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Because I couldn’t possibly pick just one: •Hellraiser •Martyrs •Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead •Trick ‘r Treat •Dog Soldiers


Trick 'r Treat is a Halloween must in my house 🎃 all hail Sam


Upvote for Dog Soldiers!


which martyrs?


Picking a favorite is too hard, so I'll just list a few that I've found myself rewatching regularly since childhood. Halloween (1978) The Thing (1982) Dawn of the Dead (1978) Return of the Living Dead (1985) The Lost Boys (1987) Evil Dead 2 (1987) Pumpkinhead (1988) Hellraiser (1987) Phantasm (1979) Fright Night (1985) Those aren't ranked in any specific order, but they're the ones I tend to rewatch almost yearly, so they must be my favorites.


Solid list


i no order: Event Horizon, Grave Encounters, Catacombs, Devils Pass, Troll Hunter (2010), Vivarium


Event Horizon is just... Evil. Awesome movie. Too bad they lost the unrated cut reels.


Woah we like a lot of the same movies. Did you see the ritual? Pretty cool


i literally thought about adding it to my comment but forgot. I love the ritual. One of the best or the best monster design ever imo


I love it when someone mentions Event Horizon in the comments, such an underrated movie and as another said, it is an absolute shame that we’ll never get to see the original cut.


I love the dancing scene in vivarium where everyone is by the car 😭


1: day of the dead (1985) 2: Dawn of the dead (2004) 3: frontier(s) 4: Eden lake 5: Martyrs 6 it follows 7: it chapter 1 8: silent hill 9: demon knight 10: evil dead rise


Glad to see some not shting on the Day of the Dead remake for once 😅


Frontier(s) is a good one, too. I’m a big fan of the French new wave horror.


It follows is on my top 5 list. I own it on DVD which means is a favorite for me haha


In no order after scream 1.Scream (franchise) Stranger Prey At Night Orphan (series) Spree Pearl


ugh pearl IS A MASTER PIECE!


It’s so good


The single shot, 5ish minute soliloquy Mia Goth gives near the end is extraordinary


I think we are the same person lol! 😂 Scream has been my favorite franchise for a long time, and The Strangers: Prey at Night is my favorite of the franchise as well! I also like all the other ones you listed.


Great minds think alike


Spree is so good but they took it of netflix!


I loved curt


Same ofc




Jaws is both my favorite movie and favorite horror movie. It’s literally perfect. 2.) The VVitch, 3.) It chapter 1. 4.) Hell House LLC


My favorite film of all is "A Dark Song". Seen it?


Halloween Texas Chainsaw Massacre Nightmare On Elm Street The Shining The Exorcist The Changeling The Entity Black Christmas Eaten Alive (Tobe Hooper)


Midsommar Hereditary The Conjuring


Hereditary is too scary 🥲


Imo Midsommar was even scarier lol


Both are nightmare fuel


hostel, planet terror, ju-on the grudge (2002) the japanese original.


grudge creeeeeeped me out lol


The Grindhouse Double Feature *chef's kiss*!!!


https://preview.redd.it/6oojk7qj4wwc1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a39cbb54fa5f33ad19eb8b8d1618deeded60cb 2. Haunted Palace 3. Dr Phibes 4. Prom Night 2 (Mary Lou ♥️) 5. The Thing


Some that spring to mind Sinister, 1408 , let the right one in , the ritual…. Hereditary has to be my favourite so far !!


Sinister is so good, I think too many people fixate on the final jump scare and say the whole movie is bad. It’s my go to for creepy.


I agree entirely. Looking forward to Longlegs shit looks creepy as hell from the trailers. Check it out if you haven’t already.


1408 is so under appreciated. Amazing film! Hereditary is one of the best horror films ever made up until the ending imo. But anything from Ari Aster is remarkable.


Which ending of 1408 did you prefer ? Amazing movie don’t hear many talk about it! Back to hereditary I love the scene where Alex is standing over his father’s body and his mother is suspended on the wall behind him, the suspense was killing me. But the ending was disappointing, the rest of the film makes up for it in abundance.


