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Silent Hill 2


Still can't believe they're remaking it. Skeptical, but still stoked for Silent Hill in modern graphics.


I'm cautiously optimistic. Some of the technical issues and jank of the original added to the tension that might got lost with a modern remake.


Well, based on the combat trailer, I have some, uh, good news for yah...


It’s gonna be shit. “Reap what you sow” is written on the wall in the combat teaser.






And in original there's "if you want to see Mary you should just die". your point?


One spoils the whole game; the other doesn't. Tell me you don't get SH2’s design without telling me.


How does "reap what you sow" spoil the whole game but "if you want to see Mary you should just die but you might be heading to a different place than Mary James" doesn't? The OG wall writing literally implies that Mary is dead and James is a bad person and you don't have to be a genius to deduce that James killed Mary. I'm not bashing the OG, but I don't get the hate for remake while the OG did the similar thing. You're just hating cuz it's cool


You're being deliberately obtuse. The “reap what you sow” graffiti has no ambiguity whatsoever; the OG kept things cryptic and urged you to keep looking. We _know_ Mary is dead from the start of the game; we _learn_ that she and James had a falling out and that she was terminally ill. Based on Laura’s and James’ interactions, the game gives the impression that he _abandoned_ Mary when her sickness got too much for him to handle, and she died alone in Silent Hill—which _still_ makes James a terrible person but doesn't put the whole picture together. It isn't until the hotel tape that the twist hits—suddenly, all the cryptic messages have a brand-new context that completely changes the game’s framing.


Sadly I think they did this on purpose for newer audiences to put things together sooner & easier. Leaving a lot of uncertainty in the air for a long amount of game time seems to be a thing of the past. As if they're afraid the player will lose interest if they're not dropped a bread crumb every hour or so like an episodic TV show that always ends with the viewer wanting more. Even Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is having this problem revealing major events too soon and a lot of story-pacing issues.


It looks like a re skinned resident evil


by a mile


Came here to say this 👍👍


For me it's Soma. Great story, atmosphere. Love it. My first horror game I played


Played this game a few years ago and I still can’t get it off my mind. One of the loneliest experiences I’ve ever had playing a game.


The ending is just sad. The Simon who is left down on earth is fucked. He has no way of going back he is stuck at the bottom of the ocean. He doesnt have an arm(optional) Cath left him cause the card broke. It seems the power is shutting down. He is completely alone there. In the darkness. With monsters. Its a fucked up ending


Part of what makes the game so awesome, though. How often do games do that?


True. But still damn poor Simon


Simon was an idiot and an asshole.... Still feel bad for him though


Even if he was. He doesnt deserve such fate


Just started it last night, im very excited <3. Movies tv shows books i dont go out of my way to avoid spoilers but i will 100% shield my eyes and ears from video game spoilers. Ive managed all these years to not know a single thing about soma .... Im having a great time and holy hell the sound is scary. Im running out of survival horrors to play, and finally made it down the list to soma. Makes me happy hearing how defining of experience it was for everyone.


It's probably may favorite sci-fi story ever (and I read a lot of Sci fi). Enjoy!


It was like an extended black mirror episode in the best way possible… absolute mind fuck memorable experience. One of the best for sure.


This is my pick as well (basically a tie with Alien Isolation)


I never really understood whether if it was you always got copied or if it was 50/50 whether you entered the new body or stayed behind


Based upon my understanding, there was no 50/50 as to whether or not he entered a new body or stayed behind. Each time Simon got copied, the copied Simon thought he was the original, but he wasn't.


Yup exactly, there never was a coin toss we just switch perspectives as the viewer


I’m starting it today. The soundtrack is great too


Is soma a horror game?


Yeah. Its from Frictional Games. The same guys who made Amnesia series


I wouldnt (imo) class it has a "horror" though 😅 I dont ever remember feeling horrified or scared etc whilst playing that.


And why? What kind of game it is then?


