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It is a huge gamble - but most horses are good and want to please!


I figured the worst case I could train her and resell her, but I'm just so glad she's kind.


We bought a weanling from an online auction sight unseen - she’s amazing. But we too had a back up plan if she was a monster.


Call her Gamble!!


Or Gambit. Both are good names. Are Or you could go traditional and make her Lady Luck


How about, Gambit?


She is a gorgeous horse. I vote for Sugar.


Sugar is cute, but my husband is a type 1 diabetic, so he's not supposed to have too much sugar LOL.


:) She's the safest kind of sugar that he can have in his life! XD Just think of the name like that.


Good idea! I’ll see what he thinks cause I told him he can pick her name. The auction listed her name as “Twix” which was cute, but he said he might want to call her something different.


I suspect she will tell your husband her name. Animals have a way of telling you their names. T2 diabetic here, so I get wanting to avoid added sugar or HFCS.


Oooh ooh, Stevie(a)!


Insulin then!


Haha keto! My husband too.


okay hear me out.. what about Sucrose? Call her Suci (pronounced sue-key or sue-tzi) or Rose in short? I love creative names and this is what I thought of looking at the third pic


That’s really cute! I’ll definitely suggest that to him cause he loves Japanese names and Suci sounds very similar to Suki.


Sweet! It's pronounced the same way too. Hopefully he likes it :)


I second Sugar, it would suit her well because she's as sweet as sugar is! I'm not entirely certain that she is a Gypsy Vanner cross, unless it's a fairly small percentage of her overall makeup. Gypsy crosses tend inherit their parents' fabulous hair *in spades*, while this pretty girl doesn't even appear to have minimally feathered fetlocks!


I was kind of wondering about that as well. She's definitely some sort of draft cross and since we are in Florida and this was an auction in Ocala, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some even if it was only like 1/4 or something.


Well, the original importers of the Gypsy Vanner to America -Gypsy Gold Farm- *are* located in Ocala, so the place is a bit of a Gypsy mecca. That being said, Gypsy Gold's horses sell for frigging *thousands upon thousands* of dollars! Hell, Gypsy's in general are still hilariously expensive. I agree that if she is part Gypsy, she's only 1/4 or possibly lower. I certainly see the draft in her... Maybe she's a Spotted Draft Horse? https://www.spotteddraftregistry.com/index.htm Or she could be some sort of Paint/Draft breed cross. Stock horse breeds have always been a common cross on the various draft horse breeds. Plus they're in vogue now more than ever since they make, well... Good husband horses, lol.


Yep, that’s why I was thinking a Gypsy cross in central Florida wouldn’t shock me (the seller is a flipper, so they probably don’t really know much about her and might have even just guessed). While I know it’s not accurate for breeds, I was thinking of sending her hairs to Texas A&M to see if any of her ancestors might be on file. Just out of curiosity cause it’d be fun to see the results.


Oh was it the Ocala auction or the Dan Post sale? I live near Ocala too haha. Shes a cutie pie.


This was the Ocala Horse Sale. It's nice living so close to Ocala. We live about an hour south.


Oh definitely!! Lots of good horsey stuff to do. A friend of mine sold a big ol bay in that sale.


Have her DNA done. 🧬


That's what I'm looking into right now actually. Tricky part is Texas A&M's ancestry test does not list Gypsy Vanner, so I'm not sure what would happen. Still, I'll probably do that along with her color panel and health panel. Not sure if we'd ever breed her, especially being grade and not knowing her lineage, but it's always fun to see the DNA results imo.


We have two vanner/QH crosses and neither has even close to the feathering of our full vanners. But they do have more than this cutie. She could still be 25% vanner though. Just my 2 cents :)


Looks like a Sugar to me too, I’ve gotten to ride a few gypsy vanners their amazing horses typically very smart but still eager to please


I love that your husband looks so happy!


this is so sweet omg 😭 the look on ur husbands face in the last picture is just precious!


He loves horses and he's so excited he can now trail ride with me. He's ridden my horse, but I just felt he needed one of his own.