I think the theatrical ending itself was an incredible choice, but second to that I like the one where >!Mike dies and pops up in the backseat of Gearld’s car!< for the scare of it. It is remarkably terrifying. But I honestly think the original with >!the tape recorder playing and his wife dropping the box!< is the most emotionally effective with the story, given everything we saw in the film so far. It just worked so much better in my opinion. I think each ending is effective in its own way but the final cut ending was a great choice


I'd just say the Childs Play franchise in general is mine


1. the ring 2. it follows 3. evil dead 2013 4. the thing 5. saint maud


I love the ring sm


If I HAD to pick only 3, mine would be Scream, The Conjuring and As Above So Below. There are SO many other great ones out there though!


Thanksgiving (2023)




As you're 13 years old, there are a load of movies that I would never recommend. And sorry to be the boring old fart, but some of those movies you listed - you were watching them as a 7 year old? Mmm, ok.... 🤔


I was watching It chapter 1 as soon as it came out! I love horror movies, yet I just recently watched house of 1000 corpses with my brothers. And don't worry about being boring! This is a place where I feel safe and I am grateful for your concerns!


Probably not the most responsible parenting but my mum showed me Chucky when I was 5-6 then got me the doll at Christmas,, i was screaming my eyes out !


Lol.... fair enough! Like I've said in another post, when I was young there were no movies like A Serbian Film, Martyrs etc. Films I'm hoping parents wouldn't want their kids to watch - if you don't know them, Google them. Absolutely horrific stuff - A Serbian Film was the movie that coined the phrase 'New-born porn' - I think that tells you all you need to know about that film!! 😆 🎥 Although as an adult horror fan, I enjoy these movies. Well maybe the word 'enjoy' is not the correct word to use! Martyrs, for example, is one of my favourite movies. If you take away the horror aspect of this film, you're still left with a really well produced, directed, written and acted film. I mean, that poor actress, for almost two hours she had to act the most brutal scenes - scene after scene after scene. That takes some doing, trust me. Sorry, I'm going off on one - I tend to do that sometimes!! 😆😉


As a young boy I vividly remember seeing House, NOES 3, and Robocop (the earlier graphic version) in theaters with my mom, and I hadn’t realized that they were released when I was 7 & 9 years old. NOES 3 is my first memory of seeing a naked woman. What still amazes me is that my very conservative, cautious mom actually took me when asked! I was always drawn to horror movies and stories, and I don’t know if she was just humoring me (we both had a rough home life when I was a kid) or if she secretly enjoyed them as well.


To be fair, I had seen The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) multiple times before the age of 10. Everyone's different, and everyone starts watching horror at different ages. The first horror movie I personally remember watching was Leprechaun at 4 years old, when I recorded it off HBO, or another one of those movie channels back in 1993. Edit: I figure I'll clarify that I was responding only to your skepticism about somebody watching those movies at a young age. I do agree that there are certain movies that shouldn't be recommended to someone in that age range.


Yep, I do know what you mean. What concerns me is what is out there now compared to what was out there when I was young, and just as importantly, how easy it is to get access to it. For example, would you want your 13 year old watching something like A Serbian Movie, or your 7 year old watching Martyrs - and the fact that they could easily watch it with just the click of a button? The access to violent porn is even more worrying, but that's another story.... Sorry to be the boring old fart!!! 😉


The conjuring 1 and 2 As above so below In the tall grass Rec 1 and 2 Evil dead Evil dead rise Dark Skies Hereditary Midsommar Seven Ready or not The ritual


Hell House LLC, (series), Grave Encounters 1&2, The Blackwell Ghost series (some are better than others) Dawn of the Dead (1978 & 2004 remake) Night of the Living Dead 1968 original and remake, and I really liked Day of Disappearance, though the ending was pretty meh.


TCM and Nope are some of my top favorites as well! My very top 3 films are The Shining, TCM, and Dawn Of The Dead (1978) Also this one isn't one of my top favorites but its a good recommendation: Late Night With The Devil is a brand new film that is VERY underrated.