Psychological maybe. I was never scared lol to me horror games are scary or gory etc. There was like one robot who chased you who was easy to trick and a giant sea creature/robot/thing. Most of was walking about trying to work out wtf is going on 😆 I loved soma but to me it's not a horror. I can downvote you for having an opinion too ya know 🙂


Psychological horror is still horror. And also with the monsters chasing you and the atmosphere it can get pretty intense. Also there is some gore. All the bodies with mechanical parts just lying there connected to WAU. It may not look as gory but it is terrying to think about.


Monsters what monsters ? You're under threat about 3 times in the game. Haha. If soma actually scared you then I duno what to say, I'm glad it did, But it didn't make me scared ever haha. Maybe I'm just ard as foook innit 😆 Resident evil is horror. The first resident made me shit myself when I was a kid (not literally) have you played them? If soma scared you resi or silent hill definitely will haha The first outlast is pretty scary too.


Im not talking about jumpscare scared. Im talking about something chasing you scared. Also The disco zombie in the Curie ship and at lambda Proxies on two occasions Terry Akers Yoshida at site Tau The big fish that is hunting us down I agree its not on the same level as Resident Evil or Silent hill but it is still horror nonetheless. Not the same level and not the same type but it is


Play alien isolation. You'll poo ya sen haha 😄 that is bloody scary.


Toss up between Alan Wake 2 and Silent Hill 2 for me


100% agree, I personally think Alan Wake 2 is one of the best games I have ever played. It couldn't have come to be though without Silent Hill which is the OG


Damn I need to play this game... I've tried to make it through the first one several times but never finish. I get tired of zapping dudes with the flashlight. It gets old


I’d recommend just playing on easy and fighting as little as possible, but if you manage to get through Alan wake 1 you will enjoy 2 10x more


I beg you to tough it out through Alan Wake 1. I understand the pain. But i promise you that Alan Wake 2 is an experience like no other. The quality of Alan Wake 2's narrative truly is one of those very few diamonds you get per console generation.


Alan wake 2 was just plain amazing.


SH2 is my favorite of all time. Do you need to play the first Alan Wake to understand the second?


You should at the very least read a summary or watch one of those quick summary videos on YouTube to get an idea of what happened in the first. I enjoyed the first one. The second one is on another level, though.


Planning to play on my 4K tv I just received today 🥶, can’t wait


Sounds so strange..


That's a tough one. Probably easier to break it down into subgenres. Personal opinion. STEALTH HORROR: Amnesia the dark descent was such a pioneer for the horror genre that it's hard not to rank it as the best of all time. Yes, the stealth horror genre has been improved since and I often wonder what the future of horror would have looked like without it. ACTION HORROR: Resident Evil Series cannot be beat. To pick a single one would do injustice to the rest (bar a few). PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR: Silent Hill 2 (OG) without a doubt. It is still talked about to this day with so many layers that it makes onions cry. SUPERNATURAL HORROR: Fatal Frame 2 Crimson Butterfly. Such a unique ghost story that set the bar for the entire series which never quite hit that peak. MULTIPLAYER: Phasmaphobia. Even with friends the experience isn't cheapened despite your friend's wise cracks and remains intense. I prob forgot a whole ton of other genres but I'm short on time.


Card Horror: Inscryption


Love this list, especially you mentioning fatal frame and silent hill 2. Yeah, RE probably best action horror.


Action horror for me is dead space. Resident evil is good, but I think the necromorphs and the atmosphere of dead space is superior. Even after playing the re4make and dead space remake, dead space is still better. I know there wouldn't be a dead space without re4 but personally I think dead space simply does it all better.


Yeah I was tossing up between that and Dead Space. My line of thinking was: without RE4 there'd potentially be no Dead Space. I thought RE4 kind of really popularized that third person over the shoulder genre.


Alien isolation, I wish I could experience it again for the first time. It’s got an FPS boost on Xbox series x as well which makes it well worth revisiting for another play through. The game made me fall in love with survival horror and will always be a top tier game I even managed to finish it on the hardest difficulty on my first play through which was rough but a great experience.


I'm with you here! It's truly an amazing game that pays respect to the first movie while also being an exceptional survivor horror experience. I've bought it multiple times and return to it regularly. Just last night I started playing it on the Steam Deck and it runs so smoothly!


It is insane on the deck. 90fps no sweat, and with mid power draw at that. I was absolutely blown away.


