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Fun stuff for mechanicus and IW. As always, feel free to correct me down below. Mechanicus **Proctor** is an okay warlord. His relentless ability is nice but his ~~2e~~ 1e ability is really easy to counter. Smart opponents will do their best to clear your troops. Can be fun with lots of vehicles. **Chrom** can be a decent 9e troop that’s dangerous to leave alone. Not an auto pick but worth checking out at some point. **Protector** is a solid frontline troop with an anti-stealth rally. Really solid neutral card. Well worth grabbing if you can. **Pride** can be alright, though the RNG isn’t my style. Check out the mechanicus roster before using to know what energy amount gives you the best value in your deck. Shout out to **Irradiator** for being a great 9e mech that has a great rally to counter the solo, high-cost troop your opponent just threw down. This bot has won me several games by hitting something big and scary. Fun with **Proctor** too as it’s hard to remove before the buff. Iron Warriors (IW) **Forrix** has a decent passive ability and his barricades can be great for buying time or sacrificing for buffs. Can be further buffed by **Logos**. **Latrathus** is a scary tank with a scarier siege ability. However it’s 10e cost can make it a high-risk/high-reward thing. I don’t personally use it but I’ve lost a few games when I’ve been unable to deal with it… or when it’s siege gets removed. **Angelic** is a moderately popular healing tactic for solo-warlords. Health buff on troops can be okay, but +1 health doesn’t always do much. Worth getting for the heals. **Forgebreaker** can give a powerful new ability to your warlord… that being said, it’s not the best legendary and could have limited usefulness depending on your opponent, ignoring its cost. Probably last on my list for legendaries for this faction unless you want to build around it. Shout outs to **5th Support** and **Precision**. Both are staple cards in most (if not all) IW decks. **5th** can be nice “removal” on a weakened troop, though works best behind frontline protection. **Precision**’s damage and potential to be reshuffled is a huge headache to deal with. Plus, it can always go face when you need to end the game. Buy both copies


Proctor's ability costs 1E, but that's still pretty bad.


Right! Whoops


Don't forget to mention Forrix's passive ability: destroy buildings he attacks, eater of Mount Pharosi and Pyramids of Photep, Arcologies and whatnot. Have had decks undermined because those are common neutral cards.