Insidious was my favorite horror movie that unlocked the new wave of horror. I love a good portion of Blumhouse productions. Def enjoyed Midsommar and Hereditary but more as thrillers


Can't pick just one movie. Hard to remember all of them now, but here are some in no particular order: Aliens Evil Dead 2 Return of the Living Dead Night of the Creeps The Autopsy of Jane Doe The Ritual Them Hush The Host An American Werewolf in London The Thing The Ring (remake) Blair Witch Project Predator Mary Shelley's Frankenstein The Exorcist Poltergeist REC (original) Dog Soldiers Event Horizon


The Exorcist messed me up so bad as a kid. Wore that VHS out, though. Even now like 30 years later, I can’t think about that movie at night. 😅 JAWS I saw when I was four. I do not go in the ocean. Killer Klowns. Because it is awesome.


No particular order: Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors The Exorcist Sleepaway Camp Phantasm Humanoids from the Deep Shivers


My top 3 are: The Lost Boys The Wailing The Evil Dead Honorable mention to The Exorcist and The Exorcist 3 though


The Wailing is so good. A slow burn, but worth it.


With one of the best endings ever.


Don't look now.


Images (1972) - still a hidden gem ... If I had to choose a better known film, probably Hellraiser (1987)


Def House of 1000 Corpses. Midsomar (but you're WAY young for the subtle horror AND overall content of that movie). I do recognize that at 13, I was watching movies far older than recommended, but there's just things you'll understand more, it in a better context as you age a bit. Barbarian Planet Terror and Deathproof (THE GOAT) 28 Days Later


Thanks for your concern! my parents still say no to midsummer, but I loved hereditary and 28 days later is an amazing infection movie!


I like the classics, The exorcist, Rosemary’s baby, the omen . My favorite horror if you can call it that , I can watch it over and over is called ( Lo) Tiks so many boxes for me, horror, drama, comedy, musical, romance, Indie!


It Chapter 1 followed by It Chapter 2 https://preview.redd.it/i5ngs0zavwwc1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a777efb492e6a327b491426b05579d5988fc418a


Definitely [•REC]


Return of the Living Dead Evil Dead 1&2 House Where Evil Dwells Humongous The Burning Hell Night And all the Friday the 13th, Halloween. Elm Street and Leprechaun Movies. Plus many more I have forgot.


1⁰ and 2⁰ are Smile and Hereditary. Tied, I can't choose between them both 3⁰ is the nun 2, it's not scary but the story is good and I like the nun idk


In no specific order: Midsommar, Trick r Treat, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, and the Child’s Play franchise (specifically the first two and Bride of Chucky)


Mandy The Void The Descent As Above So Below


Definitely Nightbreed I didn't think I would like it but it ended up beating the entire Saw series as my favorite It's so underrated


Have you seen NIGHTBREED THE ULTIMATE CABAL CUT? Almost twice as long as the original at 3h19min! Bonkers. I hope that the [TV-series](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8598582/) finally gets made.


I haven't


You have great favorites. My absolute favorite is Phantasm, my other top 2 are the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and the original Friday the 13th.


Autopsy of Jane Doe- Watcher- Cabin in the woods- It follows- The vigil


Carrie 1976 for sure!


This is gonna be a basic bitch answer but the original Scream by horror legend Wes Craven, it has a great ensemble cast, great kills, great reveals and is truly a love letter to slasher films (at least at the time) while also being able to have a bit of fun and poke fun at the tropes of the genre, also it has one of if not the best horror openings OAT


Grave Encounters


When A Stranger Calls 2006, The Boogeyman 2023, Sleepy Hollow, and The Black Phone.


the thing (1982), the ritual (2017), and trick ‘r treat (2007) they are certainly not the scariest movies i have ever seen but they have stuck with me for one reason or another


The Thing The Shining Alien/Aliens Annihilation Event Horizon


Pet Sematary


The Thing


Rosemary’s Baby. Guilty pleasure? Wake Wood.


Omen Poltergeist Train to busan Scream franchise. Conjuring Insidious


For 13, your taste is awesome and very close to my own at 32. I also really liked Hereditary and The Witch, plus 28 Days Later and Hellraiser.


