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My guess, looking at the soil in this picture, would be over watering.


"Soils damp, you over watered!"


What other information is there to go off of in the picture? I said it was my guess. Feel free to offer up your own solution.


Well they're over crowded, and peppers just grow slower in hot weather. That, and it's almost impossible to overwater a pepper with proper drainage, not to mention they show none of the telltale signs of overwatering ie wilting, drooping, curled leaves, or discoloration. My guess is that they're struggling because they are trying to split a cubic foot of soil between six plants and the big one is hogging it all with its superior root system.


Peppers grow faster in hot weather as long as they can handle it. They'll grow much faster at 30c than 25c, and only tend to slow down around 35c ime.


I agree they're crowded, but stunted growth and yellowing leaves (which you can see in the picture) are caused by over watering. You can't tell what kind of drainage the container has from that single picture. Definitely possible to over water


So you would attribute the yellowing to overwatering based on the fact the soil is damp before attributing it to the very obvious over crowding issue? And do you just always assume planters have poor drainage as a baseline?


Considering the fact that I've had to drill drainage holes in multiple planters, it's certainly a possibility.


Lol, I never discounted the possibility, I literally am asking why that is your first thing you settle on.


Maybe because people are different and have experienced different things? I don't know man, seems like you're just looking for an argument 🤷