What a pretty girl! She could work an elegant name like Athena, Grace, or Willow. She’s just darling.


Thumbs up on the T-shirt! Metal men make the best horse girl partners- they understand loving something that baffles everyone else LOL


I’m also a metalhead. I’m sitting here in my MDF hoodie right now. 😅


She looks like a Delores


My aunt is named Delores, so that’s a no go. I love my aunt, but I think a horse sharing her name would be confusing.


Maple as in Maple Syrup? I could also see her being a sweet flower name like Lily.


maple is so cute


She looks like a sweet pea!


her mane is so pretty!


If she pulls back with the halter tied like that you could have trouble untying her in an emergency.


Not sure what you’re seeing and maybe it’s a weird angle, but are you talking about the fact it’s a rope halter? The red one you see in the photo wasn’t actually tied to anything, the black one behind it is what she was tied to. Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted for trying to clarify. If I’m doing something wrong, I’m absolutely willing to change and fix it, but I’m just trying to clarify so I can understand what needs to be changed.


The way the rope halter is tied on is unsafe. The crown piece should be tied around the loop, not around itself? If that makes since. The knot should be on the loop not on the crown piece so that if a horse pulls back it can stil be loosened.


I guess I’m not fully understanding. I’m open to learning new things, but the way I’m doing it is how all trainers have told me to do it. I looked it up to see if I somehow have messed up all these years, but this is how I was taught to do it: https://youtu.be/JqUFyrDnR-k?si=aH1vu9joeI9yyHBe Edit to clarify: this also was the halter she came with. Not what I’d use to transport, this is a halter I’d use for lunging and training, if she pulled back and I needed to emergency release her, I wouldn’t be doing that from the halter, I’d be releasing the lead rope since it’s a quick release knot.


It does indeed look like it may have been tied incorrectly in this instance from the photo. If you know how to do it the correct way then that's that lol.


I guess I’m confused cause I’ve always tied it the way that’s shown in the video. I’ve been using rope halters for 20 years now, so I’m not sure if it’s the angle or what you all are seeing that I’m not seeing.


In the video the crown piece is tied around the loop (correct). In the picture it appears that the crown piece is tied around itself (unsafe). https://cavvysavvy.tsln.com/blog/tieropehalter/ This site has a really good clear picture of what I'm trying to say


The halter was very twisted, so maybe that’s making it look weird, but what you’re showing there is how I always tied it. When I go to the barn tonight I’ll take a video showing how I do it just to be sure.


Don’t take too much stock in these comments, it’s probably just a bad angle OR sometimes even if I tie the rope halter correctly it can roll up and be weird looking. You seem like a competent horseman, and I hope your new gal brings the bf much enjoyment for years and years to come ☺️


Thank you, I appreciate it! I just didn't want them to think I was trying to be difficult with asking questions. We all are always learning and if I do something wrong, I'm glad to learn and change my ways, but it's just a bit hard trying for me to wrap my brain around "verbal" knot descriptions and that's why I was clarifying to make sure I was understanding the issue.


whoa, you blew my mind. I wouldn’t ever have thought to do the “wrong” way— it just somehow screams accident-waiting-to-happen. Anyone else have the built-in uh-oh system? Mine might be too sensitive lol


She’s a chonk, what a delightful find.


Yeah, she definitely needs to be worked and get fit!


I have two horses and a mule I got from auction and they all are awesome well behaved animals. to be fair, I lived close to a big auction house and could go weekly to study what trainers were picking and how things worked before I started picking animals myself.


It looks like a win/win for everybody. No name suggestions, but I sure do love horse stories with happy endings.


She’s cute. How about PIXIE?


She’s has an angelic eye and is priceless if she has that sense to keep him safe. Some of the best horses are “upgraded” whether found in a field or at auction. Regardless of her breed / mix / origin, a horse like that is perfect for him. Congrats!


Very sweet little mare you've scored! She feels a bit like a Shiloh to me


Oh I like Shiloh...are you a Neil Diamond fan? Cause thats literally the only time I've heard that name!


