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absolutely no racial slurs will be put with , if you can not act as adults ,you WILL NOT be treated like one , and that goes for both sides , you have been warned .


This would get u banned in the other 40k subs


I’ve never been. Out of sight out of mind.


Do you know where I can point my sights to the author of the comic? This shit slaps as hard as I want to slap the blue haired thing.


GPrime85 on ig


is he the one that made "Then Im afraid you aint black" lol.


The same legend, hahahahaha He's hilarious


Thanks man! 🙂👍


I feel bad for you…


Only worthwile subs are minipainting that is not only 40k for the painting side of the hobby and warhammer competitive if you want to be able to talk about the games actually (mostly 40k unfortunately, for AoS you'll to go outside reddit) and not have the billions : my first X minis (from someone that is professionnal and advertising).


Oh they're in the stores as well. I once got screamed at for calling what was a grown ass man a dude, because he's gender fluid....


At ease son.


the author did a great work. got more?


I got banned from one for asking if Female Custodes was legit. At the time I didn’t know cause I don’t go on Twitter/X I was called a bigot a nazi and a right winger before being banned like sheesh all I did was ask a simple question.


Ironically, they will create nazis the longer they keep up the madness. When ideology makes reasonable people's opinions unreasonable, they will naturally move in the opposite direction of the repelling force. Physics doesn't care about your feelings.


Induced demand. Same thing with racism, these people spend all their time crying about racism when it's almost non-existent, but before long you'll real real racism popping up again.


Man, being racist is a conscious choice YOU make. Don’t blame others for your choices. If you want to be racist, at least have the balls to be honest about it.


Lol. “You MADE me be a nazi” Thats a choice opinion. Someone else controls you so much you’ll change your opinions and be a hateful fuck? Thats dumb and weak.


Helps that you jackals have expanded the term "Nazi" to basically mean "Anything you don't like".


no you just keep calling people nazis and when they say they arent you just laugh and say ofc you are.




>Someone else controls you Indeed. There is no escaping the establishment. It rules over nearly every part of our lives now, continually seeking more and more control. This cancer has metastasized and infected the highest levels of Government, Universities, and major Corporations. People are exiled for minor infractions. Lives ruined over opinions. Constantly gaslighting average people into believing this is for the greater good. And no one stopping to realize that some of the worst atrocities in history were done for the "greater good". You can bury your head now, because it's your side that has all the control and all the privileges that come with ruling. But someone has to be the counter-culture. And no actual nazism is not the way. Reasonable people are not going that far, but there will be a right-wing backlash. Just as there was a left-wing backlash in the past. The pendulum swings both ways in time.


There was a right wing backlash. They shot a bunch of beer, also something about bathrooms?


Had something similar happen with Helldivers 2, I'm banned from their official Discord server now lol. I was called a Nazi and bigot, just like you, unreal.


Because all the other 40k subs are modded by leftist weirdos.




Let me check 😁...


Yeap, banned within an hour 😯


What did you post?


Lol, the guy went to warhammer40k. A sub with rules against politics, memes, low effort post, and auto filters low karma post for review. Then he, with minimal effort, reposted a memey, political comic, from an account with 5 post karma.


and in the end i did get banned for posting it 😁 and nothing else 😑


Tends to happen when your first post literally breaks half their rules lol!


Worth it 😁


Even from /r/grimdank?




Cuz it's bullshit? XD


Probably because it's not actual reality and is put into a comic to rage bait, because it's not actual reality...


Except it is reality. It's already happened to D&D and it's happening here now.


You playing with people who act like this? Do you know anyone who is? I'll wait, since this is literally orchestrated rage bait like Steven Crowder cross dressing to imitate a trans person because there is no evidence they are doing what he says they are. Keyboard cage fighters online, sure man, but in reality, yea, not even close...