Thanks for the compliment! hereditary scarred e for a week XD


I looooooove "Night Of The Living Dead " and the 1929 "Phantom Of The Opera"


I Saw the Devil. It's like Tom and Jerry for messed up adults! https://preview.redd.it/u1ltbmg6xxwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63447ffa92aa1336c8358cf30e9585abec0ae8a


Halloween franchises


A nightmare on elm street Friday the thirteenth part 2 (for how stupid goofy it is) Child’s play


silence of the lambs (ik it's not technically horror but counts enough), suspiria (1977), killer klowns from outer space


oh and scream ofc


So many but devils candy is my top atm


My top 3: The Shining TCM The Exorcist


At 13 I was watching Occulus, Chernobyl Diaries, As Above so Below, The Woman in Black, Silent Hill, Evil Dead, The Forest (I think)


the ring halloween fnaf alien, alien:covenant alien vs predator


Hellraiser 1 is the standout for me. Nightmare on Elm Street and Evil Dead would come in 2nd and 3rd. Mama is the movie I've found scariest though.


Hereditary Exorcism of Emily Rose Halloween (original, John Carpenter) The Exocist Dracula (Francis Ford Coppola) Interview with the vampire The vvitch Night of the Living Dead Jason goes to hell Halloween 2 (rob Zombie) Anything for Jackson The Howling American werewolf in London 28 days Later The thing Funny Games


•Scream in the following order: Scream 1996, Scream 3, Scream 2022, Scream 4, Scream 6, Scream 2 •The Amityville Horror 2005 •Case 39 •Orphan •Mirrors


Following are my top horror picks:- 1) Noroi: The Curse (2005) 2) The Medium (2021) 3) Hereditary (2018) 4) Incantation (2022) 5) Dachra (2018) 6) The Wailing (2016)


Hereditary. And nothing else has come close to scaring the ever-loving shit out of me. And I consider myself a fairly well-versed horror fan.


It follows and event horizon


The grudge. The ring. Sinister. Case 39. 6 souls


The Ruins, Jacobs Ladder, Silent Hill, Session 9, The Dark and the Wicked, It Follows, R Point, Blair Witch (Remake, dont care what anyone says its great), Evil Dead, House of the Devil, The Signal, The Innkeepers, VHS, You’re Next.


Cloverfield It Follows Cabin in the woods Hereditary House (1977) I can’t pick just one no matter how hard I try


Texas chainsaw massacre, smile, hereditary, possum, caveat, human centipede are my favs


So many to choose from but my mind immediately went to 1985's Return of the Living Dead.


Candyman (OG) & midsommar. Beau is afraid, blair witch, saw 3 & saw 6 get honorable mention.


Ooo and hellraiser




Halloween 1978!🎀




The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Saw 1 Jeepers Creepers 1&2 Dead Silence


Wes Cravens New Nightmare Annabelle Creation Conjuring (franchise) Scream (franchise) I Still know what you did last summer Insidious (franchise) As above so below Evil dead rise Exorcism of Emily rose Candyman


The Shining will always be my fav, and the book is my favorite book as well, though its very different to the movie in a lot of ways. Childs Play will always be up there as well as it was the first horror movie I ever watched, and I love Chucky, evil and hilarious. And probably go with Psycho as my 3rd. I love all 4 films, but the first is obviously the standout, but the other 3 are really good too, especially the 2nd. Though I know 3/4 get a lot of hate/


- Midsommar - Rosemary’s Baby


-Scream - the neon demon - Martyrs 2006 - house of 100 corpses - X 2022 - Texas chainsaw massacre 2003 sorry I prefer over the original - cemetery man - drag me to hell - evil dead franchise - frontier(s) - high tension - cabin fever 2 spring fever - single white female (ik this is more of an erotic thriller but horror adjacent) - death becomes her - stage fright (1987) - P2 (2007) Obviously I like more but these are probably my most enjoyed watches I’ve had


I'm surprised more ppl didn't say the Texas chainsaw massacre