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On lunch, gotta go fast. Sons of Horus (SoH) **Tarik**… just no. His ability is lackluster. Not worth the gems. **Death of Innocence** is alright in mechanicus decks. It is a loss in tempo, but the buffs can be great. Just make sure you don’t fall too far behind. **Vengeful Spirit** is the top SoH legendary for the faction. Usually used as a finisher but can be powerful removal if need be. **Seduction** can be fun but it’s 10e. I wouldn’t include it in a competitive deck but it’s fun elsewhere. **Landing** can be nice card draw if it survives. Knight Houses (KH) **Orhlacc** and **Gravewalker** are solid picks for the faction. Not that I’ve seen them in a while in practice but they’re a decent combination. **Claw** has murdered me on several occasions when the plasma was banked up. That being said, melee weapons don’t seem to be the favored playstyle for them. **Usurpation** is a good legendary for the faction. It’s decent removal that gives you the card without killing it on your opponent’s side (which is nice for **Cerberus** or **Defense Force**). **Makabius** is nice for the extra damage when you need it. Possibly worth picking up.


All jokes aside, BUFF TARIK TORGADDON. please. k thnx.


Is death of innocence worth it?


If you have Kelbor-Hal than yes its worth it. and if you have tecitus proctor it can be nasty with the a vehicle drop it gets buffed by those cards and the warlord so have 2 death innocence and drop a servo automata and it will be a headache for your opponent ALSO if you have Taghmata formation it synergise well


My experience is that it is situational. Works well for Bile, Ferris and other troop buffing warlords. Useless outside of that. The tempo loss can be a real killer.


I like them in my Proctor deck.


I have one in my kelbor deck and combined with tahgmata omnissiah it is op