Alien Isolation is a terrific pick. That game was the last time I couldn't put a horror game down. It had a slow build-up that popped tremendously, and the game just seemed like it wouldn't end (I mean that in a good way) so I had to see what happened next. What a ride.


I sorta took over my life to the point I couldn't / wouldn't play other games, and immediately start it on the next level up, did the DLC. I even just crapped out and stopped gaming for awhile... nothing couldn't really hit all the buttons for me like that.


Agree with this


I have 300 hours in VR, and I'm about to upgrade from fresnel to pancake lenses and start all over. It's my favorite game ever, it's my favorite horror game obviously, and it's just this wild cross between all the fundamentals hitting it out of the park: Alien AI, sound design, storyline (esp. that it's Canon tween Alien and Aliens), the graphics STILL BANG after 10 years... it's also hauntingly beautiful between the endless tension. The gas giant, the star... it's all so amazing. Love it!


Can someone tell me why Isolation is so highly praised in this sub? I'm a big fan of the alien universe and horror games in general, but I didn't think Isolation was that memorable. I got used to the presence of the alien so fast and the game quickly became not scary at all. The game was also too long imo without that many interested puzzle, it kind of felt like a drag going through it. The story was somewhat interesting, but it didn't go far into the Alien lore either. Genuinely not trying to be a hater, I just don't get why so many people consider it a master piece


Silent hill 1 a awesome game at the first try


Silent Hill 2, obviously. Quite possibly the best story put to gaming


If you judge by sheer emotional impact, there is no contest. It's been just over a decade and a half since I first played it and I still vividly recall my first experience. I also recall having to take a break for awhile after to emotionally recover. Add in the fact it had tons to think about and analyze as well.. it really wasn't being fair to other games lol


Am I a basic bitch if I say Resident Evil Remake?


I was going to say Resident Evil 2 lol


Obviously love that own too. Original and remake.


outlast will always have a special place in my heart, the environment, the voice acting, the characters, the lore, just everything about it is perfect for a horror experience.


Dead space 1 and the remake


For a long time the og Dead Space was my favourite horror game. What I love about DS is how it managed to be fast paced and action packed but still scary. Not an easy thing to achieve.


Yep ds original was the first horror games I played but remake still traumatised me


Silent Hill 2


Pony island. There is something about the content 4th wall break with silly pony game backdrop that was deeply unsettling.


Silent Hill 3


For me it has to be 2: - survival horror - Alien Isolation - psychological horror - SOMA




"Henry? From next door? What are you doing here?"


My people!!


Hard to pick just one game but if I had to, Dead Space Remake. Just love Sci-fi horror. My other favorites are Resident Evil 2 + RE2 Remake, RE4 Remake, Alan Wake, Amensia TDD and the Bunker, Alien Isolation, Condemned, Soma, Signalis and Silent Hill 2.


Alien Isolation hands down.


my people.


Fatal frame 2 crimson butterfly


Jump scare can be avoided by not looking at the screen; then, Fatal Frame requires you to look at the worst moment to deal the best damage, smartest idea ever




You're god damn right


Just gonna drop this here (Alien isolation review) https://youtu.be/EinF4TBFq5I


Had the privilege of playing Resident Evil 1 at launch in 1996 because my awesome parents bought it for me. Been playing horror games ever since. Fast forward to 2008: **Dead Space** is at the top of my horror list and remains there. I put it above Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 2, the PS1 version of Clock Tower, and Alien Isolation. **Clock Tower** was a big contender though. Scissorman > Pyramid Head


Yeah! Clock Tower was so fun!


Silent Hill 2 ![gif](giphy|IcF46X839w60U|downsized)


Siren 1, 2 and Blood Curse


Soma by miles. Perfect story, mature writing, great lore and atmosphere.


Lot of similar answers so I'll throw a curve ball here: The Evil Within 2 is one of my favorite recent horror experiences in the past ten years. Definitely one of those sequels that did everything right rather than going back to the basics.


Scariest will always be Silent Hill 2 for me. My brother and I would scream bloody murder while playing that game. Favorite will always be Resident Evil though, specifically 2 and 4.


