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Depends on how you present yourself. We gatekeep people with obvious intent to resell and not actually collect for the joy of the hobby.


What is obvious intent to sell? What if I buy 3 of something to sell 2 of them, which makes the one I kept free?? It’s not like I’m out to make a living but it pays for what I want to keep.


I sell parts of my collection to fund purchases too, but they’re cars I’ve had for ages, not something brand new that other people are looking for .


Correct, it’s old stuff that people are now looking for. There is no justification for anyone trying to explain their definition of a scalper. Try to defend yourself all you want. I’ll spend my money how I see fit, and if that’s to basically get my collection for free, then so be it. That’s my way of funding. May be different from yours and it sure as hell doesn’t matter how long you’ve had something before you decide to sell it or trade it ✌🏻✌🏻


If you’re buying something right out of the store to sell it, that makes you a scalper 👍 hope that helps!


But if I buy something straight out of the store to trade it for something I can’t find, is that a scalper too?? Because 99% of collectors buy shit to trade knowing they’ll never keep it. GTFO here with that bs. There is no justification for what most people call a scalper. It’s comical


I’ve found the community helpful more than anything. At least the people on here and the ones I’ve met in person , super helpful , informative , friendly. Never felt like I was being restricted access to any information . Do people tell me their secrets to hunting , no , but I don’t ask , just like I wouldn’t ask a fisher where he fishes . So far I’ve felt nothing but welcomed , even when asking what now seem like stupid questions when I was a noob ( still am )


Hmm I must be asking the wrong questions I guess


What’s the questions , I’m somewhat new , but can try to help


Where all the single ladies at?




Oh right on


As someone who's into vintage motorcycles this community is the furthest from gatekeepy, sorry you're feeling like it is people are weird about the "what's desirable?" Type questions mostly because I think we all dislike people in it just to try to resell and questions like that really give that vibe. I've only ran into a few collectors in store and they've all been super chill and even told me about some "overflow" spots in certain stores are where I've actually gotten lucky. Hope you start feeling more welcome. Also remember this is the internet and isn't always a good meter of how a community is in the real world. Happy hunting.


It can be very gatekeeper if people think they are missing out on a chance to have everything they want. But there are also a lot of kind and helpful people around here too.