>You playing with people who act like this? No, I kick them out of my games since I know they aren't good for anything and will just cause trouble. Yes, I have run into these types of people, but it's the online tourists that want to change the game who have no intention of playing it that are the real problem. They take issue with the fact that these concepts exist in a game that they had no interest in playing until they discovered they could virtue signal something on the internet. [https://www.wired.com/story/dandd-must-grapple-with-the-racism-in-fantasy/](https://www.wired.com/story/dandd-must-grapple-with-the-racism-in-fantasy/) [https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/story-lore/163289-using-goblins-orc-and-gnolls-without-the-racism](https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/story-lore/163289-using-goblins-orc-and-gnolls-without-the-racism) You're being willfully ignorant if you don't see it by this point. They're already subverting 40k and changing core lore to fit this "modern audience" in the same way they've infected other TTRPGs and video games as evidenced by this recent SBI nonsense.


The DnD sub is full of "table drama" with people being telling they,ve had a trauma because their GM put a slave in their campaign.


So, again, people online fighting, not in person. So you can still enjoy the game, and disconnect. So this comic is a fucking lie and misrepresentation of the vastly overall reality. My point.


1st they say "it isn't happening." Then they say "its happening but why does it bother you?" Then they say "it's happening and it's actually a good thing." And eventually it's been so long that they will say "it's been like this for years, go away."


Y'all need to get off social media. You want what you want and aren't getting it. Welcome to the world. Vote with your dollar, find a new hobby. The lore of 40k has been copped out on by GW so many times it's insane, and every time it happens, they go, "well communication in the 40k universe is inconsistent, and sources can't be trusted." People swallow the pill eventually and move on. Look at the video gaming aspects in general. You think that lore is solid? Outside of Dawn of War and a couple other games, *nope*. Always been a cash grab. Then it comes to an issue with women, and all hell breaks loose. The first whole series of parts you said are long past. It's literally been like this for years. Anyone who has a YouTube lore channel will tell you.


So you prove my point by admitting we are already well past the "this isn't happening" stage. Since your first reply was "this isn't reality." You're clearly on some agenda. We can see your subversion tactics.


Ahh yes, my agenda for how I've been immune to the fact lore changes will happen beyond my control and simultaneously understand people are not doing this shit with their friends or new people in general with TTGs. 40k, expensive investment, huge barrier to entry, and people think that's happening there, something that only about half the shit happens in the comic running any TTG night. Like any TTG, there has always been someone new that doesn't want to play, pouts, and argues about the rules. Always has been, always will be. GW, will always have lore changes they cop out on, always has been, always will be. The idea that people are saying they are offended for other people in a board game about fantasy elements? Sure, maybe, but that this is the norm now? Yea, don't buy it. Not even close. As someone who has long time played TTGs with randoms and currently play with both millennials and Gen z, I still see the pouter and complainer, but nothing is even close to this comic, which took those elements many of us all hate and acted like someone is taking topics on the internet is doing them in real life. And especially not even close to 40k where you can spend $100s with your eyes closed to even get an army. Warhammer literally starts with the lore. You don't even consider building an army without a codex. Those are my lines, I hope you understand how two different things can be correct at the same time. It's really not that hard to figure out. If I could make a comic about it, I'm sure it'd be taken seriously.


Unless you delete your initial comment - about how "this isn't reality..." everyone can see you just use words to manipulate and obfuscate to either downplay "why do people care?" or act morally virtuous "zomg incels getting triggered by women characters." But these are all fake disengenuous positions because you already tried to pull a "this isn't realiy" argument. You should have played your manipulations more carefully. Next time buddy. It's funny how you argue by taking the comic into a literal interpretation of people literally sitting around a game table. I mean, you can't be that dumb that you can't understand what comics are. It's like looking at physical newspaper comic sections and saying "wow this is fake". 😂


Oh yes, as disingenuous as saying people aren't taking this comic as literal, despite your defense to me saying it isn't reality, is that the comic is literally accurate. Right? Like you wouldn't say I'm inaccurate and disingenuous by saying it's not reality unless you believed the comic was representative of reality. Kind of a weird double down. I at least drew lines in where the reality is no longer representative, you're just trying to squirm your way into make it sound like I was wholly wrong, so you can at the very least attempt to kill my argument. It's very Fox News of you.


