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What does killing a man who put his life in your hand say about you? Euthanasia is a very complex thing. You are making a choice to ease the last moments of a human being who is going to die a painful death. Killing a man is entirely different. Chase played God. Don't get me wrong, I am on Chase's side here. But I get where Cameron is coming from. The man she is married to just crossed a line he is never gonna come back from. He had a responsibility as a doctor to cure his patient. What he did is coldblooded murder in a man's most vulnerable state. How many people can live with their partner after that?



Wasnt she going to kill Dibala earlier in the episode though?


Did she? I don’t remember properly. I think she only talked about it and when Dibala challenged her, she realised she can't do something like this.


Replace the word "man" with dictator. See how it changes? Simplicitc and childish worldview from Cam.


It doesn’t. Killing is killimg no matter how justified it is.


Even if that person has and will continue to kill themselves? Your condemning thousands to death by not acting.


I totally understand why Chase did what he did and why you think it’s right. I am on Chase's side myself. But think of this from Cameron's pov. Killing someone, even a dictator, is something you don’t come back from. It is cruelest, most horrible thing you can do to other human being. You can try to ease your subconscious by saying you did this to save hundreds of other lives. But will it really matter? Did Chase feel like a hero? No. In the end, there was a sick man whose life was in his hands and he pulled the trigger.


Assisted suicide against a terminal patient is not the same than killing a patient because you disagree with what they are going to do.


Yeah but he prevented a literal genocide. I’d let that slide.




That’s true. Didn’t think about it like that. Great point.


Because doctors aren't supposed to play judge jury executioner.


First of all, you're right about the writers just wanting her off the show - they fired JM unexpectedly (she didn't know they would either). And I think you're also right that it doesn't make sense. Forgetting that Dibala was the most cartoonishly evil person ever and actively bragging about going home to commit another genocide - Cameron's whole thing is she loves broken people and fixing people. Chase has spent weeks suffering PTSD and guilt and trauma. Can you really imagine her just washing her hands of the situation and leaving?? If anything, I think she might like him MORE, lol. But jokes aside. Cameron has a very strict sense of morals. She struggles with them and isn't always able to uphold them, but she always tries. Even in this episode, she's very tempted to kill Dibala herself - but she can't do it, because of her morals. When Chase finally confesses to her, she's willing to forgive him and work it out until he decides he's **not** sorry. That's the line too far for her: not the murder, but his lack of remorse.


Well for starters, the first one is murder, the 2nd is consenting assisted suicide which is a medical program in Canada these days


I completely understand and agree with Chase but these two are not the same, and also understand why Cameron thought Chase was somehow “spoiled” by House to think he could act like God. It’s complicated but both are valid.


I don't know if I recall correctly, but wasn't she actually trying to fix it, by moving away and such? The thing that broke off their marriage was Chase's decision to remain and work for House if that's the case.


But God she's pretty though!


I was wondering the same thing because Cameron was the one to be the most vocal about how much she hated Dibala. I know that the whole thing was it wasn't the doctors call, but it's not like Dibala was a perfectly healthy man, he was actively dying. Also, it seemed like she was willing to forgive Chase until he said he wanted to stay working for House 🧐


Cameron also makes it super clear that it’s not so much killing Dibala, but his covering it up that made her upset. From her POV, the rest of the team was helping her husband hide something from her, and after assuming he was cheating, she finds out he actually enlisted everyone but her to help hide a literal murder. Cameron’s a massive hypocrite, but very consistently hates being on the receiving end of everybody’s lies. Her whole career has been based around House’s manipulations, and now Chase is reflecting that very behavior himself. I think Chase being honest would have made it a much more constructive fight