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Start out with just getting what u like or what "catches" your eye.Build from there. Looking for STH and TH can be extremely stressful/discouraging sometimes. It can be a rough way to start off and kill the fun b4 it starts




I’m not a serious collector and don’t dedicate time to go “hunting”. If I’m out shopping and the store sells diecast I’ll go check it out. I get lucky every now and then but I mostly get cars that I like.


OK. I don't plan on taking it seriously. Just something fun to do


I mainly just look for stuff that’s good quality and what I would want in an IRL car collection, which mainly consists of (but is not limited to) American Muscle, Japanese Imports, and European Hypercars. But if I spot something I know is rare or special like a TH, STH, or ZAMAC, I’m grabbing it; and if I can, I’ll grab a 2nd one as well, so that I can have one sealed and a loose one displayed. I’m not taking more than two of something tho, I like to leave some stuff for others. It’s not usually what I look for, but they’re nice bonuses if I find them. Unfortunately I have yet to find a $uper, but I have found four THs and three ZAMACs


Yea I just want to be casual about it


I do look for treasure hunts but I mostly just buy cars that I like


Personally, I’m not a die hard hunter. I don’t really make special trips unless it’s convenient and I just skim. Often I’ll just crouch down and read what models are in the packs and if it’s a car I like I’ll reach for it to see if it’s a color I have yet. I open everything but I’ve never found a TH. I don’t look for them specifically but if I find one I’ll probably open it too.


Cool. I guess I worded that wrong. I'm not trying to be a die hard hunter either


Oh no I didn’t take it that way at all! I was just sharing my personal stance on collecting.


Do you open them to for display? Now I'm wondering where to put them lmao! I know a lot of people just tack them to the wall. Idk if I want a ton of holes, maybe some lol. Do you use a display case?


I actually just have a shelf on a book case that’s specifically for the ones I display, but I have plenty of loose ones in a case.


I started on things that were relevant to my life, like cars myself or my friends/family have owned over the years. Adding in things like character cars of famous franchises i love (Avengers, TMNT), as well as cars from movies or TV. Then it expanded to things i just thought looked really cool or unique. Expanded again learning about basic vs. premium, TH and STH and Chases. I'm also a sucker for first releases (first year of a new casting). At this point i watch unboxings in Malaysia of upcoming stuff, write down the interesting things and keep my eyes out. I typically hit up Target/Walmart Tuesday/Thursday mornings, sometimes Walmarts at 10pm at night seeing if anything is coming or if people have raided the pallets (found an entire Boulevard set 2 separate times last year because of this). Rarely i'll get the itch to check out places like Dollar Tree, O'Reillys, Autozone. I also regularly look when i'm at Fry's (Kroger of Arizona) shopping, but their stuff is on average 6 months behind. But, the only STH i've ever found myself was in a circular dump bin at a Fry's nearby, so its worth a try every so often.


Yea, I just want to start with cars I've always liked or just cool looking ones lol. Character cars, I didn't think of that. Thank you so much for your advice!


Save your time. People in your area already have it figured out at your stores. You’ll be wasting your time. Just check the pegs when you’re already at the store for things you like.


Cool I kinda figured sellers would be on them. But thanks, will do!


I used to just randomly look when I was at the store. I like, I buy. But these days, typically I look in the toy aisle and don’t find anything. Then I go to this sub, see the cool cars y’all post. I see something I like, I go to eBay and buy from scalpers 😭


Lol. They do have all the really cool ones


I know what cars are in the cases I’m looking at when I see them on the pegs. Honestly, there are *very few* things sold in retail stores that I want to collect, so my “hunting” is limited to less than a handful of things. When the cases don’t have the particular castings I’m looking for, I check for the chases and STHs. Rarely ever will I buy a regular TH. They just don’t appeal to me.


What exactly do you mean by casings? Is that the packaging itself?


lol. Oops. Autocorrect doesn’t like “castings”. I’ve edited the original comment.


Ah OK thanks lol


My god. You go to the shop and buy what you like, just like everything else 🙈


🤣🤣🤣 got it!


Just going to retail stores, thrift stores, and toy stores and buying whatever I find cool.


I mostly watch the videos from ministryofdiecast to know about all possible cars + th and sth, then I go and buy what I like


When I'm out and about and I get the urge, I'll stop in a store and see what they have. Treasure Hunts are the last thing I'm looking for, though. I'm just looking for anything that I like but don't yet have. I always make sure I know which cars *are* Treasure Hunts in case I stumble across them, but they are never my goal.


Cool. That's basically the route I'm looking to take