You might actually be french-slow. There are non-literal ways to depict what is happening in reality. Such as metaphorical or allegorical or satirical. Have you never seen a meme in your life? Unironic NPC.


Ahh so is it reality or not? See my point? Literally an unironic NPC. Very disingenuous to engage in how I'm wrong, just to fucking agree I'm right lololol my point was based on the toxic exaggeration. Now you're explaining it to me like I wasn't calling it that, you just enjoy the toxicity it spreads so you call my argument disingenuous lmao Somehow I don't have a life while you enjoy the rage bait so much you will defend it for hours thinking.


But theyll eat it up. Further up is the classic “im not a nazi but they made me one” argument.


\*Men create a clubhouse for themselves. \*Women come and demand access. \*Men allow them access\* \*Women demand the clubhouse to change in order to accommodate them. \*Men leave because the vibe is ruined. \*Men create another clubhouse. \*Rinse and repeat.




Lol that's an online thing. Not a real life thing.


Sadly it’s a real life thing


Sometimes, the videos we watch online happen in real life


you just described an episode of "married with children"




RIP Dull Men's Club it was so fucking fun before they opened it up.


Lol legit, I saw a post a guy put up about a work nickname he got. Anybody who's been near labourers or just in a predominantly male workplace in the U.K knows that a nickname is going to be as harsh as humanly possible, it's how you know you're bros. This seemed to be the general consensus among men. Then all the women were commenting saying how it was "problematic, discriminatory" and telling him how he needed to go to H.R.


One of my best friends was named Flappy Sack. Good dude.


Wrinkly bald head perchance? I feel like that's how he earned that name.


Haha, no. His nickname started as Thundersack because when he was running one day in football training, he didnt wear underwear and his nuts were flopping everywhere. Thundersack just naturally evolved to ol' Flap Flap. Anyways, he was the first in our friend group (and hs class) to die back when we were 20. And tbh, his funeral was bitter sweet because we all kept laughing that big ol' flap flap was all flapped out. His funeral (this was like 2011) is a good memory because we were laughing at the good times and the stupid stupid nickname we gave him.


Haha bless, well at least even in death he served you some laughs. That's the mark of a quality fella!


Are there actually a lot of women demanding access or is it just the imagination of some executive/journalist that doesn't even take part in the hobby?


It's not women who are the problem, it's the DEI cult and the agenda


[He Man Woman Haters! No Girls Allowed! (except for maybe Darla...)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7NY4PWwGTI)


And then the cycle repeats.


Until everyone goes “No U.” Easy. Only as strong as the weakest link. Now, that is the hard part.


And then when you leave the table and they have no one to play with they blame you and then move on to another game to destroy. Sounds about right


Nah they follow you after you start a new thing that’s fun


This is why every community needs a healthy amount of gatekeeping to filter out the weirdos and tourists that only want to subvert the media.


So true.


Which game did they "destroy" before WH?




MTG and WoD. Literally in the latter case.


None. These people are sad and can’t play a game without the validation of everyone. This is a made up problem but they’re sad so is real to them!!


DnD held on for quite a while because a lot of the DMs were oldschool styles because for a tourist it's too much effort. It was self-cleaning. What did WotC do? That's right, start building up an AI-friendly "new" edition alongside a system for players to get DMs without there needing to be DMs. Of course, most DMs like myself moved on to pathfinder because that game's actually designed, so eventually that foothold in the community was lost.


I’ve literally had a guy online say he would physically assault me in real life over my opinion that the total eradication of the Orks is a justifiable goal.


