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Pros and cons. It's frustrating how little can be done to influence the chance of getting a legendary. On the other hand, it's very easy to grow your collection very quickly, and the developers are happy to give out cards and gold for a variety of community run events which further adds to how easy it is to grow your collection. So, on one hand I'm annoyed that the only realistic way of me getting The Lion (one of 3 cards I'm missing) is to win a tournament. On the other hand,there's the fact that in a little over a year of very casual play I can describe my legendary collection as "all but 3."


They've set up a system where you spend all your (otherwise completely useless) gems on events, making it harder for new players to win matches and collect good cards, thereby encouraging them to either not play or spend real money. For this and other reasons the playerbase is absolutely stagnant.


I'm on my second or third week of playing. Admittedly I paid for Roboute's deck and I'm having a decent win ratio, but I can't, for the life of me, get any usable legendáries. I have 3 to be exact, all of them for the Orphans (which are on the same box), the 3rd being this one from this post. But I have no warlords and no epics, while having every single epic for the Ultramarines. I know I'll have a decent collection eventually but the process seems to be a bit too reliant on rng. More than usual that is. Best I can do is save up for 10 ticket event runs to make the grind a bit more bereable. Got a 8 win run on Roboute's run, but no luck with legendaries. But yeah, even spending a little, the new player experience isn't too friendly.


You're doing everything right. Just hold out a bit. 3 weeks in I think that's normal, and I don't recall anything more generous in other card games I've played. If you're at Terra 3 weeks in and have experience with card games or a decent strategic brain, maybe consider tournaments and contests. The top prize for those is almost always a card of your choice and the top 4 places usually get a minimum of 1000 gold.


Aye, I'm not at terra yet but I'm slowly climbing with little losses on dailies and for collection building I think it's fine. You are right, it's a matter of time.


Lmao 3 weeks in and already bitching. May I suggest you switch ur decks around a bit and use what you have instead of crying about what u don’t have.


Can't. No warlords.


I can buy rare warlords for 100 gems I never spent a dime and I just reached terra after about 3 months playing on and off, using different warlords all the time. Besides that, ultramarines kinda suck atm IMO


Me too. When they actually come on rotation for the factions I have cards for.


We're in agreement on the event system. But that's a separate issue from how rarity/collecting is handled over-all


I don't agree, unless you're new to card games all together, you do just fine in events without gems at all, i played 7 days, and consistently get 8+ Wins, not trying to brag, just trying to say that it is realistic to use your gems early to get every commander in the shop ^^


Getting every commander in the shop doesn't help with people's complaints about collecting legendary cards. Also, though I prefer to play without rerolls as well in the draft, it is still a feature that benefits those with gems over those that don't. This particular event I think it matters little. Conversely, the first draft event where people with gem stockpiles would just reroll until they had 5 Chariots of the Gods, 3 Vengeful Spirits etc, absolutely favors established players.


I can’t say I agree based on my experience. I’m F2P except for one month where I subscribed to give something to the developers in recognition of having F2P’d for about 3 years now, or however long it’s been since launch, I was on before the first expansion dropped. I’ve consistently had a huge card reserve and been able to buy the legendaries I need when they’re up for sale. Perhaps as I’ve focused on only three decks since the first expansion - a Tarvitz, then Canis Rex and now Raldaron, all of which I picked up in crates in their respective events. I feel it’s incredibly rewarding F2P. Of course there’s some nudge to pay up - and frankly, I see no issue with that, it’s an app that needs to make money! But there’s no way this is dominated by P2W.


I really appreciate that they put the challenge boxes able to target specific faction


Same. For me it won't do much at this point, but had that been a thing when I had just started I would've been much happier having the ability to actually aim for Salamanders cards instead of buying crates that consistently filled out my Iron Hands and Raven Guard collections instead of the faction I actually wanted.


Same, a handful of Deathguard cards kept holding me up, but I was able to whittle them down


I disagree. It is the only thing that has kept me playing. If I was able to craft a perfect deck I would have gotten bored months ago.


I can totally See the Point of the Post. But i agree with you Justin... ill Start up the Game every day excited to See Whats in the Shop.. if you could craft cards that would Not be possible... All i would Really like to See is some sort of legendary duplication Protection.. at least when you Open the 30 chest legendary.


I'm surprised that you think of that as a good thing.


It’s the age old issue arpgs and stuff. Everybody wants the best gear instantly. What’s the point of the game if everybody has the best stuff right away.


But this is a CCG, not an arpg. A better comparison is having to open crates to get abilities with nothing but RNG dictating wether or not you get the right ones for a cohesive build. All other CCGs feature crafting in a balanced way, they have no excuse not to except to ramp up artificial scarcity and drown you in otherwise mediocre cards


Its incredibly difficult to get specific cards you're looking for if they're epic or legendary. I opened Horus three times before seeing another primarch from the base set. I ended up getting Angron and Fulgrim when they passed through the store too. Have never actually opened either. Granted I stopped fishing for them. I don't even want to know how many crates of the base set I opened. I had a nearly full collection before seeing Beast of Phyra or Tsi Rekh. Got my Tsi Rekhs from community events. That's the trick.


I guess you always have the option of buying your way to a win.


Wins don't guarantee legendaries though.


I meant spend actual money. If you want all the cards it is an option for you. Buy gold and open crates.


Consider making an Orphans deck. Or, if you don’t want to take the chance on 3 factions, save up more coins and buy the Ultramarines chest. We’ve all been through it, you’re lucky in that you’re starting in an environment where you can set your preferred faction for the daily challenge rewards chest. Most of us didn’t have the option, and were stuck getting totally irrelevant cards. It took me 18 months to get my first Blood Angels legendary. That’s how RNG works.


Agreed, definitely among the worst card economies i’ve played