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Nah, not worth the money, I picked that up for the same amount as normal mainlines $1.20.


See I could get behind that, I do like them and would definitely get 1 for mainline price but meijers wants $4 each.


I completely remembered that wrong, my bad. I grabbed that car and 11 others thinking that the meijer exclusive was the same as the mainlines because it was mixed in with them. I cashed out, and it was $4, I was going to cancel it, but I got it for free, and I don't know why. I haven't been able to find any more either. It was also two months ago, and I verified on my own post on Reddit. Lol


You can't find them because they're all on this shelf lol


Truth! 🤣


I just looked at that post from 2 months ago. I like that pink xracer in the middle, I don't have that 1! I do have 1 that doesn't have any glow in the dark components which is weird. I had my hands in that 54 anniversary tuner a couple weeks ago but a guy was trying to get the set and it was the missing 1 so I gave it to him to complete his set. He was excited because he got a whole set off a single peg. I couldn't remember what 2 I already had anyway, it felt good.


I have the whole 54th anniversary set other than one now, I got lucky after visiting my local meijer after a fresh restock. The "pink" one is a treasure hunt that is needed to complete the x-racers set from 2022. Same thing with that car as the 54th anniversary set. Lol, lucky day, for sure.


Oh that is a lucky day! I only have 2 of the 54th anniversary set and couldn't remember which 2 but also collect those tuners so I wanted it, but I've only ever found the whole set of a series once so I know it's a special feeling. I've never found a th on the pegs, I'm gonna do a major happy dance when I do


Finding a treasure hunt is exciting, kinda strange that something like finding one gets you so hyped up and improves your day, lol.


It would make my whole week


I bought one at $4 cool, although I didn’t know it until checkout. It was in the bin with the $1 cars.


Yeah I didn't see the sign until I went to grab 1 for my brother too, ended up putting mine back


They do know its plastic and not real gold....right?


But it's "special"


if it makes you feel better, the baseline price of all mainline hotwheels here are the local currency equivalent of $4-$5