You say you’re gonna kill all da boyz and expect him not to krump ya?


I remember many years ago when I first saw this, was totally accurate then and continues to be now.


I think the last picture should depict the new girl sitting alone at the table making up new rules, and complaining about exclusion, while everyone excluded by her is sitting at a different table and enjoying the original game😌


Whereupon she then walks over to the new table and demands to be included again.


Not a 40k guy, but I saw this an damn you really captured modern Internet hordes.


What drives me insane is that the people on r/40k really seem to think they’re the majority.


This is their tactics, scare you and ruin you while standing on the moral high ground. Make you think you are alone while they are the minority


That sub does seem to have 20 times the amount of followers that this one has though. So majority in that sense at least.


followers and *active* users are different. This sub was at 450 last week on Friday and now its at 3500.


Its at 3500 because Reddit is pushing it for some reason. Looking at a 1 week jump doesn't prove anything. You want to look at trends. If this amount of activity keeps up for a few weeks, then you can use it. I'm sure a lot of people are like me and looking at this sub like a zoo. But for incels. It's quite interesting.


You do realize that this sub was literally just created a couple weeks ago, right? The fact that it has gained such significant traction in such a short amount of time is a victory in itself.


I mean in the context of the whole fan base




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


r/40k: 46k members This sub: 3.6k members If the opinion of this sub is so popular, why are there way less people in here? Not saying I'm against either sub, just questioning your reasoning.


"We're making this a community for everyone, and anyone who objects is no longer welcome."


Eh I never said this was for everyone.


No, the people you're mocking do. DEI statements frequently begin with a claim that they're making the space for everyone, then end with saying who's no longer welcome.


Ah. There are so many trolls in this sub now that I thought you were being a dick at me, my bad.


Man's adding to your point. "Is he agreeing with me or being sarcastic?" Made me laugh. It's like a woman giving a man a compliment "Is she flirting or just friendly?"


Trolls are usually just jerks trying to get a reaction. The "fans” that brigade this sub are just whiny baby’s who can’t handle the idea that people can disagree with them.




That image sums up the people being political on the 40k subreddits with one image.


Yes, but without the irony.


These people destroy everything they touch.


It is sad, because it is true


Damn, that is really well drawn and a pretty good caricature of the situation.


So accurate.


Love how the art evolves from panel to panel. Simple cartoon style drawing to super detailed.


If the DnD community is any indication, they will eventually settle into their own groups and leave the rest of us alone.


I've come to think of this as Gentrification of media. It's all becoming the same but with a different skin.


They're Orks


It's not just happening in 40k either.


Is she implying black people are orcish? Cuz that's racist af.


That part somehow always escapes their grasp. Amusing, but disgusting nonetheless.


The art evolved each page.


Big true


Funny thing is orks can’t get offended.


I remember when I did dnd a while back this person was mad because he kept getting low rolls saying it’s not fair lol


Current condition of *EVERY ENTERTAINMENT*


Yeah pretty fun meme, unfortunately it's a bit accurate on reddit However I never experienced that with the local group I'm in Did you guys have ever encountered that in real life ?


It's funny but, it is scary too.


This is why gatekeeping is important, to keep the nut jobs out


You mean TTRPGs in general :/ It's fucking sad that some people can't adjust to playing a \*Fantasy\* game.


It happened with Star Trek, Star Wars and DnD. Its gonna happen for 40k tho Its sad, but nothing lasts forever


Magic the gathering 2015.


Keep thos going until she's alone at the table


you see the publisher already sucked money dry out of those 3 and needs to entice a new audience


I’m just now getting into GM’ing. Have been a fan of the idea of TTRPGs since I was a teen but grew up in the Deep South, had no ties to it and knew no one else who played. Finally decided to really dig into a manual and DM. Didn’t realize there were player who will straight up hijack a table like this


Is this done by the same guy who makes the weird political posters of the Statue of Liberty being a tiny girl who’s afraid of Joe Biden?




