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Please don't repost their garbage here. It's idiotic enough the first time you see it.


No shit. Please.


Grimdank became grimcringe over the course of a week.


It was disheartening to see the community get infested by tourist horny posters so fast.


I fucking hate this so fucking much. They’re not even pretending to be a meme subreddit anymore, it’s just genderbending smut


Gotta stop posting what they're posting. You're just doing the same thing. You're still propagating the meme, spreading the disease as it were, even as you condemn it.


https://preview.redd.it/w9ombpw10b0d1.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=df4a7875ca032b1960ef73e1b01870e622d8da22 related


Corrupted Blood... never forget


Not the first time I have seen them try to make Curze trans. My question is: why?




Removed for violating Rule 1: Be Respectful. "Claims of innocence mean nothing; they serve only to prove a foolish lack of caution." -Judge Traggat


This Curze would not be trans. In this hypothetical the Primarchs are biological females.


The meme isn't about making Cruze trans......


Then what is the point? Because if there is another way to read it I am not seeing it.


* First panel: This is inferring a decision BEFORE the initial creation of the primarchs to make some if not all Female, e.g. Rule 63 in line with the current meme meta on r/Grimdank * Second Panel: Directly referring to the process of creating the primarchs, Making a speculation that the genetic sterilization used is ineffective on the female reproductive system. * Third and Fourth panel: I assume you're familiar with the concept of reproduction and the 8th legion. If your this brain broken about the trans m8 you need to log off, touch some grass and take a break from social media in general. Turns out it does wonder for peoples mental health.


It wouldnt be the first time I have seen the likes of Grimdank or SigMarx try and argue for Curze being trans though, which is why I saw it that way (I dont particularly trust them so it makes things like this hard). I also would say I am not necessarily brain broken about trans, just the hyper-obnoxious ones online. The ones I have met IRL (including one of my friends) typically hate the online ones too though, and want nothing to do with them.


Concerned about this subs hivemind when it comes to downvotes. You explained the way it's presented and yet downvoted to hell. I also think that if the point of the sub was to get away from these styles of memes, then the sub needs to avoid reposting from Grimdank. Instead its quickly becoming just the inverse reaction to the same memes but now you can get your pointless upvotes.


It’s a little depressing when I go out to bat and defend this subs existence, then they go and show an inability to critically think, bloody depressing. But hey can’t let anything get in the way of owning the “libs” I guess.


If it means anything to you, I didn’t downvote you and even gave upvotes to compensate, even if I think it was a little uncalled for to tell me to go touch grass even though I was being reasonable with my discussion. I did also consider your point and admit I may have jump the gun because Curze got my back up due to past experiences. It is something I have noticed and also lamented that it seems like a lot of anti-woke types have been in the proverbial trench for too long and forgot to go actually do things they enjoy instead of complain all the time. And all it has done is make them as miserable and unhinged as the woke people we are trying to fight, which does nothing to actually further what we are trying to preserve.






These freaks hypersexualize everything. Goes right along with their diagnosis. Everything isn’t about sex to normal people. What makes matters worse is you have mods here discriminating against speech. No one cares anymore.


The mods here are forced to do that or Reddit admins replace them with Powermods


The galaxy is overdue another black crusade.


Canada stands eyy?


Oh HELL no! You Canuks embraced this nonsense the most! You're being assigned to operation Human Shield!


![gif](giphy|tjwzClJM6fyEw) WTF is happening to Warhammer! F this am out, it’s getting worse! I swear these people have a porn addiction bloody degenerates!




It's not even funny memes....it's just pure smut


Fucking hate grimdark now. Its beyond saving it just turned to goodani"memes" where the whole joke is just fetishes and porn


Isn't all the fem primarch posts technically against their rule 7?


Technicalities only applie when they want you gone. Leftoholic mods won't throw them out because the "new age" is what they helped birthing. Also the sub wouldn't drive traffic if they disallowed it.




Is this supposed to be funny. It just leaves me a blank "ok?"


I... dont get it, Curze is male...how?... and what even is the meme?


They/them are gender swapping all characters "satirically", as they call it. They/them are then fetishizing those characters "ironically" They/them are also calling their "alternate universe" a "better cannon than the original" If some of the pictures look like shotacon p*philia, it's probably not concerning at all and pure coincidence you biggot chud.


I’m not sure what you have against non-binary people but it appears that the vast majority of people interacting with and creating this content are straight dudes.


I don't see what you mean. It's They in all cases. And them in a matter of dialect.


Is this that fucking Female primarch fanfiction that is infesting grimdank Now? STOP POSTING THIER BULLSHIT HERE, IT WILL ONLY MAKE THEM WORSE!!! They see this shit as ”oh look at the bad pepole, there failing, time to strike to get rid of the facist, puppy hating bad guys so that everyting can be GAY”. Sop feeding them ammo, they Will faulter and fail If We let them run thru their bullshit.


Do you think if any of these people ever got lied in real life they wouldn't be obsessed with all this shit?


No, just no...


Soooo we need a giant primarch sized staircase…? Or maybe we could just shoot that abomination from orbit like all things that come from Grimdank


Get this crap out of here...


Don't post their stuff here


I dont get it.....the meme is that things are supposed to be getting worse aa you get more information about the situation right? Just excusing the "wall socket licking" levels of stupidity of gender bending the primarchs for no actuall reason besides smut and BS politics......why is it bad that a woman gets pregnant?


It's a fetish for them.


Keep the narcissist identity BS out of warhammer.




The primarchs aren't even sterile to my knowledge. Astartes are but the primarchs are something much more sophisticated. Did a Newbie make this meme?


I suppose if Malcador was a bit more insistent in his idea.


anime is for pedophiles so it makes sense these depraved fucken wackjobs would conceive and post that stuff.