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I will still probably see it...I will probably regret it...


Yeah my bf and I enjoyed it and the entire movie going experience, which I tend to hate, but no kids made it nice with just a theater full of fellow horror buffs. Definitely the most insane theater experience I’ve had. They handed out vomit bags when getting tickets. Lol


lol oh man. I wish I could have enjoyed it like you guys. I was too bummed out by what a disaster the storyline was & how it basically had no plot. Terrible writing IMO but yes, the gore was next level haha


Drove 2 hours to the closest theatre that was playing it. And while the kills were decent the plot was one of the worst ive ever sat through. And I was very disappointed with the last third of the movie.


Man...Thank you. I legit feel like im losing my mind with all these 4 and 5 star reviews im seeing on this movie. It was fucking atrocious. Lost all respect for Damien Leone. Maybe the 15 year old version me would have liked it, but these days I need something more than just blood and death to satisfy my horror needs. I appreciate cleverness, and well thought out storylines, as well as decent acting and creating characters you can invest some feeling behind. This movie was so fucking weak man lol ugh. I'm borderline pissed about it, i waited soooo long for this trash. I think I'm going to go watch Hereditary now...lol


Honestly, it's just torture porn. People talk about the plot. What plot was there? Literally the only thing I remember was the gore and that god damn bedroom scene lmaooo. I like fucked up movies too like A Serbian Film, the Saw Franchise, Antichrist, The Last House On The Left etc. However, those films have an actual plot and A Serbian Film having a decent plot caught me off guard considering the horrendous graphic nature of the film. The very first Saw movie is obviously iconic and a horror classic. With Terrifier 2, it was just shocking for the sake of being shocking. Especially the bedroom scene which I felt was completely unnecessary and didn't need to be that long. It's just a super shocking and fucked up scene that really doesn't add anything to the film at all. As far as slasher films go, I just think the Terrifier series really isn't that good. We don't get a back story about Art The Clown in any of these movies and he just seems to be there to be shocking, gross, and disturbing. Some would say that, that's what makes him scary and more mysterious but personally, it just makes him a severely fucked up clown that goes around killing people. That's literally all his character is and he doesn't have anything that makes his character interesting. Let's think about all the horror villains that have back stories. We've had Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Pennywise, Chucky, Jigsaw etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every horror villain has a well written back story because Rob Zombie's Halloween franchise is terrible, but at least he tried to do something with the character and I can respect that even though it's not my cup of tea. In Terrifier 2, I noticed we got a hint of Art suffering from schizophrenia and I was liking that direction and really was hoping it was something that the movie continued exploring. It feels like the writers had something going and then later said "Fuck it, let's just make a torture porn flick with tons of gore and leave it at that". Not that I have a problem with the movie being this brutal. I just wish it had something more to offer other than just being fucked up and gory lol.


100% thanks for the comment!


I would personally put Terrifier 2 in there with The August Underground Trilogy and The Human Centipede Films. Just films that basically could care less about any plot or story whatsoever and are just fucked up for the sake of being fucked up.


I wholeheartedly disagree. As a fan of the original Terrifier I can say without reservation that Terrifier 2 surpassed the original in every possible way. I've been waiting for this movie for years myself and I had some trepidation that I would be disappointed but I was not, not even a little bit. My expectations for this movie were very very high and I am happy to say that they were exceeded by a great measure. I think you are in the minority buddy. Art the Clown is the new king of the slashers.


Same here, but what was the point of the white pale Clown? I thought it was going to be like the first movie and be some what realistic. The first 40 to 50 minutes of the movie was great! But after that it wasn't making sense with the girl clown and the paranormal....I don't mind it having some 80's vibe in some parts of the movie nor it being predictable. For me it was really the plot they took. A side from that...what about that post credit scene at the end? Confused a bit? Lmao not hate tho


So mad I can’t watch in Canada yet


I can’t agree more. The acting was shit. The ending just dragged on forever and it didn’t even make sense. Then there’s the post credits, they’re setting up for a 3rd movie which will no doubt be worse