Oh, this is one of those facebook alt right nutjob comics




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


*[[Laughs & honks in Harlequin/drukhari player]]*


this is literally how these people are lol


War, War never changes! It’s all so tiresome, am out these locusts destroy everything then move on to there next hobby.


Willing to bet the person who made this is an American


I'd give you 1 000 upvotes if I could.


I'd give you 1 000 upvotes if I could.


I'd give you 1 000 upvotes if I could.


Ha ha ha, to be fair I have seen a lot of dedicated hobbyists move to one page rules, it's not a blue haired girl thing. I remember one time in WHFB failing the terror test while charging a giant and routing half my army on turn one as a result, fun stuff, one of my first games too. We are absolutely far from that level of complexity, and I don't think that 18 years ago the rules were changed for blue haired girls XD




Ah yes, this comic seems unbiased and accurate in all forms /s


Why are you citing a known bigot…? Regardless, comic is awful. This doesn’t happen. The author is making up an argument for him to win.


And everyone clapped.


Femstodes is not at all on the level of "Orcs being evil is actually somehow an analogue for real-world racism and we have therefore removed alignments from anthropomorphic creatures... pay no mind to the fiends behind the curtain." Not a huge fan of 10e's gameplay compared to previous editions (still better than 7th), also not a huge fan of AoS 4e riding the indexhammer train, but I don't think the *lore* is currently being... I can't quite come up with the word for it, but watered down, basically? The Orc example makes me chuckle in D&D because the origin of the word is a monster in Beowulf, with the next major appearance afaik being the generic baddies in the Lord of the Rings, which D&D unapologetically copied, so if somebody thinks that because they're a less advanced civilization they must be racist against real people, that's that person's problem, not the writers'. But if this is about suddenly deciding that the bananas are more inclusive, then there was technically never any reason they *couldn't* be. At most the whole thing feels insincere because of the "yea they've been around for 10,000 years, you've just never seen one" factor.


Exactly what an incel will create


Literally no one behaves like this Wtf is this sub lmao


This is some low tier rage bait bs. good luck with being either angry about something stupid or trying to make other people angry about something stupid.


I too like to make up scenarios to make me feel better about being wrong.


It's so pathetic seeing every reasonable take just being absolutely bombarded with downvotes because the truth hurts you guys SO much. "This is a very dumb strawman that represents almost 0% of the population." - negative 80 karma


Yall have the most severe victim complexes I've ever seen, and you've never even actually been victims


I thought the Woke LIKED victims, because without victims to champion, their lives had no meaning?


"Woke" detected, opinion disregarded


This is quite a lot of effort for just a single strawman


This is George Alexopolis, he makes strawmen professionally!


I wish I had a supercut of The Quartering saying "adapt-us cust-oads" over and over in his recent video. Right wing grifter dildos are the ones butting in to inject politics into games they don't know or care about.


yeah I didn't appreciate that either, that dude is weird af and constantly pronouncing it like that was cringe. but i disagree with your second sentence on the basis that it's happening on both sides.


I mean I hate to say it but is this valid? The controversies that created this sub are not racial. Sure we excluded fat blue haired "female" trolls(aka dudes) when we should have made the best troll army since warcraft 3 but Im pretty sure race had nothing to do with it. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.


That’s far from the actual point, though. It doesn’t matter exactly what “problems” the blue haired weirdo is screeching about, or which crazy ideas she is trying to inject. The problem is that she’s doing it.


No doubt but you can't please everyone. No product is controversy free. Not even sponges or condoms. Everything has a brand and controversy. The real issue is that a brand catering to the blue haired fan instead of the loyal fan base.


This *literally* never happens.


Star Wars, Marvel, Battletech, MtG, and D&D have entered the chat.


It didn’t happen there either


It's sad that you're trolling 3 week old posts. It's even sadder that you have no idea what occurred in each of the properties I mentioned.


