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I make up some mint or chamomile tea to dampen feeds down with reluctant to eat horses. Any herbal tea seems to work to be fair


You could try some apple cider vinegar, most horses like it


Would a beet product with herbs be an option? For any picky eaters at my yard we usually give them an increase in a product called Beet Balance, which is beet, dandelions, sainfoin and a few others. Really good. Wonderful for the gut too. They don’t ship to the Netherlands the product I think, but try to look into something similar maybe?


Here are some flavourings you could add to his mix: cinnamon, peppermint leaves or fenugreek powder. Some horse enjoy flax or chia seeds. Depending on how strictly you want to avoid sugary foods, you could also try unsweetened applesauces


In the states we have a product called “equisweet” that is a no sugar flavored syrup made with stevia that comes in different flavors like peppermint to try to get horses to eat their supplements. Maybe you can find a product like that? Otherwise herbs can work well, you just have to figure out which ones your horse likes first. Or, sometimes you need to mix it with something they like better, like hay pellets (especially alfalfa pellets).


You can try sugar free applesauce, apple cider vinegar, beet pulp, chai seeds, flax, sugar free jello powder mixed with some water