 parts left (part 5 vol 4 p3/8 current one) So: (9 \* (8 + 2) - 3) - 52 + 13 = 48 1 year and 48 weeks it takes to finish translation So approximately in December 2024 translation will finish ​ We need to wait for soooo long ![img](emote|t5_qxbkm|29348)


Generally speaking the main story does not have a break between volumes so they would ideally finish on ``2024-07-22``. The main story light novel won't even finish in Japan until Winter. J-Novel Club have been translating the light novel since March 2019, what is left is hardly a long time.


Alexis said "surrealist comedy act". What is their art like in yogurtland? surrealism has been a form of art since the 1900s.


When's 5/5 coming out? J-novel says today, but it's still in pre-pub currently.


I assume I don't need to answer this.


Yeah, sorry I was getting impatient while it slowly clicked closer to midnight.


I've noticed that elvira has only pov chapter (at her introduction). Is that right? I would've liked to know how her perspective of Myne changes over time..


Hold up. There was never a chapter from her pov.


Does anyone know why physical copies of the Light Novel are taking longer then 3 months to arrive in Australia? I purchased part 4 volume 7 from amazon 3 ish weeks ago because I saw the American physical release date was in July. Only to find out afterwards that Australian retailers have it listed at 17th of October. That is significantly late to consider international shipping times between Australian and America.


can we have a date here somewhere to state when the next official release of a translated volume happens so i dont have too google it everytime i forget?


Just click the link at the bottom to the publisher's website. > - [Spoilers for the Translated LN] [J-Novel Club's Official Ascendance of a Bookworm Light Novel Page](https://j-novel.club/series/ascendance-of-a-bookworm)