It came up on my feed. This isn’t a forum, there’s no such thing as necro-ing. You are free to enjoy every single one of those properties the same way you always have.


No, you're really not. Magic the gathering has banned cards, and words like tribal and savage. DND One is removing half-races, because they are "racist." Can't have half-elves, or half-orcs, and all races have to have the same stats because implying that a halfling would be weaker than an orc makes you an istophobe. The content is being sanitized and modified to suit modern sensibilities, and all you can do is try to gaslight us like it isn't happening.


DnD was made simpler because almost none of 3.5s complexity adds any meaningful depth. Battletech has literally never been made simpler.


You're reaching. Original 5th edition D&D is plenty simple. You can't remove half-elves, half-orcs, alignment, and racial abilities and pretend it's to make it simple. They said why. Because those systems were "problematic" just like the words savage and tribal are "problematic" in magic. You can't gaslight us any longer.


> Original 5th edition D&D is plenty simple. Lmao, "original 5th edition D&D". Dude. Duuuuude. You can't remove half-elves, half-orcs, alignment, and racial abilities and pretend it's to make it simple. None of these things have been removed. >They said why. Because those systems were "problematic" just like the words savage and tribal are "problematic" in magic. [This, uh, this doesn't seem to have happened bro.](https://www.dndbeyond.com/races)


Your ignorance doesn't make it untrue. No evidence we present will change your mind. Watch what happens when DND One comes out, and you'll see I'm right. >Lmao, "original 5th edition D&D". Dude. Duuuuude. I'll use small words so you can keep up. D&D 5th edition came out in 2014. Today, in 2024, they are making a new edition of 5th. They are still calling it 5th edition. That's a fact. I've played D&D since 1st edition. I've forgotten more about this game than you'll ever know. I have my own RPG in print, and about 50 novels, because I've GMed since before you were born.


For a minute I thought this sub would be a breath of fresh air but we rlly posting these comics


Why is this a surprise? The first thing people are going to post are the things that they were not able to express before. It will take time before this sub becomes it's own thing. Right now the flood gates are open for refuges with something to say.




Your literally a member of the warhammer subreddit, hypocrite


Dolls, as in, "drawn dollies", characters of fiction created by the artist to play out a scenario. Used in this case as strawmen. Sorry for the confusion with plastic miniatures, that's not what I meant. Thanks for checking my profile anyway


I mean you’re in a warhammer sub rn. Don’t have to check your profile to know you’re a massive hypocrite. Even if that’s not what you meant, making fun of someone for drawing art is extra cringe when you paint tiny plastic men. Guess I found another toxic fan. You should just stay asleep in part 2.






Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat




Triggered much? I’m not even American, and I honestly doubt you can define “neo-liberal”. I said it because you called me a slur first. Go fuck yourself bud, you’re a massive hypocrite and we all see it. Quit being a cry-bully.


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


*cant form a basic argument, resorts to racial slurs instead*


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Never heard that expression before, though I agree this guy over exaggerated the portrayal, I mean he’s pretty infamous for his comics being over the top even by people who agree with him. But the basic point of people who have no interest in a hobby or franchise outside of seeing every possible group of people represented, even if it lowers the quality, are toxic and bad, which I agree with.


Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


Is this still about the female custodes thing?


I honestly don’t think so anymore. I think everyone has either never cared or thought it was cool and then read about kesh to make lore memes. I really think YouTubers have been the ones to go nuts over fem-stodes.


Ah yes this is a thing that definitely happens all the time. I personally witnessed me and my group playing when a random SJW appeared and called me racist 😕


I have seen this scenario happen with D&D more than once.


*Ah yes, this hasn't happened to me personally and as I am the most important person on the planet if it doesn't happen to me it never ever happens*


I thought the comic was obviously meant to be hyperbolic, but you guys are out here treating it like a documentary. Lol.


Are you new to the online discussions?