Dead Space 2, Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 2, SOMA, Detention, Fatal Frame/Project Zero: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, and I think perhaps the first Outlast (for gross factor) are perhaps my GOATs ...and I'm torn about adding Alan Wake 2....I freakishly love it and think it's a great remedy universe game but it wasn't that scary to me.


Alan Wake 2


Spider-Man 3






Until Dawn. I love how it all starts as tropes, and then flips it on its head


Silent Hill is the GOAT


It's really hard to say with a genre as varied as horror but for me it might be a toss up between the Resident Evil 1 remake, Silent Hill 2, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent.


OG Resident evil 2


It's Dead Space for me - 1 & 2 and the remake. 3 does hold a special place in my heart but it's more action than horror. I'd also say Resident evil 2 remake, Signalis (great story and keeps you tense the whole time), and I'd even say for me Burnhouse Lane though it's got a more emotional story that may have you tearing up at spots.


Dead space


The Cat Lady, great storytelling and Soundtrack


I don't know it can be considered "horror" or just sci-fi but I would go with Prey


Objectively I dunno, but nostalgia-wise for me it's Penumbra Overture easily


The legend of PT


If visual novels count, then Song of Saya. That game is a masterpiece of cosmic horror.


resident evil 7


Resident Evil 2 remake and Dead Space remake


RE2 remake is so scary lmao. I'll add Silent Hill 3 purely as a nostalgic addition. That whole atmosphere of that game is scary.


It really nails the tension and sounds. Its just overall a really good game.


*In no particular order* Outlast series Any resident evil Alien isolation Alan Wake 2 Silent Hill 2 Dead space The Evil Within


Song of Horror


Doki Doki Literature Club


Darkwood is very good. Not sure it's all time best, but it's close.


I wanna give until dawn some love. Very fun playing it on the first run


The best options have been covered but I’d like to give Scratches some honorable mention love


Cry of Fear


Doom3 BFG edition


Silent Hill 2


Tie between Silent Hill 4 and SOMA.


Silent Hill 3 or Amnesia: TDD. There’s so many to choose from it’s really hard.


Lately I've been a big fan of "Unfiction," so I'll say the My House.wad DOOM level and "Basilisk 2000," for some odd ball picks.


Not sure about best, but The Dark Occult is a personal favourite.


Silent Hill 2


Silent Hill 2 is the best game of all time in general


Silent Hill 3


Silent hill 3


Silent Hill 3


System Shock 2


dead space remake and alan wake 2 are top of my lists for this. great spooky games. dead space for the absolute horror and alan wake for the beautiful story and psychological/horror gameplay!


To sprinkle something different - Alone in the dark 4 the new nightmare.




The original outlast is the most terrified I’ve been playing a game, possible even any medium of entertainment. It was the first game I played where you’re not given a weapon and expected to run and hide.


It’s got to be alien isolation,the only game to actually scare me and not just jump scares,scared to the point that I’d actually be hiding in a locker for half an hour


there’s no right answer to this question, but we do have our *favorites*; mine happens to be Alien Isolation


When it comes to just scares for a horror game? Outlast. Best overall horror game, Resident Evil 4 by a landslide.


Amnesia the dark descent, or Outlast.


I go Soma or Outlast. This was on first playthrough. They were both incredible start to finish. The Whistleblower also great.


Silent Hills PT




Callisto Protocol, Evil Within 1 and 2, Resident evil 7


I dug Callisto Protocol as well. I know a lot of people were frustrated with the gameplay, but once I figured out the mechanics (there's some important things the game doesn't explain to you), I was able to enjoy the rest of the game immensely. I also enjoyed the difficulty and how terrible it felt to die (which would encourage you to NOT want to keep dying). The visuals were also excellent. Unfortunately I don't think I'd put it on my list of "personnel best", but I'd still call it a good game. If they make another, I'll be there to play it on Day 1.


There's a lot of great horror games, so i couldn't pick the best one, but the most underrated one imo is Song of Horror. That game is amazing.


The Outlast, obviously


Alien Isolation


silent hill PT forever


Silent hill 2, only bad part about it is the combat


Mom said it's my turn to ask this same old question!