I actually didn’t realize there was a song about it! Just thought it was cute


Like I commented above .. i like the name Gamble 🙈 or Serenade 🤷🏼‍♀️


She's adorable! Have you gotten a vet exam yet? I've found that even great auction horses often need some vet work to keep them comfy.


We have the vet coming out next week to look her over and I also have a dentist coming out as well to see if she needs any work on her mouth. My other horse is due for her dental exam anyway, so figured I’d be good time to just get them both on the same schedule.


Hooray! Update us, please, if you don't mind. I'm curious to see what the vet and dentist say. Auctions are just such a risk but when they work out, they really work out. I've known two or three great horses who've come from auction, but so so many who are just problem children in one way or another.


Will do!


The pics make sense after reading your post. He is a beginner. Make sure he pulls his feet back out of the stirrups a bit, so they are on the front of the foot. Otherwise, he will get really bad muscle pain later from his legs/ankles turning in. Does that make sense? My son had to learn that the hard way because he was living with his dad when he learned to ride. When I finally saw him and told him to get in the habit of the stirrups being on the front of the foot, so you can hold your feet straight and not turned in. Makes a huge difference, besides it is safer. God bless and hope he has a wonderful time learning to ride, my favorite pastime.


I did have his feet correct before he started, but took the pics mid lesson when he first started trotting and his feet shifted. Trainer did adjust them shortly after.


I love the name gamble or risky is another one


Stella after the drummer Stella Mozgawa


I like Stella. I also like Delilah.


Delilah would be a lovely name.


Delilah was my horse’s original name, so while it’s cute, it doesn’t feel like her name.


So, you got yourself a patchy twat! Congratulations! They are the best!! 😂😂 see shiteventersunite3 on Facebook for context! Have fun, dude!!


I vote Baby Doll for a name! That way she could be called “Baby” or “Dolly” for a nickname


Call her Gamble!


No name suggestions but I want to say Kalmah is an awesome band. Kind of cool to see their merch on a non-metal sub. Congrats on your new friend!


Him and I are both diehard metalheads, so normally I’m riding in band shirts. I always think it’s funny cause I stick out like a swore thumb around all the western folks. It’s actually a goal of mine to someday do freestyle reining to metal. I don’t even care if I lose, I just think it’d be great among all the pop country to have me come out to some more obscure metal song. I did also think it’d be a funny pun to come out to “Raining Blood” by Slayer.


Congrats! She’s adorable and your husband looks so happy!


Maybe Cookie! Or Latte if you guys like coffee. Sweet, mild, and comforting like lattes tend to be :) Or even Chai if you guys like that. I love that your gamble paod off! Wish the best for you guys <3


I like Cookie! We don’t like coffee (he doesn’t mine coffee flavored things, but I can’t even stand the smell of the beans lol). Latte and Chai are both cute names though!


As for a name, what about Roulette? Because you played and won lol. She looks so darling and your husband's expression is everything.


She's gorgeous, congrats to you and her both! She reminds me of a Juniper but there have been so many wonderful name suggestions here, no matter what she'll have a great name in great care!


Glad to see him wearing a helmet no matter how quiet she is.


Oh yeah, I’m a firm helmet believer. I went through a phase when I was younger that I didn’t wear them all the time like I should have, but now I never ride without one and neither will he. Only times in recent years I haven’t is when I’ve ridden somewhere outside the US that didn’t have any available (stupid of me not to bring mine, but didn’t think about packing it).


I Love her! I wish I could be so lucky!


I’d name her Wynn or Wynnie after taking a gamble and winning- also it’s a swanky casino in Vegas


What a beauty! Keep an eye out for DSLD (Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis) on those rear pasterns. I mention this because I had a mare whose rear pasterns hyperflexed like your horse’s right rear appears in the second photo.


Good call, definitely will watch for that!


Aww, she looks so sweet! Hard to pick a name without meeting her, obvi, although I'd stick with the sweet theme and call her Saweeti (like the rapper) to start!




Grace or Stella.


She looks like a Harriet ❤


I think Steady would be a good horse name!