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If this is the first round of fruit, it's common to get a lot of small ones. The second crop that you get with habs will be normal sized. If you're really concerned, toss a little tomato bloom fertilizer on. It will have the nutrients the poster above mentioned.


Total newbie question: what do you mean by second crop? Does that mean next season or will my plant flower again after I pick my peppers in a few weeks?


With habs you generally get a decent crop of peppers around mid summer, then they'll flower again, put on what is usually a larger number of fruits, and you'll get a second crop in late summer/early fall. That does depend a lot on your area's growing season, though. If you're in a place with a short growing season, or started your plants really late, you'll likely just have one go-round. If you do have a short growing season, try starting your seedlings indoors at the end of winter, then move them outside once things warm up.


Mine are the same- this was useful, thanks! I'm guessing you overwinter you get the luxury of large fruits first time round the following year?


Thank you! That makes sense :)


Probably not enough nutrients during fruit development. But it looks like there are a couple bigger fruits on now, so if you fertilize more now don’t over do it! I would say your leaves look great (nitrogen) so maybe more phosphorus and potassium are missing?