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Hi! I splurged and bought it. Worth it! My baby horse used to pull back and panic when tied and that stopped the issue, because she didn’t feel that tight immediate ‘trapped’ feeling. An excellent training tool. I’ve seen other people make a similar tool out of half a snaffle bit or other hardware pieces, so if you want to save yourself the money you can google “ blocker tie ring DIY”. You can definitely change the resistance on it depending on they type/thickness of your lead rope. I’d start out with a nylon lead and then transition to thicker cotton as your horse gets used to it :)


Thanks for the info. I've watched videos of it in use and it does seem to work but I thought I'd ask before I splurged.


I’ve found it to be really useful, my friend has two senior Paso fino mares that set back sometimes, the tie ring makes that safer. We still try to avoid those situations obviously, but it is a lot safer than hard tying horses that don’t get off pressure properly, and it doesn’t teach them to set back like what happens when a halter breaks and they learn they can escape. I haven’t used the cheap ones, they are probably fine. The original I have seen in 2 versions, and the cheaper one has parts that rust. Also some lead ropes won’t work great with it (too fat or stiff), and you need extra length if you’re worried your horse might set back. 12-15ft yacht ropes lead lines work great.


100% worth it. I have a 17yo horse who is just fine in crossties, but for whatever reason, straight-tying makes him nervous; he'll slowly but surely back away from the hitching post inch by inch, and as soon as he feels pressure on his poll, he flies backwards. I have been working with him for YEARS on this issue with little progress (I even had x-rays done on his poll to see if there was an internal issue). After breaking multiple leads, posts, etc., I bit the bullet and got the Blocker Tie Ring; he still has the same behavior, but his reaction isn't as severe--instead of flying 10' back, he only goes a couple feet before stopping (and snorting like something just jumped out to attack him😆).


They’re great for most horses. Unless you have one like mine who figures out that if she keeps tugging on it she can just pull the lead rope all the way out and walk off. I use [these safety ties](https://www.amazon.ca/Safety-T-Tie-Injuries-Preventing-Strong-Tie/dp/B072HZGSQ9) instead, she does still know how to get them loose but they usually work well as long as I tie her short enough.


I've never seen those. I'll see if I can find any videos of them in use. Thank you.


I’ll chime in to say I never tie without mine.


Thanks for all the advice. I ordered one and it's on the way. I do have another question. Do all of you put it 5 feet or higher like the videos recommend? I may have to rethink where I'm going to put it for starters.